Dayum. Alrighty, I post fanfiction, you post fanfiction, we're all happy.
Get writin!
Dayum. Alrighty, I post fanfiction, you post fanfiction, we're all happy.
Get writin!
To be honest, it's quicker and more convenient to access the fan fictions via the forum page directly, just like what Artistbma is doing right here. Of course, however, everything is piled up nicely in the wiki compared to the forums, so I don't disagree with it either. How about we have it both ways? Then again, it may block off an extra space.
I don't mind if this post stays or not, as long as everyone is happy :)
For when I actually get round to making one. :/
EDIT: Now that I think about it, if I just put it below like normal, It would act like a bump in disguise... Sort of... I think...
It appears the creator of this thread want this thread to be stickied....
This thread is the right place to practice my horrible fiction-writing skill. :P
Some of my works: