Yo, don't use rape as a synonym for being defeated in a video game, it is extremely offensive and upsetting to survivors.
The Official Letter to OOO from the Spiral Community.
"Strong monsters in - Round-Shinigami out."
Yey! Upvotes for strong monsters all 'round!
Nosrsly, "My logic is simple: don't push your rules onto everyone when you're but a guest in the house." <- This makes no sense, considering that's exactly what you're doing.
Why in ALMIRE would you want anything to be EASIER!?!? In general, a knight can freaking one-Spiral-army this whole game from depth zero. T1 is a walk in the park, REGARDLESS of gear, T3 is not so hard with unless you have the WRONG gear.
"please just find a harder game to play instead of forcing a harder game on everyone else."
I could say the same for players who want the game to be easier. I played Megaman Zero 4 with all the cheats on. I couldn't die, I had all the abilities, and I didn't even suffer recoil when walking into opponents.
The only 'fun' that had was me being amused at how useless enemy attacks were, and literally strolling through all the levels.
If you want to nerf everything hard in the game to the point it becomes a literal walk in the park, so you don't rage about dying (which is what I suspect makes the game 'not enjoyable' for you), then it beats me why you're playing any game with actual difficulty.
This all reminds me of a phrase I heard a while ago:
"T1 you learn to attack, T2 you learn to shield, and T3 you learn to dodge."
If all families scaled to tier difficulty, like having the current T3 Wolvers becoming the new T2 ones along with many other changes, there would be less complaining about X family being over/underpowered because the tier is what determines difficulty.
Anyone going to volunteer to get to work on that? No? Looks like my weekend is going to be writing up more for this only for no one to read it. Again.
1. @Round-Shinigami
Latency is an issue for you? I know several players who have moved to the asian game. Sure, they restarted, but they play with full connection, and are much happier. Economy is reportedly better, too, and you can buy OCH etc with CE. Make your way over there if you like. It's not a perfect solution, but hey, you're a guest in OOO's house, and that's the option we have.
2. @OP
Once again, you do not speak for the community, you speak for your community. I like this update, because we are meant to do t3 if we are t3. Sure, devilites are mildly difficult, but hey, this game isnt overly hard. NIce to have a challenge every now and again. May i suggest changing the title of your post to "A letter to OOO from my guild, ----- ".
You would find much less opposition this way.
One wacky thing I've noticed about greavers is that if you shield and block their attack successfully, you have to remain shielded for another half a second, or you'll get stunned thanks to the cloud of foul smelling produce they emit from their mouths.
If you forget to do that, and your shield is broken, it's very easy to get stun locked by a few greavers constantly pecking at your face.
Also, try bringing a DBB. I've had more success in higher tiers when a friend was spamming em in the centre area.
But other than that, yes, fiends ARE the most annoying family in the game. Greavers swooping in, staying at a small distance until the attack, constantly hovering in your face, devilites throwing pitchforks at you while dodging your gunfire(other than Trollaris spam. Oh yeah try using that in the mission too), trojans and their charges and near undodgeable sword swings with high latency.
Can't we all just admit that monster balance is an issue. Everyone knows fiends and greavers are much much much stronger then say a jelly cube or a gremlin. The issue seems to be that some players thinks that OOO forcing you to do missions against imba monsters in unfair and wants to see them nerfed and then the other camp thinks that it's a bunch of no skill noobs whining and wants every single monster buffed to make the game hard. I don't see how the second camp wins, OOO has made danger missions and shadow lairs for the true super skill testers if you want to show off how good you are just stick to those. A holiday mission should be a "fun" thing so packing it with fiends and greavers seems like a play from the "evil game designer" playbook. I personally would like to see the fiend family nerfed having a very fast very hard hitting range attack isn't very fun. What I say to the people who want to make monsters harder, is that is OOO made gun puppies, polyps and howlitzer bullets move twice as fast you'd be calling for a nerf and don't even deny it.
After they nerfed almost every monster in the game and they buffed guns, you say this game is hard?
Bullet velocity isn't the problem. It's the fact that monsters are so brain-dead stupid, you can dodge attacks by simply walking one step to the side. Latency is NOT a factor in the game balance here; the game should not be designed around lag caused by bad connections. That's just idiotic.
Trojans are mindlessly easy. If you think they are hard, that doesn't mean they are hard. That means you probably run screaming every time a trojan charges you and wait until blitz gunners take care of it. Trojans have arguably the easiest attacks to avoid in the game. You get like a 3 second heads up before they attack, and if you find it hard to move out of the way within that time, it's not because trojans are hard, it's because you're very very bad.
Fiends are harder than other monster families, but that's because they didn't get hit nearly as hard from the nerfpocalypse that destroyed all the other monster families. Fiends are not "imba" and it's not unfair. Take some time to learn how to play the game and not just throw blind rage and nerf requests every time you run into an obstacle that you're too lazy to overcome by yourself. Ask any experienced player and they will tell you: All the monsters in this game are very easy, and fiends are just normal. We don't want every monster in the game buffed to make it hard, we want them to be unnerfed so the game can actually be somewhat of a challenge again.
And really, I hate the "but it's a holiday mission" excuse. Just because it's a holiday mission doesn't mean it should be so ridiculously easy that you can beat it with your eyes closed, which was the case when T1 Winterfest was still the most viable way to get Winter Wish tokens. It was extremely boring; even most of the T1 players I played with told me it felt like they were mindlessly grinding.
Fiends and greavers are not the work of "evil game designers". OOO isn't going to make turrets shoot faster because there is no reason to, and that's completely irrelevant to the Fiend family, so don't even bother going there.
Fiends aren't hard because they are unbalanced, they are hard because you can't be bothered to actually learn how to fight them. You want OOO to nerf an entire monster family just because you think the holiday mission should be easy. The people in this thread requesting nerfs are completely ignoring everyone who disagrees with them, just because they think it's unfair that they have a terrible internet connection and they are bad at the game.
If you were playing video games back when controllers had two buttons at the very most, you wouldn't survive for five minutes. Games were made very challenging to compensate for the simplistic gameplay. And you know what? People loved them. They became classics that are still played to this very day. People went to arcades and blew $50 on a single game that they sucked at, because it was fun, regardless if they were winning or losing. As video games evolved, controllers grew more buttons, and 3D graphics were implemented, game difficulty generally got easier, and the average gamer's demographic became broader.
Nowadays', games hold the players hand from the start of the tutorial until the end of the game. It's boring. Anything that has a decent chance of killing a player is considered "overpowered" by the gaming public and developers are petitioned endlessly until it's practically impossible to lose. Then everyone has a "balanced" game where enemies can't tell the difference between their right foot and their left, and the game designers have to resort to throwing hundreds of these incapable enemies at you, because the only power they have left is the power of numbers.
If a game is that easy, it's not a game. It's a movie where you press buttons to get to the next scene; a slideshow of you curbstomping everything that gets in your way. That's not fun. That's stupid and boring.
"practically impossible to lose"
Actually, there is in fact one game that is exactly that.
Guys watch out, we got a bad[cog] gamer over here...
That argument
Still doesn't solve my 300ms ping issue xD Too Bad For Me ;P
Still, I don't see fiends as much trouble as it is. Every monster is just as hard as they are, that's just it is. The game is complicated in a way that different tactics may need to be used just to kill a couple of devilites or fool a bunch of gremlins. Weapons are just as such that they have different attack patterns, creating more tactics for people to use. Take autoguns for an example, they are powerful in a punch, but if you decide to miss, and one wolver can simply knock out half your health.
Experiment different weapons, use different tactics and you learn some are better used than others, or better used on the specific types of monsters.
Devilites are among the most annoying monster types in this game, a single devilite is harder than an entire FSC because I can't guarantee to pass it without revs.
They are a combination of: (T3)
High speed
Insane damage
With status they're even worse... shock fiends you know eh?
Insane speed, bomber's nightmare.
Insane damage
Annoying AoE status field (Shock rocks)
Status field can go through SOLID blocks and WALLS! WTH?
The only ideal weapon to deal with devilites and greavers is a flourish-line-5* If you are able to imply alchemer switching technique it's farily easy to kill greavers, but devilites? Hell no... they're insane. They come in packs of like a dozen, with normal max+shadow max SET you even die quickly. If you have 1bar your shield is useless too, they get you before you shield.
My strategy to deal with devilites as a 1bar:
Learn how to circle around, when you are stationary get your shield on or inevitable hits before seeing their attack animation.
Try not to release a full FF combo, you might get yourself fed up with office chairs.
Use auto-aim while hitting them if necessary.
Bring a callahan with you, when they ninja around and try to attack, callahan their face. It cancels their attack also leaving a chance of stun, they walk up quickly and FF that small B@!$@rd.
My strategy to deal with greavers as a 1bar:
Too lazy? Charge a FoV before they see you and bang, they're whether dead or screwed.
See them, charge your blitz and do the job.
Use the Alchemer switching technique, it works like this: Has FF as main and another weapon, maybe Polaris as the other. Start from FF: Attack - shield - switch to Polaris - switch back to FF - attack, keep on this cycle, the easiest way IMHO to kill nasty stalking pedo-greavers.
Also please ooo, fix that annoying status field going through walls and obstacles...
"1. You didn't change the token payouts, you changed the time limits. The only thing this does is punish beginners, and people who don't have elevator passes. How are the newer players supposed to enjoy the game when all you did was punish them for being a Tier 1 knight?" -Chase-Banhart
I really think you look at it the wrong way here. The patch wasn't meant to make Tier 1 worse, but to encourage Tier 3 players to play at Tier 3. Think of it as a buff for Tier 3, through nerfing everything else. Three Rings just lowered the bar, in a sense.
"as a 1bar"
The correct strategy in such a situation would be to get a better internet connection. Seriously, is EVERYONE that suggests Fiend nerfs play using a terrible connection?
@the guy who lives near the server, yes you laraso
It is not about getting a better connection, it is about us living so far away from the server we can only get that 250ms ping as the minimum. There is no way to improve ping unless you start living near the server, which is practically impossible for most.
@Everyone else
I suggest you experiment and find ways to counter against fiends, whether you have a bad ping or just a flawless game.
I'm not talking about location, I'm talking about connection. The problems you get with your one bar connection is of no relevance to game balance.
One bar connection means you are living far away from the server and therefore gets some 250ms-400ms ping...
You can still avoid devilites attacks, even with a large latency when far away by just sidestepping or circling. When close you can just spam attack combos at them. The cutter is good for this because it constantly interrupts and keeps you moving forwards so nearby devilites can't hit you.
But that's blasphemy. People can't fathom ever using underused weapons.
"The only ideal weapon to deal with devilites and greavers is a flourish-line-5*"
Seriously ? Just because you don't know anything else doesn't mean it's true, for devilites :
- Cutters, as Hexzyle pointed out, is good.
- Callahan is good. Knockdown + range.
- Needles are great. Get someone with Skelly/Crest to shield in front of you, unleash a charge (OMG it requires teamwork! Too hard!). Or just plain outrange devilites and laugh at their furnitures dropping at your feet.
- Polaris : just shoot in the pack. Hopefully at some point they will get hit and die.
- DBB/Blast bombs. Any bomber will tell you they are good
- Shivermist : freeze them, don't cross their line of sight => PROFIT
- Stagger Storm : do you find their attack animation to be too fast ? Well, now they are not anymore.
If in all that you can't find a weapon that you can use even with a bit of latency, the issue probably isn't the devilites.
"My logic is simple: don't push your rules onto everyone when you're but a guest in the house."
With the nerfpocalypse following people whining about mobs being too hard (I guess there was some whining which prompted that ?), YOUR rules have been pushed onto everyone. May I add that most long time playing people who complain about the game being too easy are also paying (sometime a lot) customers.
A last note : I'm an European player with not that good connection (for example, striker in LD is impossible), mainly playing on US server (2 bars most of the time), and I can do devilites all right. I just need to concentrate a bit, and not wait for them to attack to shield, because it's already too late. My lag is probably not as bad as Aussie players though, I feel for them.
Modified my previous post, some info added.
If the game was made easier, it was only because majority of players would prefer it so. If minority wants a harder game, they can always look for a harder game, its much faster than asking Spiral Knights to be made harder instead of having more wing colors added, or core being opened.
Once again, I do not mean to sound rude, I'm just offering alternatives that, in my opinion, should satisfy majority of players.
You can't freeze a snow devilite. Try it if you don't believe me.
Polaris - shooting in the pack won't work. Devilites strategy, when they are shot at, is "make dodge move + throw projectile immediately afterwards". You'll shoot them, they'll shoot you. Their bullets are many times faster. Guess who hits who.
Charged needle is indeed a great weapon vs devilites. But usual devilites come in packs, and two is enough to drop a player's health to zero while they release a single blitz charge. It takes a while. And it needs a significant amount of knowledge about devilite AI (if you can call a bunch of scrips an "AI").
Cutter: you chop one, another throws snowballs / furniture at you. As a result, after finishing the level you'll have very low health, if you survive at all.
Spike bomb - good but range is limited.
Callahan - good but slow.
Stun bomb - since when everyone is running with a 5* stun bomb in their inventory?
Best and simplest strategy vs fiends - 5* flourish. Mostly because many knights have a piercing sword. Decent shield also helps a lot. As you learn their moves, you'll be able to move around more freely with devilites around, but they're still the most dangerous enemy in the game, in my opinion.
Its certainly possible to defeat devilites with many and numerous different weapons, personally I prefer shiver approach (shiver and then put a knife in their back, which is very effective for soloing). But winterfest devilites are among the toughest in the game, and immune to freeze. I'm not saying they're invincible. They're just tough.
Official, ey? I don't see any signatures.
Id just have liked the level to allow for more equipment. Perhaps they could have rotated the type of monster each day.
Please, lets just ignore the "official" part of the name, thank you.
I like your idea with more monster types. That'd make the mission more interesting. If they also dropped some coins, heat, mats or hats (not just rare invisible gremlins), it'd be even more fun.
I'm going to question the fact that people who wants the game easier are a majority and the ones that want it harder are a minority. Especially if you compare according $ spent per person (which is what's interesting for OOO). Well, it's true that the nerfpocalypse seems to point you are right on that.
As for looking for other games ... well, long story short, I tried. GW2 was a massive disappointement. Most solo games are good, but a tad too easy, and finished in 2 weeks maximum anyway. I keep coming back to SK for a reason : the combat system is awesome : here, having a good gear is a requirement, but it's not nearly enough. You have to actually dodge, shield and worry about what you brings instead of just attacking with the cookie-cutter build (most MMOs are like that and it's depressing).
As for the weapons :
- I was answering for general devilites. Of course, for Winterfest devilites, use Stun but not freeze.
- I saw people using Polaris and I did use it too. While it's slow because of the dodging, if you fire enough bullets, they won't be able to dodge everything. You can also predict the dodging : they can only dodge right or left, and can't dodge while attacking. Polaris have a fast attack rate and 3 bullets per clip : use it to spread bullet.
- if you have enough space, no, Needle it doesn't require any sort of knowledge. Just get far enough from ANY devilites, release the charge. You outrange them from 1 to 2 boxes. Alternatively, use teamwork to have a teammate shield you from incoming projectiles (require an adapted shadow shield obviously). The fact that they are in pack is irrelevant if they are all too far away or you have a shield. Don't let them pill up in Winterfest or you deserve to die.
- cutter : well, I never tried it. I rely on Hexzyle affirmation here.
- for Stagger Storm, obviously it's only one in many weapons, it would be silly to get all those ones. But if that one works for you, use it. Also, some people have it to counter shock-immune people in LD. It's actually not that bad since the stun fix, if you have trouble with some mobs.
"Best and simplest strategy vs fiends - 5* flourish. Mostly because many knights have a piercing sword. Decent shield also helps a lot. As you learn their moves, you'll be able to move around more freely with devilites around, but they're still the most dangerous enemy in the game, in my opinion."
Well, I agree with that. Although I quite like the Needles for the outrange and absurd damage. The fact that I don't have to go near is definitely a great plus.
But, on the other hand, I don't want them to join the pack of all other harmless mobs.
Summary of your letter:
hai i tink feinds shud be nerfd cuz i cant beat em even wif gud stuffs so plz nerf cuz if i cant cumplete tahen no1 elz can eithere cuz im the bezt
Shut up, the game is easy as it is. Heck, I can solo FSC in Skolver+Swiftstrike and I SUCK at PvE.
Speak for yourself.
My logic is simple: don't push your rules onto everyone when you're but a guest in the house.
I never said I wanted the game to be "balanced". I want to be able to enjoy it. Having simpler monsters makes the game more enjoyable for me, so I'm happy with existing nerfed down zombies, spawn pause ect. I've been here before these nerfs and the game was significantly harder back then, especially before the EU servers. Today I find the game much more enjoyable than before. And its the very reason I keep spending my hard-earned $$ on it. Because I find it enjoyable. Non-stressing.
And I like it this way.
Strong monsters in - Round-Shinigami out.
I won't pay to be -snowballed-.
Thanks for fixing my message, sorry to sound rude.
I apologize if any of my posts sounded rude or offensive, no offense meant.
Yes, I am having latency issues sometimes. At best I have little lag that doesn't get in the way of my game. At worst, however (and it seems to happen in 8 out of 10 situations with devilites due to their attack mechanics), the game simply ignores my actions, such as:
- dodging, devilite projectiles always seem to find me
- reaction speed. I put up a shield 0.1-0.2 sec before I get hit, my shield is ignored, I can prove it with video.
I do not like it when the game ignores my actions. How do I play with fiends? I learned their movement scripts and put up a shield before they make an attack, works in 70% cases. I also learned those tiny windows of opportunity when they stand still so I can hit them. I also use crest of almire shield when fighting t3 fiends, no exceptions (I use BTS for any other monster in game).
The best example of my latency is the following:
on roarmulus twins levels (before the boss) I can walk INSIDE the rockets that fly slowly, they only hit me when I try to outrun me. Same with any projectile - I can run inside it without getting hit, and real spot where I get hit is slightly in front of bullet (half character's heigth approximately, I'd say between 100 and 200 ms ping time, very rough estimate).
If you make the entire game as hard as T3 devilites, I won't be able to play at all. So no, I do not like that idea. If I had less latency problems, I'd have much less trouble with monsters (they're slow enough to put up a shield before they hit you, even devilites, as long as its client-side hit detection, not server-side). But, unfortunately, I'm already using two of three fastest internets my country has to offer, and third option is unavailable technically on the street where I live.
Oh and I have 4 bars when I'm playing. Out of 4 possible. And I still experience terrible latency problems.