Okaaaay. Thread being derailed hardcore. Repairwork time!
If you sincerely believe that he was trying to be offensive in that light (as the offender doesn't always realize he's offensive; and going "Nuh-uh I didn't mean to!" is something anyone mature *and* immature people can understand as a common human trait), and you also think that its impossible to debate with him on the thread's subject-- (Stablizing the economy/energy; the value or possibly lack thereof of free players) then how exactly do you hope for him to cope with a more complex topic such as bigotry/sexism? If the simpler topic is unlikely the more complex and deeper one is hopeless.
I'm just going to comment on this just because I think some people who are stating non paying customers don't bring the game prosperity don't understand some business concepts.
New player non paying starts playing the game.
They get to spend 2-3 hours tops playing the game before they run out of juice for the day. As this is their first time playing and the cost for early items isn't that bad they say sure, I guess Ill stop playing for now I made some progress and Ill just play more tomorrow.
They log in the next day and instead of getting 2-3 new items they get 1. They barely progress but they still have a feeling of accomplishment.
Over the next week they realize its now taking them 2-3 days to MAYBE get 1 item, and they're not feeling progression happening quickly.
They choose to quit because they were expecting a free to play game but the game feels like way too much work to get little to no progression.
This person does not recommend the game to their friends, those friends never see the game, they never have the option to pay or not pay.
Perhaps if this new player felt progression was easier, that they were not REQUIRED to put in their hard earned money to play a "free" game they might even be more inclined to actually spend money themselves.
League of Legends is a perfect example of this. They do not sell power in ANY way(which is exactly what 3O does). They are EXTREMELY prosperous by all accounts. People choose to buy skins for their favorite champions for their own enjoyment out of seeing it. If they were required to pay to even play the game, many would never feel the urge to spend a little extra to get that little extra out of their experience, most would probably not bother playing the game period. There would be far less word of mouth, far less people playing, far less money earned.
How much do you think companies spend advertising their games, do you truly believe that their advertising outweighs word of mouth? Personally I began playing SK because of Penny Arcade and the glowing recommendation it received there. I had not seen SK advertisements before then, even if I had I would not have clicked them, I would not have looked the game up, I would never have been a potential source of income.
So how much do you think word of mouth is worth to a company like 3O?
And that's not even taking into consideration how many materials are made available to players via non paying players. You might say "well I don't want the cost of MY materials to go down in value because they're selling them" But what if you required a material and were unable to find someone selling it? What if the cost of that material was 10x or 20x more expensive then it is currently due to supply and demand? Would you be satisfied with that? Would that not frustrate you? Would you rather there be 1000x more players playing and not have to spend exorbitant amounts on materials that would otherwise be available at reasonable prices?
How many people would continue playing if it took them 100 hours to finally get a lucky drop to finally complete an item they were trying to build. This may not be reasonable, but then again it took me well over 30 hours to see a single 2* drop that I would need multiples of to craft new gear. Would players be satisfied to grind continually for little to no progression while they were actually paying for the right to do so?
Now I'm not suggesting that non paying players have a right to cheaper CE, because by all means they do not. I'm simply saying it is in fact a sound marketing decision and player decision to have non paying customers have access to a way to play the game with reasonable progression.
Edit: And whoever said that your account starts when you validate was correct btw. I've been playing for a week or two? But my forum post states I started today. I also updated a sentence to remove a portion that could seem insulting or condescending.