Category #3:
Title: In a world...
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: I decided to make a crossover between real life and Spiral Knights. Created with sharpies, Blick colored pencils, and mechanical pencil, and a good-old pen.
In-Game-Name: Thunderhawks
Digicom & Njthug's Crazy Spiral Knights Anniversary Art Contest (269k+ Ce In Prizes)
Just asking something about Category #3: Spiral Knight Crossover
Does the crossover could related with Anime?

Category #11: Free-For-All
Title of your artwork: Bomber Mias!
Link to Artwork:Click on me!~
Art Work Description: bomber Mias causing mischief with Merc Mia!
In-Game-Name: Littlemiabot

1. Since a player can have 3 entries per category, therefore a player can have 57 entries in total for all the 19 categories?
2. Is the awarding of prizes will depend on the category? Example: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners on category 1 might or might be different from winners on category 2 and same goes to other categories. OR the 3 winners will only come from the 17 categories and 18-19 categories, 6 winners in total? or 57 winners in total? Specifically 19 first placers, 19 second placers and 19 3rd placers?
I hope you can clarify these confusions. :)

Category #15: Black Kat & Apocrea
Title: Mia's Diary
Link to Artwork: Click on me!~
Art Work Description: My diary summons my boyfriend, Margrel. He gives free hats to cool kids!
In-Game-Name: Littlemiabot
Category #5: Create a Battle Sprite
Title of your artwork: Mantay
Link to Artwork: Click on me!~
Art Work Description: Manta Ray inspired, decided to use more sea creatures for this contest :D Ish derpy~
In-Game-Name: Littlemiabot
St-Praxiex had some really good questions here, and I would like to add another one:
As you are allowed to have 3 entries per category, can each entry win a prize? Or do you take care that one person is only able to win one prize, avoiding situations like " 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place go to Person XY" ?

Category 14: Draw your best costume
Title: Polar Knight Granseal
Link to artwork:
Description: Drawn by Thull and posted on her behalf, it is of Granseal (Now known as Metal-Silverbolt) in his polar night wolf coat and Metal Sonic mas.
In Game Name: Metal-Silverbolt (If this wins anything, mail the prize to Thull)

Time to answer those questions!
@Tqlxquanz --- The cross-over can be anime, other tv-shows, honestly you can make breaking bad crossover for Spiral Knights. All we ask is you give us a link or some background info so we know what we are comparing your artwork to. (example: If you are doing Sk Crossover for Power Rangers please tell us in the description its a power rangers crossover). So yes an anime show can be a crossover!
1. If are blow our minds it is possible to win 60! Prizes since we have 20 categories (the last 1 is a secret category!), but yes just like last year we had artists who won more than once in the same category so anything is possible.
2. Digicom and myself will be awarding winners for all categorizes of course (Unless the art work in that said category is horrible, or not enough entries in this case we end up extending other categories *we did this last year as well*). As far as winning goes the same people can win in multiple categories.
Overall we plan on having 20 1st place winners, 20 2nd place winners and 20 3rd place winners. Most likely we won't have 60 different winners (as in 60 individuals)
If it helps you can look over last years results (since we had pretty much the same setup in terms of prizes):
*I have to be honest I really do not understand your 2nd question, but I hope I answered it well if you need more clarification let me know tho*
@Metal --- Thanks for entering on their behalf we understand, and if they do win we will mail them their prize <69
Category 9: Create A Comic
Title: Mewkat encounter
Link to artwork:
Artwork description: A comic about a knight fighting kats in the scarlet fortress, he stumbles upon a Mewkat, and DARES to touch it despite how fragile it is.
In-Game-Name: Chesderp

Category Name. 1 Design a new Haven
Title of your artwork: The Coliseum
Link to artwork:
Art Work Description: Where players can enter/start private lockdown rooms and set up tournaments. Laud and Glory to the Champions! (located east of The Garrison)
IGN: Dragonuity

Category 17: Design the Clockworks
Title of artwork: Deadly undead/fiend shock themed Danger Room
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: Gun Puppy Spawning Square in the middle spawns Rocket Puppies or Sparky, 2 shocking "arms" on opposite sides of the room Left and Right.
1st Wave: Consists of 3 Statikats in both spawning area A+B, 3 Devil-IT with a Pit Boss behind them
2nd Wave: Consists of 3 Storm-Bellies in both Spawning Point A+B, 3 Beryl Greavers in spawning point C
Final Wave: Consists of 4 Frankenzoms in spawning area A+B, 2 trojans in spawning point C: Totems appear 1 in each Spawning Area A+B+C.

Category #2: Draw Njthug and Digcom
Title of your artwork: Business Time
Link to Artwork:Click on me!~
Art Work Description: Where all the magic happens :3
In-Game-Name: Littlemiabot
Category #16: Please Don’t Ban Me!
Title of your artwork: SK Secret #10
Link to Artwork:Click on me!~
Art Work Description: All snipes are the progenies of Cronus :X
In-Game-Name: Littlemiabot

Category 8: Create your own Armor Set
Title of your artwork: Swarm Armor Set
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: Swarm Armor set offering damage bonus to void monsters.
In-Game-Name: Rdizzle
Category 10: How Cuteeeee are you?
Title of artwork: Bath time
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: We will go to bathe?))
Category 4: create your own monster
Title of your artwork: Gremlin Executioner
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: A new gremlin type monster, more info on the webpage
In-Game-Name: Chesderp

Category Name: #Category 8: Create Your Own Armor set:
Title of your artwork: Crystalized miner set
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: What happens when you leave your armor near a mineral? This!
In-Game-Name: Kirbecio

Category 5: Create a Battle Sprite
Title: Neopalmitan
Link (be sure to click on the link under the picture for the full image!)
Description: These E-class Battle Sprites were lost in a remote, icy area of the Clockworks when they were mutated into ice-cream-like creatures.
In-Game Name: Takomomo

Category Name. Category 11, Free-For-All
Title of your artwork:Who said knight's cant wield Lightsabers?
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: Spiral Spy.
In-Game-Name: Hrpb

Category 13: Spiral Knights Merchandise
Title of your artwork: Snipe Plushie
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: All those adorable balls of fluff wandering around Haven are now available to hug in the comfort of your own home. These snipe plushies are the perfect companion to have while playing your favorite games, like Spiral Knights!
In-Game-Name: Pipochee

Category 19: Cosplay
Title of your artwork: Voltedge
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: Voltedge for cosplaying with, made of styrofoam and the electricity made out of tulle. Painted with acrylic paint.
In-Game-Name: Pipochee

Category Name *With #*: 11, Free for all
Title of your artwork: Plate Helm
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: It's, y'know, a plate helm. (Plus a com-unit.)
In-Game-Name: Possiblespy

Category 10: How Cuteeeee are you?
Title of your artwork: Soft Kitty
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: <3
In-Game-Name: Shuichi

Category Name: #Category 7: Create Your Own Weapon:
Title of your artwork: Dark Ember Armor/Sword
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: a.k.a Ember Assassin armor, this is my entry for the contest on the “create your own armor” category, the curious thing about this armor is that when a knight is wearing it, cant wield a shield, use its claw instead to deflect the incoming attacks, comment if you would wear this ^^A new militar set makes appaerance in the battlefield!
In-Game-Name: Blazeac
Category 11: Free-For-All
Title of your artwork:The Amber Assassin
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description:i got nothing right now XD
Category #4: Create your own monster
Title of Artwork: Clockwork Spider
Link to artwork:
Art Work Description: A nasty kind of spider-like monsters which builds sticky webs to catch careless knights on their way through the depths of the clockwork
Of course the Clockwork spiders are part of the Beast family, because... well, they are beasts, as you can see :D
Their attacks are first of all their webs which they leave on the floor while walking around. Those webs stun knights who are careless enough to walk right into them. The Clockwork Spiders' second attack is a ranged attack: They shoot their poisonous spit onto nearby knights, causing medium damage and slowing down the hit knight.
In-game name: Mpan

Category 18: Cook for us!
1.Category Name: Entree
2. Name of your Dish or Drink: Wolver and Battle Sprites food (Bonnie's Home Cooked Dog Food)
For Wolvers and Battle Sprites that have a more refined pallet and refuse to eat the kibble here is an easy to make recipe that should last 2-4 weeks for pets(DOGS) 20 lbs and under.
3. Recipe:
5 Snipe(chicken) thighs
1 Gobble Snipe (Turkey Tenderloin)
1/2 pack Trojan (Bison)
1/4 Salmon
2 handfuls Liver
1handful Kidney
1 handful Heart
1 tbs of Rosemary
1 tsp Garlic
Cut all meat into 1-2 inch pieces. Salt the meat and rinse in water. Mix together. Add rosemary and garlic. Mix again.
4 Carrots
1 LARGE Sweet Potato
2 Handfuls Green beans
Cut into small pieces and Steam vegetables
1 cup Cranberry sauce
>>> Directions please do not add the sugar and salt<<<
1/2 Pack Fresh Raspberry
Blend in blender and strain out the seeds. Add water to make it easier to strain out the juice. Strain your cranberry sauce/juice. It is safe to mix these together and it means one less dish. I personally like to make extra of this and freeze. I mix in the leftover chicken broth into this mixture also so I am not wasting anything.
1 apple
Cut into thin slices and mix into meats
3 Celery Stalks
Cut into small pieces and mix into meat
1/2 cup peas
1 cup Frozen chopped spinach (I use 1/4 to 1/2 a package depending on how big the package is)
1 Small handful Blueberries
1/4 can of pumpkin pure (NOT PUMPKIN PIE MIX)
1/2 can of Chicken broth
2 Eggs
Mix in w/ meats
By now your vegetables should be finished let those cool and not your kitchen if probably a mess take this to clean up and PRE HEAT YOUR OVEN TO 350 °F
Once you have cleaned your kitchen mix everything together. Once mixed divide into aluminum tins and cook for 1 hour at 350 °F
4. Work in Progress:
5. Final Product:
Taste test:
6. In-Game-Name: Jade-Rabbit

Category Name: #5 (Create a Battle Sprite)
Title of your artwork: Kitsuna
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: Introducing Spiral Knight's newest battle sprite: the Kitsuna! :3
In-Game-Name: Jayenna
Category Name: #10 (How Cuteeeee are you?)
Title of your artwork: Somebody's in Lurvvvv
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: Our ever-favorite Snarby found himself a lil' something special.
In-Game-Name: Jayenna
A wild artist has appeared!

Category Name: #12 Create a new boss
Title of your artwork: King of the arena
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: The arena king is supposed to appear in tier 3 arenas and fighting him is only an option, but he will grant you a generous amount of crowns and other nice things if beaten. He would appear in a room after the third bout and would be with 2 healer monsters. Since he was formerly a knight he is slightly bigger than the tallest knights, and his fighting style consists of charging his attacks and releasing, after that he uses his shield. He has corrupted honor blade and honor guard, and since there´s no king with no crown he has a swarmed crown. He is not a void of any kind so he can be beaten, He would be part of the undead family, so he would be weak to elemental weapons.
In-Game-Name: Dull-Azure

Category Name *With #*: 7 - Weapon Concepts
Title of your artwork: The Three Winds
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: The three winds: "with this sword you'd better look out, because it looks the winds are blowing in, and will sweep all the weak of there feet and will leave them tumbling"
The three winds is the final five star version of the spur. When you start the level, all three swords are facing normal, dealing normal damage, then once you begin to charge the attack all swords break into star( coloured sword) and will begin spinning, add will continue to spin faster as the meter goes up. Then, once full and unsleashed, you do a 360 spin slash and shoot three pellets of each type(shadow, elemental and shadow. then once finished of the swords gets locked into place and the others go behind it. ( Idle sword drawing). you can change the sword type using the charge attack again.
In overall stat's it has each type of damage (varies for each sword) but the overall damage of each is lower than the average 5 star one, so you'll always have to be using the right blade if you want to be at the most effective. This great sword lacks power for vesatility, and though you may think normal is better, once these blades are swung, you'll be lifted off your feet
In-Game-Name: Sir-Maxximus

So I made a knight out of paper, and I have several photos of it in different angles and situations. Is it ok to post several links to several pictures of that same paper knight and have it count as one entry? Or should I pick the picture that shows the most of that knight? I originally wanted to edit several photos together to combine them into one file, but each photo is 1+ MB, which would make it pretty large. X__X
Category Name. Category 19, Cosplay
Title of your artwork: my WIP rocket hammer
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: i absolutely love seerus' rocket hammer and i made my own! for the sake of going nuts on a fresh project xD
it is not painted yet but that will happen today.
In-Game-Name: Rivvion

:I you..., you could go into your paint program (if you're using windows) and just shrink the image by 50% or possibly 30% if it's a very large picture, that's what I normally do with my images...

Category 11: Free-For-All
Title: Ghosts? In the Machine???
Description: What a spooky, dangerous mission.
In-game name: Takomomo

Category 11: Free-For-All
Title: I will give thee a NASTY papercut!
Description: A Spiral Knight made out of a ton of scrap paper and some foamy bits I found inside an old box.
In-game name: Gasguzzler
@Shuichi: Thanks for the tip! :D

Category Name: #Category 7: Create Your Own Weapon:
Title of your artwork: Licheous bowl
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: Because there is a lack of bombs, let's try an alive one, shall we?
In-Game-Name: Kirbecio

I feel like I'm gonna embarrass myself.
Cat : 9
Dog says title : OP Gorgos
Mouse clicks Link : Here
Description : Gorgos be trolling.
IGN : Zaffy-Laffy

Category Name: # Category 6: Favorite Spiral Knights Monster Artwork
Title of your artwork: Boss time!
Link to artwork:
Art Work description: A creature more feared that the evil devilites... Their ownn boss! feared even by themselves!
In-Game-Name: Kirbecio

Category #10: How Cuteeeee are you?
Title of your artwork: SK - Back Ride
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: A little art I did that was also dedicated for my real-world friend!
In-Game-Name: Dreams-Knight

Very nice entries so far!!

Category 19: Cosplay
Title of your artwork: Love Puppy Costume
Link to Artwork:
Art work Description: Om nom nom hearts <3
In-Game-Name: Fighting-Polygon

I'm a student and I have a lot of work to do right now but I have concepts of my art work idea.
Can I just post concept of my art work for prevent my idea from snipe?
I'll submit my final product soon.

Category Name Create Your Own Armor Set #8
Title of your artwork: knight in devilite's clothing
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: 5* armor set based of why wouldn't anyone want to don the skins those devilites u murder in cold blood?
In-Game-Name: coolbluex

Category 9: Create a Comic
Title of your artwork: Bombs and Swords
Link to Artwork:
Art work Description: Admit it: this happens to everyone.
In-Game-Name: Fighting-Polygon

Ahhhhh so many awesome artworks so far! * 3 * Can't wait to see more and more and more! c:
runs around in circles with everyone's artworks then falls asleep

Category Name#11: Free-For-All!
Title of your artwork: Spiral knight:Plasticine band
Link to Artwork :
Art Work Description: Total 5 hours and that devilite 's the most easily part XP
In-Game-Name: Gvdtok

Title of your artwork: Gorgo Gowns
Link to Artwork :
Art Work Description: Protective cloth made from the empty-bellied monsters known as Gorgos. The top one is normal defense, while the moving down the line is fire and freeze.
In-Game-Name: Cobalt

Category #3: Spiral Knights Crossover
Title of your artwork: Super Snipes
Link to Artwork:Click on me!~
Art Work Description: DC comics and Marvel bringing you Super Snipes! Go, Super Snipes! Go!!!
In-Game-Name: Littlemiabot
Category 11: Free-For-All
Title of your artwork: An Average Day in a Knight's Life
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description: A B/W drawing of one of the many events a knight has to constantly put up with at work. Whoopee, don't we all love risking our neck for our pain-in-the-ass bosses. Now I know how a Devilite feels.
In-Game-Name: Misslemike

Category 19: Cosplay
Title of your artwork: Ash of Agni
Link to Artwork:
progress work:
final product:
Art Work Description: I made my own fire bomb to share my bombastic fire in real life ;) It is special, because it got epic light effect and it is made by coloured ice!
In-Game-Name: Darkhuby
Category #15: Black Kat & Apocrea
Title: Mrow?
Link to Artwork:
I decided to spend ten minutes to create the first ever cross between and Black Kat and a Mewkat. I used a knock-off mac version of ms paint and cropped it using ms word, which didn't work as well as I'd hoped.
In-Game-Name: Thunderhawks