Digicom + Njthug = CRAZY
About this event:
Welcome back all you old Sk artists, and those new ones for those who do not know this is 1 of the biggest Spiral Knights Art contest hosted by Digicom and myself. Our goal is simple to allow the community of Spiral Knights to create A LOT of sexy Sk art! Basically any type of art is allowed in this contest excluding textual art (Fan-fics, Poems, etc.)
Because we are CRAZY….Oh and Dogrock said this is the only way we can stay in Eos we hate you Dogrock!
This contest will be starting right now! As in TODAY! The deadline for last submission(s) is April 4th 2014 *11:59 Pm Eastern Standard Time*. Winners will be posted by April 18th at the latest hopefully. =0
All of the artwork submitted will be blogged on Bechamel's Gossip
(The Official Echo of Silence Blog)
Link: http://bechamelsgossip.tumblr.com
Feel free to follow us on tumblr, and like any of the submissions <69.
What's new for this year?:
MOAR PRIZES!! Yes folks we are giving out more prizes than last year since let's be honest 190k+ ce was a bit low. A lot of new categorizes, and certain categories will be worth a bit more! Oh Digicom also told me he has a few surprises in store for us!
Categories 1 to 17 will have the same prizes awarded
1st Place: 5,069 Ce
2nd Place: 4,069 Ce
3rd Place: 3,069 Ce
Consolation Prize --- Anyone who enters a valid entry will receive 69 ce!
Categories 18 to 19 will have the same prizes awarded
1st Place: 10,069 Ce
2nd Place: 9,069 Ce
3rd Place: 8,069 Ce
Consolation Prize --- Anyone who enters a valid entry will receive 69 ce!
1. Do not steal any ones art and submit it as your own.
2. All art entered must be new art (no resubmitting your past work).
3. No criticism that will make someone cry and go suicidal. Keep it constructive.
4. You can enter THREE pieces of work per category.
5. You are allowed to submit to all categories. Although each category must have its own unique work(s).
6. Do not annoy Digicom or myself as this will most likely get us annoyed. Keep in mind we are judging <69
7. You can edit your art, but if it clearly copies someone's idea or is edited after judging it will not be counted. *So edit it before the deadline <69*
8. Make sure you follow the rules listed for the category you're submitting it for.
9. No porn or rule34 of any kind.
All judging will be done by myself and Digicom! We may have a special guest judge, but we will see what happens.
About the both of us:
Digicom and Njthug meet very randomly! Nj was in need of some cash and he saw a sexy Digicom, and asked him if he was looking to buy a few items, but it ended up this business deal was the start of a great friendship! Digicom and Njthug pretty much realized that we are both pretty crazy, and well crazy people belong together. After months n months of persuasion Digi joined Njthug in Eos where they live happily ever after with their wives Misobutt n Taters!
The End!
We are still looking for more judges, and currently the two others we are eyeing are:
- 1. Taylor Swift
2. Miley Cyrus
Certain art pieces might be judged by the community as a whole without you knowing it so in a sense players will be picking a few winners.
How to Submit Your Art:
Post in this thread with the following format:
Category Name *With #*:
Title of your artwork:
Link to Artwork:
Art Work Description:
Questions you may have:
Will your guild members be submitting art work?
Yes we are allowing Eos members to participate in this contest even though Digi and myself are both in Eos we want to keep this contest open to everyone! That means Nick, Ian, Helios, and the mighty Cronus can submit art!
Why are you guys letting your guild members submit artwork?
Since Eos is dead we figure no one will really submit art work from Eos!
What type of artwork can I submit?
Anything! It can be handmade artwork, macaroni drawings, a marble statue, a simple drawing on ms paint, or whatever else floats your boat. *Remember certain categorizes this year may ask for specific style of art work*
If you change your in-game name make sure to update your submissions with your current in-game name! We will be mailing out prizes with the given in-game-name if the name is changed we can’t give you your prize!
Category 1: Design a New Haven
Well folks in this category you will be able to design a new haven, or a new add-on to haven whatever you wish. Simply just use your artistic skills to create the perfect haven. Make sure you include a short description explaining your art work
Category 2: Draw Njthug and Digcom
Draw myself or Digicom plain and simple draw or make a sculpture or anything else what looks like our knights *Keep in mind my personal color is yellow and I do not wear wolver gear, and Digicom personal color is blue*.- Njbutt!
- Digibutt!
Some screenies of outfits:
Category 3: Spiral Knights Crossover
You will have to create artwork which portrays Spiral Knights in other video games or even real life games (Football, Basketball, Rugby etc.). Digi and I want to see what other video-games or real-life sporting events look like if Spiral Knights was added to them. You will be able to create your own style of crossover if you wish to for example: Marvel vs Capcom (A pretty well known video game) you can create Spiral Knights vs Sega if you desire.
Category 4: Create Your Own Monster:
In this category you will be given the opportunity to create your own monster for Spiral Knights. You can create your own class, or add this monster to any existing monster group. Please explain what type of attacks this monster has *Or you can show it* and why you believe it belongs in its monster family *A few sentences is good*.
Category 5: Create a Battle Sprite
Create a new battle sprite for Spiral Knights, or even upgrade the current battle sprites in the game. Make sure you explain what type of attacks the battle sprite will have etc.
Category 6: Favorite Spiral Knight Monster Artwork:
In this category you can draw any Spiral Knight monster you wish. This can be a single monster or a grouping. Monsters can be interacting with knights or monsters as well *Snipes do not count as a monster*
Category 7: Create Your Own Weapon:
Create your own weapon or weapons for Spiral Knights! You can create a single weapon or a whole line of weapons. A line means its Alchemy Path - example: Sealed Sword > Faust > Gran Faust. It is time for you to create your own, gun, bomb, sword, or all three =). When you enter for this please remember to put a short description of the weapon(s) (no more than 5 sentences).
Category 8: Create Your Own Armor Set:
In this category you will be able to create a full armor set for Spiral Knights (Helm, Armor, and Shield). The armor set does not have to be a 5* set. Feel free to add a description describing the armor stats and what bonuses it would have. The armor set itself can be 1 to 12+ Pieces (A few sentences)
Category 9: Create A Comic:
Create a comic related to Spiral Knights! Try to add some humor into this comic as they are meant to be funny!!
Category 10: How Cuteeeee are you?:
Create a piece of spiral knights art that is just SO CUTE you just want to hug the picture!
Category 11: Free-For-All:
Anything goes here. Create whatever you want for Spiral Knights. Let your artist freak flag fly!
Category 12: Create a New Boss
So this category is simple create a new boss that you would love to see in Spiral Knights. Remember to have a short description explaining what type of attacks this boss can do.
Category 13: Spiral Knights Merchandise:
Create some Spiral Knights merchandise. Hoodies, jackets, t-shirts, etc. You do not physically have to create it, but you can. Feel free to draw it out or create it using real materials. Remember folks, merchandise can be just about anything. Pencils, erasers, key-chains or even a SK themed jello mold. :P
Category 14: Draw Your Best Costume
We all talk about creating the best costume or we already achieved this goal, and wish to show it off while walking around in Sk. So this is your chance to draw your dream costume or one of your favorite costumes in Spiral Knights! (Note: All items have to be existing in the game, and available to all players *In the sense don’t make stuff up, or use GM/Dev items*.
Category 15: Category 15: Black Kat, Shroud of the Apocrea Event, and March of the Torto!
Simply create art work showcasing one of these events or all three! Just imagine black kat, Torto, and Apocrea walking into a bar....
Category 16: Please Don’t Ban Me!
This category is to show appreciation or just poke fun at the game masters. So simply submit a piece of artwork showcasing a game master in Spiral Knights.- Cronus checking off a box on his clipboard which says no pris items for Njthug and Digicom.
- Clotho crowbarring players in lockdown.
- Helios crying due to the silly support requests he has to handle.
Category 17: Design the Clockworks:
In this category you will be creating either a new danger room or a new scenario room for Spiral Knights. Make sure to include a short description explaining your art work to us.- Scenario
- Danger
Category 18: Cook for us!
In this category you will have to create a Sk related dish or drink. Now it can be something as simple as a royal jelly king sandwich, or something as Rock Salt Encrusted Reaper Ribs. Be sure to show us progress pictures.- Food!
Examples (Make sure you don’t steal from here):
Category 19: Cosplay
Create some sexy/ugly Cosplay outfits for Spiral Knights! (all entries in this category must be something you can actually wield or put on). Be sure to show us progress pictures. We will even allow you to dress up your cat, dog, or goldfish in this category as long as maybe your little brother or child!- ClickMe
- Azure!
- Ooo
Category 20: Draw the Core!
Draw The Core!
Yes folks in this category you can draw monsters you believe we will find in the core, (Swarm base or even crazier!), draw concepts of what you think the core will look like. No one knows what the core contains at all, so go crazy and show us what you believe the core will contain! Keep in mind sculptures, or any other form of art which isn't textual can be submitted here if it pertains to the category.
1st Place: 8,690 ce, 2nd Place: 6,969ce, and 3rd Place: 4,690ce.
*Side-Note remember for each category you can use any type of art which portrays the category, Comics etc. can be used for all categories*