The Elite Bomber Thread

Irontechs been around since the beginning of last preview (kharnor had one) and the destroyers came later.... If OOO were thinking of balancing them I'm sure it would have happened by now. I've used IrontechD extensively now.... It doesn't work in a party as teamates will K.O. the monsters in the radius before it explodes... the damage isn't great either. Spamming is confusing with the fuse.,. not at all fun, I can't even get used to the pace. It's not a solo bomb either... if anything that's fast (LIKE EVERYTHING IS APART FROM LUMBERS!) they will destroy you rather than destroying them. It does give knockback to trojans though which is fun for team killing - but vortex is better for that.
You've already seen the video of it i see xD, but if you must get it, get nitro first just as something to fall back uupon after wasting that CE.
Ionized...I'm not going there. The charge is horrendous and mobs will get you before it gets half way charged =/ the damage is alright if you get it down... but RSS is definitely better. don't get ionized D= pleeeeaaase.
+1 to what Fallout said.
I've been slowly collecting every bomb in the game, finally got around to crafting my Ionized Salt Bomb and bringing it to Level 10 this past week. I hate it. It is soooo slow and I run with Max CTR. The DPS is pitiful. Running around forever charging, rarely placing something to do damage... you know, what bombers are supposed to do... place bombs and do damage. I actually liked the 3* Rock Salt Bomb better since it has a normal speed for crystal bombs.
Ionized has shock, but enemies rarely get shocked. I'm not sure why it even bothers having a shock ability. Or has a slime bonus? o.O I'd rather have something that charged at a normal speed and didn't shock or have a slime bonus.
The crystal line is a really fun bomb to use, and takes some skills to place. If you want to go that route, do the RSS not the Ionized.

It might take me a while, because I'm not sure how to download pics to the forums... I can do wiki pages though.
It's just upload them and put a link, right?

Also, I really think this is a good set for bombs:
Master Blast Bomb
Plasma Capacitor
Graviton Bomb
Is it?(It's also what I currently have)
Edit: Oh yeah, is it possible to become a GOOD bomber without the bomber armors?

@michael99 Yes.. you can if you can afford to CTR Trinkets..
I´m trying to become a bomber... mi bombs are Spine Cone, Crystal, Freezing Vaporizer and Haze all are two star. I´m planing to make the Dark Briar Barrage (instead of Nitronome) and Radiant Sun Shards and a AoE bomb but i´m not decided.
creatures resistent to piercing gonna be a pain in the *** slimes aren´t a big problem but i dont know what to do with constructs
the Shivermist Buster is good but everybody have it and the Ash of Agni looks amazing to clear areas but i was thinking in make a Voltaic Tempest mostly to stop the charge of some monsters ¿it worth it?
also the Vortex bombs look great for Crowd Control, ¿should i get a Electron Vortex instead of the Voltaic Tempest?

upgrade that crystal to RSS.
It still wrecks constructs, and you'll find the only thing it doesn't work to well on is slimes, which you said you had no problem with. This weekend I'll probably set up a starter kit thingy in the bombing guide seeing as that's what I'm frequently asked about in game.
So what I'm getting from you: You want DBB, RSS, and an area of effect bomb. then you want a vortex (perhaps). Here are your valid choices:
*DBB, RSS, Ash and either Vortex. I might suggest (If you take the effort) to go for Electron yeah, it's funner and better to use than VT especially when you have an Ash
*DBB, RSS, VT and GraviV.
I wasn't sure... did you only want three bombs? if so:
*DBB, RSS, Ash (covers all mobs)
*DBB, RSS, GraviV (adds in some fun, and cover's all mobs with only Constructs being harder to deal with (still possible with RSS)
*DBB, RSS, EV. Its alright setup, but EV isn't that great for gunpuppies (nor is the above setup for that matter) ~ so could switch for VT.
Being me? I would go for the DBB, RSS and graviV (I'd have a pulsar for gunpuppies+other constructs)
Don't know if that was what you wanted =S i tried xD
So I've been testing Electron Vortex in FSC, and I'm really liking it. It completely obliterates rooms of slags and you can do several rooms far faster than with nitro by spawning all the slags and vortexing them (Well in group play anyhow, I haven't had chance to test it solo yet). It works great if you've people in the team with Brandish line swords or shock weapons to stack with it (Electon + Tempest is crazy). It also works fine with DA, Polaris, Blitz or just about any commonly used FSC weapons. And the big advantage to using over Graviton besides the obvious shock, is that it can actually kill slags itself since it does a pretty good amount of damage at the end of the vortex.
Definately recommend it to anyone looking for a good FSC bomb to fill a slot.
thanks that help a lot, im not gonna be a full bomber im making only the volcanic demo helm and the Bomb Focus Module for the moment, i have a ash tail coat and a Wise Owlite Shield, and gonna make a Vog Cub Coat and the shield at 5* so... to finish the loadout im thinking in make a shadow sword (dont know if acheron or gran faust). actualy i got a Blazebrand (fire brandish) but i dont know if make it a 5 start or go for a glacius, and im gonna make a Divine Avenger at some moment.... maybe
right now i have the recipes for the avenger and faust and the sealed sword but im not decided yet. ¿what is better for a demo?
Volcanic Demo helm + Divine Mantle will work? for general defence (and FSC)
¿how a demo deal whit shock?
and these maps full of Greaver... ¿what can do a full demo?

=S thought i posted something hous ago.... i guess i hadn't.
Greavers = Spam DBB or hack them with swords (DBB is amazing)
Shock = UV armour is pretty much it.... or one that has shock def already
Vdmo+Divine should work great; I've seen it used a few times and it seems to work wonders.
Swords: i Don't know... I have a nightblade and that's about it, can't help you a lot there =S but i know heavy swords are frustrating when bombing (i guess your making vog cub, so it'll work) .... DA charge is pretty much the only thing i like. but i find the brandish variants are best used when bombing to quickly hack away at the last stragglers.

Yes! Finally! I got an Elite Bomb Focus Module!!!
Now I just have to get the other one... :/
But still! :D

Oh yeah, is this a good bomb set?:
Spike Shower
Master Blast Bomb
Plasma Capacitor
Graviton Bomb
( the above is my current set.)
Also, I stated that I got an Elite Bomb Focus Module.
So this is the setup that I'm currently running:
Mad Bomber Mask (UV: Shock Med)
Mad Bomber Suit (UV: Shock Med)
Grey Owlite Shield (UV: Shadow Med)
Elite Boom Module
Cold Iron Vanquisher (UV: Damage vs. Construct Very High)
Shivermist Buster
Graviton Vortex
Am I missing anything of great importance? Is there a bomb I don't have that is a glaring hole in my gameplan? I'm not sure what else I should be working towards anymore, since all four of my weapon slots are filled.

ummm michael.... there are better options than VT, but the rest of what you have is perfect. Maybe Ash... or ele vortex if you need shock.
and mechanika.... You may want to consider getting a v demo helm just to switch to in t3, just makes less of a status impact. but full mad is fine if you can avoid attacks and stuff (low latency) unlike me xD. Your weapon set up seems to be fine, shivermist is pretty useful and it complements your CIV nicely. - just once you get used to bombing consider a better DPS bomb like RSS or Ash just to liven up gameplay instead of freeze-hack-slash.
It's situations like these that make me proud to be a bomber (and credit to team).
Would volcanic plate + bomb ctr trinkets be better than bomber gear + bomb damage trinkets because nothing does sleep anymore and attack speed decrease doesn't effect bombs if you ran mainly status bombs and so didn't really need damage bonus UVs? Like does an ash of agni having damage max from trinks and mad bomber suit really help more than a giant climb in defenses and resists from volcanic plate as long as you get the ctr from somewhere? It's not like the damage boosts the fire ticks, just the lackluster initial explosion.
Hello I'm a bomber focusing in status bombs but also crafting a secondary set to deal maximum damage. I need some clarification on a couple of questions and some help.
Currently I have:
Volcanic Demo Helm
Heavy Demo Suit
(I have 4 weapon slots)
Fiery Atomizer
Freezing Atomizer
Toxic Atomizer
Master Blast Bomb
Radiant Sun Shards
Graviton Bomb
Silent Night Blade
My trouble is that I can not simply deal enough damage to Jelly King! I understand it is a sword fight and that you need to keep constant curse / poison but even using the vials I find myself being obliterated before I can get him much farther than half way. Most the time my vials break on the mini jellies hitting me! I've obtained 9 tokens now, but that has been in group play. Do any bombs 1 shot or nearly 1 shot the minis?
Should I just skip out on the bombs for now and go straight sword?
The help I need in clarification is this:
My helmet - Medium CTR
My armor - Low CTR
My bomb - Medium CTR
I only need one more Low CTR to max out? Which would allow for my second trinket to be damage, or do I need more CTR still :o? Thanks in advance

Basically for JK RSS is the way. it takes some getting used to but with good damage bonuses you can deal 800dmg each bomb. You just need to avoid the small jellies and hug JK with RSS whenever possible. Poisoning at the beggining is great to. Check Eeks' fast clear on the boss section in the guide.
actinum.... Im unclear of what your saying, but bomber gear is good as you can then leave the trinkets for more important things. Sure V plate is good if you follow that path (And it is quite effective) but trinket slots are kinda wasted .... v demo helm and v plate and a med trinket would at least save one slot. and if your vaporizing i guess thats i good set up.

hmm, got in opinions on lockdown setups, have you done it? Sure things will change but I'm curious and reading the feedback forums is only so much. I can say some things since I watched a friend go through it today but I'll wait on that (no rules against watching a friend >.>)

Well.... I tried a bit of bombing in lockdown. It appeared VT+Shiver combo meant you could hold off a position by yourself. I found nitro and DBB kinda useless as most people were strikers and could just zoom out of it. mind you i only played 4 rounds... who knows, bombing might be good. RSS did lackluster damage.... took like 8 bombs to kill a frozen enemy =S
I think swords will be essential (a heavy one) just to knock away strikers between placing a bomb.
Perhaps I'll go
-i need a heavy sword xD
with the shield bearer class.

I thought RSS was kind of nice, Culture didn't think much of it, but I saw dogrock use it pretty well. It's pretty cool with recon if you can pull it off, defense break some people and drop some shards XD, though honestly its probably easier just to break their defense and stab them with BTB. Voltaic was pretty tough holding spots, but shiver is more reliable if you can get it going. For whatever reason (bug?) it stops other bomb charge attacks too.
Voltaic wins over a shivermister unless they slip up and get frozen, in which case the shivermister knocks them dead. You can even go the slow way once you got them locked and just use the elemental blast of the shivermist to do more damage from behind, though be wary that they'll be able to turn for a bit after that. VERY bad against someone wearing skolver. Though if you are recon, you could just defense break them then do whatever you can after that.
Wish I could play..must get friend lol...
EDIT: I'm worried about people trying to nerf bombs though. It's not bombs fault that everyone else overlooked them. >.> They don't have ANY bonuses anyway (attack speed increased...bull). I can support someones suggestion about maybe CTR decrease on striker since people can just speed around and lock a spot quickly. I think the other classes should have damage low or CTR low (or maybe one each).

yeah.... i think it's good nerfing the bombs with the striker class. that was quite annoying. I was confused why i could bomb.... realised i didn't have any CTR xD Trying again in 12hrs.

There is some hope.
Though I wonder about that second part, as currently there aren't penalties to bombs. So hoping the CTR decrease is added to striker. Actually keeping things balanced, guns should probably also have some sort of decrease in striker. (that might disrupt the two bonuses and one decrease setup though).
I wonder though, how do the penalties apply on top of UVs, might be best if the decrease was counted last so no matter what, there will never be a striker with Max CTR.

Im kinda stuck andunsure what to do. I've had a SS bomb for a while now and i love it. The damage and the range is great and without a doubt ill be upgrading to a RSS. As or my other weapon, im using a double varient cutter.problem is a two sar sword can only advance you so far. Ontop of that, the cutter and sun shards don't work well together. Now Im not sure what exactly to use a my second weapon. I'd like to become a full fledged bomber, but im not sure which bombs couple well with RSS. I also bought a magnus recipe, but im not sure if two ranged weapons would pair well together.
Any bomb/gun suggeston that would work well with SS/RSS

Gah, you made me do it =S
I'll try and add some bomb combinations and styles to the wiki page later today after doing some assignments. I see it's pretty much the most wanted thing when I'm asked about in game.
RSS-wise.... You will want a weapon with knockback so you can distance yourself from mobs than chuck some Shards on the floor. You may want to get a calibur with a good ctr, or a heavy sword to quickly knock back enemies when you get cornered. The pulsar line compliments RSS nicely, but it means you have to stay away from walls at all times and if there's a larger group of enemies, there is less of a chance of surviving. I'd usually recommend Nitro, but seeing it doesn't have a great knock-back, and you prefer using RSS, I think levi or CIV (I don't know the difference lol) will be the way to go.
Only problem is that parties will hate you for the charge attack.... perhaps when your in a party keep your cutter and let the rest of your party play offence while you support with DPS.
-Nitro+RSS if you want to become the bomber (relatively party friendly due to nitro's small knock-back)
-Levi or CIV+RSS i think is the better option for soloing
-DVS+RSS for parties
Or if you wanna be that high DPS support guy; get ash and RSS.

What are the different UVs for blast bombs worth? I'm looking for a construct medium one myself and am currently sitting on a Very High Fiend blast bomb which I have no idea what to sell for.

Fiends for some reason don't like selling =S i guess most bombers use DBB or RSS for them; perhaps. Construct, undead and jelly seem to be the better sales with V.high about 50+k cr (from what I've seen). The best selling UV's are of course CTR ones with even med's selling past 40k.
I don't actually do trades... I might buy a recipe off AH once and a while but thats about it. I just got lucky with rolling UV's =O. I think you'll be better off asking this in trade forum... seeing all i can say about UV's are which ones are good xD.

I see. Tbh I can't think of many uses for the Fiend UV over DBB except for bombing Greavers with the knockback and faster fuse.
I would have asked in the trade forum but then the topic will stay on the front page for like 5 minutes then fall off. XD
I just put it up for 10k bid and 25k buy. Hopefully it will at least get a bid at that price.
EDIT: Sold for buyout! I guess that was either a good price or I just got lucky.

Quick question, my bomb-loving bros.
Right now I have a full Volcanic Demo set, a Shivermist Buster, and a Haze Bomb MK II. I really want to get the Stagger Storm, but I also want some bomb modules.
I currently have 42 krogmo coins. Should I go for the Mod Calibrator that costs 75 coins, or the Haze Burst Recipe that costs 100 coins?

I personally am waiting for lockdown to get anymore trinkets seeing as BN is unplayable for me =S (even though i find it a fun game). but max ctr is incredible xD so in your case i'd get the trinket first.

How much do they cost now? Used to cost like 15k, probably costs more now because of the increase in token amounts. But if its something you can afford, just go buy the mod calibrator and use your tokens for the Haze Burst(I assume you like that bomb). Otherwise you're going to have to do both. And set yourself back 75 tokens that could've been used towards then getting the Stagger Storm itself.
Also, you're wearing full volcanic. Do you really want to use it for a CTR trinket? Ultra CTR isn't that bad. I used Ultra CTR shivermist (full volc + level 10) for a long time. Unless you're planning on ditching the bomber armor, I wouldn't value a CTR trinket that highly.
I wish u could start a bomber guild so new bombers like me can find a way to get trained by experienced players...
im using master blast (lv 9, ready for Nitronome, solo only), Radiant Sun Shards (for Trojans & Fiend), Graviton Vortex (pretty much useless... annoys party members a lot)
my new bombs are: Freezing Atomizer (only lv 1, just got it), Twisted Spine Cone (hoping to get DBB), Fiery Vaporizer MkII
usually ill take three bombs with me depends on the themes and one gun (Sixsilver)/sword(Dread Venom Striker)
i rly need to improve my skills on placing the bombs coz sometime my teammates can easily get annoyed by me...
also im not so good at english so kinda hope there could a person who is experienced and patient...its almost impossible in online game world...
I don't claim to be an expert, but I can offer some tips on the bombs you listed.
1. First things first: if you use graviton, use a sword. Sword charge attack does aoe, guns (for the most part) do not. Best sword for graviton is usually glacius (freeze brandish line), although I have heard of people using leviathan (calibur) or Divine Avenger.
2. Never graviton 2 enemies, only graviton 3 enemies if there's a status effect, graviton 4+ is good. There's too much space after gravitoning 2-3 enemies, so that's why the mobs are flung away.
3. If you use master blast/nitronome, try to hit enemies with the outside radius so that you can control how far they are flung. If possible, it's usually best to simply shield where you are, so enemies are pushed back towards the outer radius of the bombs.
4. If you are gravitoning and the enemies are limited in their movement (i.e. freeze or shock), that's a great time to plant RSS. The closeness of the mobs makes it so they'll get hit with multiple shards. But you have to be careful with your health, otherwise you can get hit.
5. You can shield cancel certain bombs ( for shield canceling). Most notably, RSS. This will save you. Learn to shield cancel.
If in a party it is indeed important to play as a team.
In a party, blast bombs can be used safely to initially soften up groups of mobs. There are a lot of issues to be aware of though. If a swordie is attacking a mob, don't knock it away from them. Also don't knock an attacking mob into swordies - try to direct mobs into corners or against walls instead where they will be easier to deal with. A blast bomb can also be very useful for separating a mender or silkwing from the crowd where they can be safely cut down. Need to be very aware that the Nitro's explosion is blinding - if obscuring the view is dangerous don't drop it there.
DBB overcomes some of these issues because it has knockdown instead of knockback, so mob positions are very predictable. This can also make a swordie's job easier since their target is momentarily unable to attack or move.
I don't think I've ever heard someone receiving grief for using RSS. It just takes a lot of practice to be able to place for maximum damage without getting hit. Practice it a lot when you are solo so that in a party situation you can whip it out and 1-hit those slimes. :)
Graviton Vortex is very valuable in a party setting. If you are with a PUG though you'll need to let them know how to take full advantage of the weapon. First of all, only drop it when it can gather up many mobs. A single mob in a Vortex is practically pointless and can even be dangerous. You want the Vortex to be full so that it doesn't fling its occupants when complete. Smaller mobs need more (5ish?) to cancel the knockback. Big mobs like T3 Gremlins only need 3 or so. Tell your party that when you place a Vortex to use a sword charge attack to do maximum damage. The Brandish line works best for this, but FoV, Levi, CIV, DA/GF, BTB all deal decent damage too. A Graviton bomber + a few charge attacks does so much damage that any mob will be instantly annihilated. Check these threads for more details on optimizing Graviton Vortex damage:
The vapor bombs are the easiest to use and tend not to bother anyone. One note about the freezing bomb is there are some rare situations where it is better to stay mobile and kite the mobs - in which case fire is the perfect choice. I recall one particular danger room where there were a ton a jellies and I had my Shiver on me but no Ash. I went around freezing the jellies but all that did was lock up the battlefield and get people stuck against a lot of attacking jellies. Learned quickly that Shivermist sometimes isn't the answer.
wow guys thanks a lot
i do need an expert to teach me some of those skills and how to apply them to different situations in the game...
plz add me in the game if you would like to do name is bombermare

Hi all, aspiring bomber here. I'm trying to figure out what route to go for a shield right now. Here's the gear I'm working toward...
Dark Briar Barrage
(Maybe other weapons when I can reasonably afford the weapon slot upgrade thingies)
Mad Bomber Helm (will build Volcanic Demo as well later on)
Mad Bomber Suit
I poured over a bunch of discussion and the Wiki, didn't really see any shield recommendations. Eventually I think that I want Crest of Almire but that will have to come later. Thoughts?
Can we get some discussion going on PvP loadouts?
Is using both Shivermist and Voltaic Tempest in the same loadout necessary?
Do we need to keep a sword/gun on our loadout if we would just be "out-sworded/gunned"?
What is the best class to take advantage of bombs?
...and whatever other questions make sense to discuss here.
Stacking Tempest and Shiver is amazing, so may as well.
I'd always suggest taking a gun at least, the Magnus line guns help quite a bit.
Recon, then Guardian.
Remember Recon gives a CTR Med bonus so you only need a Volc Demo Helm with lv10 bombs to hit ctr max. I've been thinking Volc Demo Helm + Ancient Plate Armour is probably the best combination since the latter gives a pretty significant health boost. If you have them you could also run heart pendants to boost it further.

I'm a recon bomber. I haven't perfected my strategy, nor will I likely any time soon just because I'm too lazy too XD
But I would definitely recommend the Shivermist and Voltaic, simply because people are starting to wise up against one status effect over the other, and you don't want to bring a shivermist and realize everyone is skolver or UV Freeze Max, or just bring a voltaic and find out there's a lot of quicksilvers or shock max people. Usually there's one or the other, I have seen some players nearly invulnerable to both but there's not that many.
I prefer to bring my leviathan for my third weapon (I use 3 weapon loadouts mostly). I'm working on a vog cub coat now just to offset the ASI swords decrease of the recon class. (I wear volc demo helm just like Echoez noted so I get CTR max :D). I do keep a loadout with a gun just in case but I prefer the defense break/slashing thing.
Be wary of guns. All lines but especially pulsars and antigua lines. The pulsars just because if you're hiding in/around a guardian, I've seen the explosion go through those shields and damage you anyway, or push you out of the shield (which results in the same thing). The antigua lines aren't as scary for pure damage but they're fast which can lead to a lot of dropped bombs if you mess with them.
I'm still debating the use of nitronome right now. I saw someone use that pretty well against me yesterday but I wasn't a striker so that made it harder to close the distance.
I've only played PvP for about 4 hours now, so still developing strategies and opinions. Here is what I've found thus far.
Shivermist/VT works well and as expected. I usually use Shiver since I have a CTR UV on it, so VT takes a bit longer to deploy. I'll switch to VT though if there are a lot of Skolvers running around.
Ash does great damage but many opponents are going to have fire resist due to FSC.
VV is great for teams. Dropping the opponent's damage dealing ability greatly increases your team's survivability. When going 1v1 if you can start off with your opponent poisoned, they should go down before they could possibility kill you. It plays nicely with Shiver/VT too, so it can be used to complement another vapor bomber.
Electron Vortex sucks in friend and foe. It only damages foes though, but this still limits its use. Getting sucked into your own vortex can prove fatal.
Nitro/DBB... when people see these they get out of the way. It can be deployed in a crowd though, bound to hit someone or many if they aren't paying attention.
RSS can either work really well or not work at all. It seems to do more damage than it should, you can even one-hit an opponent if the bomb is well placed. Spamming RSS has limited use since its attack pattern is easy to dodge. You can easily take out distracted enemies if they are busy swordfighting someone else.
My default loadout right now is...
GF or FF - depending on the common enemy armor
Shivermist CTR Medium
VV CTR Medium
Callahan - great range and stopping power for taking out bombers or finishing a retreating enemy
There are separate loadouts using different bomb combos. Almost all of them have one sword, two bombs and a gun though.
If I'm playing Striker then I'll use Volcanic Demo Helm and two Elite Bomb Focus Modules. With my UV CTR Mediums this gives me 10 levels of CTR. After Striker's CTR penalty I still have CTR Max :D I like the mobility of the Striker class. Flying in then dropping a bomb after 1 second causes a lot of havoc and goes with my playstyle.
If I'm playing Recon then I'll use a Mercurial Helm and two sword trinkets. The Recon's bomb bonus means I have CTR Max, so there is no need for the Volcanic Helm. If there are already a lot of Strikers on the team then I'll go to Recon to provide support and do some ninja bombing.
I tried Guardian a few times, but shielding and not charging isn't my style.

=O you can still achieve maximum ctr on striker??? why wasn't I informed =S.
I'm finding gravi vortex hella fun, its so funny seeing the enemy scared out of their wits while spinning around. And I'm with negima, recon bombing is great fun.
Also.... BAB and irontech seems to send the enemy running for the hills. pity the bombs suck to much to do anything.... can BAB one-hit strikers? i may have to test.

What do you prefer to be called in Groups/ In General?
A Bomber, Demolitionist, or Explosive Expert?
Sorry for being a bit off-Topic, was bored at the Moment.
I refer to myself as a Bomber... so, yeah.
This is the Elite Bomber Thread after all :)

pffft none. I prefer to think that I'm more of a terrorist xD. But that's a bit much to some people... so yeah; bomber.

I'm disappointed that nitro and DBB basically suck in PvP. They need to lower the fuse time on both of these to make them more viable. I want so badly to nitro and blow everything the F up. I mean, pierce swords hit u before they even swing. GF and DA have the huge swing and 1 or 2 shot u. So having a shorter fuse time on the nitro for PvP wouldn't be any less balance.
I wanna blow people up!!! As it is even when i'm lucky enough to hit them, it just knocks them sideways, doesn't even kill them :(

@jeburk the problem is you are playing in tier 3 pvp.. ( Hurr dur skolver + GF > everything) try tier 2.. at least in tiern 2 guns and bombs like blast bomb adn spike works well.
Hi all- first of all I would like to say how great this thread is. Thank you to all of the dedicated bombers that posted advice for others to benefit from. I have been wanting to make my knight into a bomber mostly to solo and my ultimate goal is to be able to solo JK and at least some of FSC until the boss. I was wondering:
1) is the mad bomber set practically useless in fsc without fire uvs? what would be the best uvs for this armor?
2) I have a blast bomb with high uv against slimes. Is it worth it to make this into a nitronome for JK runs? Will this uv even make that much of a difference?

Some daring knights run full Mad Bomber in FSC. It is only problematic if you catch on fire, with enough skill this should be pretty rare. And when it does happen, just pop a Remedy Capsule and you'll be fine. With FSC in mind, Max Fire would be the optimal UVs. A Medium UV should neutralize the negative resistance on a piece of Mad Bomber.
The most useful UVs are ones that will help you attain Max CTR. If you already have Max CTR via armor/trinkets/Level 10 then a damage bonus UV is nice to have.

I'm a noob bomber and before I make any more mistakes, is this gear setup good for all-around?
Volcanic Demo Helm/Mad Bomber
Mad Bomber Suit
Radiant Sun Shards
Shivermist Buster
Dark Briar Barrage
Please give any feedback that can help me.
I've read & Researched everything about Irontech Destroyer & Ionized Salt Bomb, & I've only heard that it's very bad.
Even though I know this, I'm still tempted to get ItD...But not now.
Is OOO thinking of making Buffs/Changes to certain Bombs in the future(Like ISB, vs Slime: High, but does Piercing...wat)
or are they just going to stay like that forever?
If not, then I should just get started on getting Nitro(It's not that I don't like it, its just that I don't like how it looks. OOO, Y U NO MAKE BOMB COSTUMES!?)