So when I first started playing I was using a 2009 Mac Desktop, dual processor, 4 gig memory, good stuff for a 2009 Mac. Any sort of Mac game that i had found ran fine until i stumbled across SK. I had a 4 bar from the start and actually did quite well in the CW(there was no LD at the time), but anytime stuff got overloaded with enemies my frame-rate tanked. This was back in June/July of last year. In Octoberish LD came out and with my derpy vog armor, a DA, and BTB, i went in and found myself to be utterly useless because of the frame-rate issues. Then the Lion operating system came out and I bought it, and like magic almost all the frame-rate issues were fixed. I had barely any problems with this setup for about half a year. Then i started to digress to a 3 bar, which isnt so bad but its annoying at times when you are used to hitting things where they actually are and vise versa when getting hit. I starting asking around why this might be, could be that my internet is just crudy, too many people on the server, or what really caught my attention was that SK was running as a 32bit game. So with help from some ragequitas friends I was able to fix some java stuff and got basically all framerate issues taken care of, and reduced a little latency by finding a way to play through steam, but off of steam. Now i know that a GM had told Bacon-Strip that he should play through the Steam directly because when the game searches for steam and cant find it, it causes hiccups. But lets be honest here, Steam is laggy as balls. So since probably about last June ive been on and off with a 3-4 bar. Since October I've had a solid 3 bar and have only ever seen 4 at about 3am EST. But as of about a week ago, I have dropped to a 2 bar. I have a video here that i recorded. Now since i have had this 2 bar I have not had any frame-rate issues, but instead just huge latency spikes. While in fights in LD everyone will start to move in one direction for about a second, and usually it just looks normal because they have not traveled far enough to make it obvious that they are lagging. So naturally i move to counteract that, only to find the game snap back and find myself getting hit from behind. Even more prominent is the problem of getting hit when boosting away. Usually the farthest a sword can reach is the GF second swing at about 3 blocks er so. Ive been getting hit by brandish from about 6 blocks. And its aggravating to just try and move sometimes. This is the video, note that my quicktime player causes frame-rate issues. If i can find a free recorder for Mac that doesnt lag ill record another fight.
Now there are multiple times when you can see the range, but the earliest and most obvious is from 2:22 until I die. That life includes the range and a snapback at the death.
I just want to know if others have been getting this lag too, or if its just me. It happened all of the sudden one day for basically no reason. We were doing some GvG and Bacon complained the first game of crazy lag and decided to hop out. The rest of us continued the next match until i got hit with the same crazy lag. I was talking with Rebel-Ex during that game and im sure remembers me running into all the walls and probably swinging at nothing most of the time(even though on my screen it was right on people). Ever since then, I've never gotten my 3bar back. Its been awful and I seriously dont understand why. Every other game on my computer runs fine. I can open 3 things of portal 2 and be fine. I can blow up 3k TnT in Minecraft, stare straight at it, and be basically fine (the sound or graphic of tnt exploding doesnt play but the world starts to just have little chunks taken out until its all over xD) But for SK its been awful and ive been having trouble getting over 10k in GvG matches. And im gonna warn you guys out there, the laggier I get, the more Prolaris im gonna use. :I trust me i don't find it that fun either. So enough of this book writing rant for me, just post here if you think you know whats wrong, or if you have been experiencing some version of this lag too. Thanks and please do try to stay away from the Mac vs PC comments or any sort of GvG rivalries/anything that causes drama.
I can open 3 things of portal 2 and be fine. I can blow up 3k TnT in Minecraft, stare straight at it, and be basically fine
Minecraft uses your processor more than your vid card and internet connection... and Portal 2 in what resolution? and 3 things of Portal 2? What are those?
Spiral Knights need a balance of your processor, rams, vid card and a good connection. If you have a weak link in either of these 4 component than you will lag. Also SK is a Massive Multipler Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), you are basically connected 100% of the time to SK server around the world. It is normal you lag once in a while