Clearly what Feller is saying is that he's not skilled enough to do a 3 hit combo
Tournament 1vs1 lockdown

Skybrandon wouldve won dis :c. AA is a choice for everyone in game... You guys gotta stop hating on it. Not saying I use AA or anything but like if one turns on AA Why don't you turn yous on? And it barely even looked like he used AA. Oh and btw... EctoBrandish>Skybrandish
I'll be back on monday.
AA users and AA funclub, GTFO. This is a tournamnt for ppl with 2 hands to aim for themselfs, the rest, go kill snarbolax...

Stop dragging this on....

Come on Feller, you even got banned and you are still talking?
Get real man, if people want to use AT, they will use it, no matter how much [Scrap] you say.
If AT wasnt banned from the tournament, we wouldnt be talking about it right now...
Calling people noobs because they use AA is rediculous. AA is an option in the game but nobody is forcing you to use it. Let say Feller (whom we would call a pro) used AA. AUTOMATICLY, he is considered a noob. <-- yeah. Does this actually mean he is a noob? NO. Although on some cases, people are entirely dependent on AA which can be annoying.
I'm banned because some guy complain about me in-game... (spam)
AA will always be banned from REAL tournaments, players who use it are a joke.
I don't care if ppl NEED that to play randoms or GvG, but in a tournament?... and Yes, AA convert ppl into noobs in 0.0021 seconds
Like I said before, there's no room for AA in this thread, this is a tournament thread, a tournament with only one rule... No AA noobs allowed.

+1 Feller for the tournament
-1 For calling people noobs BECAUSE they use it :/

Feller and Blueberrymuffin have beef?
I would have thought they'd be BFFs. You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, etc.
Does anyone else think this thread is many fold more entertaining than the tournament?
Ah ah so true Thrill, nobody care of the tournament.

I gotta agree with Thrill. I found reading the discussion of this thread much more amusing than the tournament itself.
*gets popcorn*

90% of Feller's comments are about the word 'AA'
10% of Feller's comments are personal issues.
Now, Solimando, I get unbanned today, I arrive like 7pm GTM -4 from work.
I hope we can fight today. The finals should be the best 9.
Good luck.

Maybe if it was a Valiance tournament Thrill might be more interested :)
And as for the people in this Tournament , "Good Luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor".
He might be interested.
That's a good movie, specially when the dogs start eating

Yessa record please I can't play :( I not have Internet
errr how did someone who cant land a hit on skybrandon get to the finals regardless of aa or whatever ur excuse >_>

"AA will always be banned from REAL tournaments, players who use it are a joke."
Ooooooooooh boy, you did not just say that.
I might host a 2v2 or 1v1 tournament someday in December (Or when I quit the game/T3 lockdown cuz of boredom, ive been having way more fun on Other games lately), AT will not be banned, just to not have this kind of conversations, really, if you cant just deal with people using AT, then fine, forget about the next tournament and miss the big price (ASI VH FF).
You should rather worry about teamwork with your mate other than "OH HES USING AT/AA, LETS RAGE AND CALL HIM NOOB"
I mean really, you are such a "pro beast that can !#$!$ everything and everyone", but you cant deal with "AT Noobs"?
I know its a RULE in the tournament, but theres no need to make a big rant out of it and call everyone that uses AT a noob, its a freaking option on the game, DEAL. WITH. IT.
I dont know why AT got banned from the tournament? I wouldnt follow instructions of people like you on a tournament that I would host (Come on Olivett)
Did everyone forgot the UVs? You got a Pierce max set, and probably ASI VH on both Flourish and gran faust, and you STILL cant kill "AT Noobs" ?
If I had ASI VH Gran faust/hammer and pierce max set, GG EVERYONE, IM OP.
UVs > AT
Really, I just lost all the respect for you, but I guess thats your point of view, and no terapy/logic will change that...
Also on a side note, I quit the tournament, im too lazy to fight for 3rd place :D

Ok, its MY fukin tournament and only have a fukin rule. STFU and in the next tournament we can talk about the fukin rules. OK?????

This all started with some dude who whines about AT like a kid doing what he naturally does.
I'm suprised you didn't come to this conclusion, and had to invite Him.
It's expected.
Oh yeah,
+1 Canozo.
But the lag was awful, we agreed to play tomorrow.

Still waiting for that 1v1 for 500k.
Recorded on both sides obviously so you can't make any excuses, except maybe that I hired Industrial Light & Magic to make my video look like I didn't use auto-target.

We couldn't finish the duel. They would fight today or tomorrow.
After tournament i'll have time for a 1vs1 500k No AA, vid on both sides.

US Server.
First to 5 kills.
Disconnecting will count as 1 death, but will not forfeit the match. Match will resume from previous score with new game.
Wagers from both parties are to be deposited to a mutually agreed upon arbitrator (I nominate Timbalero).
The gross payout of 1 million crowns will be rewarded by the arbitrator 48 hours after the winning party uploads their video and presents the link in this thread. The losing party thus has 48 hours to inspect the winning video for "auto-target", and present an objection to the arbitrator if necessary. The arbitrator will have the right to review and make all final decisions.
The time will be mutually agreed upon, sometime within the next two weeks (Sept 3 - 14).
Any objections?

People take Spiral Knights seriously? Are you 10?

When AT haters go and hate, you realise that their lives have been sucked out.
Just fight and get this tournament over so we can go bakc to our normal lives.
Yes objection, sometimes it's impossible to see the AA in a video. Combo FF/BTB test before the math and that's right.

I dont complain abouth pl using AA, never to be a problem to me, i kill aa or no aa users, the big problem to me is the latency, oh and he (sky) dont use aa just he has good ping :P

Are you crazy? It's incredibly easy to see AA in videos unless the person is using guns, and Thrill and Feller both use swords.

Dont think the 2v2 tournament idea will go very well..... Simply because of hitframes, fighting someone with two people will be annoying.
Btw: whats up with the delay of finishing this tournament?
Just add one more rule.
No guns.
and I don't trust Timbalero, if I lose I rather give you the cr myself, 500k is not that much.

And I dont think it's fair to use weapons, perhaps that's another rule
Guns are a part of the game, and many play styles
If it's a rule you can't use them, this isn't a real 1v1

screw ye please, have some love for gunners. -_______________________-
No guns. Because guns require aiming, unlike wide-arcing swords.
Feller is a hypocrite. Oh well. Not like that's surprising. Least everything is settled now.
As for not trusting Tim, I'm pretty sure Thrill would be fine with choosing another arbiter that you both can trust.
Who was the one to start talking about AT anyway?
Oh wait, he's right above me.