im unhappy, im in new york city, but i cant play spiral knights. but i can help all the new knights who don't know how to do... whatever you need help with
HALP! i don't know how 2 use ...

are these valid questions? i think not.

Nice going getting your forum picture, by the way.
Your thread is non sequitur, since the title and subject don't match.
What you actually wrote in your first post is also unprepossessing.
Maybe change it to 'Advice for Newbies' and revamp your spelling and grammar a little.

u kno, ur not a noob, so u shud get da hell out of here

u kno, ur not a noob, so u shud get da hell out of here

Man, trolls are just getting worse and worse theses days.

You make a thread.. but you doesn't know to make a thread. Not respecting each other are bad behavior. From your act, I know that you are immature kid. That's why your reply would be like that. (and make 2 post at once). You should know that we are not noob because we are experience at this forum. Based on Aureate and Luguiru replies, I'm sure they want to help you or advice you. But you doesn't know how to thanks someone who have help you. So I hope you will change your behavior.

Actually, it is possible to double-post at once by accident.
I suspect it's an internet glitch or something like that...
But the thread is not particularly prepossessing as to what answers a newbie would get to their questions.
I would, however, be perfectly happy to help anyone out if they need answers.

I'm confused.
Can't play SK.
But will help others?

Now, how anyone will understand a cat with a grammar impediment, I don't know.

The thread title is wrong. The current one implies that you need help with something, not that you want to help other people with their problems. Change it and you might start getting the kind of questions you want.

Let me try!
. . . punctuation?
. . . common sense?
. . . politeness?
. . . your keyboard?
Am I close?
Did someone ask how to use equipment?
Or how to make money when you have no energy? With energy?
How to get an avatar pic-true?
How about an index of stuff?
A little chimp hugging a bird?