i believe you take this game way to seriously and when you get beat up by somebody that might not be using AA at all you just QQ about how that person uses it.
Tournament 1vs1 lockdown

What would you expect?
Anyway, will there ever be a BN tournament?

I would agree, I think Sky only got disqualified because Feller was losing. And everyone in charge is a Feller fangirl.
If anything, have another fight with Sky. Make sure he's not using autoaim (it's actually called auto target by the way). That is, unless you're scared of him.
This is exactly why I didn't join any of these tournaments, the people in charge are bias to the people they want to win.
EDIT: The guy who called AA, Danyx, even told me himself that Feller is the best player in the game.

Darkcub saw Sky using aa. If you have a problem talk with him.
Feller y Canozo: si los 2 están de acuerdo se podría repetir el duelo desde 2-1 para que la gente se calle y porque creo que si que fue una confusión porque Snarkey dijo go antes que yo y Feller empezó al verlo.

What's wrong with AA?
It's a gameplay mechanic.
And unless Darkcub has a major in SK gameplay mechanics, it could be missjudgement.

If it's really that great, just click the box.

EDIT: The guy who called AA, Danyx, even told me himself that Feller is the best player in the game
ive read that as well from him.
You're in a guild that pay tons of USD to be the best LD AA spammer, ce rez in this game, and I take the game too serious?.
Why don't you spent your dollars in a coupple balls and join the next tournament and TRY to play without AA.
Timba, if you lost, can't be my fault. Your lvl is lame without AA, that is not my fault neither.
Stop finding excuses or fake heroes. And fight for yourself not for the rest. I just can't believe that the best ppl can do is name someother player instead of proving a point themself. Get some self respect and fight your own battles.
Who ever thinks that the AA guy didn't use AA, is because they hate me or because they are AA users as well and can't see the difference.

1. I never blamed on you the fact that i lost on the tournament
2. i dont use AA unless im playing PvE. one thing is having AA turned on and another having a high dpi mouse on your desktop

Feller vs Canozo 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUQPplWZnWk&feature=plcp

Let me know when you are doing the Final. I wanna record that.
Just post something here on the forums or something.
EDIT: Im gonna be off for some time (maybe an hour or two), if you guys could wait for me so I can record, I could really appreciate it :)

"You're in a guild that pay tons of USD to be the best LD AA spammer"
Okay. I spend a lot of money on AA, which is called auto target, no idea why every thinks it's called autoaim. It doesn't actually completely aim for you.
Sigh. I can't force any sense into you guys, so I guess I'll stop trying. Maybe you'll understand someday that SK is just a cutesy little game that people have fun in.
Most of Jemp are cool, there's only a few that think CE rez and AA rules.
I don't hate ppl I hate noob feature, and it's an aimbot, lame.. sad.. aimbot

@Feller I am not going to start yet another illogical argument with you, yet this thread is so evident of lack of reasoning, it's hard to ignore.
After watching the fight between you and Skybrandon. I don't see one instance where it distinctly shows that the other person (Sky) is using ''AT'' (As Bacon said.) He absolutely obliterates you with the first swing of his FF. Which is what you use towered your success as well. It's not nearly fair that there wasn't an Auto Target test following the criticism of breaking the 'one and only rule' that Sky apparently didn't follow.
And, no, I don't hate you, I disagree with you on an abundance of things. Frequently about LD and your over-inflated ego towered people who don't have the time to '1v1' and prove that they're the best on a video game.
Spiral Knights will take you nowhere in life, no MLG, no Game Battles, no monthly income. So just take it as a game and simmer down. The people you 'outplay' 'without auto lock' are most likely under the age of 13. Just saying.
Edit: No hate at all towered you, dude, I say things straight up, and this is what I felt was needed to say.
LOL Bacon, you kill all of my fun in GvG with your massive spam. So laggy on the us server when 6 guys can't stop to spam. You are in a guild who want just to win, stop talking about fun.

Auto-Target is in the game, its part of the game, deal with it.
Calling people noob, not skilled or stuff like that, wont change anything.
I stopped using AT not because the tons of people raging on me calling me noob or stuff like that, I stopped using it because I decided to do it.
I got some respect for you feller, I just dont like how you talk trash about people with AA, some day you will realize that Spiral knights was made to be a casual game and not a competitive game.

Solimando 3-2 Driewieler !! Soli in the final vs Feller !

Acording to Darckub:
Sky was asked to do triple flourish combo near Darkcub, to prove if hes got AT, and he didnt do it, apparently thats why sky for dequialified (or however you spell that thing).
Darkcub wants everyone to quit it with the AT topic.
and he hit me in the face..
Then he did it again... and killed darkcub (Both of us wasn't in straight line) Obvious AA.
Now, let's stop with the AA, there's no place in this tournament or in real game for that feature.
We ask him to do it between us, so without AA he could hit in straight line without touching us, but when he did it, he blew my face off, and after that he kill Darkcub.

So, you saying that 1 FF Combo (with AA) blew you face off AND killed darkcub? Sky must have some serious magical powers that 1 FF combo did all that.

Unlike other player's, sky started this game with a unique playing style. HE USES THE KEYBOARD ONLY. He cant aim for himself by hovering the mouse over a player, he attacks and moves with the keyboard which takes WAY more skill.
Sky using auto-aim is no big deal at all, he is still way better than you, feller. /Shrug
I used to play CS and aimbot players always kill me.
Why ppl who didn't participate have so much opinion?, I invite you to join any other tournament, and FIGHT FOR YOUR OWN, and stop sucking someother ppl dck.
And Orange no... he throw 2 combos, the first one in my face and the other one in darkcub face.
Why ppl wan to find excuses for AA users?
Now some guy tells that the disqualified player play without mouse.... soon some other girl in that funclub will come and tell that he's blind as well?

Might I ask how we're not 'fighting our own'? Everyone is coming at you with questions and comments because you're repeating what you're saying in every comment you post. You are yet again indirectly boosting your ego by saying such as fight your own battles. "I invite you to join any other tournament," ok, next 1v1 tournament, I will sign up and 'fight my own.'
"soon some other girl in that funclub will come and tell that he's blind as well"
That's also extremely out of left field and uncalled for you don't even comprehend. As I have a relative that's blind and am quite offended by that comment.

This is the tournament topic, create another topik to talk about AA (noobs) and gtfo!
If Contri creates a new tournament only with proto gear and I appear with skolver... Is that legal? Do I deserve to play knowing the only rule is exactly the opposite...?
Is not about AA or not, feel free to use it if you NEED it, but not in tournament were is NOT allowed.
I can't be more simple.
If 15 of the 16 players understood the only rule and respect it, why we should allow one person doing the opposite?
Canozo, en el ultimo torneo, descalificamos a otro player menos conocido por exactamente lo mismo, y no recuerdo un gran escandalo por eso. No me digas que tambien eres del fanclub del weon sin mouse.

I wasnt saying that sky entering this tournament with AT wasnt wrong. I was just saying that you have no room to call a guy that is clearly better than you a noob :P

Acording to Darckub:
Sky was asked to do triple flourish combo near Darkcub, to prove if hes got AT, and he didnt do it, apparently thats why sky for dequialified (or however you spell that thing).
Even if he agreed to do the test, the results would have been unreliable, because auto-target can be toggled on and off by holding the shift key (or whatever binding the player has).
This whole auto-target restriction makes no sense. It is a mechanic allowed by the game, and there is no way to tell with 100% certainty whether somebody is using it or not.
Sad for the disqualified guy, he had the box ticked, and we ask him NOT enter config before throw a 3hit combo. And i repeat he DID throw the 3 hit with aimbot.
I see no point in giving explanations to his fans, so if any have more questions about it, talk with the tournament admins IN-GAME. I'll make sure in the next tournaments that the suspicious players record their OWN videos to prove that they CAN play without AA.
According to the second player, we are in conversations with him, but for sure the result will be the same.

Since you guys are struggling with AT for the tournament, let me give you an intelligent idea(no no, it's really common sense).
Before a match starts, make the two opponents face each other or some other opponent in that game and shoot a gun to the left, if they succeed, they don't have auto aim, if they hit the opponent dead on, they have auto target.
If ye don't have a gun, stand right next to the opponent and swing a FF/GF in any direction away from the face/back of the opponent(you must be facing opponent in some 90 degree angle aspect) Or the 3 hit combo near a player which was stated above somewhere.
And a tip to you all, you cannot tell if someone is using auto target if they have great precision. A valiance is easy to aim with and people always assume whoever uses it, uses auto target.
EDIT: The only flaw about the common sense idea is the fact that someone could always turn it on mid-way of the battles and say they got mail or something, then again, what kind of pathetic knight would do such a thing =D
Good luck with ye tournament. If you guys were really good, AT wouldn't matter in killing someone because you'd be done killing that person before the bot aimed for ye.

Ye guys are just scaring people off.
I'm outta here. Tournaments like these should nominate Feller the Anti-AT/AA guru.
I'd totally support it. kthxbye.
And brandon fail that test.
There's still players who toggle AA with shift, and I don't see no point in giving range, accouracy and reflexes advantages in a tournament, that's just non-sence.
Only noob people gets scared of a tournament without AA, real players just play without fear to failure. I feel respect for almost every player that participated in this one and the one before. The players who talk too much, complains too much and cry too much, sign up in the next one and show us that you can fight and win something without AA.
In the tournament before this one, in this one and in the next one the only rule will be the same one.
There's a lot of players who are WAY much better than the ppl who's always get named in noobs post like "best LD players", this is your chance to shine, fight and prove you worth something in LD.
The rest just go and kill JK or something.

Sky has always been 100% reliant on auto-target and Feller is just as reliant on Polaris which in my opinion take's as much skill as using AA,
Although the only 2 exceptions I've seen are Bacon-Strip and Eater-Of-Worlds, and ironically they're from Jempire.
@Thunderbog, I'm the anti-AA guru don't any of you forget that ;)
Sky used AA - got disqualified - moving on - Good day.

I'm sorry, but I have never ever heard of any good gossips about ye, so...
Maybe populate the world and tell them ye can teach people how to not use auto targets! That will create a name in Cradle!
(I really have no recall of ye being arrogant to AA stuffs, therefore I believe no words what I just seen, it might be just me but, nah)
*inb4 i sing imogen heap hns and do my part*

Really?, the only difference between me and Feller is my English is legible :)
"if u use Autoaim u r very noob LD plyr and not belog to play me becuz i can only 1 who can kil pros who uses autoaimz" (All Hail Feller!)

AT=Auto Target=Lock-On.
How this all started because some competitive dude posted his typical AT hate post.
He could had kept it all to himself.

I don't want anyone end up like Feller who does his rantings. -_-
(lets hope blueberrymuffin isn't that kind of person who rants at public lockdown games. kekeke)

@Atrum, You don't know anything about Lockdown, just keep your invalid opinions to you and your cat :)
@Thunderbog I do, but unlike Feller "u ar AA noob" isn't my only comeback/insult.
Is watch all the ppl who talk... dying over and over again in the arena...
Take your AA conversation someplace else, in here only who fight have a REAL opinion
Because he broke the only rule in this tournament. I strongly believe that some players can't kill a slime without AA.
The last tourment I lost the first match after I decide to play with one bar connection because ppl was waiting, and I never complain or regret about my desition. Now as I remember ppl say GO too many times, I was confused as well.
Ppl with AA don't belong to this kind of tournament, if you use it Darkcub, Contri and myself will ALWAYS know, because range, movements or if you play with arrows keys.
Last tournament we disqualified a guy who only use first hit FF, but I still realize. Only noob ppl or AA users can't distinguish between AA users or REAL players.