I get what you are saying here, and it isn't too far from what many of the other posters are saying. The problem is this: there is no meaningful complaint against a promo that is optional and does not effect game balance. If OOO were to obscure the truth somehow with false advertising or deception, then you'd have a case against them. You also might have a case if they were to release a game-breaking overpowered item for money.
If McDonalds came out with a really tasty, high-quality menu item, but it costs WAY more than their average menu item (say it costs 100 U.S. dollars) would you complain about it? Would you threaten to stop eating McDonalds (if you haven't already by now tee hee)? Or would you simply just not ever order it? Is it that you are mad that someone else might order it? Well, if that's the case, you'll just have to deal with it. That is life. That is also the reason that I think the rage at this promo is silly. It just doesn't make any sense UNLESS you are just a jealous person. And if one doesn't like the "buggar/vomit/mold green" colors of the new costumes and accessories, what is there to be jealous of?
The original post was about how OOO is somehow prioritizing cosmetic promos OVER new content. That is ridiculous in the first place considering we've had 2 new prestige danger missions released since the last promo... There is no ground to stand on when making that original claim.
There something i would start asking myself, how will be this promo been taken if:
1 random costume piece + X amount of box per energy package price.
would be so different the way that people look at this promo?.
Because my view point: just buying a lot of boxes to get a chance for a costume its really.. well seems bit greedy and a way to milk the player wallet of course nobody its forcing you to buy the package but cmon, promos with costume (Costumes <<) always have the "chance to get a color or a piece of your costume for price of certain energy package price" and we dont have Costumes in a box with the odds being mixed with the odds to get a accesories. so yeah this time while i really like to buy promos because the items and even if this it just a recolor i would buy it... if OOO wont put the costumes on the boxes, so instead to try my luck i better choose not, its really a way to milk the player to get a low chances for the costumes and get always a ticket.. oh well but thats my opinion.