Sold for 160000 CR
Fayeth's Shop! UV Stuff & Accessories!

2x Crest Of Summer [B/O 5000 E]
4x Crest Of Winter [B/O 4000 E]
Snowfall Aura
3x Sunshine Aura
Storm Warrior Helm

Divine Vitakit [B/O 10000 CE]
Volcanic Canteen [B/O 300000 CR]
Volcanic Vitakit [B/O 10000 CE]
Storm Champion Helm [B/O 160000 CR]
Winterfest Coat [B/O 35000 CE]

Hacked Aura's can now be inquired about!

I don't think so sorry! What was the message about?

The Bitter End Shadow Medium + Piercing MAX [B/O 20000 CE]

I'm interested in seeing your prismatic long feather, your volcanic parrying blade, and was curious if you had any knight vision goggles.
You can message me in-game and we can meet? I have items to trade and wanted to see if you'd be willing to trade those.

Oh haha, sorry those items aren't for sale yet. I should probably capitalize the section header because no one ever reads it and asks about the flash sale items, they aren't for sale yet, if there's no buyout price set, ignore the item it's not for sale. Sorry again!

2x Volcanic Wolver Tail
Vog Cub Coat w/ Flame Aura + Volcanic Wings
1x Crest Of Storms

Sold for 13000 CE

Looking for a Crest of Storms:
I would like to offer 130k Cr and 900 energy
Added you on steam to discuss The Bitter End. Ghost of the Macarena.

Jolly Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]
Plus Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]
Starry Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]
Skolver Coat w/ Prismatic Wings: Elemental Max + Normal Max + Shock Max [B/O None]
Skolver Coat w/ Tails Tails + Crest of Winter : Elemental Max + Shadow Max + Normal Max [B/O None]
3x Candy Striped Scarf [B/O None]
Divine Canteen [B/O 300000 CR]
1x Divine Eye Of Fury
Divine Vitakit [B/O 10000 CE]
Frosty Scarf [B/O 250000 CR]
3x Recon Ranger Crest [B/O None]
Volcanic Canteen [B/O 300000 CR]
Volcanic Vitakit [B/O 10000 CE]
1x Volcanic Side Blade
Skolver Cap Normal Low w/ Divine Long Feather + Divine Halo
Skolver Coat Elemental Low + Stun Max + Piercing Max w/ Divine Wings + Crest of Winter


19x Prismatic Glow-Eyes [B/O 1300000 CR]
100x Silver Key [B/O 60000 CR]
Hacked Aura
Sold for 36000 CE