Last updated: 6/12/12
I've seen a lot of questions on the forums lately that revolve around real-life money -- when people need to purchase CE to be competitive, how can one get to 5* without taking months, etc. I'm here to tell you the obvious. SK is a free MMORPG, and you can access *almost* all the content without spending money [the exception, of course, being OCH, or Operation Crinsom Hammer. More on that later.] With diligence, patience, and a bit of skill, anyone can easily 5* in 1-2 months of CASUAL [keyword: casual] play, and without spending money on CE. My hope is to help guide players towards that direction with this guide, to help maximize the SK experience. The answers to the major questions: What weapon is the best? What's the best loadout for FSC/RJP/IMF/general clockworks? How do I make the most money? are all in here.
Joining me in this are Daiquiri, GM of Aurora, Fradow, fellow officer, and Spiral-Hipster, renown Lockdown player and general hipster. This guide will take you right around 30-45 minutes to read, depending on your reading speed. I've heard it before -- this is the great wall of China version of a "wall of text." Sure, you can skim it. But I'm not interested in wasting your time or my time by writing meaningless things, so keep in mind that everything in here is here for a reason. Additionally, the linked pages are really going to help you. Yes, it's more reading. Yes, it's more walls of text. But it'll REALLY help -- you'll have to take my word for it now, but you'll see.
The premise of this guide is to reach the endgame dungeon and best source of crowns, FSC, in the quickest manner possible. From there, you can easily build any item in the game, accessorize and build costumes with ease, and mass weapons and sets. Following this guide, you should get there in a month and a half -- all without spending a single cent.
Table of Contents:
1) What you'll need.
2) Understanding F2P vs. P2P
3) Starting Out
4) Finding your Focus
5) Tier 1
6) Pre-Tier 2
7) Tier 2
8) Tier 3
9) Appendix I: Maximizing Mist
10) Appendix II: Money without Energy
11) Closing Thoughts and other good links
12) FAQs
13) Revision History
It's natural to have questions as you progress through this guide. If I specifically say that I'll address it later, chances are it's a bit further down in the reading. Otherwise, feel free to ask the wiki, the new recruits forum [or the arsenal, if it's about gears], post a comment on this guide, check the FAQ, or even ask me in game! I suggest you send your question in the description of a friend request, as those are free, while standard ingame mail costs 25 crowns :). My IGN is Subtleti.
Additionally, if you have anything to contribute to this guide, please comment below! We don't claim to be the most knowledgeable knights in SK, and this is, without doubt, a community effort. The more, the merrier! :]
There's only a few things this guide requires:
In all honesty, these things are qualities reminiscent of any good SK player. It's nothing new, and it's probably nothing you don't already know. Still, common sense sometimes evades the best of us, and this is my means of preventing that.