Just a few more!
Count to 7,000 Game
Shouldn't your number be 6099?
If yes, I increase it to 6100! Finally!
If no, I increase it to 6099.
I can feel it.
It's getting closer...
Any second now! It's happening!
Even the pathetic fallacy is agreeing with me!
Haha! I did it!
I have increased the number to 6100!!!!!!!
...unless we messed up the number in which case...
I have increased the number to 6101!!!!!!!
Doesn't quite have the same dramatic feel.
Reading your comment, I'm starting to feel sorry that I actually took those 6100. I could never make it as epic as you (pun not intended), even if I tried, because that thing up there is simply terrible. Such a momment and... completely wasted.
Also, I'm glad that I wasn't the only one waiting for 6100. :)
Let's say we'll continue with 6102.
Or we'll be counting for both cases until Markelu decides whether that number should or shouldn't be there? 6101, too? :)
Lets just say 6103.5, mostly because I want to confuse new people.
I'll add to this confusion by saying a number that probably should be here.
another lonely spirit comes to the other lonely spirit.
they're not lonely anymore.
the number's 6108.
The spirit subtly smiles, delighted with your presence.
The number rose to 6109.
Then the random guy comes along who puts the number in the title instead of the main comment.
Unfortunately, I've got no empty Subject/Title fields to fill. 6111
Funny thing, I've got no idea how to "remove" that subject line. There are some people who post without it. When I posted my last number, I did it the way I did and was kinda proud on myself how it looks. But then I was curious, if I am able to remove it. I am not. I tried few things but none worked, at least I think so. Aaaaanyway, 6113!
Put 0 as the subject to completely remove the subject.
Heh, I wouldn't find it out on my own, thanks!
And happy 6th birthsday Spiral Knights! (116)
Looks like the forums are working for everybody again, unless it's still not working for somebody else.
EDIT: Nevermind, they're still broken.
I had some issues lately. Instead of forums I was being presented by white blank screen. But I found out that switching "page style" settings in my browser from "basic style" to "no style" could load the forums. Later, the base part of spiralknights.com was unavailable, but the forums were accessible, just with less visuals. Now, everything is working fine except I can't connect directly to forums.spiralknights.com, because that shows only image with text "website down for maintenance". Plus, SK pages were loading incredibly slow few hours ago (that's probably the point of your edit, I think).
I use PC as well as phone, but I remember I couldn't load the forums on my phone for a short while too. Does that mean you can't access the forums right now? Because while it can somewhat load on my PC, my phone shows only blank page.
This took quite a while to sort out. Hopefully the SK site will be more stable now.
Interesting facts about Lichens:
Some people may think that Lichens are the same in all 3 Tiers. But you can notice that they are somewhat bigger in deeper Tiers. In reality, they spawn as 2 merged Lichens in Tier 2 and as 3 merged Lichens in Tier 3. This also explains why they form colonies significantly faster and why they are significantly more durable than regular enemies in deeper Tiers while being comparable to other enemies in Tier 1. Also (in Tier 1, don't know how it works in the other Tiers), Lichens that already spawn as Lichen Colonies have the same amount of HP as any other regular monster at that depth, until another Lichen comes and joins the colony. Then, the HP is buffed to proper value. Great example of such colony would be at the end of mission "Alien Ooze" as it spawns without other Lichens around.
Phew, 6124!
So, what do the other 4 people here want to talk about.
EDIT: Just realized I forgot the main point of this thread...
Hmm, nothing in particular (if you are asking me)... :/
But just to add to my previous post, I've noticed that those low HP colonies have actually got single core in them, not >10 as any other colony would have.
The number's 6126.
So sleep is back, eh?
That's cool... I think that's what I'm going to go do... sleep...
See ya guys in 3 months or so after my 6127 winks!
Oh hey, looks like Markus is back, and then immediantly leaves.
At our current pace, it'll probably take way longer then 3 months to reach page (6)128.
Now that I think about it, I do recall seeing a colony with only one core and finding it a bit odd. Guess I know why now.
On a bit of a side note, I usually combine all the Lichens when I go into one of their levels.
Once I tried combining all lichens in the level into one, too. It was in Tier 1 and from that day I know that they spawn smaller there.
After significantly less than 6131 days I am once again alive.
Just look at that! All those things I've been putting off so far are comming back for me all at once! But I've managed to bring my number here anyway. Enjoy!
It's 6133.
num = 0
while num != 6134:
num += 1
print ("The number is now 6134!")
System.out.println("Have fun scrolling...");
System.out.println("The number is 1...");
int currentNum = 6135
for (int a = 2; a < currentNum; a++)
System.out.println("And the number after that is " + a + "...");
//By the way, I don't know what programming language you're using, but you can probably substitute the "num += 1" with just
//Also, the fact that there are no semicolons bothers me.
//And now that I think about it, you never specified num was a number. As far as the machine knows it could be a boolean.
//Maybe it works fine in its own language though.
I guess it is Python, as the subject line suggests. And your's Java, right?
Also, I'm afraid that after he'll scroll all the way down, he will find the last line being "And the number after that is 6134..." Maybe use one more System.out.println(); and display the final line with some specialized style?
Alright, I'll try one as well. It will be very simple. Let's see if I remember everything correctly...
#include "iostream" // wanted to use <> instead but HTML
using namespace std;
int main ()
int curNumber = 6136;
cout << "The number's " << curNumber << "!\n";
cout << "\n\n";
// Results: Nope. Few mistakes were made. I need more programming skills to make proper "almost hello world" program.
Why don't we just stop for a second and examine all 6137 lines of code we've written so far.
Man, we really need to optimise this program.
> "Examine" request accepted. Starting exmination...
> Total lines of code: 6137
> Estimated time: 6 seconds
> Examining...
> Examination complete.
> Result: All lines are acceptable.
> Examination ended successfuly.
> "Optimise" request accepted. Starting optimisation...
> Total lines of code: 6137
> Estimated time: 13 minutes 52 seconds
> Optimising .py files...
> Python code optimised.
> Optimising .java files...
> Java code optimised.
> Optimising .cpp files...
> C++ code optimised.
> Optimisation complete.
> Result: Code optimised. Updating Java is recommended for enhanced stability and security.
> Total lines of new code: 6138
> Optimisation ended successfuly.
The number just got incremented to 6140.
Yeah, that's java. I meant to use a <=, whoops. That's what I get for being too lazy to test my code. Having it say something different at the end would have probably been a better idea anyway.
Since I don't feel like being clever and attempting to write more code, I'll just leave you with this.
currentNum += 6;
No, it equals 6000100405
On a side note, Arcade seems to have broken and I can't access it, but everything else seems to be fine.
EDIT: Apparently I can access it on my phone, but not my computer, for some reason.
Been a while since I've used that title.
Looks like I count it badly. It doesn't matter. I've got good grades from maths. This won't change anything. I did good. Teachers are done with grades as well. My final grades are like written in the stone. No mistakes can ruin this. None of them. Do you hear me? NONE!
Anyway, last time I had problems with the forums, I was able to access them only when I choosed the option to display the page "without style" (the one that turns the page to plain text). During those times I couldn't access any other page from spiralknights.com, except wiki (and login page for some reason). I solved this by using inkognito mode in my browser. Then they fixed SK site and I haven't encountered these problems since then. Since when? Since 6/1/'57.
Wow! You're going fast. Funny I'm here only for incrementing the number and little else.