I can't think of any puns here so I'm feeling quite stranded...... But maybe not alone (hopefully)?
SK Bad Pun thread

I can't think of any puns here so I'm feeling quite stranded...... But maybe not alone (hopefully)?

I was wondering why a vial was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

from now on im just saying random sentences that contain puns that i dont really mean
like that^
:what is the snarboloxs favourite superhero?

in your starting sentence its supposed to be spelled komza not kozma so that one isn't technically a pun

It's Kozma.
Gotta look in-depth at a game like Spiral Knights.

Isn't Kozma a knight so why is there a mugshot of her? Aren't mugshots for criminals
& sorry guess I was wrong

just trying to revive the thread
what do you call mini jokes? dust punnies
lumber lee lumber bop welcome to the lumber shop
tell me if you know where i got that from
grave scarabs suffer grave consequences
i told a gun puppy a rude joke, it became a red rover
did you here about the slime that wanted my stuff? he was jelly
which knight survives in deserts? Bechamel
did you hear about basil? he has a terminal illness
seerusly though, this is punbelievable
can't find the energy for more, time to call it a knight

Some of these puns are so shocking that I froze in place when I read them; the amount of humor in them is stunning. Puns are so poisonous that here I am posting. Pls don't flame or curse me out, cuz it's time for me to go to sleep.

Hmmmm I'm starting to run out of puns maybe I should delve deeper

If your sad don't be afraid to shed some tiers

Why don't slimes make good friends?
Because there always so gelous

Man, these puns give quite a good Punch. Maybe with a variant.

Yeah, but my computer has a Trojan!

With less and less people posting here, this is just Work for Idle Hands.
What do you call a lizard that has speech problems?
A chroma-lisp!
I'd love to cradle my laptop in my arms right now, but I don't think it would make much of a difference.

If spiral knights were babies, I'd cradle them in my arms

Alas, it seems we have reached the core of this thread. It seems to have lost its health and will take someone of great energy to revive it

Don't worry. Someone will come in with a energy blast and rev this thread back up to speed.

Abusing varient names to transmute a Punch of puns really gets old after awhile... Yet this 'exchange' of hue-mor is quite funny. I lumber if there Knight be any more puns down there.
my mother is the queen of puns. I can keep doing these all knight.
But, how many variants can you forge is the question? In fact, doing these puns for to long might leave you unbound. I really don't mean to heat you up, but your not even on my level. It's like i'm on a whole different tier then you guys. You might even give my puns 5 stars. In other words, all others will fade like mist, while i keep energized. My energy level is so solid, it's like a crystal. In fact, I think i'm the coolest Kat here. Wolver you are, you can appreciate these. (read that last one aloud. It's a bit of a stretch..but you'll get it.)
Can i when i prize for all that? I have to clean my mouth out now.

I have so few tokens to buy materials with, I'm on the Brinks of disaster!

What do you call it when somebody with a Searing Edge fights someone with a Firetech Alchemer on these forums? A FLAME war!

Shadow Lairs are really hard. There Knightmares to complete :3 (Not really :P)
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I can't think of any puns here so I'm feeling quite stranded...... But maybe not alone (hopefully)?