wtb 2* uv stuff {MUST HAVE-wolver coat shadow med/high}

post your item and how much u want for it
{MUST HAVE-wolver coat shadow med/high}

i was thinking a bit cheaper......

I got a Autogun High Fiend + Medium CTR for 5k ce

lets just say the highest im going is 1kce
sorry, but im f2p.......
I have a magic hood with shadow medium and a blaster with ASI medium. could do both for 1k ce if you were interested.

how about both for 600ce?
or the blaster for 250ce?

nah my offer is already alot for f2p im not going any higher

I have many of these, I would be happy to sell you a Brandish CTR low or ASI low to name a couple. Name your price, and I'll see if I'm willing. Also, feel free to ask about any other UV's on Brandishes; I might just have it! :D
your offer is low for market value. I'm not sure why I care whether you're f2p or spend thousands on this game. I am offering a fair deal.

Magic cloak fire high
autogun ASI med + beast Med

ok, so if its a very good uv, ill go over 1kce.
wolver set
cap- shock high
coat stun high
owlite sheild ele high
ign chikenlegs

Owlite Shield Normal Med, offerme.
Owlite Shield Elemental Max, offer me.
IGN Bigfootm

Calibur ASI low
Calibur Fiend Low
Wolver Coat Poison Low
Wolver Coat Stun Med
Wolver Coat Freeze Med
Wolver Coat Shadow low

ill take the shadow coat for 100ce (7.4kcr) if thats ok with u, mail it to me and ill send u the ce.
still looking for owlite shield
(preferably shadow)
and i have a question. is there any 1* stuff that can upgrade to 5* or something high?

Nope, no more 1*----->5* Items.
Don't want my Owlite Shields?
Also got a few UV Wolver Caps/Coats and stuff.

What about Calibur ASI med ? Have a auction running for it, currently only at 400ce you can however buy it out for 1000ce if thats your limit. !
Ending in 10 hours or so, so either find the post or msg me igm: Rozzet

i have a 2uv magic cloak, its got both elemental and fire medium
i also got a 1 uv magic cloak, piercing high

i dont want anything with a uv that the item already has (naturally)
looking for stuff with shadow uvs (coat and owlite)

oh ok but magic cloak dosent have piercing defence just so u know

yeah buy i cant pay those amounts
im f2p
Please check:
Thank you.
got a magic hood shadow medium and an owlite shield with shadow low, curse max.

i already have a good cap
i want a body
oh, har.
I have a shadow high cobalt armor. mentioning owlite shield again in case you didn't see the edit above.

@Rozzet 700K crown for a calibur??? xD are you insane :D
400CE ok (still high imo, but CTR high for a spamable charge ok haha)

id love that but i just cant pay those amounts

the last post doesnt mean i wont take anything else........

I have these for sell (prices in crowns):
Brandish with Med Gremlin UV - 15k
Brandish with Med Undead UV - 15k
Magic Hood with Med Shock UV - 10k
Magic Cloak with High Fire UV - 60k
Scary Skelly Suit with Med Shadow UV - 45k
Wolver with Med Poison UV - 15k
edit: added more

ill take the brandishes for 400ce (both)

yeah but im not lol
mail em 2 me ill send u the ce tmrw

... Well, going to trust a stranger this time. Sent the stuff now.

if the ce doesnt come tmrw, well..........
i have a mom-_-
i wont scam tho. i swear on my grave.

still looking for owlite (pref. shadow med)
question: wot is the most profitable 2* item to sell? and the most profitable 3*?

are u selling that or answering my question? cuz i mean w/o a uv in the question
talk to me ingame. username is baggage

wow man tnx alot. thats totally gonna help cuz our timezones are definitly the same

still looking for owlite shield med shadow

I'll lower the prices if you want.

I've been holding out on : (highest bidder gets the loot)
2* item - UV
***** Volt breaker shield - POISON MAX
(great for tier1-2 , Romulus twins/IMF, Quicksilver defense , venom/thunder arenas)
Price : 6K CE
***** Volt breaker shield - PIERCE HIGH
(pierce defense! , thunder fang arena, tier2 lockdown)
Price : 2.5K CE
***** Cobalt armor - FREEZE MED
(bleh - keeps you from getting the cold i suppose)
Price : 250 CE
IGN :justinbox
check my list has many 2* items