Just finished a Gloaming Wildwoods Shadow lair today, it was pretty fun taking out the two snarbys before the boss room(even for a short while). For the Unknown Passage monster ambush rooms, I'm assuming the doors are opened by whacking dead the monsters spawned from the swarm portals instead of waiting? I wasn't really sure, just whacking everything to stay alive really.
Got my DA today, what should I aim for next? I was considering either my dark thorn blade or my kilowatt pulsar, since:
1. Faust is enough for me for RJP runs
2. I was considering getting a blackened crest(4 more vanas to go atm) and upgrading that before doing my dark thorn shield
3. Aiming for two snarby pieces at once, won't be getting that in a while
4. Upgrading other weapons will bankrupt me more than I already am
5. The pulsar line is a suitable sidearm for swordies, and with low ping and fps it can be very suitable for general clockwork runs.
6. Dark thorn blade would be good against trojans and vana in his 1st and 3rd stages.
Edit: Might consider getting a blackhawk too, seeing how they're going to be pure shadow with gremmy bonus soon. Maybe when it arrives lol
Yeah, i've heard from many players and the wiki that I'd most likely need full 5* to do Shadow Lairs, but I was thinking of giving it a go and playing a support role instead of attacking, although I'll probably get owned anyway lol....
From what I've seen, Avenger hits can interrupt, I'm assuming the same goes for Combuster? Maybe the third hit if not the normal hits? I'm not saying I spam the charge attacks of Avenger, just spamming FSC runs :P I know the heavy swords are good with normal hits too, but I have a one-bar ping and low fps, so I always have to use it carefully, or I start seeing shield-bypass attacks. Curse is one of the reasons why I got Faust, but again, with low ping+FPS I feel like I can't really use it as well, especially against gremlins. I was really divided into choosing 2 or 3 hit swords, so I currently also have an Iceburst and Fireburst Brandish, along with the Shockburst Brandish recipe. Going to stick with my current gear though, need to get some 5* stuff first lol :P
I'm highly considering getting an extra weapon slot, but it seems quite expensive at the moment, with a lot of my upgrades going on right now. The Legacy Usernames I've seen don't seem to have a profile pic....Currently a bit too poor to get owlite, gonna get 5* weapons first lol....Did another FSC run with two other players, got owned by vana, stayed as a health reserve. T.T Although things went a lot better for me when i turned my quality from high to low lol...I seriously, seriously recommend turning it down. xD