I thought it was obvious my IGN was my forum name.
Oh well, it is.
I thought it was obvious my IGN was my forum name.
Oh well, it is.
Magnum = Magnus > Callahan = Dirty Harry = Harry Callahan = Yes i am early 30s :(
Hmmm I expected better art.... Not offending. I can make better if u let me.
@ Tsu
Why cylinder clash with trigger? Thats not ....correct.
Doesn't have to "work". :D
It IS spiral knights after all :3
High-fives Diamond... With her Sudaruska! :3
"Hmmm I expected better art.... Not offending. I can make better if u let me."
While your post is very humbling, I would ask that you make some art for the sake of the idea, rather than the sake of showing off. Not saying that you are or would be, I'm just saying what I prefer to be the motive of your drawings.
But I've seen you do some stuff before, and it's well done; if you want to make something, please feel free!
|I may post a Pic, if the scanner fixes....
is crushed by tsu's sudaruska... with love
if only it got a lil buff
Doctors? Released?...
Tsu googles
OOOOhhhhhhh.... no, I was never released, I ate all those funny people in the lab coats and walked out. Now i live in a giant Coconut. :3 With satellite.
Want some waffles Boswick? This is getting interesting.
Tsu puts some sort of hallucinogen into the waffles... probably a Zee Core...
*wanders past*
/e Diamondshreddie smells something tasty!
*devours waffles*
Can we keep the proverbial train on its tracks?
Not to spoil your fun or anything....
sorry sev....
its 3:00 Am ... *eyes burning*
but ... um.. yeah.. the train track thingy..
im done the general sketch for the elephantine dynamic angle drawing... i can post that if you want~
Post away, I'll look at it in the morning. xD
Since I've gotten this 3-D software I've been doing a lot of work modelling various equipment for a game that I'll probably never make, but it's fun anyway. It's been keeping me busy, especially with the sparratic crashes this stupid program causes that wastes hours of work.
Ctrl+ S is a life-saver. Though, ironically enough, it's NEVER crashed on me while I worked on a previously-saved model. *sigh*
But YES, art = good, more art = better.
here it is ...
but i never said it was any good
That's about it! The bottom of the barrel though... it goes down a bit, and the front sight thingy is more streamlined ... :D good depiction... <3
ill try to do wat u see XD
Whooo! Go you, Diamond! :D
Only thing i think that needs work... is the sides of the tusks that touch the barrel should kind of... meld into it... other then that... :D
You are far better then I am in this kind of art... I mostly try for manga... so SK people are quite a stretch...
look at your concept drawing tsu!!
thats basically what it does XD
Oh and cool drawing, diamond....
....wafflez are miiiiine >.>
Didn't you see? I put Zee cores in the waffles ¬¬
I thought I would tell you... I was going to work on those colored versions later... but it'll prolly be much later... apparently my family has plans...
Tsu shrugs
2nd gun done... i ninja'd it in before i left.... I HATE not having an actual pen to work with... i really need a bambo thingy...
Take your time, Tsu. I have a feeling we'll have plenty of time before any Dev looks at this.
Meanwhile...I'ma go back to working on some models..
I'm using a bamboo pen and tablet :D
i chose colours that looked good to my colourblind mind XD
it looks crappy prior to shading >__>
Nice, now stop AFKing in FSC and get on the elevator. :)
So how exactly do these shockwaves work?
That part is extremely confusing, and I have no idea what it would look like, let alone understand how hitting something with a bullet makes a shockwave behind them let alone any shockwave at all.
Anything that can clear this up , or possibly some art that shows the shockwave idea you have, will help me give my opinion on balancing, thanks!
Yeah I suppose I never made any artwork to illustrate the 'shockwaves'.
Basically, little trailing blue circles come from behind the bullets, illustrating how fast the bullet is going.
When the bullet hits a target, these circles "Catch up with it", and cause a small shockwave which essentially goes through the enemy, starting from where it was behind the bullet.
I hope that's a lil more clear. Kinda difficult to explain lol
Still kind of hard to understand, I think I'd just need art in order to see it.
Definately, if your goal is to get this implemented as diversity among guns is something that would be nice, I would make it simple and sweet. Any complex idea, like the people ruining the Snarbolax Gun thread by trying to cloud the original perfect design by a complex and redundant "crossbow," is extremely hard for the devs to implement.
That is simply my opinion and suggestion for your suggestion, you don't have to use it or whatnot however one would explain that because most find what I say a bit... toxic? or something.... something with my tone makes people confront me in game.
I would just like to see how this gun would balance out, personally, and I will help make it balanced for actual combat if by any chance the shockwaves are explained in some form of art.
I'll try to do that in the near future hopefully. It's a bit difficult to upload anything from what I draw on paper.
The point in the shockwave is to make this more of an AoE gun. The bullet would smack the first enemy, then the shockwave would continue past the bullet, so it has a crowd-control effect.
Because there aren't a lot of crowd-control guns..
And please don't say Polaris. >>;
Sounds like a great idea, and I wish I could join in the concept art drawing fest going on here.
Too bad I cant draw >:c
Neither can I, but what the heck. lol
Art inspires art, so even if my original concept was sketchy (lol pun), I think it makes people want to better it by drawing their own.
And I like art.
PS: Nice avatar.
I will probably do that... cause i think i know what you mean Sev....
@Diamond.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...........
Tsu is overly jelly
The two crowd control guns we have are Umbra Driver and then any of the elemental alchemers.
A piercing crowd control gun wouldn't be the best option, mainly because beasts / fiends tend to not be in nice little close together and tight packs like zombies / jelly cubes.
Mobility would be great in a piercing gun (Snarbolax Gun is absolutely perfect) as well as slow-firing for damage output. This is because we usually cannot fire off a full clip onto a dodger and hit it with the majority of bullets. A Callahan needs its mobility because it is designed perfectly for a dodger: Stun is the anti-dodger status, Slow firing rate which means higher damage in a single bullet which is easy to get off, and a bullet velocity that can sometimes make dodgers not dodge making it great in parties.
The reason the snarbolax gun being a fast firing antigua would make sense is because it needs to sacrifice damage in order to keep its survivability (balancing things out).
Right now, preferred guns against packs of devilites are either an elemental alchemer or Polaris. Mobility is that important on big packs of them, especially overtimers, to the point that we will gladly take an elemental gun with an undesirable bullet velocity. We'll just get lucky and have the devilites dodge into the bullets themselves.
With this taken into account, it applies to your piercing version of this gun. A few things to take into account when balancing it.
As for the elemental version of this gun, its crowd control will most likely be clouded by the sheer power of the alchemers when they are used by anyone who knows how to position splits.
I know this is a double post, it makes things neater because it is a different idea from my above.
I am trying to help the OP in balancing, by God, don't report me to the admins because I double posted....
"The Retribution fires all 4 bullets at once, in a long-range shotgun fashion. Bullets will surround the front of the user and go outward (Similar to Divine Avenger, but much less delayed and smaller). Each bullet has a base damage of 1.5X, and pierces all enemies along with a shockwave that deals knockback.
Bullets have a very long range, and will go from one side of your screen to the other; the bullets are unstoppable unless they hit a Shielded enemy (Trojan, or in PvP another player who is shielding), a wall, or a switch. Shockwave only activates upon hitting an enemy, causing some knockback. There is no explosion when the bullets dissipate."
Keep in mind that the Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza end falcon part of their charge is so devastating that it is capable of making the charge attack deal either damage equal to 15x normal bullets on a giant boss (RJ / JK / IQ) or deal around 3,000 damage when positioned correctly on a pack of zombies (for AP that is).
This is because the bullets literally "pierce" as you said would happen to the piercing version of your gun.
4 bullets that pierce, in my opinion, is not only non-RP to be shot out of one gun and would look odd, but way too overpowered on a boss such as Vanaduke or used on a pack of zombies. Also take into account the whole shockwave thing per each monster hit, making it even more overpowered.
DA charge has piercing sword things, but those end along their path much sooner than the falcon, as well as have a smaller hit box (or whatever, radius) while the falcon can touch quite a lot of monsters, as well as quad-clip a few while used on packs of things such as zombies. a DA's "piercing" is very effective on a boss like JK / RJ / IQ, but it's usually used for knockback with its charge from what I have seen when used on packs of stuff. Then again DA does have 3 swords in comparison to 1 falcon..... I haven't used DA and personally do not know if it is overpowered or not so it is hard to say when comparing it to that.
Its more of... the bullet hits, the stops, dealing damage... and THEN!... the ones behind get damaged... with a relativity good range...
Keep in mind these bullets are almost instant, making dodging out of the question... and the charge does too... the AP and DA's piercing things dont go that fast, so it would only hit once... maybe twice if they are REALLY light and/or it has crazy knockback...
... the shockwave effect... done REALLY badly... I NEED YOU BAMBOO!!! ... Diamond...
Tsu gets out her Suda
Oooo Tsu! i have a bamboo thingy like diamond, to! You should really get one, it is really nice ^.^
....im just not very good with it.. but who knows... i just might make a drawing of one of sev's guns even though it wont be as good as diamonds.
*foams at the mouth*