any tips bout the game
im new
@Virtuewis: Thank you, that sounds almost like something I would've said in my earlier, less-irritated, more frequent and more-helpful days on the forums. Thank you for doing that; I appreciate it if no-one else does.
How to beg guide.
1. Pretend that you know NOTHING. I mean it. NOTHING. Like a little toddler.
2. Do not troll people for money. Instead, be cheerful and nice, likeable.
3. Do not say directly that you want money. You want to be shunned? Well, that will happen if you do that.
4. Do not beg in proto gear. Instead, have at least a cyclops hat and a few crummy weapons on. Begging in proto gear is suspicious.
5. Talk to someone in kewl gear. Ask them for help of a noobish thing. "Please help me, what are misssions? What is lockdown? How do I join a guild? Ask them stupid questions that assures the people that you ARE a noob and you do need help! Good luck!
Do missions! They give you so much free stuff.
GO TO SPIRAL KNIGHTS WIKI. It helps you choose which weapons you want, questions you need answered. It is ALL THERE.
Finally, meet me ingame, I can make you a chroma suit and mask if you wait for a few days :D
P.S. That beg guide was a joke, but I heard that guide from a beggar when I asked him how he lives with himself XD
1. Do not talk about the Fight Club.
2. Accept free samples from Devilites whenever possible.
3. Keep close range to Greavers. They love you.
4. Hug a Trojan. They are dead souls that need love. If you're mad, just bash their shields.
5. Kill Mewcats.
6. Stay clear of Asulakan's (un)official power and follow his commandments.
7. Never kill the medic. That means not hurting Menders or Silkwings. Ever.
8. Follow the Boss's orders.
9. Whenever you have the chance, run into traps and spikes. People have a tendency to ignore the things that need love.
10. No begging.
The best tip about this game is ...... play and experience.
BTW the wiki ( is at the menu of the website (in case you haven't notice...). That is probably the best info source you can get for SK.
lol, was my post deleted or did he just make a new thread?
i recommended going through missions slowly, about 1 a day, the rest being just clockwork runs. this will help you mass money for the slow parts (aka getting into tier 3) wile still having fun. i also recommend focusing on one set to start with, but as you go on get more weapons as necessary. starting with the cobalt stuff is a good idea as you get your recipes free, though i would recommend getting other stuff as they are more specialized. though it is all up to you! (sorry if i didn't make sense.)
Yeppers, +1@Virtuewis' advice. With Undercorper's list of advice, do not blindly follow that set of rules, it's a trap! Simply do the opposite of everything on the list, with the exception of 1., 2., 3., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9. and 10. Tips? Shield FTW
Hello and welcome to Spiral Knights! The first thing you need to do is play the game.
Hello and welcome to a really awesome game!
As you have already found out, the forums can be a daunting place to get information. Here are a couple tips though:
1. Lurk on the forums before posting. Look at all the different subforums (like "new recruits"). Use the search function to look up specific topics that interest you.
2. Use the wiki. There is tons of awesome information and great pictures! Check out all the weapons and armor. Pretty much every question that has an empirical answer can be taken care of there.
3. Be nice to everyone and try to make friends in game. DO NOT BEG! EVAR!
4. Get ready to be addicted to a totally righteous, awesome game!
Don't get discouraged by the trolls. Some people really just have no lives. That said, some of the more rude people here are only that way because they are sick of answering the same questions over and over again, and their information can truly be invaluable, so do listen up!