T2 Striker Win
Damage + Defends
T2 Striker Win
Damage + Defends
T3 striker loss
18462 dmg
8 defends
T2 striker win
12932 dmg
T2 striker loss
7 caps
9 defends
I think that's it for now always strive to improve people :D
played as strikeer?
IGN = username
Btw, shouldn't you be grouping 3-capture games and 5-capture games differently? (Although it may seem a lot of work) In games with 5 capture points, there's a longer game time and more chances to do dmg and/or cap/def, whereas in games with 3 capture points, there are less chances and time for dmg/caps/defs.
Damage - 1,739
Captures - 7
Defends - 1
IGN = Weegeftw
Oh and again. Where all the T1 Recons at?!?! >:U
Oh and this was the closest game I've ever had, we both tied at 500 then had to fight to get the extra 5 points to win xD
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
T3 - 26.25k Damage (Outcome: Loss) [900/860] http://i.imgur.com/TiD6Y.jpg
T3 - 24.6k Damage (Outcome: Win) [505/480] http://i.imgur.com/QO07m.jpg
T3 - 7 Defends (Outcome: Win) [550/15] http://i.imgur.com/7ewB7.jpg
And on a random note: http://i.imgur.com/hSd3b.jpg
dat respawn time.
(All Striker by the way. I such at everything else, lol.)
Nope, I didn't. It randomly appeared during Lockdown. Although the Timer said 73, I was able to respawn after 10-20 seconds.
T1 Guardian
3160 damage
6 Captures
1 Defend
IGN: Mrunleash
We lost, but still...>.>
Tier: 2
Class: Striker
Cap: 3
Damage: 13,263
Defends: 1
Sorry about the "Tough that" text, i uploaded to my guild's forum, just for fun ^_^
Tier 2 (win)
15 caps
Too lazy to repost with imgur, but if it's not viewable, I'll do it.
t3 striker,
is neo even updating? =.=
This should be the top in tier 1 damage :)
T3-Striker 29k 7cap 15 defend : http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578955961182043487/BB3F33399BE8BF4465C...
Need update i'm first in defend and cap now ! But so hard to make 42k damage / :
IGN: Skybrandon
Tier2 LD record: http://i.imgur.com/R9917.jpg (19,942) (striker) #1 (TSB) May 5th
Tier2 LD Record: http://i.imgur.com/En2Yh.jpg (18,109) (striker) #2 (TSB) A While Back
Tier2 LD Record: http://i.imgur.com/1IhBP.jpg (18,078) (Striker) #3 (TSB) A While Back
Tier3 LD Record: http://i.imgur.com/x53y5.jpg (32,261) (Striker) (Low Asi BTB) May 12th
You can't call your team bad when you only lost by 1 point
T3 Striker Loss - 32927 Damage
(Also Dancinjen's 13 cap game as a pacifist recon)
T3 Guardian Win - 19710 Damage
Crap flame you beat my record by 200ish points lol.
Forgot to upload this.
T1 damage win, striker class. Damage: 5,703
http://i.imgur.com/azgDj.jpg (No hammer!)
In the same screenshot I posted, I seemed to have Bkka's score covered. He has 11 captures in T2 for a lost game result. I'm pretty sure he was a Striker for dmg points like that.
I wish I took screenshots. I recall topping 18k with guardian a few times, but I don't have any records D:
I did do a near 18k today though. 17.6k, around that. Will be uploading as soon as I go back to the computer I took the screenshot on. Free bump!
Tier 3 Defends Award
Striker, Game resulted in Loss
i heard that neo quit.
no more thread updates.
I'll update when I get back [saturday]. I got a lot ahead of me now, wow guys. Thanks for keeping up with this while I was gone for a few weeks.
If you update, you have forgot my friend Levitch. He's on my screen with 24 cap, one more than me. It's possible to add him?
I post for my bro freezingflame:)
Strike--- lose....( 4 vs 6 match competiton)
41 kdmg awesome huh:)
No effence to everyone but why do all the good players have to be all "I'm so amazing, I got 40kdmg... LMFAO!!!!". Its just with chris's pic of getting 30k he sais "LOL" and When Canazo got 30k in the pic he said "LOL" and now freezing flame got over 30k and he sais "ROFL". I mean if you did well then you don't have to start boasting because no one actually cares how much damage you got.
No one? I like look at this thread, and see good scores by good players. Maybe not cocky players but just you jealous?
Then why do people say "ZOMG THATS ALOT OF DAMAGE GG BRO GG" whenever someone hits 30k+? If no one cares, then don't you think they'd just keep silent?
They don't do that... If they were 7years old they might lolz.
Recon with no damage trinkets.
Top of the list for: Tier 3 Recon damage.
20 686 best dmg in a loss (900 - 835)
21 505 best dmg in a win (500-425)
24 cap best cap in a win (900-695)
Someone just told me they were going to update the scoring system for lockdown.
This makes nearly everything null for the current era. This is huge, like when the NBA added a shot clock. I'll update this one last time, but everything under this post won't be added, there will have to be a new thread for the post-scoring change
How does any of this change? there's no "highest score" record, and wouldn't the changes just make all the records go up? if that's the case then it shouldn't matter, all it does is (effectively) make games longer.
I don't think that is a reason to kill this thread at all, if anything the scores will go up, as Klipik said.
T2 Striker Win
12,162 damage, 6 caps, 4 defends
9 Defends Striker Win
Tier 3
Game results in a loss
No damage modules were used. nameless hat, snarbolax coat, prisma driver... and final flourish . that is all.
Caps: 11
Damage: 12,406
Defends: 9
I love this idea btw i hope it will work out! Hope to see ya later.
And im not lying. I swear upon Qaz that im not lying.