Unfixable bugs are a myth; the only kind of bugs developpers can't fix ever is the bugs triggered by the language they use itself. And Java is frequently updated so I don't see any issues with that. Example given: Stun effects work perfectly fine when dealt on knights, but do they work on mobs? Are you a developper? I am, so yah, I can assume things.
000 stop milking cash

like i said hurp durp all you want
doesnt make you even a tiny bit more credible
especially when you assume that someone claims that its an unfixable bug lul
but hey i bet you know the source code of this game since you saw it in the magic ball so yeah
i know you know better than OOO developers while you being a developper but sure
lemme quote nick
"We are aware of this issue and are working to fix it, but it's a tricky one. Thank you for your patience."
are you going to argue with Nick? if he says its tricky to fix it means its not something as simple as say retexturing but something more intricate
but yeah not expecting that someone as ignorant as you would ever consider this a honest posibility

Anything will eventually piss you off or let you down. There is nothing to see here. Scatter.

are you going to argue with Nick?
I will if he won't.
Arguing seems to be the best way to resolve issues around these parts.
I'm not arguing with Nick I'm arguing with you. If you're that gullible to believe every word of that you clearly are the perfect customer (i.e. the perfect milk cow). Honesty works if you delay things a couple month or so, but a year is quite big. Question: how long has the Divine Avenger charge attack bug been known for? (the one triggered when charging near a wall or block). Could you believe a "tricky" bug would be postponed for that long? No, it's just been completely left out, like countless other bugs.

i dont think your buttspurting counts as arguing because you are all LOL OLD BUG IM DEVELOPPER
and the divine avenger isnt even a bug
its a balance thing
doesnt take einstein to understand that its there so you can stand in a corner and spam the charge in arenas infinitely
"i dont understand why is this here so gotta call it a bug yep im a developper so its a-ok"

"and the divine avenger isnt even a bug"
"and the divine avenger isnt even a bug" This is not just divine avenger bug...
You are, Prevailer, the one who just repeats what someone said, without thinking about it?
That bug affects:
Divine Avenger,
Gran Faust,
FSC water drops,
and more weapons
You're the only player here who labels the DA Charge attack as a balance thing..Combuster deals about the same damage and I can spam in a corner all the way I want -> your argument is invalid.
You fail to explain anyhow why Stun still doesn't work properly. I don't even mention the memory leaks of the game (going from 200mo to 1go RAM consumed in an hour is perfectly normal right?).
I'll tell you a small secret about the latest costume pack that was released:
-Take wolver items design file, change color, save as hunter wolver -> 5 minutes;
-Take any costume class file, copy/paste, rename as hunter , change whichever attribute specifies the path of the design file, eventually change attributes that define what accessories can be attached to it -> 3 minutes.
-Repeat with accessories.
-Copy Nemesis prize box class, rename as hunter prize box, re-define which items it gives and the rates -> 15 minutes.
Originality : 0%; Difficulty : 0%; Profit : 100%.
Meanwhile players are already complaining about the new crystal bomb line and its bugs. Instead of a quick fix, we get a new stupid costume pack. Care to explain? I can clearly one profits OOO, while the other profits nothing; plus it "satisfies" end-game players who have nothing left to do but collect more and more accessories.

"You are, Prevailer, the one who just repeats what someone said, without thinking about it?"
and you are that guy that spent the last year crying in every thread and making mason-level conspiracies about ooo? okay
the answer is simple
you are ignorant
ram is cheap and an aggresive garbage collector causes the game to run like poop on not so new systems
if you are a developper you should know that memleaks are javas trademark
the new bomb is fine kids were abusing it too much for single targets
now its actually an aoe tool that does aoe damage and doesnt allow you to abuse it on single targets
want single target? pick a gun or a sword
and lol @ complaining about stuff that is added for free to ce purchases
obviously danger missions dont count for content
and neither will do anything that will lower your monstrous hunger for new stuff
the answer is simple
you are ignorant"
That's your simple answer up on your white cloud in your blue sky. Share it with your utopist friends all the way you want. If you didn't get this beautiful metaphor, here's the dumb version: you're as far from reality as sky is far from earth. I've had my points, I'm not gonna argue over a "you are ignorant" if that's all you have to provide as argument. I HATE playing the forum game which consists in that kind of argue so bring me something concrete; meanwhile I'll just consider I've been right and you've been wrong, all along.

I don't know what happened, but after shadow lairs came out, this game just started to feel like it's not as fun anymore.
Mission system (I haven't been to the arcade in months, and I'm not going to pay 500cr to play low-output tier 3 levels thanks), paid DLC, lackluster promos, lackluster patches.
There HAS been "new stuff," just not enough to appeal to me as an older player. I don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it exactly, but I feel like the game has been "going downhill" of sorts in the last 8 months.
I feel like OP's post rings true for me as well. Reskinned armor promos are fine, I can just ignore them. I just feel like I've been waiting for sweeping changes to the game for too long though. Like he was saying... when is the core going to open? I'm starting to think that this game will never truly be "finished" before it dies. Unrealized potential, that's what I'll probably remember SK by.
Maybe OOO is slowly winding up this game and trying to squeeze every last bit of cash out of this dying project? Maybe they are moving developers' time to new game projects? I don't even know if this game is profitable for them anymore. Maybe OCH's possible lackluster sales were the last nail in the coffin?

... is that they cram so many unrelated items into them such as heat amplifiers and UV tickets, and so on, so forth, that hog valuable drop rates. Remember back when they held the Rose Regalia promos? Those days when the only items you could get were truly new items, and no unnecessery items were hogging their drop rates? Yes...
These days, they cram UV tickets in, that hog up precious drop rate so that you waste a box worth 200,000 crowns or more for a single UV ticket and some confetti. I would be much more pleased if the new items were guaranteed in each and every box, so that you will always unbox one of the new items, and the miscellaneous stuff can come on the side as a lucky bonus.
Personally, I would love to grab a few boxes and shoot for the hunter cloak set (because I'm a big fan of the cloaks) but I am reluctant on spending my money because I know there is a risk that I'll get nothing but UV-tickets and some confetti, neither of which are new or exclusive to this promo. I want to feel reassured that I'll unbox a new item when I am spending real money on it, so that if I don't get exactly what I want, I might be able to trade it in exchange for what I do want later.
This is why the Rose Regalia promos were so great, because you could trade the pieces off to something else, maybe add a little of that promo energy if the market value is a little higher on what you want, but this was fine because you got your money's worth and not a worthless UV ticket for the price of a good meal.

"and you are that guy that spent the last year crying in every thread and making mason-level conspiracies about ooo? okay"
Oh such a quick change of topic? What happened to "oh mah gawd DA is not even a bugzzz"

@Meida -- Most games the issue is there never enough content people always complain about content. To post a topic like this telling Three Rings hey we need more content stop making promo's its evil is child-like in my view. The past month we received three new spanking danger missions. You wanted some new monsters well you have them. You wanted to be challenged try doing all those danger missions without having certain gear you normally use to play it on easy mode. Do Loa with shadow weapons if you want it to become harder. End of the day good players like yourself and myself will be walking through danger missions like cake, but go with a team of 3 average players and well you will understand the danger. Players are always quitting and joining this game sadly that how computer games work. I seen well over 50+ of my close friends back in even Beta who quit this game its life you get use 2 it. Other players (Core members in Eos) majority have been playing this game upon years we yet to quit. Its simple concept to maintain a business like approach and having a roof over your head a promo is needed. Trust me if you want to call Three Rings greedy you haven't seen greed at all.
Ideas that I think will make Three Rings Greedy:
Create Promos monthly with a 19.95 purchase you will receive some ultra-rare weapon (Bomb, sword etc.) which comes pre-bind and absurdly good.
Hey throw in some outfits as well.....eh we might as well have them throw-in some uv'ed items in the mix.
_____ like that I would support you guys and say they changed their business motto, but a simple promo which doesn't forcefully make you buy-in since well looks are looks.
We received new weapons, new bosses, and new monsters. As far as people wanting new accessories etc. No thread is needed I am sure Three Rings can look into players spending to really grasp if people are liking new accessories from the looks of it everyone is buying in.
The public image on the forums for this game was only good in beta. The way this game works is simple people moan yet they still keep playing. People say they quit yet they still keep posting and playing. Reason behind it is simple end of the day you got yourself a product which is pretty addicting. Don't take my word for it look at half the kids in this game they say they quit or moan about this game every single update, but they keep on playing.
@Asukalan ---- Aww baby your the best I will bake you some cookies n mix in some of my special sexy sauce in the batter <69 just for you.
@Metagenic --- I made more cash off simple promo's than those uv'ed tickets. Hate all you want end of the day I got tickets <69.
@Holla --- Your a great dude, but sadly you and I both feel differently about the game time-to-time. Not hating just our pov's.
Anyways like I said before its wrong for Three Rings to have a roof over their head.
@Nick + Three Rings Team ---- You guys are not allowed to have a roof over your head or food on the table....also you have to work naked since clothes aren't free. Don't you know everyone in life works for free!!

Bark, bark, bark said the loyal dog of OOO

I remember the first regalia promo, where the costume was actual a new and unique graphic. Now they just reskin cobalt armor and wrap ugly items in plastic green garbage bags and sell them as something new. I think they really just don't feel like developing the game anymore. Greed is only the absurd amount of CE sinks vs crown sinks, this is just laziness. Looks to me as though they've started to quit.

"Example given: Stun effects work perfectly fine when dealt on knights, but do they work on mobs? Are you a developper? I am, so yah, I can assume things."
Haha, actually it doesn't work perfectly for knights.
You can do invisible hits if you time a slow-animation attack to end while you're stunned. Try it with a troika line sword in LD some time - get stunned then use the charge- You'll slowly charge up, but as soon as stun ends, you'll see an explosion and start walking through it with no delay.
Sure, some bugs aren't immediately fixed because they're tough. But others aren't fixed because they're low priority (not game-breaking or uncommon). As someone said earlier, a lot of the bugfixes happen right after (and concerning) new patches. Bug fixing is usually a higher priority for those because when new features are introduced, they have to be more careful about accidentally breaking other existing features.
Stun was probably one of those lower priority things, but I feel like with it being one of the features of a newer bomb, it's going to be up a little higher.

I love you so much your so cute when you play rough with me <69 aww darling your the best.

Njthug be black and got swag yo. He's playing like a bad boy, cause conservatives are shown to be bad boys on the screen, are we right?

@NJ 19,95 pack with costumes? You mean like the guardian armor pack?

Well, for one thing, I'm not sure why they didn't make it CE accessible in the first place. Actually, at first Nick said you would have to pay CE to unlock it, and then you could keep if forever. Then a bit later he changed it. (It was always P2P, but I guess Nick had it wrong) What I'm curious about is why didn't they just make it CE to start with? Maybe a one time use key? Maybe something that comes from lockboxes? Whatever they do, they are sort of in a bad spot.
You see, they aren't going to just make it so you can buy it with CE. If they did that, then the paying players would be ripped off. Once it was like "This is something you can only get if you pay!" and then "You can get this either if you pay or if you get the CE". I would feel ripped cause I just plain ol' wanted to play the OCH, and would have payed CE to get in the first place. Unless I get something in the way of a unique prize or something, I won't be very happy.
Back on the rest of the thread, maybe they have slowed down because so many more people are on? Maybe they have much more maintenance to do? So many more bugs are found, and I think they prioritize bugs over other things. I think they would have fixed stun by now if they knew what was wrong. And then while Boswick has made all of the things for their new content, she has nothing to do right? As an artist, you want to keep making stuff, right? What else do you expect to do besides make costumes? (No, not real armor. That would require a coder and a bunch of balancing.)

@Meida --- that was costume you don't need the costume to survive.
@Shidara --- I would agree with you on that...personally, Three Rings + Sega have not gone down this road, but many games I have seen just their system of money making have. Many developers feel in a pvp style game more-so or a game in where your gear does play a huge part that is a great money making tool. Looking, at what this game has done in sort of money generating promo's its all mainly been items you don't need. The OCH, was the only real "promo/expansion" in which you needed to buy to get the Bomb + Hammer (give the masks are obtainable). I personally, am upset that you still can not gift it without steam since I have a few friends I do wish to gift it, but sadly they do not use steam, so I can't gift it via my main account.
@Autofire --- Not sure if they really slowed down. I mean this is what I'm guessing (I don't know if this is true its just my view-point) They been working on these bombs, 3 danger missions as well what we saw. The guild-updates, is the most desired update in this game, and I'm guessing they been working on that on the side as well along with other projects. I am guessing now they get more time to focus on the guild updates and much more. Your viewpoint is pretty much correct as mine...I do agree with that stun bug fix. Also Boswick = He or a Bush.
Oh, I'm guessing they didn't make the OCH ce buyable in the sense you get x # of ce you can buy it via the game vendor is most likely they wanted to follow the strategy of most online and regular games "expansion items" are usually some small cash cost.
What I was surprised with if you look at the danger missions....they could of easily made those into Expansions and added a few new items I'm sure it wouldn't of taken them that long since considering they have the tier 2 and 3 maps done...Tier 1 would of been cake-walk to create. (Kinda-if you think of it...those danger missions are pretty nice free content).

"Bark, bark, bark said the loyal dog of OOO"
Mew, mew, mew said the forum police.

One thing worth noting about OCH is that if they had made it CE purchasable then the price of CE would probably be much higher than it is today.

That's cool man. To be honest tho your opinion is starting to lose validity because your stance is always the same. I remember back in the days we would have long talks about what we would want to see as the game progressed. I mean you look me in the eye and tell me that 000 worked their butt off to make this promo. This took zero work someone spent 5-10 minutes on making this. There isn't even any effort anymore. That why I made this thread. This was nothing more then a cash grab. The other promo's at least were something new and fresh unlike this one. Let's not forget nemesis boxes which basically took items that already existed and put them into a box. How hard was that to do? What's next? 000 is more then welcome to put food on their table but at least work for it. It's pretty easy to read between the lines and see 000 is perfectly happy with taking something already made labeling it PROMO. Effort just ain't there anymore and I as well as anyone else can see it. If there is no effort from 000 why should I give them my hard earn money that I actually worked hard to earn? ((Yes i know 000 isn't forcing me to buy it)). It's like when a coach knows his players are slacking off. He tells them to get off their butt and give some effort. Consider me the coach in this thread.

The minute a new use for CE came out, people demanded a promo. And now they feel snubbed because the result felt rushed.
The real problem is too many promos, with too little time in between. When it comes to moderating CE prices, promos are just a band-aid- a long term fix is needed.

...they have said that soon we will have that for it. It is in a post a couple of months ago by Nick, promised to come with the 2nd chapter of Crimson Order, which is coming soon.

"Are you a developper? I am, so yah, I can assume things."
You may be a developer (one "P" by the way...) but you are not a developer of SK and you do not have the source code for SK. So you can make all the assumptions you like but it means nothing as you don't know any of the coding for SK aside from it being in Java.
Also... it doesn't work that well on knights either. Try doing a sword/gun charge attack while stunned.
"You may be a developer (one "P" by the way...) but you are not a developer of SK and you do not have the source code for SK. So you can make all the assumptions you like but it means nothing as you don't know any of the coding for SK aside from it being in Java. "
I'm sorry Gwen, how can you judge that? Programming is an universal science, not just OOO's; I'm all able to judge them and so is anyone who've studied thoroughly coding. You're disappointing.

This promo like I already stated when it came out to my guild members it sucks if your personal color is not yellow, green, and moonsoon color. As far as the nemesis promo they did re-do items which are available in game and older promo items, but lets be honest look me in the eye and tell me that you don't think its nice for players who didn't have those volcanic halo's flame aura's etc. to finally receive them via promo or from someone else for a nice price.
(Oh you might argue that the price ruined the market in the sense how much players paid for it on featured auctions, but depreciation is a given with any item in this game. Every item in this game value went down at some point many feel Sprinkle Aura went up in all honesty if you look for it you can find it under 25k ce sometimes even cheaper).
I do wish three rings would make their promo's a bit better, but end of the day we don't need to buy into them. This promo isn't the best one out of all of them, but personally I like them better than the cat tails. Well anyways I don't blame Three Rings so much since I do feel its more Sega pressing them to do more n more promo's what many of us forget is that Sega now owns Three Rings, and if you know anything about the corporate atmosphere especially in gaming profits are a major role, and the way to produce profits is by promotional events, so some promo's may seem rush since in-reality they are.
As far as this game improvements I always wish we have more content I honestly wish Nick n the team can just be robots and focus on building new maps for us n so much more, but reality is they aren't so they work like regular humans end of the day like I said previously on your other topic. You can feel free to complain, but there a right way to go about it and a wrong way (In my personal view).
Personally, I buy into any promo especially when I am low on Ce. I tend to only buy Ce when a promo is out since I get more bang-for-my-buck.
Just to add, due to my personal color I honestly put a bit into this promo along with a few others I know....I do know my guild in total opened over 150 of these boxes. The promo does suck if your not the right color though that Aura is pretty good.
Holla your opinion on this game lost all its validity in my view when you said your going to quit this game, made it all official....then you come back a month later more active which is great, but yet you keep complaining about issues that were getting you upset back in the day as well.

I didn't think it was possible for NJ to run low on CE.
I'm scared now.

God I love seeing you post on the forums it kinda feels like beta, but with rage. Yes, sadly at times I get very low on ce since I refuse to transfer my crowns to Ce (don't you just love my OCD).

As long as he keeps baking cakes for OOO that might just be true.

For god sakes forget these crappy promo's and focus on making the game better.
You know you're totally the first person to suggest this; No, people haven't been saying this every freaking week since July of last year, or even further back than that. Thanks for keeping the discussion here fresh and original, and giving the staff new ideas that they could maybe implement in the future. Godspeed, you crazy moron.

Seriously, it's a good thing that I've already gotten most of my frustration on similar topics like people who think "taxes should go to solving real problems instead of to NASA" lately or I'd actually feel inclined to argue in the promo vs game design debacle.
On another note, could we please stop attacking other people in this (and other) threads? It serves no purpose. Not only is it not constructive, it is, in fact, destructive. All you accomplish is showing to everyone what a bitter and ill person you are inside. Plus, I think it may be against the forum rules.

I didn't know there was a right way to complain? Is it possible for a complaint to be good? How would I go about that. Dear 000 I'm dissatisfied with everything going on. Please make something happen. Is that how you do it? My opinion at least changes I can praise 000 and I can also tear them down. I can also complain why also saying good things about them. Your like a hangover movie you already know the plot. That why I said what I said. Me quitting for three months didn't mean crap and me possibly quitting doesn't mean crap either. Stop bringing that up. The end of the day Still played for over a year. Still ran and played everything the game has to offer. I still post on the forums because I still care. I still trade and buy things. I still run a guild. I still help anyone who needs anything. I still give advice. I still complain about the same issues because nothing has yet to be done with them lol. I will agree tho that I do more arguing then Supporting but I can still play two sides. To be honest I don't blame Sega like I should because I'm sure they have a role in this as well.
Nice of you to take one line out of the whole thread and make a baseless opinion. You really added a whole lot to this discussion as well.

Well, you know what they say. "Garbage in, garbage out", right?
If you'd like something insightful, you should probably start with something insightful, no? I don't imagine beating the dead horse until the eyes pop out to be a fruitful endeavor.

Something insightful that would give them ideas would be place in the suggestion forums. This is a discussion thread we are suppose to talk about the issues behind the game and also say good things as well. Just look at the general discussion area its full of topics beating the dead horse. For your information I have no problem with promos it's when there is no effort in creating them is where my issues lies. You didn't read that part tho so don't make assumptions. I do like that garbage in garbage out line tho I might use that for future endeavors.

Just look at the general discussion area its full of topics beating the dead horse.
Is this a justification or something? Yes, I know GD is full of crap. Are you posting this thread to fit in or what? I'm sure Three Rings needs to be told just once more that they're stealing from us and everyone threatens yet again to storm their HQ in an angry mob led by a fat, southern demagogue on a soapbox. That's hardly a discussion of the issue at hand. Perhaps the approach could be a bit more... professional?
For your information I have no problem with promos it's when there is no effort in creating them is where my issues lies.
I didn't say anything on your stance, though.
Are you sure you guys are counting all the events they've done for us that haven't cost money?
Starting from when I joined...
Snarbolax/GW- 3 levels, new graphics, new equipment
Roarmulus/IMF- 3 levels, new graphics, new equipment
Punch and Vise-(paid)
Blast Network- new game type, new token system, adjusted weapons, trinkets
New turrets
Candlestick Keep, new danger rooms- new monster
Lockdown, Loadouts- new game type, adjusted weapons, faster equipping
Accessory system- lots of cosmetics
Shadow Lairs- 15 levels, new monsters, new armors, story extension(paid)
Punkin-new monster, costumes
Featured auctions, new costumes (paid)
Winterfest- new costumes, European servers
Drone/wisp monsters
Mission system
Operation Crimson Hammer: 6? new levels, new monsters, new graphics, new equipment (paid)
Mission expansion
Anniversary- new costumes/accessories, new monsters (half paid)
Modifier system, new accessories (paid)
Rescue camp
Danger missions- 6 new levels, new monsters, new graphics
Shard bomb changes- new weapons
This does not include simple promos, and all the bugfixes and balance changes that have been made.
They've introduced at least 6 new levels every 3 months. This does not include partial things, like danger rooms or modified levels for missions. This does not include lockdown/blast network maps. This does not include the pretty varied Candlestick Keep. They're fine in content creation.
You know why I didn't list the pure promos here? Because you can choose to ignore them. It takes them a decent amount of work, but they are still spending a majority of their time working on other content.

People keep referring to the new shard lines as "new weapons" each and every line is the same bomb, same model, same animation, same function. The only difference is the color and damage type, not to mention they also removed "bombs" (also technically just one bomb). I will not consider a content swap as "new content" especially when its really just one weapon recolored 5 times.

Right way to complain:
Post a suggestion with detail information in it collect data as well instead of giving a one-sided point of view that would help. Support your claims with facts. Instead of just ranting on how the game developers are only attempting to make money and not adding new content since I am sorry once again you are clearly wrong. If you want to argue content (it doesn't matter if you like it or not) in the last month alone 3 danger missions (tier 2 and 3) which included some new monsters, maps, and art-work. On-top of that they added new bombs (yes like many said its the same style of bomb-re-made with different colors), but what many forgot to mention we finally have a pure elemental damage bomb instead of having split damage or just one small blast radius (Ash of Agni). A great addition was a nice normal bomb along with the Rss and Salt giving great added on damage bonuses.
Well blaming Sega is what you should be doing like I said check your facts:
Sega owns Three Rings (Thus they acquired them bought them out). Now the Three Rings Board reports to Sega and designs this game with many of Sega's desires as well. I personally, do not know the contract and every aspect of it which Three Rings signed, but from what I know from reading and asking questions to the Three Rings Ceo, Sega owns Three Rings. The Three Rings team is still designing Sk and making this game as great as it is, but most of these promo's and certain add-on's (silver keys etc.) came from Sega more-so than Three Rings.
- SEGA is acquiring Three Rings' outstanding stock. The board is now SEGA folks, myself and Tom, so yes, it's an acquisition not a merger.
From the CEO of Three Rings himself.
Posting, topics in my own view saying the game developers have gone greedy and still are trying to make money is silly in my view especially when you have been given all this new content. All you sound like is a 5 year old asking for more ice-cream even though his dad just bought him a triple-scoop ice-cream cone. I might be supporting Three Rings more than you, but I easily will call them out on stuff I do not support. (I did it back in beta, still doing it to this very day).

That one hurt. Instead of making this thread an argument of me and you I'm just gonna leave it as is. Fyi I threw out the ice cream not the flavors I wanted.

I don't believe Sega has a lot of impact, but I guess they're not a licensor or publisher at this point, since they have no platform anymore and this game was already released worldwide. So I guess they would have more impact than how Nintendo acted as a licensor(who really didn't have any decisions or say in 3rd party development as it should be). Only impact I recall them having was taking away the blood in Mortal Kombat, which I guess was more aesthetic, but important because that's what it was known for though. Besides copyright right laws affecting digital downloads on old games who had (temp?) contracts from defunct companies. But eh, it's neither a licensed or published contract which, since it's an on-going MMO, so from this merge I guess, Sega could have more control it seems.
Did Sega acquire OOO before they made accessories, cause they've released promos as early as the game came out. Maybe not at quicker rates than now, but I believed it happened after Rose Redux. I guess these accessories are holding us back from getting more missions or getting this game "completed" with content on the Core. But why accessories? Accessories just doesn't seem like Sega's style. It sounds like more Capcom's or Squaresoft's, but they've made just a couple of outstanding titles instead of milking things to death. But Sega was a former 1st party developer after all, so part of their mentality might be to milk cash from the more popular projects. Do they need money that bad to work with Sega? I thought they were only licensed

Implying Danger Missions are hard.
Implying reskinned item promos take work.
Can't be bothered to state everything else that is wrong with the ideas of the narrow-minded.

Take it from someone who doesn't take anything too seriously. Njthug is completely right here. Crying about an optional service is... it doesn't even make sense. It really does come off like spoiled kids whining about free ice cream. IMO, whining on the forums is just a knee-jerk reaction. People who want to interact on the forums but have nothing to say, will typically resort to this.
This game if F2P. What are you even doing here if you don't like it? It's like when someone dies when you do a random party and they say: "HELP" over and over if you haven't been over to rev them yet. As if you don't notice them. It's a strange phenomenon but it has something to do with a lack of empathy. Its as if they are the only one who exists and you are an npc. Crying about getting junk from a promo lock box. They give you the odds, why don't you do some risk assessment?
I would restate what Njthug has already logically and rationally stated, but it doesn't matter. All of the opposing arguments I have read are emotional. It's bad form if you want to be taken seriously. There isn't a rational argument against promos other than: I personally don't like the colors of the new promo armor/accessories. There is no objective way to argue against what amounts to merely an extra option (promo) in an already entirely optional service to begin with (the game itself)....
maybe you should realise then that if they arent fixed yet then they arent easy to fix as you imagine?
you can hurp durp all you want but unless youve got the source code you can only assume