Beautiful indeed.
Ummm... I don't know how to say this without sounding perverted...
""Yeah...for uh...Balance"
Yes, they help balance me. Don't ask why, some men just play better as women/people with women-like appearance. >.<
Uh, I think when people said the game needed balance...
I don't think this was what they had in mind...

This suggestion seems kind of front-loaded to me.

But you all should look forward to the next patch that's coming real soon. It may please some of the ladies (and gents) here.

I can't even believe this. I can't believe that people would even want this implemented in the game rather than things that benefit new and veteran players.
While I don't particularly care for this idea, but would like to see it implemented anyway just for the heck of it, I have to say, you're being pretty stupid about this. You're acting as if people want this to be prioritized over actual content, which no one implied, as far as I can tell. The developers are working on content anyway, so if people want to have one goddamn small cosmetic change, then why not? Hell, this cosmetic change could even be implemented alongside things like new monsters, arcade improvements and et cetera? That's hella novel, no? I mean, it's not as if the developers are limited to releasing a certain number of improvements per period of time.

I'm not a girl but it sounds like a great idea! When I first made my player I was very confused because no matter what I did my player just looked like a girl. It was very weird :P... but if they add this you'll be able to tell who is a girl and who is a boy. I love the idea!

If they do make it, they should put it on the test server for approval first.

Why approval? If OOO approves it along with a good part of the players, that should be good enough

Give the girls something, guys already have things that make them look cooler, why not give the girls something cute.
Also create a gender related idle animation, where a guy could impatiently cross his arms and while tapping his foot, and the girls bob back and forth with their arms behind their back or something :P.
Edit: of course there are cute accessories here and there but mostly, swords, fire, ice, wolves, etc.

Well, it probably wouldn't hurt for gender differentiation to be implemented, at least in principle.
However, I need to point out that when playing SK, you're usually looking at your knight with the camera significantly overhead, and fine detail on a knight usually isn't readily visible. For this to work "at a glance" and not just through inspection, the accessory would have to be the equivalent of triple-Ds or larger. I'm fairly certain that's not what most people were thinking of, and we all know it isn't realistic, especially for knights that probably have the body fat level of Olympic athletes. Just something to think about.

I don't think being extremely visible is all that important, it's just the idea of it being in the game, think of all the people with scarves on Skolver sets. It's not very visible, but it's there

Scarves on wolver caps just make you look like you have fangs, still very visible. You should try accessorizing Ancient or Volcanic Plate Helms, bloody impossible.

And another thing, why would large breasts be a bad thing for this, it's a sign of superiority

I'll admit I read barely anything of this thread, but how did it turn into a superiority thing?

It didn't, I made another mostly useless comment to keep this on the first page, hoping OOO will notice this and possibly put this into the game

"Why do they just change every player's armor?
I mean, those who had created their avatars male from the beginning should have flat-chested armors for the whole time of their mechanical lives.
So far for the female avatars, their chestplates should have "chests" on them.
Ironically, they are mechanical beings and they dont have mamary glands. But one thing, they are HUMANOIDS and they dont reproduce sexually.
But because this is a game. We break the rules of Logic and create our own virtual mindset.
Power of Bewbiess...Om nom nnom nom"
@Pokermint, Well, just to make this simple, when you change your armor you are essentially cutting your body off, leaving you head suspended in air, and replacing it with a new body, with different defense.
@All of you: Good news everyone! New Proto armors have been released, one with a maid looking base and has boobs, so this is kind of like an answer. Bad news everyone... Proto armor can only be gotten when you make a knight, thus making this impossible to be gotten for all the old players... Unless OOO decides to change this, we have to make new knights. I'll be making a new knight and buying CE to unbind all my sets, (I'll need about 190kCE for all my 5*) so hopefully I can find my $900. (Sarcasm of course, almost tempted to go to such measures for mah boobies! I'm a guy, but if I'm going to look at my character for the 60 minutes it takes to do FSC, I want to see something that's pleasurable to the eyes! Like, boobs, or eye candy, whichever.)
@Pooky/Cootiecakes, I'm going to make a Pooky fanclub, just because, people that boast they can 'solo the shadow lairs' and such, like myself, aren't half as great as you, because YOU made this suggestion. ALSO you're just epic nice to me~♥ Rawr
Oh, where are my manners! +OVER 9000!!!

Things from the Testing Server stay in the Testing Server forum, and no where else, until they're formally released. They are unreleased and spoilers and not allowed. Please remove said spoilers before a GM comes by.
Jeez, I at least tried to be subtle.

Does this mean that OOO listened to us?

Well, I don't think he's going to change that. Bloody hell...
Yeah, it's a reskinned Dragon Scale/Kozma's armor with the same general design and colors of the Brigadine. Yes, OOO listened to you guys, congrats. I'm going to scavenge some decentcy and keep the rest of it secret, as that's not the end of it.

Kozmaaa~ *makes squishing motion with hands*
...erm. Yeah, +1...
Erm. What? You saw something? Nope! >.>
You saw nothing.
Believe me.

Cirnothebaka confirmed for epic pervert.
If you want your Knight to have breasts, get the Emberbreak line and use that as your costume. Making a separate accessory would mean remaking every armor and costume piece from Groundbreaker on to have a feminine version. Also, to my knowledge Kozma has the standard Spiral Draped Armor, no "modifications" or anything.

Cirnothebaka, y u do this?
However, I would really like it if I could make my Dragon Scale Mail make me not look like a girl, so I would be for this if it meant I could look like a boy while wearing it.

Why I still haven't +1 this?
I need to be more on the suggestion board and less on the GD -_-
Still better late than neva!

Well, seeing as I'm clearly on a roll...
large breasts
it's a sign of superiority
I can confirm this.

Cirnothebaka at least deserves credit for using the search function, even if he did it completely the wrong way.
Also I stand by my statement made earlier on this page.

Well at least you can put more thought into how I can confirm what I confirmed in #185
How about choosing your gender at the character customization screen? It may be a little tough to adapt all the armors though...
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*claps dramatically*
Those were beautiful words