Fayeth's Shop! UV Stuff & Accessories!

963 replies [Last post]
Fayeth's picture
Regal Eye Of Fury

Sold for 65000 CR

Fayeth's picture
Hacked Aura

Sold for 25000 CE

Boontakid's picture
just saying hi!!!

boontakid thinks............ "dam Fayeth must b RICH"

Fayeth's picture


Fayeth's picture
Crest Of Winter

Sold for 4000 CE

Fayeth's picture
Dusky Vertical Vents

Sold for 150000 CR

Fayeth's picture
Updated List!

*Lower End Accessories* Section
Cool Barrel Belly
Cool Binocular Visor
Cool Bolted Vee
Cool Bomb Bandolier
Cool Canteen - (2 in stock)
Cool Com Unit - (2 in stock)
Cool Flower
Cool Glasses
Cool Goggles
Cool Helm-Mounted Display
Cool Knight Vision Goggles - (2 in stock)
Cool Maedate
Cool Maid Headband
Cool Mustache
Cool Party Hat
Cool Round Shades
Cool Vertical Vents
Dusky Binocular Visor
Dusky Birthday Candle
Dusky Bolted Vee - (2 in stock)
Dusky Com Unit
Dusky Helm Guards
Dusky Maid Headband - (2 in stock)
Dusky Mech'tennas
Dusky Party Blowout
Dusky Pipe - (2 in stock)
Dusky Vertical Vents
Dusky Vitakit - (2 in stock)
Dusky Wide Vee
Fancy Bolted Vee
Fancy Canteen - (2 in stock)
Fancy Glasses
Fancy Headband
Fancy Maedate - (2 in stock)
Fancy Maid Headband
Fancy Party Blowout
Fancy Party Hat
Fancy Plume
Fancy Vented Visor
Fancy Vitakit
Fancy Wide Vee
Frosty Bomb Bandolier
Frosty Com Unit
Frosty Crest
Frosty Dapper Combo
Frosty Glasses
Frosty Headband
Frosty Maid Headband
Frosty Plume
Frosty Round Shades
Frosty Side Blade - (2 in stock)
Frosty Toupee
Hallow Bolted Vee - (3 in stock)
Hallow Com Unit
Hallow Dapper Combo - (2 in stock)
Hallow Headband
Hallow Maid Headband
Hallow Plume
Hallow Ribbon
Hallow Side Blade
Hallow Toupee
Hallow Vertical Vents
Heavy Barrel Belly - (2 in stock)
Heavy Binocular Visor
Heavy Canteen
Heavy Flower - (2 in stock)
Heavy Goggles
Heavy Knight Vision Goggles - (2 in stock)
Heavy Maid Headband
Heavy Mech'tennas - (3 in stock)
Heavy Party Hat
Heavy Plume
Heavy Vented Visor
Heavy Vertical Vents - (2 in stock)
Heavy Vitakit - (2 in stock)
Military Bolted Vee - (2 in stock)
Military Bomb Bandolier
Military Canteen
Military Com Unit
Military Glasses - (3 in stock)
Military Goggles
Military Headband
Military Helm Guards - (2 in stock)
Military Helm-Mounted Display
Military Knight Vision Goggles
Military Maedate - (2 in stock)
Military Maid Headband - (2 in stock)
Military Mecha Wings
Military Round Shades
Military Vented Visor
Military Vitakit
Polar Maid Headband
Polar Round Shades
Regal Canteen - (2 in stock)
Regal Com Unit - (2 in stock)
Regal Flower
Regal Game Face - (3 in stock)
Regal Goggles
Regal Headband
Regal Knight Vision Goggles
Regal Long Feather - (2 in stock)
Regal Maid Headband - (2 in stock)
Regal Plume - (2 in stock)
Regal Ribbon - (2 in stock)
Regal Vertical Vents
Toasty Barrel Belly
Toasty Binocular Visor
Toasty Com Unit
Toasty Game Face
Toasty Headband
Toasty Knight Vision Goggles - (2 in stock)
Toasty Maid Headband
Toasty Mecha Wings
Toasty Party Hat
Toasty Pipe
Toasty Round Shades
Toasty Spike Mohawk
Toasty Vitakit

Cheeky Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]
Dusky Scarf [B/O 350000 CR]
Love Aura [B/O 130000 CR]
2x Golden Laurel [B/O 90000 CR]
2x Pill Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]
Spiral Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]
Sprinkle Aura [B/O 350000 CR]
Starry Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]
2x Vacant Eyes [B/O 150000 CR]

100x Silver Key [B/O 55000 CR]

The *Accessories* Section is now the *Higher End Accessories* Section

Superior-Mike's picture
Stagger Storm Slime High

Pm me in game


Fayeth's picture
Mail sent!

Mail sent!

Fayeth's picture
Updated List!

Chroma Whelp Monster Pocket [B/O 300000 CR]
2x Golden Laurel [B/O 90000 CR]
Love Puppy Monster Pocket [B/O 300000 CR]
3x Mewkat Monster Pocket [B/O 350000 CR]
Prismatic Birthday Candle
Prismatic Toupee
3x Military Party Hat
4x Volcanic Birthday Candle
Regal Party Hat
Volcanic Party Blowout

Oski-Boski's picture
I know that you said that

I know that you said that you're not in-fact selling it but I would like to offer around 400k CR for it. I would like it if you reserved it for me since I don't really have the money for it right now...
Would this be possible?

Oski-Boski's picture
I know that you said that

I know that you said that you're not in-fact selling it but I would like to offer around 400k CR for it. I would like it if you reserved it for me since I don't really have the money for it right now...
Would this be possible?

Fayeth's picture
What item were you referring

What item were you referring to Oski-Boski?

Oski-Boski's picture
Oh :) a divine cat tail :)

Oh :) a divine cat tail :)
Sorry for that....

Fayeth's picture
Oh sorry, that's way too low,

Oh sorry, that's way too low, even if l were willing to sell it, it would be for a lot more then that. Apologies once again!

Fayeth's picture
Stagger Storm Slime High

Sold for 6000 CE

Superior-Mike's picture


Fayeth's picture
Thanks for the bump!

Thanks for the bump!

Ariav's picture

Ok. I knew you were rich. But this is... SUFGSDFBDSJFBDGSIULCVJSD rich. Your list is insane. By the way, you might want to add some spacing to make it easier to read.

Scrappert's picture
For 25k CE

Mind if I snag that Toasty Wolver Tail off you? My IGN is Scrappert

Fayeth's picture
Valiance ASI VH

Sold for 32000 CE

Fayeth's picture
Toasty Wolver Tail

Sold for 25000 CE

Fayeth's picture

Haha thanks!

Pastelette's picture
I'm interested in buying your

I'm interested in buying your volcanic valks if you're still selling. I'll pay in energy. Ign as stated on the left, ty.
Discuss thru the game as I might forget to respond here.

Fayeth's picture
Updated List!

Intended buyout prices for future to all items in the *Supply Depot Flash Sale Items* Section on account of ignoring of the header section. If you don't meet the buyout your offer will be ignored, either in-game or here. Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused! I was getting tired of having to repeatedly tell people who hadn't read the header that the items weren't on sale.

Fayeth's picture
Mewkat Monster Pocket

Sold for 4500 CE

Fayeth's picture
Military Eye Of Fury

Sold for 1200 CE

Fayeth's picture
Frosty Dapper Combo

Sold for 20000 CR

Fayeth's picture
Cool Flower

Sold for 70000 CR

Fayeth's picture
Heavy Flower

Sold for 70000 CR

Fayeth's picture
Regal Flower

Sold for 70000 CR

Fayeth's picture
Cool Round Shades

Sold for 100000 CR

Fayeth's picture
Updated List!

Coconutcreampie's Shop
Djdovis' Shop
Kobra-Kane's Shop
Neutyz's Shop
Raptor-Zy's Shop
St-Praxie's Shop
Timterror's Shop
Ukino's Shop
Xlun's Shop

Oski-Boski's picture
I'm sorry to say this fayeth

I'm sorry to say this fayeth but your prices are really over the top...
A divine bomb bandolier. 6000 CE buy out price?!
I got one from AH for 90k CR!
Really... Think about the b/o prices...

Fayeth's picture
This is the problem with

This is the problem with people who don't read. For about a month l had a header that stated clearly 'please ignore the flash sale items as l'm saving them for resell in about a years time' but people never read it and kept sending me mail about wanting to buy them, so l put the header in caps 'PLEASE IGNORE THESE ITEMS UNLESS YOU SEE A BUYOUT PRICE ON THEM' people still kept asking me about them and it gets pretty darn annoying. So l just figured put the buyout prices l was going to put up in one years time when the items had increased in price. Evidently you didn't read the comment up there where l said buyout prices have been posted, which were intended for next year, now, due to people not reading and constantly asking me about them.

Noobazoidss's picture
Cool wolver tail


Fayeth's picture
Far too low for me sorry

Far too low for me sorry Noobazoidss! I wouldn't take anything below 20000 CE for it.

Mafiaso's picture
haha fayeth getting ugly

haha fayeth getting ugly responding to noob comments :D

@ Fayeth

Thanks fay fay for the feature :D I think it's also time for me to feature my friends shops too ^^

Fayeth's picture
@Mafiaso @Timterror

Some people these days..

No problems!

Oozsne's picture
So much stuff!!!

I would REALLY like to buy:
Cool Canteen
Pill Eyes
(Cool Pipe if you have it?)

And btw do you trade my Tabard of the Garnet Rose for the pill eyes?
And reserve the items Plesse.

Fayeth's picture
My buyout for the Cool

My buyout for the Cool Canteen is 40000 CR. I'll take the Tabard Of The Garnet Rose for the Pill Eyes. I don't have a Cool Pipe however, apologies!

Tempas's picture
I call thy fayeth rich

I call thy fayeth rich because thou has too much stuff(yes I know my Elizibethan is amazing). Any who I wanted to drop by and thank you for adding me to you friends shop list thingie, I'll add you to mine once I get onto my computer and believe me the comment I add beside your name is going to be amazing ^^ good luck selling stuff by the way

Fayeth's picture
No problems Djdovis, and

No problems Djdovis, and thanks!

Shivermist Buster CTR Medium

Shivermist Buster CTR Medium [B/O 6000 CE]

I will b/o this weekend and its unbound right?

Fayeth's picture
Sure l'll reserve it for you,

Sure l'll reserve it for you, and yes unbind price is already included in that 6000 CE! Do you have a Steam account? Please add my Steam account as l am capped l won't be able to log on till the start of the next month which is 8 days from now.

Oozsne's picture

Would you trade my divine stranger hat for the cool canteen?
And when are you online? I'm online right now and my timezone is GMT+1

Fayeth's picture
Pill Eyes

Traded for Tabard Of The Garnet Rose

Fayeth's picture
Updated List!

Hellohippo's Shop
King-Phoenix's Shop
Minimetaknight's Shop
Rendep's Shop
Theirillusion's Shop

Fayeth's picture
Shivermist Buster CTR Medium

Reserved for 6000 CE