I'm looking at it and it looks beautifully!
The also beautiful number's 6913.
I'm looking at it and it looks beautifully!
The also beautiful number's 6913.
I made a suggestion and the first 3 replies were people just saying "good idea"
Now I'm wondering how long it's going to take for Midnight, Fehzor or some other forum regular to come on and say "bro your idea's badddddddddddd"
Yeah, I wouldn't know what to think about that if I were you.
The number's 6915.
I'm very conflicted.
On the one hand, it means people think my idea's good.
On the other hand, it means nobody's saying anything that could make it better.
It's a problem.
And the number is 6926.
We better go out with a bang at 7000.
Either that or Pi will do the ultimate anticlimax.
(pi plz post on periodic adventure plz)
Can I join it too?
Also, I have sort of revived New Kind of Roleplay, check it out or something
If you sign up to www.tbgforums.com then yes (it's not on SK)
Problem is that'd ruin my amazing coincidence where there are 12 characters and I have a 12 sided die so like
The number's 6930. That means the game is now exactly 99% completed.
Somehow I woke up at 4:30 AM.
Also nobody told me there's actually a forum dedicated to text based games and RPGs!
It's originally from Scratch, but they moved it to its own domain.
Also it's not too active, but it's more active than 1 active game and a few *kind of* active ones.
Edit: There are also a few people going around saying the site is dead but we're on the Spiral Knights forums, we're used to that :P
Could you even imagine what would happen once we reach 7000?
I heard once from Artistbma, the thread OP, that once we reach 7000 then the game is truly over.
Where would we go then once it happens? Also, is there going to be a group of active Arcade subforum users just so we can talk about random stuff?
so 4 people
We can maybe keep counting forward. Or one of us could go ahead and make BRAND NEW, UNIQUE and NEVER SEEN BEFORE Count from 7,001 to 8,000 game.
The number's, however, still only 6936, so we should have enough time to figure this out.
Just did my first D&N Elite run.
Used 1 spark on final arena, got 2 eternals and 27 rads in return.
I think that's a pretty fair trade.
Meanwhile I am stuck at Knight Elite with the Hall of Heroes 4-star task
which made me quit as soon as I found out that the HoH mission comes RIGHT after Knight rank.
HoH missions are the hardest missions in the game. Though finale of Shadowplay could be equally hard if there weren't any means of reviving.
The number's 6940.
I will say though, after being stuck at Defender Elite for freaking forever, it feels REALLY good to see that little "Champion" under your name.
Consider this, we're nearly halfway there to victory
Theoretically, we were halfway there when the number was 3500. None of us played this game back then... Well, I didn't and I wasn't around here back then to see if any of you played it, hehe.
The number's 6944.
EDIT: It's just as I thought! I went back 70 pages to check if there was any of you playing this game. And, of course, there was Pi.
Almost halfway there since the last insignificant milestone!
I decided to look back at my old aNKoRPG posts (terrible idea I know) because I'm pretty much overdue there and wanted to make a reference to an old post but then came across this gem.
"Cthulu wasn't by it because hhe is eveil"
Help I can't stop laughing.
The number is 6950.
I also looked at my aNKoRPG posts and boy, I shoulda told my past self to mind my business on Clink instead of just interfering with other arcs and being all out wonky.
You think that's bad, just look at what I did with Iurbak, suddenly interrupting entire plots to throw in crimupption (which was a combination of Terraria's corruption and crimson, I'm glad I didn't really write much fan fiction), swarm, or whatever new edgy thing I thought of.
I might return Iurbak one day (except without the random plot derailments and in a place where he'd actually feel appropriate to the story) along with the swarm (since I feel that my old version of the swarm is original enough to be it's own thing, though it'll most likely be renamed). I'm not sure about crimupption though (that'll definitely get a bit of an overhaul and be renamed if I do). If not I might just have him casually hang out in the background of some random place as a joke.
I'm not sure exactly why Doctor Spacebar kept roleplaying with me after like 3 of my posts since it was clear I was god awful at it, but I'm glad he did.
The number is 6954.
Just figured out what hash maps do and now I wish I had known about them earlier.
6958 is a closer number.
The number's 6960. If I wasn't looking up what hash maps are, I would have your number, Ze-Epik.
6961, or 7100, depends on how you look at it.
One more page to go!
Edit: Hey look at that, a new page