We've posted about the upcoming release of Battle Sprites and some other major changes coming to the game. Please stick to this thread for discussion of these topics, so that we can more easily track your feedback. Thanks!
Discussion thread for upcoming patch

what IS going to happen about mist tanks, as i still have one left

Will the mist energy we have at the time of the update be converted into ce (I guess just plain energy, actually...)? Not important, just curious.
@Snarby-Lover-Me: They said you'll comped for things like that. "we will be implementing ways to give people an appropriate value for items such as mist wells, mist tanks, and elevator passes"

what will happen to guild hall mist wells? they are full of mists :/

Wow, looks like we all could batch up tons of CE for balancing the Supply Depot AND revives costs. But, what will happen to our Mist Tanks? Will it just be a memento of Mist Energy?
Looks like we're watching history every knight.

That a huge... suprise.
And huge change. For better :0

Yes yes YES! BATTLE SPRITES! NEW STUFF TOO! I will see a lot of knights back in the clockworks now :D

What happens to the CE market?
What will be the use of the mist well then? Give free energy?
What everyone is saying, what do we do with our mist tank?
When the patch comes, what will happen to our mist? Covert into energy?
Well I guess removing mist is fair.

2 years and nearly a half playing player speaking. How do you intend to make possible rage crafting and mist crafting removing completely mist energy? And who in your opinion will go through the troubles of using CE at all for rage crafting purposes, given that they can infinitely farm in clockworks?
Very dissatisfied player speaking. Non of those changes were ever mentionned and the transition is nothing smooth to me. I expect rather thorough answers; crafting is the core of this game.

I can't believe it , I have been playing this game for two years and there is going be things that I will never see again :( but on the bright side I won't have to worry about how much 've I have to go down another level :D.
finaly ill be able to play clockwors again not yust vana ^^

"Elevators will no longer require energy to operate. You can play as long as you like."

I wonder how OOO will make money if they're making an energy update like this.

You will now find loot drops (“Orbs of Alchemy” and “Fire Crystals”) in the Clockworks that you can use to craft and upgrade your gear.
Question, do you still need Energy to craft items? Do you still rev in lockdown with energy? What any other uses does energy have now?


OOO, please for the love of trojan make missions not repeatable. I would like to go back to the Arcade.

I've only been in Spiral Knights for around 5 months, and I have to say, there have been many changes. While this might be a simple update, it will be the biggest. It's like going on a ship, hanging on, with some people dropping out of it, and more getting on, into a new world, for everyone.

It's nice to k ow that spiral knights is trying to revive the arcade because you have to admit it, be four ld running through the arcade was pretty fun.

WAIT,WHAT? You are removing the cost of elevators? So anyone can make an account,log in and play as long as they want for free?.....HERE COME THE BOTS!!!!! There goes the economy.....:(

"Question, do you still need Energy to craft items?"
From the sounds of preview server info, orbs of alchemy are intended to straight-up replace the raw energy requirement.

It's going to be really hard trying to predict what might occur over the market. Both Street & Auction House..
This.. Is.. Fantastic.
The market is going be incredibly kick-started.

Just because I'm curious and will actually be affected by this update more than a minor amount, I've decided I'll field a few questions.
"To that end, we will be implementing ways to give people an appropriate value for items such as mist wells, mist tanks, and elevator passes, which are being replaced under this new system."
Can we get some sort of estimation as to what this might be indicative of? Because I have an elevator pass that is due to last for quite some time. Will someone with an extended elevator pass receive the exact same compensation as someone who only has one for a month or two left? Or will the recompense be incremental based off of the time remaining? Normally this question would be a minor one, but I've had this elevator pass since the Explorer Update with the Stranger Hats, and would like to know if I'll at least get something of equivalent value based off of the pretenses that were set then. If not, eh, I still got a nice year or so out of them.
To that end, will the mist wells be "refunded" so to speak based on a blanket/one-size-fits-all refund or will it also be based on how much mist is in said mist well?
Last, but not least, if I recall correctly, there are several promotional packs that include Mist Tanks as one of the items you receive when you make the one-time purchase. What can we expect to see change from those to replace the mist tanks, if there is anything in the works regarding that?

Whoa what?
Me shocked.
There is one issue, though: With the new heat system, it's no longer required that you bind something to you in order to fully level it, as well as craft it up! I'm asking...will it bind when you put heat on it still or will we be able to make fresh unbound 5*s out of the box?
I really like the fact that there will be no more energy costs on elevators. Now players may explore where THEY want to explore, not where they will get the most goodies.
Also, now I want to ask...will Shadow Lairs get a revamp? Like...so that each person needs their own CE?

I've been playing sk since it went on steam and I've never seen an update close to this size excluding the mission update. But this will literally change the game I hope for the better. It will encourage new knights to keep playing instead of quitting when they run out of mist. I am especially excited about difficulties and experience requirements for high lcl gear. I can't wait to see the new rewards for hard difficulties!
( is it me or did nick hint something about new gear?)
- your friendly neighborhood Jim

So, uh... how do you guys make any money from all this? Since Energy and DLC look like the only purchasables, and you can avoid Energy entirely now?

Save your breath if your ranting, they won't hear you, if your cheering it on go ahead, either way it really makes no difference on what's going to happen.

I am sort of in the fence with this. I mean, this could be for my group of friends either a return or a total departure from this game, depending on a few things:
1 - How often Orbs of Alchemy, Fire Crystals and Sparks of Life are suposed to drop?
2 - What does this mean for energy walled content? Will Shadow Keys still be energy only? Or are you planning on they dropping in Tier 3/Danger Missions? Will "keys" to the Expansion Mission drop too?
3 - If question to 1 is "pretty often", then the income from this game will be from vanity/skin items? Which would be quite fine to me.
4 - Will the market get a top of Crowns when bidding for energy? Because energy will certainly SKYROCKET after this. If we still are very much pressured to buy the Fire Crystals/Orbs of Alchemy, NO ONE will be able to progress, in my opinion. Because well, needing 9 Fire Crystals per item at 4*-5* along with whatever number of Orbs of Alchemy... I can imagine it would get quite costly.
This can mean a lot to this game in both senses depending on the direction.

Ok, the way I see it, theres some good and bads. Pros: Mist gone and elevators free. Cool! Cons: Update will take six bajillion years to update (jk).
Questions: Ummmm...How will you compensate mist wells and tanks? What about crafting? Does that still require CE (well energy now I guess)
What about the CE econmy? (I did it again. ENERGY.) I was very xcited at first until I read the test preview server and then I was disappointed because I didn't see the whole picture, and now I see this and Im kinda...idk....slightly optimistic? Anyway, hoping to see how this devolps.
P.S. Do you have a positive release date yet?

okay, so I was kinda worried about this new stuff. But then I read this and, well. We'll see. But I gotta say, it's totally gonna be a different game. Weather that's for the better or not, we'll see.
I'm going to miss my mist. It would be easier to revive like that. Now u can't revive for heat. And what if u want to make a 2 star weapon u have to buy ce instead of using mist to craft 2 items :(

What will happen with Mist Wells and Mist Tanks? And 50 CE per revive...that's 3,500-3,600 cr! I won't be able to revive...

Oh noes, I'm a noob and I can't play this game with just one FREE revive per game.
Sarcasm meter:
Sarcasm......................Not sarcasm

Well ._.
Personally, I rather like the mist energy system. Not too happy with it being taken away, but I'll wait before judging.
HEYYYYYY, but that means I can finally go for a Dauntless Delver :D
That aside, the next few months should be rather interesting.

Well. This is going to be interesting.
There are obvious benefits to removing the cost of elevators. Crowns are no longer as sharply decided by how much payout you get from FSC. However, there's also some obvious drawbacks; Three Rings will feel justified (and they may be right) in increasing the price of other things, such as crafting, and even with so many blatant cash grabs (that I understand the reasoning for now), I'm having trouble seeing how the game will survive. (Then again, it's surviving right now with a lot of F2Ps.)
You can also progress through the game while not spending a cent; spending crowns or cash on Energy is purely for:
--Crafting faster (let's face it, you want that Vortex NOW)
--Variant hunting (Unless you just spam your ginormous Crown surplus to Punch in search of that elusive CTR VH Dark Retribution)
--Shadow Lairs (which will now be crazy expensive, unless your entire team is a-freaking-mazing at dodging attacks)
--Revives (so that poor guy that lagged into spikes doesn't have to lie there while you get the money)
--Weapon Slots and Trinket Slots (because we like quad wielding, we like it a lot)
--HATS (So you can say, like any behatted man, "I buy hats, I am better than you"... which, admittedly, is a big part of TF2's income)
Removing Health Sharing is still kind of a downer; you'll still see the dead guy lying there unless you shell out the cash. Not as depressing as if you leave Curly Brace behind in Cave Story (oops might have spoiled something), but it's still a bummer that the poor guy can't keep running with you. Still, now I understand why they were doing this.
What I'm wondering is why Three Rings didn't tell us about this on the Test Server! It would have been nice to know before we all saw "no more health sharing," applied it to the present system, and freaked the [REDACTED] out.

I'm okay with crafting orbs but I'm really okay with sharing half of my health and taking the hits like a man. Also, how will FSC runners help other heat stuff up? I don't want the sparks of life, The difficulty adjuster kinda sucks, plus, I want to help lower-ranked people on missions they're stuck on. Plus, the thing that bugs me the most is that everyone won't be getting everyone's crowns now (as in it used to be 1 person finds 10 crowns and everyone gets 10 crowns). It really, REALLY kills playing in parties and endorses soloing. Please find a way to sort this out. I don't want to see SK die now after so long...
Wellllll... At least those who complained of not playing because of lack of mist will be happy... Right?

Initial reaction:
second reaction:
"wait how do they make money now?"
I mean if " As you play, you will find over time that you have more orbs than you need for the upgrade of your initial choice of weapons, and that you have the resources to build a broader arsenal of gear", who would want to buy anything? No need for elevator passes, no need to buy CE for crafting or for elevators... Also, won't the price of CE plummet since no one needs it for anything? Or will we just not have a market tab?

The fire crystal thing.. does that mean there's a chance our items will have uvs centered around heat? Also, does that mean there's a chance our items may not level up (heat-wise)?

I'm glad. Very glad, thank you! I just don't quite understand how Fire Crystals work out.

I'm honestly too confused by all the change to be critical of this update. OOO might have done that on purpose. Good move I say, good move.

Reading the patch notes reminds me of the suggestions I used to write back when I cared enough to do that.
Thank you. I think I'll actually buy some CE.
Two questions:
What is the deal with this fire shard thing?? (where do I get them? What perks besides "double heat", like UVs? for sale in supply depot?)
How expensive will everything be??

TY OOO. For the energy system. You realize this will make crystal energy prices rise to like 20k, but who needs to craft when you can endlessly farm crowns 24/7 and buy triple max UV'd DAs off the Auction house? The good thing is now I don't need to tab that beggar on levels. Yippe.


uh, what will I do with mist tanks and elev pass? will OOO compensate for them?

If I'm understanding it correctly, Fire Crystals will be used to gain a level on a piece of gear once it's gained a sufficient amount of heat. It won't add extra UVs or anything like that.. I think.

Well in the event SK does go down, I'd pour my hard-earned allowance into getting OOO back on its feet.

Regarding how we are handling mist tanks, wells, etc., we haven't posted the details because we haven't fully finalized them. We thought it was definitely worth noting in the announcement that we were thinking about and addressing that issue, though, even if we couldn't spell out exactly how yet.

Fire crystals sounds like a pain compared to how we're used to dealing with heat levels. Not a fan of them having a chance of failing.
Everything else sounds very intriguing indeed.
Woah... that's one large update
I guess the "no elevator fees" will balance out the rev costs