How's everyone's Gilded Griffin?

21 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

A lot of people kept asking for a piercing variant of Antigua.

One was introduced in the gunner update, so I can only assume that absolutely everyone has one crafted by now. I didn't of course, because I find Antiguas weak and boring.

So how is it? Are you killing a lot of devilites? Tell me about your piercing Antigua experiences.

Imagen de Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

I thought Callahan was the destroyer of Fiends.

Also people say that Obsidian Carbine and AP are the only Okay Antigua variants.

Imagen de Flowchart

I like Antiguas, and AP is one of my go-to guns, but I didn't use the GG that much due to the changed mechanics on the other guns, so I mostly use Callahan or Blitz.

I find the GG most useful against Gorgos since they move around enough to avoid Callahan charges (unless they're closer together) but don't have devilite style dodging. But then Blitz works just as well, as long as I was still using guns of course.

I used to use the regular Antigua a lot on T2 devilites, probably since they don't dodge as much.

Imagen de Fehzor

I bring and use it occasionally. I have a lot of options that do its job though, so it sees limited use by that but it functions.

Imagen de Midnight-Dj

I thought Callahan was the destroyer of Fiends.

Someone has not been using blitz needle.

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum
quick analysis

Low damage, like all Antiguas
spammy playstyle
Makes dodgy enemies go haywire, more harm than good
charge is extra useless to pierce weak enemies
no one accounted for vanas special resistances, so it does neutral to him (same numbers as an AP)

Edit: a few days after the gunner update I compared them side by side, same damage numbers for both, to clear that up for zeddy
they might have been stealth patched some time later, but thats what I found
my guess for the situation was that OOO had coded vana for individual weapons, mainly because I couldn't think of any other reasons for a single item not working as it should

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

So general consensus is that piercing antigua is pretty useless due to enemy AI and resistances?

If only someone could've predicted that.

"no one accounted for vanas special resistances, so it does neutral to him (same numbers as an AP)"

That sounds inaccurate (but not completely wrong) to me. Could you elaborate? I assume you mean that the damage Gilded Griffing does to Vana is close to AP's neutral damage against non-Vana things. This is because Vana has 150 piercing resistance and neutral enemies would've ~180 piercing resistance.

Imagen de Smalltownguy
carpal tunnel

Admittedly my three antiguas (one each type) are still 4* because I've had more urgent places to put my radiants.

I use a raptor when I'm tired and want to mindlessly shoot stuff. It's fun in a silly, click-spammy way. Just turn on autotarget, pray to the carpal tunnel deity, and click like crazy. Its shots are fast enough that wolvers don't dodge (much) and devilites seldom dodge (well, sometimes), like they dodge my breach blaster. Somehow gorgos still dodge a fair bit, and I'm not sure I'd recommend them for trojans or Vana.

Blitz is better against devilites, trojans, or Vana. DBB is better against wolvers. That leaves raptor as just a change-of-pace silliness.

I seldom use the pretty charge attack. I don't want to stand still long enough to watch it.

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum
edited previous post for zeddy


Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

I've done many defence tests for Vanaduke. The exact numbers should be:

180 normal defence
150 piercing defence
200 elemental defence
200 shadow defence (total immunity third wave)

Did you have any damage bonus at all? Without damage bonus, the raw damage of a blitz/antigua at depth 28 is roughly 209. This is not even remotely twice of 150 or 200, so this is most certainly the level at which we'd see shenanigans. The final numbers, putting the number into the formula:

DAMAGE * (1 - (1/2 + 0.19 * log10((2 * DEFENCE - DAMAGE)/15 + 1)))

134 for Blitz/Griffin
109 for Peacemaker/Grim Repeater

Put in max damage bonus instead (multiply input damage by 1.24), you should get:

184 for Blitz/Griffin
159 for Peacemaker/Grim Repeater

They look different enough that I don't see how you'd think they were the same number. Were the guns fully heated? Would you mind testing again?

Actually, were there shenanigans around gunner update where some weapons seemed to have the wrong damage type? I seem to recall something of the sort, but it might have been for a different weapon around a different update.

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum
as I said

It might have been patched, at the time I had no damage bonus, and both were at the top of level 7, and as ill say as much as I need to, a side by side comparison had the exact same numbers, it might have been fixed when the GR and spiral soaker sounds were fixed though
(I can't do a current comparison, ive since gotten rid of all my antiguas because I never used them)

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare

It's on my list of weapons to craft.

Right now I deal with fiends either by switch shooting Plague and Blitz or running a Vortex with Callahan.

Imagen de Batabii

Blitz is great against pit bosses and yes men, but pretty much inferior to callahan against standard devilites and overtimers due to their dodging and tendancy to come in large groups.

Imagen de Ankung
I am quite enjoying the raptor, thank you

If the Gilded Griffin is considered a bad weapon, then the good ones must be awesome!
Maybe I'll get a Callahan as well then

Imagen de Bopp

Yes, many of the non-antigua weapons are awesome.

Imagen de Lavuntim
You are right


Imagen de Flowchart

Yeah Gilded Griffin isn't bad, it's just that the gunner update buffed the other weapons too.

Imagen de Swiftwalk
i like to use the riftlocker

i like to use the riftlocker because it has a bigger bullet against devilites, that doesnt count for those munching guys.

Imagen de Nebrium

Gilded Griffin is only good for lockdown though AP/OC/GG are on par in that respect depending on enemy secondary defenses...

Riftlocker to me is the best devilites, fiends and beast.

Callahan just for fun.

Blitz only good for high hp monsters/bosses, other than that, always waste of time charging and leaves you vulnerable.

Imagen de Uberer-Alt

Riftlocker is also my favourite for devlites. The hit box is really big and the dmg per shot is nice. Also got asi vh on it so that might also be a reason it's good.

@Neb Blitz is amazing vs all fiends. Rift is more fun but honestly blitz deals with them better. The key is to stand as far away as possible making the spread big. Everything will die anyway if you have dmg max (probably don't even need that much) so no need to get close and put yourself in danger

Imagen de Nebrium

@Uba... nahhh my Riftlocking can match or outclass a charged blitz vs regular fiends. However, mass dust bunnies are the only exception lol.

Imagen de Tiraid

The secret to killing dust bunnies....
Bombs. An unheated blast bomb at 2* depths two shots them.