The pic I posted in T3 where i got 19k damage with skelly jelly was a game that ended in a loss.
The pic I posted in T3 where i got 19k damage with skelly jelly was a game that ended in a loss.
That's in t2, you could put this under damage or caps or defends or all round xD
The 9.3k was from Fabiritter if your wondering..
How legitimate was Chris's screenshot? Not only it's not complete or in steam format, he also used that screenshot as a proof and counter-thesis that Meida edited his screenshots using photoshop, claiming it was easy to photoshop screenies. Go dig it up, it was the thread when Chris from Nightmare accuse Reign of Chaos of ce reviving and Meida had to step in that with adequate proof that they didn't, as well as showing they completely dominated the 3 games they had played.
Wow Superb Idea Neo, Pictures coming soon, but My max is 14 caps, 12 defends and 16k dmg in t2 (striker) but I wasnt into screen shots :/
All I can really say to support the legitimacy of the pic:
-The damage split is in Chris's favor. Damage isn't just something you earn, it's something you take from other players. The fact that nobody scored above 8k is one factor to consider.
-Try looking at Canozo's highest score and pay attention to the damage split, notice any differences (number of players)...any similarities (damage split)?
-Chris spawn-camped, it's easy to tell from his caps. He didn't really do anything else other than camp 5
I will update this in a bit
Tier 3
Chris his score was also before the Heart Pendant update which also introduced Europe servers. Uvs were generally less common in lockdown in that time. So people back then with the good stuff had an even bigger advantage then at the moment. Its way harder to get such a good score now unless you get a Perfect Storm like game. Also I know of at least one other person who has done 45k+ back then and there might be more. But still a nice score i guess.
I took my pic on phone...i dont have mac xD sorry...
hi guys.
ING : kyored
This pic since from the time i started this game. hope u guys enjoy. my pic is not good on the phone look...
post by:kyored.
9276 damage 6 cap 1 def and i had the highest damage in the game gardian teir 3 and lose and i was in 3* gear with 4* sword
@Kyored did you take a picture with a potato?!!??
My reaction to that image. Why? Why wouldn't you just take a screenshot? What possible reason is there to use a camera on a monitor?
For some reason I'm getting an error when I try to edit the OP! Just keep posting your records here, it could get resolved within the week.
I just fixed the issue and I'm updating it now...but
I'm looking at
There is no indication of what class you were during the match...despite such an amazing damage record I can't log this!
You got the order wrong, I have a bit less dmg than Xylka (the Gunning one).
do i nee a picture of my round cause i have no way to get a screen shots
captures, damages, and defends have little connection to how good you are in LD. it all doesn't matter if you still lose the game. the end justifies the means.
plus, this does not give credit to support characters, which actually play a big role in the game, especially the bombers.
T2 Striker Damage Resulting in a loss:
T2 Striker Caps and defs Resulting in a win:
I love T2 :3
I haven't touched any player vs player content since I've come back. I'm only playing about 50% of the game which is player vs environment & i'm having a blast with just that. All these statistics remind me of failed politics of how people would think killing members of a political party will mean the opposing party who did it gets more votes but is just the stupidest thing I have ever heard. God I love America, so civilized and not communist at all.
That phrase, "Eliminating the competition!". IT'S NOT DONE LITERALLY THERE!!
It'd be less than 50% since I'd have a 3rd content of the game on the chart but I don't really play AH. Majority of the things there that resolve F2P players to make crowns is from selling mats & majority of players do sell mats. For P2P players, they don't get any bites on their auctions almost since when we have mats at 300 crowns & 3k at most, & then featured auctions at 10million something, how in the world will people not complain about the economy. I'm not even sure hwy anyone even plays AH in this game, unless you find drops.
You won't be making too much money in this game if you're wasting CE on unbinding gear which almost majority of the player base cannot afford.
Cool thread, now I just really wish I had bothered to SS any of my highs, ah well, new motivation to better them I suppose.
Just so people here know, that picture with Chris in it was done using the curse pad trick. If you don't know what that is, it's standing on a health pad while the striker of your choice curses you and keeps damaging himself to give that striker ridiculous amounts of damage. This was before the health pads cured ailments. I personally wouldn't have included Chris's picture here because I've seen other matches where people have done the same.
I mean there is no indication of whether you were a Striker, Guardian or Recon
They're not supposed to receive any credit other than the +100 to their in-game ranking when they win. They're support characters, they should be happy knowing that they won a match rather than seek recognition. OOO gives recognition to the players that play the most and/or win the most, but not to those that make the largest impact.
edit: Tell you what, I'll remove it under the condition that from now on every picture must include the ENTIRE screen.
T2 Striker, game resulted in a loss, though i didn't really have that gr8 a team...
Tier 3 Striker, Win, captures (PRO xD)
not much experient from it... STRIKER
if not which I shouldn't cause this is unofficial and I don't have a way to get photos of my screen
Class: gardian
Teir: 3
Game score: 505 points to 450 points
Outcome: lose
Map: reactor(this might be my favorite map)
Additional notes: I used solid cobalt helm, dusker coat, and boltedband(or how ever you spell the 4* shock dealing bandish) and I promise that this is all true
I say unofficial because I don't have the rights to the game so I can't really make it official. Also, you can take a picture by just pressing PrtScn on your keyboard and pasting the image into paint. Or simply press f12 in steam client.
Heres another one:
T3 Striker, caps (16), LOSS
i dont use steam and i cant find that key is not on my laptop so :(
I know my dmg sucks but it shall suffice for now, T3 striker, win
Tier 2
Class: Striker
6 caps, 17028 damage, 3 defends.
Hail me! I am the FIRST hipster of SK!!!
Well here are my new records for tier 3
8 caps
7 defends
26921 dmg
Congrats to Zaje for his first knockout!
The competition for T3 Striker dmg has officially begun with the first knockout! From now on it gets really competitive!
Tier: T2
Class: Striker
2 caps/9 defends/17,076 damage
List in Damage and Defends.
(Note: This is NOT my own screenshot.)
Our little En-Garde. -tear-
There's great potential in this one.
"because winners get priority"
Dividing personal scores like this is pointless. A player can be very good, but have a team so bad that not even Jesus can carry. Take a look at En-Garde's stats. Perfect example. Amazing player, terrible team. You should base this off personal stats like Guyinshinyarmour already said instead of whether it was a win or loss.
lol close Tier 2 match.
This is for damage and captures as striker.
updated list, grats to Canozo
So you're punishing good players due to a team RNG system. This thread is very stupid. Also, why haven't you added En-Garde's stats? Most impressive one here by far.
T3 Striker Swordsman loss:
T3 Striker Gunner loss:
Got a new high for T3 Striker Gunner, this time a win: