Lets go guys, throw me your best SK puns and then some
Kozma eyes are totally ready for this Q__Q
Lets go guys, throw me your best SK puns and then some
Kozma eyes are totally ready for this Q__Q
Yeah this could get so seerus that GM moderation might be needed on this thread
It could become a caketastrophe, er I mean katastrophe
Oh geez this is a lot tougher than i thought lol, no lumber why there aren't many puns yet >_>
C'mon guys, I mean i know puns arent the easiest things in the world, Basil it shouldnt be too hard to come up with one xD
Don't worry folks, Biscotti is baking more hot cross puns in the oven.
P.s. : Contains sex and innuendo jokes.
Yesterday I was ambushed by a group of newbie knights dressed in leprechaun costumes. They demanded my crowns and all my ce, so I refused because only a pro could afford such a nice leprechaun costume(probably made with real leprechaun, or gremlin). Anyways. They got really angry and the knight with the extra tall height mod tried to step on me for good luck because apparently I'm luckier than leprechauns. My 1337 skills allowed me to unsheath my flourish in haven and I gave that Newb a Flourish To The Knee! The knight screamed, "Charlie, they took my thumb!" Soral turns around and says "Derp" and if you kill Vanaduke the ceiling will cave in on you and before your party comes to retrieve your toothpaste tube body, Vana will sit on you. FOREVER. Like I was saying...Xxepicfrostxx helped Soral pull me out from the knights big toe to prepare me for the next Black Kat speed run. On said speed run we found a single Black Kat and as usual they all left the party leaving me alone to complete the run if I wanted the extra cr. By my suprise I found a second Black Kat and I squealed with glee ~w~. When my guildies arrived they noticed a Black Kat hovering over me. It was in heat, my heat!(It scares me to even think about it O_o) They slain the poor thing, took the ancient pages and went to elevator without me. Later on I was tricked by Vexiz who I actually thought was Vezix. Vexiz told me that we could make out in guildchat and I actually believed them. Then I noticed that Vezix was just staring at me like "What do you want dude" and Vexiz is like "I'm not in your guild harem boy, I can't use guildchat." After that I realized it was Porschelle pulling pranks on everyone else..And this all happened down in Haven ._.
Your story about gate puns in haven are nice and all, but where are the puns? D:
Just bought all the stocks of a certain emporium for a birdsong.
My chroma could make better puns, Nonna you even come close.
If terri-bad puns were an NPC, I would've made ALL the best vaelyn-tine card contest entries ever. xD
*'had ideas of Hahn being chased around by a knight mist-aken for a rare species of love puppy*
But chromas making puns? How bazaar!
Goodness Glacius, I'm going to spontaneously Combuster. Nonna Nonna no! I don't want that. I want a Retrode-style car with Chroma-plated wheels. There's Acheron your fireplace. Did you know that I have a GF? She curses a lot, but I don't mind. What I do mind is that she is slow and heavy, and I'm always in her Shadow. She's Fallen down and can't get up. When I go to a casino, I expect to Winmillion. Say Hallow to Katwoman for me. If anyone asks about my job, I'm Feron people across the river. I'm a Feron just person, and nobody is Justifier under the law than I am. Don't send messages to the Millennium Falcon; instead, Callahan. Try not to cowl in fear.
Good Greave, Armor puns necessarily better than just one good one?
I'm no Stranger to puns, I know Quince you start on a pun roll you can't stop until you've made a Quillion of em :c
You've gone too fur with your unbearable pun-
Wait, wrong place D:
You killed my eyes with laughter...
Dude those puns suck.
I mean, Eu'r rolling the dice with such bad jokes. xD
'Cos Vatel you see all the pun-sar spam everyone'll be demo'ing down on this here bombastic thread.
Don't get heated up about this but, I don't have any funny material. If I did some of the jokes would be stranger than others. So, I'm sorry I can't emote with you so could you spin one joke for me. Really, Its just that I don't think my puns are on that level to be funny. I don't I choke I just......................... lock-down. Everyone else made great puns but I guess they're just casting bit shadows and I can't quite compare my arsenal of jokes to theirs. I'm probably boring you guys to death. I guess its a waste of energy for me trying to stay to chat. I gotta go feed my kat and my new puppy, so cya I'm gonna log off and call it a KNIGHT.
Those are some high calibur puns coming from such a modest guy >__>
Wow guys! Puns!
I hope I haven't mist any of the auction here?
This thread is solo on the page its almost at the core ;_;
or at least it was x)
I would be a king in this game, but I already have too many crowns.
I would be a king in this game, but I already have too many crowns.
I would be a king in this game, but I already have too many crowns.
The forums are laggy for me. Seriously, there's so much lag it's as barbarous as a thorn blade!
*mini jellies glorping in the distance for lack of crickets on Cradle*
Soooo... did you hear my story about the kats I killed yesterday?
One was all like, "Nuuuuu! Margrel-friend! You killed her!" *weeping* *the kat pulsar closer*
You all should stop making puns and be more productive. This is just Work for Idle Hands.
Do we need an icebreaker? Shield I start with this one?
Cool story bro. I'm practically stunned from the way your pun came Lumbering around.
Don't look now. Here comes the argent peacemaker. /eyesroll
Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Ironically feed me to the jellies? JK, JK...
No, I'm going to blast yer arsenal out of this network so far, it's gonna put your wits... on... err, lockdown! Pshyeah!
/e Brinks jelly token snacks and a lawn chair to watch the show.
No really, you gotta speak up. I can't hear you when you wisper like that.
I wisp I hadn't read that. @__@
/e rolls out another awesome pun with a swift flourish. Hey, I'm just trying to be punny here.
Haha! Am I Quillion you already? You needa chill out before you start losing your heat!
EH!? Dare you mock me further for punlessness? Poseidon't know what you're talking about. Hmph!
/e is unsure how Vise it is to make fun of GMs' names...
I thought this was jest playful banter. q_____q
I'd be careful if I was you, the puns here may spiral out of control.