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How much money did (or would) YOU put into Spiral Knights?

87 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Mczeno

Out of curiosity, although I've spent at least $600+ (and still raising) in this game, I'd love to know what you guys spent on here!

I am unable to help the economy though, as that will be You, the people of Spiral Knights responsibility as I have never used the trade system from CE>Crowns/Vice Versa.

Bild des Benutzers Pokenuevo

OMG You're a P2P noob! Why don't you fix the economy by trading your CE for crowns!? Geez, so selfish and lazy!
Done acting like an immature little kid: I've spent a decent amount, but less than half of what you've spent. I won't say my specific because I don't want people to make assumptions.

Bild des Benutzers Shidara

I've spent somewhere around 500-800+ USD on this game. How much exactly I don't remember.
If I had the resources for it, I would probably invest $6 a month for the pass, and $50 for 20K energy every two-or-three months (or longer, depending on how well off I am) and additional money for promos that interest me.

Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath

I think...
~$15 about a month and a half into my SK gaming experience, where I managed to get an Elevator Pass and a decent footing in Tier 2
~$50 during the X-mas Promo from money I got from... well... Chanukah cuz I'm Jewish :P

Bild des Benutzers Spectrumized
I'm in the 2k to 3k range. :\

I'm in the 2k to 3k range. :\

Bild des Benutzers Zolota

I spent 1.98€ for 750 CE to have Zolota being my 2nd acc eh. Gonna buy a transporter pass in the summer.

Bild des Benutzers Thefirstgamer
$0 spent, would not use any.

Because I could well invest my money into better things, and games are just not one of them.

Bild des Benutzers Tsubasa-No-Me
You said WOULD, right?

I Really like this game, and all the potential I see in it...

I would not mind dumping 1000$ to for the sole reason of FORCING the CE market to ~6000 for a while...

I'd consider it a well placed investment.

Bild des Benutzers Dukeplatypus
I probably spent around $120.

I probably spent around $120. I kinda splurged back in December, heh.

Bild des Benutzers Rious

Instead of money, I spent my time. Lots of time.



Bild des Benutzers Hexzyle
I pretend to be poor.

I pretend to be poor.

Bild des Benutzers Bert-Banana

So you're telling me you have Pierce Max, Divine Halo, Divine Valk Wings, ASI VH Final Flourish and ASI Gran Faust and you haven't spent a single penny on this game. I'm impressed but I can't seem to believe that.


I'm smart..

And all that playing 1 or 2 hours when I return from work...

Bild des Benutzers Korakc
I've spent 40-50$ I think. I

I've spent 40-50$ I think. I would spend a lot more, up to 150$ on this game in all, but first I need to make more money to spend more money.

My grandpa told me

Buy for 1 sell for 100


Why do you think my nickname is Feller?


PD... and you have no idea of my other items or the other 2 UVs in my skolver
PD... I don't have VH ASI FF


How the hell do you know about my items?!!!!

... You're a weirdo

Bild des Benutzers Fallconn

@Feller ASI high if i remember correctly. :p

Bild des Benutzers Bert-Banana

I'm pretty sure I have inspected almost 75% of the Spiral Knights population. And I'm not a "weirdo" for realizing that you have a halo hovering around your head, that's called eyesight.

Bild des Benutzers Fallconn

@Snarkey you spelled "weirdo" wrong.

Bild des Benutzers Bert-Banana

I meant it that way. *Edits post* Nothing to see here.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug
I know a guy over 100k Ce and

I know a guy over 100k Ce and he hasn't spent a dime in the game and his items are pretty snazzy as well =0 just saying its possible =0

Bild des Benutzers The-Thor
of course it is!

of course it is, Nj!!!! for the first time /agree Njthug
like, for me, I used like $20. xD
Its kinda surprising to see people spend hundreds and thousands of dollars into this game. I still remember this guy who spent like $9000 on this gamne and he said he quitted.. I mean if you spend like $20 a month, it adds up quickly. Instead of spending dollars, spend Time... actually thats not too good either. just do ****load of FSC >.<

Bild des Benutzers Jmfmagnum
i have spent....

nothing :D !!!!, because billing systems out of the usa are a massive amount of epic fail...

Bild des Benutzers Realnight
I have a mental limit to not

I have a mental limit to not spend more than I would on a console game which I'm pretty close too but am holding out for promos/dlc that really interest me.

Bild des Benutzers Jmsa

None yet :o

I'm hoping to stay F2P, hopefully I'll someday get lucky and get a good uv and sell it.

Bild des Benutzers Serell

"I have a mental limit to not spend more than I would on a console game "
I am just like that as well.
I have only spent $10 on this game for the Valkyrie promo so far, and I would have spent another $10 if the cat tails didn't so look ugly ._. (IMO of course)

Bild des Benutzers Kattamoon

none, believe or not i am free to play :P

Bild des Benutzers Metamare
Metallic Knightmare

Let's just say I've spent an arm and a leg.

Bild des Benutzers Hexzyle

The guy who spent $9k is Cocosnake. And for some reason he is back, even after his nonsensical and ego filled rage.

Bild des Benutzers Wezz
about 0, if I were about to

about 0, if I were about to buy anything, it would be crimson hammer and CE for crafting

Bild des Benutzers Pro-Armor

i spent a lot of time instead of using real money

Bild des Benutzers Skold-The-Drac

I have about 20 invested in the game... and until more content is released... 20 it shall remain.

If they manage some actual revamps for bombers I may invest more... (*COUGH*ARMOR*COUGH*) Or defense revamps (more tank-like defender armors).

Oh, and a movement speed increase/decrease revamp. I want to be able to zip around arenas. To watch someone in mercurial mail pop around like a pinball. I believe Mercurial mail/helm is the most deserving of an MSI v. high.

Merc demo can stay the same for all I care.

Bild des Benutzers Shidara
So this has been bothering me for a while...

I can't comprehend why people go out of their way to pop by and go "hey, I haven't spent a dime in this game, and I have awesome stuff, and Icame here just to tell you that!"

If you haven't spent money on the game, why even post in a topic looking for those who did? If you want to boast about your thousands of hours spent grinding the Firestorm Citadel, or economical knowlegde, good for you, but there are those without the luxury of either time nor marketing knowledge. Basically, people like me, and I don't understand why it's necessary to go about and rub it in.


Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

hey, I haven't spent a dime in this game, and I have awesome stuff, and Icame here just to tell you that!

Bild des Benutzers Skold-The-Drac


Anyway... why isn't anyone saying what they'd be willing to spend if they had the means?

Bild des Benutzers Laylla
0! Spending $ would make this

Spending $ would make this game even more boring and easier for me.

Bild des Benutzers Thorfinns

I havent spent a cent.I dont like pay real money for a game.Futhermore if i bought ce i will be bored easy..Who the meaning if u have in a second ten 5*star weapons?it ruins the gaming exp in my opinion...

Bild des Benutzers Ceduna
I only paid for the lift pass

I only paid for the lift pass and that's all. with this pass, i can gather whatever amount of cr i want and save ME for crafting. How's that sounds?

Bild des Benutzers Radarblue
50 USD's worth

And looking at the economy now, I miiiiiiiight buy more. Dammit.
My runs were able to pay for the cr to ce price while it was still under 7k, but not now. :s

Bild des Benutzers Pilotx
To make the fun last longer,

To make the fun last longer, I did not buy CE with real money until the day after I became tier 3.
That was around christmas time, I got 3 explorer packs as christmas gifts, and got a little more on my birthday.
And I spent 16$ last week so I could get a good start on gunner loadout :3

Bild des Benutzers Lubbes
Ive spent roughly what i

Ive spent roughly what i would spend on a full price pc game. i think that is fair considering how much time i invest into the game. I dont plan on getting anymore. I used to make my £ go further by buying steam games for people in exchange for ce. you get a much better rate that way (unless you get a rare item a promo). Now i am self sufficient, the tables have turned. anyone else do this?

*shameful ad*. Anyone want to buy a steam game for me in exchange for cr/ce? im paying 550ce/$ or 44kcr/$.
the game is krater 15 USD. so 8250ce. or 660kcr. IGN Lubbes :) check the bazaar for the thread.

Bild des Benutzers Jennytheturtle
wow some people have spent

wow some people have spent crazy amounts :s I've been playing since December and have spent maybe $30 AUD?

Bild des Benutzers Sgtbrown
If only I could...

If I could, I would've bought enough CE to craft all the 5* stuff I'd need.

Sadly I can't do that without the permission of my mom and she's not willing to pay any money for virtual stuff that is "worthless".

Bild des Benutzers Griseolar

Last I checked, the thread title is "How much money did you put into Spiral Knights?", and saying "I put none." is a perfectly valid answer.

So far I've bought 2 elevator passes and 4 Explorer's pack during its promo, so that would add up to about...24USD, which I already made back by trading for 2 copies of Dead Island during a Steam sale (each cost 12USD) and even still have some extra left. If I could get even a part time job here in Darwin, Australia, I'd definitely splurge on this game, seeing as how the pay per hour here is pretty decent compared to my home country.

Bild des Benutzers Shidara

I'm not so much irritated with the statement in itself as I am with players that pretend to be in a position of superiority because of that. I guess someone just popped a nerve in me... I apologize.

Bild des Benutzers Spiralviperr
1. Elevator Pass - $5.95 2.

1. Elevator Pass - $5.95
2. Operation Crimson Hammer <(^.^ <) - $5.95
3. Elevator Pass renew - $5.95
4. "Wild Side" pack - $9.95

so $28 or $27.80 to be exact.

My birthday's coming up, the that number is about to skyrocket.

Bild des Benutzers Aureate
Processing Thoughts of You Always

I think it's about £20, which is a bit too much for my bank account's liking...

Bild des Benutzers Godzy

Estimate around +$400
Includes OCH, E-Pass, Shadow Lairs, and sum several $20 to keep on crafting 5* stuffs i wanted
Stopped tho, no time to play this relaxing game anymore

Bild des Benutzers Axorpl
I only bought OCH and the

I only bought OCH and the smallest energy pack during the energy boost (not the last one).


"OMG You're a P2P noob! Why don't you fix the economy by trading your CE for crowns!? Geez, so selfish and lazy!
Done acting like an immature little kid: I've spent a decent amount, but less than half of what you've spent. I won't say my specific because I don't want people to make assumptions."
Can't believe people missed this.
1. Since when does paying money make you a noob?
2.the economy it doesn't work that way, one person cannot fix the entire economy
3.where does being lazy fit into this? (he obviously had to do something to earn that money)
4. You don't want to say exactly how much you spent so people won't make assumptions about you... Hmmm, hypocrite?

But back to the topic, I've spent around 30 $