Meh, competition. >P
New something something in haven coming soon.
"PvP arena: Because, I think there is a good reason why devs took it out before the release. I think devs took it out, because it has to do with problems like, laggy players that ruin the game or balance issues (Like everyone wears the Vog Set + Swift Buckler + Faust = 1 shot kill everyone)."
The laggy players issue I'll give you, but you have laggy players in ALL MMOs. If you want an amazing example of lag try out Runes of Magic and go to Varanas City... jump lag is normal, and crash lag is not uncommon either(and this is on systems that run WoW without issue). As for the balance issue... wouldn't happen due to something called meta-game. If EVERYBODY is using a certain build then that means somebody will come up with a counter for it. In your example everybody is using Vog Cub, a weak shield, and a Faust. If you know said build runs rampart in PvP then an easy counter for it is to use the Valkyrie or Dread Skelly sets, either a Flourish or your own Faust... or if you're a real sadist Freeze them then do whatever you want to them. If the counter I mentioned becomes popular (and they decide to go with using a Flourish) then the Royal Jelly set could become popular to counter the Piercing.
The items popular in PvE are often not the same that are used in PvP, mostly because AI enemies are generally stupid and will stand there while you charge up your ungodly uber powerful spirit bomb (insert 5 episodes of ARGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!). A player seeing that on the other hand is going to go "don't think so" and do everything possible to peg you with something to stop your charge.
A hub for mini-games would also be pretty rockin', I'll admit.
I spend almost as much time at the game tables in YPP as I did mucking about in boats.
Games don't require a certain amount of players to add an Auction House. There's plenty of games I've played that are released with an Auction House right off the bat.
The only thing that prevents a company from releasing content like this is their own development team, as well as the fact if they even want such content in the game to begin with.
Runescape isn't a good game to compare -anything- to, it's a hunk of trash.
The mini-game hub will just contain a hyperlink to Puzzle Pirates.
Perhaps they should just make arena specific equipment for pvp to be purchased with only in crowns. It would serve as a crown sink.
No, no, no, God no. Just balance PvE gear to work in PvP, this is what began the downfall of PvP for WoW, PvP gear, resilience, homogenisation, boredom. No pre-game choices should be just an important as heat-of-the-moment-oh-god-my-face skills.
Crazy pie-in-the-sky dream for me: Spiral Knights gets an implementation of Dominion, which proceeds to infect the player base and become a major driver of CE transactions.
I'd agree with RapBreon; and take it a step further. If OOO tries to balance PvE and PvP by the same rules/etc, I'll probably quit the game before becoming any more invested in it. I like PvP, but only as a fun pastime. If I wanted to be competitive I'd be playing Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, or an FPS online. If I wanted my PvE experience to be constantly tweaked, retweaked, and retooled in the name of "PvP balance" I'd be playing WoW, which I'm taking a much-needed break from currently.
What OOO could do is balance gear around PVE better--make piercing defense actually useful, buff some other armors that are always overlooked, etc. It gets kinda tiring seeing everybody using DA/GF, AP, vog cub, etc.
But, frankly, I'd rather see an auction house than any of the above. Trading is a colossal PITA right now, with the tradespam and a very clunky chat ui, this forum to check for auctions, and then that not enough people are using yet.
EDIT--I'd like for Guild Halls to be more customizable. The music just doesn't fit the tone of my guild's typical interactions in there, and aside from a meeting place and spam-free alchemy station they don't have much purpose yet. Don't even have chairs, lol.
I was thinking about this earlier and it might be cool to have a PVP work similar to online shooters where you are all balanced and have the same weapons to choose from.
I could see it working randomly, by Tier - so 0-2* for T1 etc...
Gear would be randomized at start, everyone gets same armor and shield as well as same 4 weapons. Random each time, I think that would be cool, everyone at same playing field, you get ot test out weapons you may never actually play with, and takes a bit of strategy each time to figure out how to beat your opponents.
Guild furniture shop? Sink crowns to buy decorations.
what are you smoking? PVP has happened in this game.
also eff you /sob. joining on the day I wish I had. -my /b/ hat>your join date, though.-
bish please, they had specific pvps for each tier, plus a free for all pvp.
that's not really true, I can tell you no ones gonna go easy on a newb, from past experience, and if they have a vog on, so what? then they have a vog on. it is how it is, if they're using a fire gun, they're in trouble regardless.
at least you're honest about your flaws, "actually fairly decent; but I rage at people easily"
Couldn't that have been one post? I mean why didn't you just go for six and have a sextuple post?
ooh ooh, I think I'll be a "real sadist" then :D
and nuuu, royal jelly is my thing, if it becomes popular, it'll be mainstream, and mainstream is too mainstream. :<
oh god no, no randomizing D: it'd suck getting stuck with some random gear you have no experience with, it wouldn't even be true skill, it'd be compatibility and luck.
Probably could've. I could edit it if it's such a deal *but without delete it'd be the same anyway one post and then some blank ones.. well considering it took like an hour to post all of those, it wouldn't really have worked out anyway, well. maybe some staffer will come and merge em or something? doubt it though.
I didn't mean to retool the PVE aspect, I mean just make specific equipment to only be used and purchased in the PVP arena, so that's it's balanced and stuff.
@nearo God you are annoying, if I were a mod I'd write you up for that "sadist" display. You need to learn to quote multiples in your replies and to use the HTML tags like the rest of us.
How would you be able to block close range attacks? If you use your sheild, the enemy will just break it. The best thing I can think of is creating knock back with the sheilds, so if you block an attack, the person who hit your shield is pushed a couple steps back, giving you time to counter.
What's wrong with this nearo guy? He's the same weirdo that made this thread
How bout if two people cross sword(both swings at roughly the same time) They will be required to do a combo move like Up down left right or left right down up , the guy who does the move fastest will be able to hit the other?
and at right timing, gun bullets can be ricocheted by the Shield/Sword Swing?
I still say no, this killed WoW PvP, nononnnononoono. Horrifying nightmares of Arena AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
@Rap Oh wow has that? Hmm didn't know that cause I don't like WoW even though I've tried it vanilla and after they revamped it.
#77 problems deckard?
#75 oh god if you were a mod this game would die.
jeez, well at least I don't think I'm some great being, I am who I am, an annoying player who miraculously gets along with some people, didn't work at walmart, doesn't have tons of issues with people, but am not some super placid deity, I am not indifferent, I do have problems.
I'm not all intelligent, and yes I tend to get off topic, however everyone who mentioned me here was really getting off the topic of this thread,
and of course this makes me a hypocrite for doing the same, but I acknowledge that and don't make a single excuse.
He's responding to post numbers, rather than helpfully including links to said posts to we can open them in another tab or in fact quoting the passage that he's responding to. I can't entirely blame him, this "forum" software is just different for the sake of being different by not including any [quote] equivalent (to say nothing of other forum conventions). But links we do have. Learn some XHTML and use an a href
Lol wow I seriously considered he had multiple personalities.
He's responding to post numbers, rather than helpfully including links to said posts to we can open them in another tab or in fact quoting the passage that he's responding to. I can't entirely blame him, this "forum" software is just different for the sake of being different by not including any [quote] equivalent (to say nothing of other forum conventions). But links we do have. Learn some XHTML and use an a href
We shouldn't have to learn HTML to post here. That's the exact opposite of user-friendly.
Technically you can just copy and paste the link in, you don't need to use a href, but it is helpful, and most boards support some kind of HTML so, I think it would be good to learn some simple code. Most of which is provided for you right under the comment box you type in.
Technically there's a page that lists all the tags and examples here
But this is why I put forum in quotes. It's less "forum" and more "blog" software, as they don't typically adhere to any conventions on formating besides XHTML tags.
Guild furniture shop? Sink crowns to buy decorations.
I totally second this. I would spend so much in a guild furniture shop!
Nick wrote:
Our next update will make 'Basil invites' obsolete.
Dunno if that has anything to do with the second building, but it could
Was casually reading through that thread on someone griping... then I got to that comment and darn almost spat out coke.
Edit: Ninja'd
I was always wondering if the broken lift next to Basil is ever getting fixed.
At least snipes are going to be updated. That's the most important thing. Can we also step on them now? :)
Oh... hey, an off-topic board.
Cool., about those new buildings in Haven...
More hints via twitter, I'd expect a Facebook update sometime today then too.!/NickPopovich
I don't think this forum likes # in URLs unless it is in the href. Here's a more click-friendly URL:
For those that don't want to click through, it is just the same thing mentioned over in the new thread on the same tweet:
The Impos- err, Nick Popovich' s latest Twitter post says, "Oh cluttered trade channel, this may be our last night together. Sorry, but I won't miss you. I've auctually met someone else."
Yes, the mispelled "actually" is from the original tweet.
So, yeah, I'm pretty sure it'll be an Auction House.
Searching on "Spiral Knights" turned this up today:
New Features
Supposedly they're also adding a "Training Hall"...
I'd call that tweet pretty solid confirmation of an Auction House coming right quick. Not sure what to think of the gamasutra article, since it also claims the features are live now...
With an Auction House in, the obvious and gaping hole in machinery of the game will be taken care of. Trade will be easy for most, and engaging in new ways for others.
It will almost certainly still leave the table cluttered with balance issues, materials drop rates and value concerns, lag issues, room for PvP, guildhalls, and on and on. It's a pretty big pile, to be sure, but each thing in it, taken individually, is a much smaller deal, at least from my chair. Plus, the other issues of materials and money will become blatantly visible with a trackable AH in play. Which will make 'em easier to point out, and hopefully make good solutions easier to determine for OOO.
Therefore, I shall celebrate upon arrival, drink rum, and dance with my cat.
It will almost certainly still leave the table cluttered with balance issues, materials drop rates and value concerns, lag issues, room for PvP, guildhalls, and on and on.
Almost every release has a small pile of minor fixes and tweaks. You either have to catch an off-hand Dev statement or have really discerning eyes. Such as how there's a host of lag fixes coming, but if you don't hang out on the technical side of things you'd never know are happening. As for drop rates... I'm fairly certain those can be changed without a release.
As for Gamasutra, that seems like some character ignored the release timing statement.
"As for Gamasutra, that seems like some character ignored the release timing statement."
Ho ho ho! Yeah, err, um. *grumble grumble*
But hey, keep an eye out SOON, folks! :D
Mini-games, yes but with leaderboards. Hell, I'd play Go-Fish if it had a leaderboard. Must have leaderboards.
We need some competition in this game. xD
Another reason why I'm okay with waiting for the re-release of PvP. Fine tune it to perfection 3R, I believe in you.