Sorry, entry coming soon-ish, currently very depressed because I had nearly 75 dollars in items stolen from me in Team Fortress 2 in a phishing scam. And here I was so close to getting my first unusual...
Initiate Protocol 13 (Roleplay Discussion Thread)

Hey, Aekuryi, you play TF2 too? Eh, don't feel so bad. There are a lot of scammers like that in a world. Tell you what, seeing as you're a pretty good person, gimme your steam ID, and I'll give you Beggars's bazooka strange and Pain train :P Sorry if that isn't much, that's all I can spare right now.

It's fine, I contacted Steam Support and hopefully they'll respond. I tracked one of my items down too.

Sorry for not posting, it was a combination of other stuff and waiting for someone else to post. I wonder where Ultima went.

I warned Quexi long ago not to let him in. Not only he's OP, he's also unactive! I suggest he gets killed by Winter. But then Thin is also unactive....Says he's got Writer's block.

Winter's conversion of Topo feels like an ending to a story. How do I continue on from an ending? :/

Sorry Thin. I'm just...... I'm used to ending chapters like this and stop thinking about it. :P I quit the Fan-Fic too.....

The reason as to why I have stopped posting in the story thread for a while can be found in multiple reasons, all of which are occuring:
-My final term examinations are near. I have to study a lot.
-I'm currently trying to improve my narrative writing ability through rigorous training exercises.
-Thinslayer's character seems to pay no attention whatsoever to mine. Except for one time where he didn't.
-Nathan only killing off drakes doesn't seem like much of a cool part of the story to me. I was hoping for Nathan and Mute to interact, but now that Winter has come to Mute and asked him to join the swarm, there'll be no cool interaction. You know, since Nathan reminds Mute of Nathaniel.
It's 'inactive', not 'unactive', by the way. And why do you suggest my character gets killed my Winter just because I was inactive for a while? Most people were inactive as well. And then you state that Thin was inactive as well, but don't say his character gets beaten down. That proves you have a natural bias against me, as you say my character should get the beatdown and not Thin's, even though we were both inactive. In fact, I doubt the swarm queen would be able to easily kill Nathan. Think about it. Time control. Even used in a small amount, it plays an important part in space-time. Think before you speak, Top. I'm not saying that Nathan can beat the Swarm Queen. I'm just saying that the Swarm Queen will have a hard time killing him(which I doubt she can do) because Nathan controls frikkin TIME and darkness.
Also, if you're wondering why Nathan didn't use time when Winter bit him, it's because he doesn't want to cause more time anomalies. For instance, he could easily reverse time to right before Winter bit him, teleport behind Winter and stab her multiple times in the back with his mythical sword before impaling her on a chain made of solidified darkness, but that would change the whole course of the future, which would disrupt the flow of space-time. Which he doesn't want to happen.
I'll also try to make a post, though I've got a pretty tight schedule ahead of me.

Well you were inactive but didn't tell us where you went. The fact that you didn't have time is not an excuse, posting a short message takes less than five minutes. Anyway uh, good luck.

Was just checking to see if anyone was alive here. From the looks of it everything has gone the way of the wind...

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I figured it's Swarm, and it's about time for some overpowerdness to draw everyone back in a little