Beasts are being left out. They are probably the easiest family in the whole game, even before the patch. They have the least content, also. Here is my argument on why they need more attention.
Note: If you do not like reading walls of text, before you post, please, oh please read the TL;DR: right below the bold faced headers.
Comparison to other enemies
TL;DR:There are more enemies than beasts, and other families are being worked on more than beasts.
Here is the list of enemies when I got on(which was during the beta), not including bosses, exclusive and rare enemies:
Wolver(small wolf)
Alpha Wolver(large wolf)
::Total:: 3
Gun Puppy(Robot Turret)
Rocket Puppy(You can tell what this is, right?)
Lumber(Walking Trees)
Tortodrone(Big Turtle, removed in beta)
::Total:: 4
Develite and promo(small, normally blue, Plump guy)
SlikWing(Small Blue Bats)
Trojan(Horse with Shield)
::Total:: 3
Gremlin Thwacker(Melee)
Gremlin Mender(Healer)
Gremlin Demo(Bomber)
Gremlin Scorcher(Burner)
::Total:: 4
Jelly Cube(*silent*)
Blast Cube(*BOOM*)
Lichen(Plus big versions, may have been some status types)
::Total:: 3
Kat(Ghost Cat)
::Total:: 2
Totals, from most to least:
Constructs: 4
Gremlins: 4
Beasts: 3
Fiends: 3
Slime: 3
Undead: 2
There was a good balance then. But look at how it is now, excluding the status ailment versions, and with new enemies in bold:
Wolver(small wolf)
Alpha Wolver(large wolf)
::Total:: 3
Gun Puppy(Robot Turret)
Rocket Puppy(You can tell what this is, right?)
Mecha Knight(Holds a sword and shield)
Lumber(Walking Trees)
Retrode(Zombie like enemy)
Scuttlebot(Four legs)
::Total:: 6
Wisp(Floating Mask thingy)
::Total:: 2
Develite and promo(small, normally blue, Plump guy)
SlikWing(Small Blue Bats)
Greaver(Black Bat)
Trojan(Horse with sword)
::Total:: 4
Gremlin Thwacker(Melee)
Gremlin Mender(Healer)
Gremlin Demo(Bomber)
Gremlin Scorcher(Burner)
::Total:: 4
Jelly Cube(*silent*)
Blast Cube(*BOOM*)
Lichen(Plus big versions)
Polyp(Shooting Slime)
::Total:: 4
Kat(Ghost Cat)
Howlitzer(Undead turret)
::Total:: 3
Totals, from most to least:
Constructs: 6
Fiends: 4
Gremlins: 4
Slime: 4
Beasts: 3
Undead: 3
Drones: 2
Here you can see that all the numbers climbed, except for Beasts and Gremlins. Now the gremlins are OK, because they have been put in as a big part of the story, they have a group(which is the Crimson Order), and recently, Nick has hinted at the production of new gremlins. BUT, what about Beasts? We have never heard anything about Beasts recently from OOO but in a nerf patch. Aren't we going to have any new ones? You may think the boss was a new addition, but that was T1 and shadow lairs. The Beasts family really isn't getting much attention, or at least that is what it seems to the player base.
The saddest thing of all is that they even added in a new family, which is the drone family. (2 new ones, if you count shadow lairs, but you almost never go there, right?) This shows that they will make new families and enemies to add to those families, except enemies for the beast family.
Equipment we have is against them
TL;DR:We have a pure pierce sword, which can do the most damage, and we always have to have resist to them, making it impossible to gauge raw damage. (damage with out any resist)
Almost all of our armor(including shields) has normal resistance, and all Beasts deal a little normal. (OK, almost everything else does too) The exceptions to things with norm. resist are: the Drake Scale Mail/Helm and upgrades(which can give us a Beast bonus) and the Bristling Buckler, which both defend against pierce, and all Beasts deal pierce damage. This is unfair, as we can always have some resistance against them.
And then the weapons. Now, because FSC is the main thing most of us go to, most of us will have a lot of elemental weapons. This is good for the Beast family, but then you see a lot of [paying] players wielding snarble barb line swords, which deal pure piercing. This is very unfair, where as most piercing swords deal normal and pierce, so Beasts will take 1.5 times the normal amount. The snarble barb, on the other, hand deals just piercing, so the Beasts will take 2 times more.
What this means: Snarbolax is good at killing his own kind.
(As a side note, some of the most popular armor line comes from Wolvers, and this is the worst family. Makes almost not sense.)
Lack of special, hand made levels
TL;DR:There aren't enough beast levels, and Beasts don't show up enough in levels for other families.
Here is a list of special areas that may appear in each stratum type:
Beast: Aurora Isles, Wolver Den
Construct: Jigsaw Valley
Fiend: Dark City, Devilish Drudgery, Stygian Steeds
Gremlin: Deconstruction Zone
Slime: Scarlet Fortress, Concrete Jungle, Aurora Isles, Lichenous Lair
Undead: Scarlet Fortress, Concrete Jungle, Dark City, Candlestick Keep, Briar Bone Barrage
You may think the Construct has almost no levels, even less than the Beast, but Constructs show up all the time. In every run I've done to the end of a tier always contains several of these guys, where as Beasts seem very rare. As a matter of fact, all the levels that come before a boss contain gun puppies, and almost all of them have lumbers. Even Snarby's levels have gun puppies and lumbers.
Low Speed
TL;DR:Simple, they have low attack speed, and they can be dodged easy.
The Wolvers don't have a big problem with this, as they can dart around often, but Chromalisks are the main ones to suffer from this. All beasts have an excessive wind up time on their attacks. Chromalisks take just about as long to charge their tongue/slime as Retrodes do to charge their laser, and the Chromas don't even have as long range. Then they don't attack often anyway, cause they seem to wait a year to try to hit you. At that point, you are either a mile away, or beating all their scales off. The fix could just be speed them up, or give them another attack.
=Finally, to see the total number of updates since this has been made and show how =
=much Beasts are being forgotten, I'll add to this number each update/patch/bugfix: 0 =
I will add links to suggestions for more Beast enemies. Just post a link to one you find. Just remember that if you post something, don't post exact things such as how things look, or the way they act. This seems to cause the devs to not implement it possibly because:
- They could be sued by the poster for not asking the poster's permission, and
- They could implement it to act different, or look different, from how the poster said, which could cause some to become angry at OOO for making it different(I know this is lame, but some people are *ahem* like that), and
- Posting all the exacts could spoil it for some players, causing OOO not be able to use your idea the way you envisioned it. If this is the case, maybe you could PM a game master? I don't know how that would fly, though, so don't do it without permission from one of the GMs.
AAAAAAnd, here is the link section:
Why does it have to be empty? D:
Nick mentioned them as being part of the concept for SK at one point, and I don't think it's too late to try putting them in the game for real now. They would be perfect.
My only request is that they should have feathers like real raptors used to have and thus look FABULOUS while kicking the player's sorry rear at the same time.