Welcome, dear reader, to the tales of Lady Gwenivere. Here you may provide me with supporting characters, and I will tell a short story about Gwen that includes those characters. Tell me as much or as little about them as you want, and I will take artistic liberties with anything you don't tell me about.
At some point, this may transform into a full-blown fanfiction, but I'm not prepared for that. Besides, I still haven't finished Reborn.
Let the tales begin!
A certain angry young lady marched down the halls of the White Council, her shoes smacking the polished tile floor with every step. She marched up to a lovely wooden door decorated with elaborate golden designs and expensive crystal engravings, and instead of knocking as propriety demanded, she barged in and slapped a book onto the desk of a very surprised old man.
"Takiza, what is the meaning of this?" Gwen demanded. She crossed her arms and stared at him with a simmering anger that seemed like it could burst into flame at any moment. Takiza took one fleeting glance at the book, and had the good grace to look ashamed of himself. "Well, you see m'lady, I thought the public was owed an explanation of...how these things worked."
Gwen scowled. "It's a public relations disaster. Fix it." She stormed out of the room and slammed the door, leaving Takiza drowning in his own sweat. Takiza was a Prime Minister of sorts, charged with administration duties to assist the young Queen in her rule.
Yes, you heard right, Gwen was a Queen, and a very young one at that, much to her own consternation. She hadn't wanted the position at all; her adventurous spirit yearned to run free in the wilds and explore every inch of the mysterious lands beyond. But it wasn't to be. The former queen had stepped down in humiliation, leaving the image of the throne tarnished and disgraced in the eyes of the public.
The last thing Queen Gwenivere needed was another public relations disaster. That's why, when she finally exited Takiza's office, her anger still hadn't cooled off any. She stepped outside, leaned on the guardrail of the balcony overlooking the garden, and buried her head in her hands.
What is this "disaster" you've been hearing about?
Give me a character to work with, and you could find yourself written into the next story post!
Name/Appearance: Osmond
Age: Advanced age, but doesn't actually care/recall his actual age
Bio: A witty yet serious tinkerer, his main interests and assignments usually include creating advanced systems and robotic machines. Though they have very little in common in the ways of skills, interests, and social class, Osmond and Gwenivere have a minor friendship one would expect from a family friend. Osmond had served Gwen's father prior to being relocated to the royal R&D team, and accepted his heir in stride, treating the Queen with the same respect as her father. Though he has been described as relentless in his search for knowledge, he often takes a break from discussing his weekly reports to the queen, and offer a small bit of advice.
What he's doing/Disaster idea: Confronting the queen about the weekly performance review she missed (Reports of their advances in currently developing/researching & funding requirements) Showing off a new piece of experimental tech; the Grapple glove that they had hoped to perfect...If a theif hadn't made off with priceless schematics. In a time as uncertain as this, with the crown diminished, and the Monarchy's name already tarnished, a theif had made his way into the royal court undetected and stolen from various halls. Including the R&D section.