I think it's too late for that, today is the last day of the contest IIRC
Troupemaster's Fashion Contest - Winners Announced! See post #3
open: http://imgur.com/a/Fgwvi
ign: dsnchz
i dont have money for accessories
Will have to post my entry here, I was away from my comp last night during my time to be judged, noticed I missed it an hour late. XD Will update!
Ah sorry for not making it to the in-game judging. I think I am still within time as it is still Sunday, 7 April 2013, 22:11 CST, so I will post my entries here:
Category: Open | The Bunny
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/thebunny/TheBunny_front.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/thebunny/TheBunny_back.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/thebunny/TheBunny_side.jpg
Category: Open | The Lord
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/TheLord/The-Lord_front.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/TheLord/The-Lord_back.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/TheLord/The-Lord_side.jpg
Category: Open | The Pirate
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/ThePirate/ThePirate_front.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/ThePirate/ThePirate_back.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/open/ThePirate/ThePirate_side.jpg
Category: Promo Reskin | Hunter
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/hunter/hunter_front.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/hunter/hunter_back.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/hunter/hunter_side.jpg
Category: Promo Reskin | Morpehous
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/Morpehous/Morpehous_fro...
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/Morpehous/Morpehous_fro...
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/Morpehous/Morpehous_bac...
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/Morpehous/Morpehous_sid...
Category: Promo Reskin | Troll
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/troll/troll_front.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/troll/troll_back.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/promo-reskin/troll/troll_side.jpg
Category: Ugly
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/ugly/ugly_front.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/ugly/ugly_back.jpg
- http://thecorecoalition.com/contest/ugly/ugly_side.jpg
Thank you again for your time and the contest :)
Looks fun...
Reskin: - Frosty Love
Front: http://i47.tinypic.com/10wntye.png
Position: http://i48.tinypic.com/2cgy0cx.png
Open / Reskin: - Lovely ...
Front: http://i50.tinypic.com/3486q9u.jpg
Position: http://i46.tinypic.com/bwfvc.png
Open: -
Front: http://i50.tinypic.com/2h4jqc3.png
Position: http://i46.tinypic.com/1gllxu.png
GL everyone!!
Looks Good!
Looks Pretty (and Ugly xD)!
Looks Good!
Looks Nice!
As has been said, it's a bit late in the contest to add one now. Next time I run one of these I might include that category though!
Looks Good!
Looks like you missed the deadline for screenshot submissions - Better luck next time :(
That's fine, but it's a shame we didn't get to see such nice costumes in-game live
Looking Good!
Contest News/Updates:
- Entries are now closed! The in-game entries have been scored, and once all the screenshot submissions have been judged the results will be announced here!
- The second judge has been chosen! Their name is White-Saber, a long-time player that doesn't tend to frequent the forums but has a keen eye for fashion!
Judging is Complete!
I'll add up the scores and determine the winners when I get up in the morning, so expect the winners to be announced in approximately 12 hours!
I didnt check the dates T.T
Oh and congratz to whoever wins, i looked at some of them, they were amazing
Without Further Ado, I'd like to congratulate the winners of the Troupemaster's Fashion Contest!
- Erewfewg, with a score of 94/100!
- Jwake, with a score of 91/100!
- Kennys-Knight (4th entry (entry randomly chosen to be disqualified was entry #2)) with a score of 90/100!
- Hollows with a score of 89/100!
- Mawashimono, with a score of 85/100!
- Munches, with a score of 78/100!
Ugliest Costume
- Laylla, with a score of 82/100!
- Linkalee, with a score of 77/100!
- Hadn, with a score of 76/100!
The scores were very close, and many people were only 1-2 points off being in the top 3. I may or may not release everyone's scores
All of the winners have been mailed their prizes. Congratulations!
I may or may not be hosting another fashion contest in the future, but if anyone wants to use this format just mail me in-game.
Score check for all others. Btw, I guess you didn't quite understand the meaning of my costume (many people think it's just an accessory trash bin) - It's supposed to resemble a monster.
Anyway, congrats to the winners!
First I'd like to say congrats to all the other winners and participants, I've seen some awesome costumes posted in this thread and personally humbled to finish second in a very competitive "Open" category. And a big hand to you Troupe-Forums and all the behind the scenes people, for putting something like this together... twas a lot of fun.
Congratulations to the winners!
Any chance we get to see their marvelous outfits? c:
[Speaking of those who haven't posted them as screen shots]
Thank you Troupemaster for taking the time and effort to hold this contest and congratulations to all the other winners. There were a lot of other really great entries as well, I think Wolf-Sin's Pirate costume is probably my personal favorite, but as was said, scores were objectively set and very close already. It was a pretty fun contest, and I wish everyone good luck with their future endeavors and Anniversary Prize Box drops, heh.
Now to go spend all my money on candles again... Wheeeeeee fire.
Congratulations fashionable people :)
(also posted an entry in the wrong thread.... and later deleted it)
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Can you make a new category for cheap armour and accessories? Like under 50k category?