Wow. Slimeway out of your league on that one.
SK Bad Pun thread
so I can give you the red carpet runaround.
I'm Tinkinzar's something highly Keston-able about your puns... I think you went through the wiki's list of NPCs. (Who's Greta?)
Haha, so Wegner we ever gonna be done with this? I'm not sure I kat take any more of this thread.
Last time I checked wasn't this back in the second page of the Vault?
I'm touched you were willing to spend all the energy it took to revive this thread :O
Come on guys! Don't you Vana?
I might cause an echo of laughter.
That was was pretty Feron my account, Basil, my puns are much more worse than yours.
Daxen error on your account. You can walkon mine, but you can never rulen them out! :D
ow, the puns are causing me Greaverous pain
This thread is spiraling out of control. Good knight everyone.
Am I double posting or is this just an Echo , Echo, Echo, Echo
You should rest while eating some biscotti. Or maybe some creep cakes while you're at it, humm?
We all no that nobody is the alpha on this thread so rhendon doubt just chillax
UV surprised at how many puns you could make from SK terms, I know i was.
Are you sure the basement is still open? Because I heard it was lockdown.
Huh one time this guy came up to me said why so seerus just because of my perfect mask of seerus i was wearing
did you hear what the gremlin did to compound 42? herex the place!
You sharp fellows brought this to SK's attention and announcement.
I almire all of you. Have a gif.
It shard to come up with anymore puns. Mineral ready taken! D:
Okay, wait here vial I stun you with this pun.
Until then,Vana have a piece of biscotti?(lol this pun is getting old, I have no more puns available atm.)
Is the clock broken?
No, the clockworks.
Have you watched the animated movie Under the Red HUD?
I see what you did there XDDDD
Lumber dee, lumber doo, I hate Lumbers very much :)
Like if you know where I got that from :)
I Seatus what you did there, Lim.
What do Crows and Mollusks have in common? Chromalisks.
I know I'm annoying, but today I woke up prickly.
I personally think most Knights are arrogant, Basil, I never get really close to one to find out most of the time.
*Chromalisk jumps into own mouth in an attempt to choke off bad jokes*
Someone should cradle all of these puns and put them in one deposit.
But I'm not energetic to do it myself.
Today, someone asked me why I don't take the stairs. I replied, "I don't have enough energy so I ride the elevator."
I just got Brinks home secruity. My house should be safe from any intruders now!
Someone might seerus making bad puns
What is a spiralknights favourite shape?
A town "square"
When I hit a gremlin I'm pretty sure right now it's feeling quite sword
When I hit a gremlin I'm pretty sure right now it's feeling quite sword
When I hit a gremlin I'm pretty sure right now it's feeling quite sword
I can't think of any puns here so I'm feeling quite stranded...... But maybe not alone (hopefully)?
Are euclid'ing me? S'barrus your Qq's because jorin for a long one! Or, no wait -- remi think about it. I... I'm just gracken up right now because... I cat tail if we've already made it imposto'ble to construct any more puns of reasonable taste. I shiver with the thought that after we've busted out all our puns, this thread will fade into another lost soul... and desna'thing we'd be able to do about it.