Personally, I'm getting tired of this game.
Cocosnake can do what he likes with his money, though I do think 9K is a bit much for a game like SK. It's his cash, though.
I'm just really disappointed with OOO with the lack of content. Go on, say it, "They're team is really small".
That isn't exactly a reason. They could have put some content in, and made some money.
I'm not going to quit, but I'm not going to be spending any more money and a ton more time on this game.
I mean, seriously, OOO is just putting cosmetic update after cosmetic update over and over.
AKA, money-grab, money-grab, over and over.
I do think this had a great opportunity to be a really good game, as Exiled said, but it doesn't look like it's taking that way.
I'm not mad about the UV locking, but..the last content was the DLC. And that was one set of levels, which costed money to buy.
I'm not quitting, but OOO is losing 22$ I was planning to spend on the game, and a good amount of my time.
Hell, I didn't even log in to see the cool accessories today. Oh wait, they're probably 50K.
I'm not really super hyped up about this game anymore.
Hey, it was a good thing to quit for a few weeks, even though I came crawling back.
Tsk tsk, I'll never get that 20$ I spent a few weeks back though.
Next things on Featured Auctions will probably be Groundbreaker.
Glad I didn't end up throwing 28$ (counting the activation fee with the prepaid credit cards) away, whew, that was close.
TL;DR: Content is the problem with this game. That's why my playing time is going downhill.
Yeah, sorry, but having fun in a game which has new content every two months is hard.
Edit: Just checked, monster pockets are roughly 175K. Cool.
as for the dude being rich, spend your money on jetpacks man, i mean what the hell!