I'm a striker on all of these.
T1 Win 7.2.4K 445/425
T1 Win 5.6.2K 500/55
T1 Loss 4.0.4K 510/475
T2 Win 5.10.8K 505/355
T2 Win 4.4.12K 500/435
T2 Loss 7.7.10K 500/490
T3 Win 10.0.7K 900/715
I'll try to get some of my doing other classes.
I'm a striker on all of these.
T1 Win 7.2.4K 445/425
T1 Win 5.6.2K 500/55
T1 Loss 4.0.4K 510/475
T2 Win 5.10.8K 505/355
T2 Win 4.4.12K 500/435
T2 Loss 7.7.10K 500/490
T3 Win 10.0.7K 900/715
I'll try to get some of my doing other classes.
T3 defends resulting in a win (as a striker)
don't get your jimmies in a bunch guys
If you don't like the way the scores are organized then voice your opinion and leave, I'm not going to change it unless there is a good reason. I did remove Chris's score since someone made a valid point on the legitimacy of pre-statuspad era scores. It doesn't make his score illegitimate, but it raises questions on nearly every high score during that era.
If you actually come in here with something that will convince me, I'll consider it.
Ok, updated. If I'm missing something let me know, I'm a little disoriented after yesterday so I might be off a few stats.
Top damage striker resulting in loss 25 353 http://i.imgur.com/maXUr.png
T3 Striker Loss
12 caps
may also be highest dmg on loss not sure...
T2 Striker Win
7 defends
T2 Striker Win
These are both T2 Recon:
7,218 Damage, Loss
8 Defends, Win
Side comment: I think Treizeknight's T2 Striker damage/defends is misfiled under Win when it should be under Loss.
Thanks for putting this together!
these are all T1 striker
9 defends win http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043579146/screenshot/59584108...
4299 dmg win http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043579146/screenshot/52490695...
6 captures win http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043579146/screenshot/59584108...
Thank you all for submitting your records, I'll update this early tomorrow morning.
T1, Striker, 4107 damage.
The competition for T1 striker is getting a little heated
Again, both T2 Recon:
8,545 Damage, Loss
8,308 Damage, Win
A T3 striker caps win, not number 1 but at least I can bump Canozo off the top 10 >:3
I'm not one for bragging, but seeing next to no guardian stats makes me sad. So...
Just a fun image. :p
I doubt I'm actually any good compared to people in GvG, so come on and post, my fellow guardians. >_>
T3 Striker Win
Here's my defend record, with striker, T3:
Damage is really relative to who you're playing against, but eh whatever. In for e-peen comparison.
T3: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/596968331546974342/3C4919E43C40B7DF505...
T2: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/596968331538795791/0AC0F3152CC2938CBFA...
Here is one of my later ones. Consider the caliber of players I was against, which exceeds any team caliber in the above 30k screenshots on this thread.
T2 Striker Win 6 defends 17829 Damage
T3 Guardian WIN 8 Defends
Massive cappage
I'm not sure what's the highest striker record in Vog is but here it goes:
Match Win
Vog Set
Final Flourish
Divine Avenger
Argent Peacemaker
Two Pentas
4vs4 match
Final Score: 500 - 475
My team was one man down
I'll add these sunday morning
I have to go to a wedding soon
ING : Solimando
23 cap
Best cap for me, I was cap with my friend Levitch but i have moved one time for kill someone, so close : http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577827667793673566/743A2BF6BEEB89A2499...
Tier 3, Resulted as Victory, Striker Class, Based on Damage.
so many lead changes, wow
@Kevthebot Hot dayum, /applaud. Gotta get back in shape to try to top that now.
@Qaz, that game on video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9016yTFg3fg
I've been doing a bit better recently, this is gonna get beat SO SOON.
8 caps
3 defends
9133 damage
Its worth noting Hungran got more dmg than I, twas a fun game ^_^
T1 Striker Caps (8) http://i.imgur.com/ardQ7.jpg
@Dizzymoon: you need to list tier and class played.
Tier 2
Class: Recon
I'm pretty sure I've scored slightly higher and I certainly won't be topping any of these lists any time soon but the guard lists need to be filled out a bit so,
T3 Guard in a loss: http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg509/warlordx2x/t3giL.png
People want it. People got it. Top 10 PVP dommage from ezho All match more then 30K dmg!
ING: Solimando
9 defend-Striker-T3 : http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578954588089679921/6E1684B22CA67E84E23...
Striker -TIER 3 - Damage - 27219 - LOSS 510/225 http://i.imgur.com/kGKK6.png~~V
Striker -TIER 3 - Caps 12 - WIN - 905/870 http://i.imgur.com/peTc8.jpg
Striker -TIER 3 - Defens 8 - WIN - 500/445 http://i.imgur.com/emGkr.png
Lol ezho i have ten SS of games over 30k too, but I wouldnt bother to post them if my opponents were people no one knew.
That's what I thought when I saw the scores :P
Was alot of fun. Honestly, I wasn't going for that kind of damage.
I didnt realize I forgot to add those, either way I have a new score(s), so its not a big deal :P
t2 Striker. 7 caps, 2 defends 10,225 dmg
t2 striker, 15 caps, 0 defends, 6k dmg
^ I believe this is a new t2 cap record :D
EDIT: First image should be listed in dmg, second in captures (in case it wasnt blatantly obvious)
EDIT: Updated this with a more recent post on the next page.
I'm bad at T3, but let's get Recon/Loss/Damage started...
No heart trinkets.
No godly UVs.
No auto-aim.
Iron Sluggin' hammer shankin' goodness.
Why are there so many e-peen threads like this recently? None of the greats are going to post here because it's pretty lame to show off your own score to everyone. I also agree with the above poster in the way this is being run.