i jsut think pets should be i nthe game to make it more attractive and fun do you know what i mean and i love pets they coud alos offer help and aid in combat and have evoltions. also their own equipment and stuff that can be give nto the owner at a specific time. and dont forget the food that can boost stuff well jsut take this into consideration and see if you can help me please.

why you always say pokemon to pets? -.- lots of mmo/mmorpgs have pets like eden eternal or wow (there are so many more)(and no i hate wow but this is just 1 example)
so tell me 2 reasons why we get no pets?
-no money problems thats not a reason
-they do no dmg just follow you and its not a advantage to have a pet
-they don't give buffs so you don't must buy one
you don't want a pet? so don't buy it but very much persons want pets

/e detects the subtle fragrance of troll.
I have run out of fingers with which to type a properly phrased argument. Congratulations. You get this instead.
P.S. I tried to find a MLP version just to be ironic, but apparently the memebase is lacking in that regard. I was going to create one myself, except then I realised I didn't actually care enough to include it in this post.
@thespychecker: Because it would be a waste of time in comparison to useful content that the devs could be releasing.
Because permanent pet ideas are often poorly thought through.
Because animated pets that move separately would be lag-inducing in players who already have trouble as it is.
You want more details? One of exactly two well-thought-out threads is here. If you want a game in which you can play with pets, go to Neopets or download VBA and the Pokemon Emerald rom from somewhere. It is that simple. You do not need to introduce an entirely new battle concept just for the sake of 2% of the population. Also, you've looked at all the other threads of the people who do not want permanent combat pets. In those recent threads, how many actually gave a positive response? Do the maths for once.
Edit: I did 5 minute's worth of digging. I count at least 44 separate people with objections on the threads I found, not including myself.

I like how this one is in general discussions. Troll power to maximum, regardles of whether that was the intention.

Only if I get a baby red panda will I accept you wanting pets. Until I see that baby red panda in my house you no get pets. >:(

There's something like pets, Nona, her next visit to haven is this summer. but just like pets that stay alongside forever?...no. h#!! no

"If it exists, there is a pony of it".

Oh. Pony rules.
/not a brony
But I don't see the pony here... ?

I'm not a brony either. The pony was the image I linked to. (in reference to Aureate not being able to find a pony version of the picture he linked to).

I was about to post a thread up here and I see: "PETS" and I think "Oh, hell no"
Graveyard this, PLEASE.
It should have been Graveyarded after the first post.
Ahem, now onto my thread...

Oh, derp, I see.
OP won't graveyard it so we have to wait for Eury to come and save the day.
im quiting this stupid spiral knights i dont even know if they are robots or aliens . and why dont you guys have multiples classes or something like assassin and warrior and mage so we can have a class that summons pets to deal damage pweez and I HATE THIS GAME SOO STUPID LOADING LONG GRAPHICS UGLY JUST DUMB
threads are made to help to improve the game u as.es dumbys if u dont agree thne why do u have to act liek that maybe we should ALL QUIT AND LEAVE U TO DECIDE ON URSELF WHAT U WANT what about the players arent they the ones who are playing it they msut know waht they want to experience in a game and u msut know that u could jsut have pets that supply u with items daily or something they jsut for comfort and we should have houses or something cuase we cant wander all day
instead of the stupid pets idea how about mounts that increase speed and can evolve isnt that better :)

unno guys, if we had MAGS from PSO/2 floating around our characters that do absolutely nothing like an accessory that would be pretty cool.

have you tried to just Run to the exit instead fighting everything and just killing when its needed (like trap rooms) would take you more than 1 or 2 minutes to clear a floor in spiral knights. with a mount would be the same thing or even less and the only thing that made last longer spiral knights if it you explore every room in the floor.
Classes in this game are not viable would make Spiral Knights another MMORPG like all others, spiral knight its simple, like old school games, have bomb, sword and gun and set made for those players who want to play bomber, swordie or gunner there your class. and the most awesome thing: you dont need to raise stats or attributes to be efficient. just you need to wear the right mix of gear and weapons.
neither summonable pets. people dont like pets because everyone who has posted about pets always want battle or pets that buff you which people dont like, because whats the point to be a knight if we going to let our pets kill everything? we should be called Spiral trainers then, most of the things use a mecha bot kit, look their AI they just very simple, an AI pet would be the same or worse, what if youre planning to do a strategic attack but then the pet of someone kill an enemy that wasnt intended to kill because they have to get rid first of the trojan before the next wave can appear? Thats in my point of view which isnt good.
pets have been suggested a lot of times and never get very well received your thread dont have anything different from them.
Now about the mounts, i dont think will be a good idea, because levels arent that long enought to have a mount and use it to travel on them. the only thing that made every floor last longer its if someone explore them and battle everything there, otherwise the level just would last 1 or 2 mins. just check it by yourself.
Oh and if you dont like people post then dont insult them that not going to get you to anywhere. and this thread belongs to suggestions.

Why do I even dignify you with an answer eren... this isn't WoW or NWN, it's SK
here's a link to some games like the ones you wanna play, http://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&... that are described as you just said, it's actually really fun, and the community is great.

You really aren't too bright are you? I give you honest advice to search before you post ideas. Yet again, you insist on just spewing junk that has been discussed before. What's next? "hey gais, lets maek giuldhallz beter!"
For your royal laziness, here are the links to a simple search of the two dead ideas you posted:
By the way, we do not make posts as we have because we are jerks. We post as such because you are two lazy to even think before posting on these forums. If you'd search before making threads, you'd quickly find out which of your "ideas" have been posted before, and the reasons people like/dislike them. From that you can then improve on previously posted ideas now that you know the background information relating to it and prevent yourself from looking like you do now: A lazy, selfish person who can't even type a coherent sentence.

Meanwhile, in the past somewhere.
Thread topic: "Blah blah pets blah blah Pokemon blah blah."
Luguiru: "Does that mean my T1 Red Rover can evolve to T2 if I beat the Snarbolax gym and get my Frumious badge? Then I can beat my rival and his Lumber."
Everyone else: "Shut up."
Returning to the present.
Check out this thread, then this, then these things too.

OOO, why did you move this to suggestions instead of the graveyard? You KNEW it was going to get flamed.... and for good reasons.. gosh ._.

Maybe OOO is having some fun. Give them a break.
I've been around since early April of 2011, and this idea has been bouncing around ever since. Maybe we should just implement pets o_o just to stop these threads. I'd bid on a snipe pet.

Classes with evolving?
Oh, and send me a postcard from Banland :)

Doctor Spacebar and Hipster Tsubasa want to fight!
Doctor Spacebar sent out Oiler!
Hipster Tsubasa sent out Pepperkat!
Go, Layoafer and Voltail!
Layoafer used Focus Blast!
It's super-effective!
Oiler hung on using its Focus Sash!
Pepperkat used Heat Wave!
It's super effective on Layoafer!
Oiler's Flash Fire raises its Attack!
Oiler used Pin Missile!
It's super effective on Layoafer!
Layoafer fainted!
Voltail used Crunch!
It's super effective!
Pepperkat fainted!
Your turn, Blight Knight!
Oiler used Flame Charge!
Blight Knight's Occa Berry reduced Flame Charge's effect! (But it's a robot... how does it eat...)
It's super effective!
Blight Knight used Close Combat!
It's super effective!
Oiler fainted!
Doctor Spacebar and Hipster Tsubasa were defeated!
Spacebar: "Well, there goes the profit from that Vana run..."
Tsubasa: "Not bad... for a Skolver."
Trainer gained 8000 Crowns for winning!
I'm at least 60% sure that nobody above the age of TEN says 'dumbys'. You've more or less proven that you're below the age restriction.
Remind me why you would then 'improve' a game that is so far from hope.
"threads are made to help to improve the game u as.es dumbys if u dont agree thne why do u have to act liek that maybe we should ALL QUIT AND LEAVE U TO DECIDE ON URSELF WHAT U WANT what about the players arent they the ones who are playing it they msut know waht they want to experience in a game and u msut know that u could jsut have pets that supply u with items daily or something they jsut for comfort and we should have houses or something cuase we cant wander all day"
Indeed. IMPROVE the game, not add something at least 70% of players DESPISE, which are pets OTHER than cosmetic ones.
Maybe learn to have logic before deciding that everyone else's is flawed. You can barely form a sentence straight.
You will never be taken seriously again from the look of your posts.

...this thread looks more and more like 'turn sk into wow pl0z' when I look at it again.
@Flowchart:Ah, thanks for the link. I'm keeping that one for future notice. :B
@Etendue: Would a Sniped Stranger Hat count as having a snipe pet?

Just few weeks more and summer vacations will end, all kidz will go back to school n homework and at least some of those supid threads like this by op will appear less often

Had a little temper tantrum did we? Anyway pets have been suggested many, many times. They have also been rejected many, many times... You say your trying to make the game better? Your making it worse with overused bad ideas.

the loser had just rage-quitted, no matter what you said he won't know anyway lol

i love pets!!! i really do!! they are fluffy and cute.. xD
very excited..

Maybe the pets can have classes like Mage, Warrior, Necromancer etc.

We already have pocket monsters on a pouch, and it's accessories.
That not enough for ye? Please wait next year. Thank ye for yer concern.
Also, remember that this game is mechanical and technology, there is no such thing 'magic' we can be using, unless ye're talking about the Almirian's Firestorm Citadel... scrap that.
Now, let's murder this thread and become murders of the forums, and bury the thread alive, laughing.

I have the feeling this was moved to Suggestions instead of Graveyard either so OOO doesn't take sides and stays professional, or... they enjoy the show.

Sonic ...
Honk it Tohru now I'm in the mood for some Sonic games.

Honk it Calvin, I'm now in the mood to watch hacks of KH games and watch Fan game engines.
Use the search bar. This idea has been beaten to death, resurrected and crucified multiple times. I will not support your laziness by stating all the reasons why pets (especially combat pets) are a failure of an idea.
Again, stop being lazy and search before you post junk that has been suggested before.
Oh and this belongs in the Suggestions forums.