I've been think and thinking about the statement Nick said... "Guns fire bullets, bombs create areas of damage, and swords do a mix of the two"... and how unfair it is. I've been posting it in lots of other threads, but got no reply from him correcting his statement. Then I saw this RadioSEGA thing and when asked what is his favorite weapon, he said, "I'm quite partial to lending support with mist bombs like the Venom Veiler while using a Blitz Needle. I like rapid fire".
Well no wonder he said "Guns fire bullets"! Which is totally unfair, since guns only have to fire bullets, they are allowed to do anything! While bombs MUST BE STRICTLY AoE! If he described guns as anything else, he knows that his beloved Blitz Needle would fall out of line. Just like if he said something like "bombs do explosions", he knows he would have no reason to completely change the RSS.
Nick, come clarify some things. Your statement is completely unfair. If guns only need to fire bullets, then bombs only need to be charged, placed down, and explode to be a bomb. There is nothing wrong with a few bombs that aren't that great of AoE. Just like there is nothing wrong with a gun that is used up-close.
Also, your "swords do a mix of the two", makes no sense. You're saying that all swords are supposed to fire bullets and do AoE. The Cutter line is horrible at AoE, and the Spur line are the only swords I can think of right now that shoots bullets.
Are you ever going to clear some things up?
What are ye trying to do, Serell?