So Mad Bomber is worthless now

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Zeddy's picture

Since Chaos has medium on both and the same negative resists as mad bomber has.

Nick, what is this?


Nineball-Seraph's picture

[Frell], that's right.. What should i make my heavy demo into, then?

Aureate's picture

For the resistances, I guess. Although even so...
Wait, I guess that means the Magic set I crafted just got actually useful!

Edit: Also, you forgot that oh-so-vital curse weakness on Chaos.

Rich-Tbiscuit's picture

So chaos set + Barb thorn shield + gun & bomb damage trinkets = max damage and ctr on everything?

Seems balanced.

Nineball-Seraph's picture
So now chaos..

Is best bomber armor? I mean, it's still got mad's weaknesses, but massive attack and CTR for EVERYTHING. Cue LOT's of ragecrafted magic sets.

Shamanalah's picture

You forgot they are only helmet not sets...


Zeddy's picture

I'd go swiftstrike buckler, personally.

Zeddy's picture

Mad Bomber and Chaos are identical to the last pixel, except Chaos is universal. Mad Bomber is the new Azure Guardian.

Nineball-Seraph's picture
If it's just helm..

Then it'd be somewhat balanced, but still kinda OP..? Post just said that "Chaos" was buffed. Can someone confirm what got buffed?

Luguiru's picture

Chaos was fine as it was. If it needed a buff anywhere it would have been with the damage bonus, but with a small defense loss. Or if Nick and friends are going to stick to the change they could remove all of its element defense to justify the universal offense bonuses.

I was about to continue working on a massive Spiralmon update for my sausage tin with eight kinds of spicy mustard but this immediately put me out of the mood. Back to cooking up stuff for Wakfu.

Krakob's picture

You'd have to be mad to get Mad now .-.
Seriously, this feels "special", to put it in nicer words. I can see so much feces appearing all over the community soon. Everybody will start using Chaos in LD apart from the ones who realise that Shivermist Buster and those who don't will just whine about it in the forums. I'll have lots of fun with my Voltech Alchemer and Shivermist but this is really plain terrible.

In other news, everything on every weapon class is now maxable at once and Swordies now have a proper CTR armour. Did I mention that I'm getting Chaos reeeallly soon? No, but so will everyone.

Damage bonus and ctr bonus

Damage bonus and ctr bonus Med per piece(VH in the set) to ALL weapon types

Hexzyle's picture
Elemental VS Shadow defense.

Elemental VS Shadow defense.

Spicegirls's picture

shadow is usually preferred for clockworking

Nineball-Seraph's picture
Cue angry bombers

Now we need to either buff bomber armor or nerf chaos's defenses into the dirt.

Aureate's picture
inb4 y u so mad, bomber
Mr-Baldy's picture
I laugh at you all!

I already have Chaos~ <3

Aumir's picture

And they will bait and switch you later when Mad Bomber is buffed and its status weaknesses are removed, congrats!

Whoever is in charge of gear balancing should be FIRED. That is all I say.

Zeddy's picture

Chaos is elemental just like mad. There is no difference at all except Chaos is better.

Verodius's picture
Mad Bomber is worthless now?

More like "every set BUT Chaos is worthless now"

Verodius's picture
Mad Bomber is worthless now?

More like "every set BUT Chaos is worthless now"

Nineball-Seraph's picture
Ya know..

Nick made it seem like no big deal in his announcement, so I figured it was just gonna be like a defense increase or something.

Zeddy's picture

I thought adding ASI low. Would make sense and I wouldn't really have minded that.

Juances's picture

What's next? Swapping Volcanic Demo med CTR with low ASI?

And that's not a joke...

Orbwanter's picture

I thought the Chaos Set used to be Med/Med way way back before it originally got nerfed, but looking on the Wiki, it was High/High.

Nineball-Seraph's picture

Fallen could've gotten this "double" buff and not been OP, considering that ASI isn't as unbalancing as CTR or damage.

Espeonage's picture

There used to be "Low" and "Ultra", where Ultra is pretty much today's Medium.

Tiroth's picture

Chaos set is now severely overpowered, and my CTR UVs are now worth much less than they used to be. :< However, I also have and ASI high storm driver and a swiftstrike buckler, so I may be able to live with having a max everything weapon. :P

Eclaium's picture
first one was wrong link
Thinslayer's picture
Don't get mad yet...

Mad Bomber is still superior to Chaos. The Chaos set only gives a universal high, but Mad Bomber gives bomb vhigh. They both have four resistance penalties (differing only by poison/curse), both resist normal and elemental, and Mad Bomber has the higher relevant bonuses. If you're going to be bombing for most of your day, why would you want Chaos?

Aumir's picture

Low < Medium < High < Very High < Ultra < Maximum!

Chaos Cowl = Medium = 2

4 = Very High

Nineball-Seraph's picture
I thought..

I'm pretty sure we concluded that it's a universal VH. Offer proof if you think it's a universal high.

Also, that would be an ENTIRE 5* set for a +2 bonus if you're right. Not worth it for most people.

Krakob's picture
What are you talking about, Thinslayer?

Check Hall of Heroes. Chaos gives double universal mediums, which totals for CTR VH and DI VH. Mad does the same but for bombs only.

Iron-Volvametal's picture

Who uses Mad Bomber these days...

Juances's picture

Even if Chaos gave only highs it's still unbalanced since it buffs 3 weapon classes instead of 1. It was fine with a total of 2 mediums.

Zeddy's picture

I see medium on everything on the chaos recipes. Unless you're really, really scared of curse, there is not a single reason to pick mad bomber over chaos.

Besides, even if it were as you said, mad bomber helmet would still be a waste of CE.

Aumir's picture

Me, for its risk-reward feature of letting me have Max CTR bombs with almost max damage without having to PvP or acquire Punch UV's, perfect for f2p bombers. And I suppose more people. Pfft.

on a side note: the values of

on a side note: the values of all ctr vh UV'd weapons plummet.

Nick's picture
We appreciate your feedback

We appreciate your feedback on these new changes and will be monitoring the response and in-game behavior closely.

The idea with the Chaos set is to create a 'glass cannon' style of play. Before this change we felt that it was more glass than cannon. It's possible the buffs were too much and we'll be, as mentioned, examining the feedback. Other sets that seem 'obsolete' now as a result of this change are being evaluated. Please continue a (civil) discussion.


Sir-Alfred's picture
How about to make mad demo

How about to make mad demo set worthwhile again, adding something like a new uv such as detonation time reduction med to each piece. That way the full set gives ctr, db and detonation vh. Bombers will get a very useful unique uv, and bombs with long detonation times can become more useful and deadly! (looking at my BAB >=3 )

Burntsouls's picture
@Nick I hope we wont

@Nick I hope we wont experience something like this:
-X sees Chaos set has buffed
-X crafts the Chaos set because of its buff
-After this, 000 immediately nerfs Chaos set again.
-X is sad.
Because I experienced same thing with the honor gear update.

Little-Juances's picture

With all due respect, there isnt any feedback to analyze. This problem is more than obvious, how could you not prevent it?

Holy-Crab's picture
Oh, please don't change the

Make it High universal for the whole set instead.

Dragonuity's picture
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Nineball-Seraph's picture

I can understand what you mean by making it more "cannon-like" by making this change. Most of the times I see someone using Chaos, it's as a general "utility" armor that fits most occasions. However, due to the defensively powerful qualities of charge attacks, such as knockback, interruption, and statuses, I feel that you'd be giving your theoretical cannon massive defensive capabilities as well. Anyone with a brandish line sword could easily keep any and all enemies away with little to no skill involved by using charge attacks constantly.

My proposed fix for this problem would be to swap out the chrage reduction for attack speed increase, making the new chaos user a true glass cannon who will be able to tear down enemies as long as they are aware of what's going on around them. This would also leave mad bomber the unique niche of offensive bomber armor.

This would leave armor of the fallen as the new "obsolete" armor, however.

Batabii's picture
I'd be happy if it had just a

I'd be happy if it had just a little less defense, or maybe ASI instead of CTR?

Dragonuity's picture
This is the end of all vog

This is the end of all vog cub, and pretty much every wolver, gunslinger, and demo lines in the game

Asdfasdfasdfs's picture

If you have to leave the bonuses, just make the defense equal to a swiftstrike buckler. Able to take a hit or two and then dead.

Aumir's picture
OOO thought process

"A - Hey, I think Chaos Set is way too weak.
B - What do you think we should do?"
A - Well, obviously increase its stats to medium.
B - Ok sure."

Dragonuity's picture
meh, chaos already has all

meh, chaos already has all the status weaknesses. Anyways Bombers are already under-powered, this is a good chance to make the bomber class more popular. Buff Bomber armor lines, and we might see more of them compared with skolver and shadowsun.

Aquajag's picture
i do feel like bombers are

i do feel like bombers are generally rejected. It's a totally fun thing to play, and really great in all bomb groups! But the armor has often felt a bit neglected. And Mad Bomber *is* a glass cannon. So making Chaos that, definitely makes the Mad Bomber set pointless. I'm hoping this means you'll buff Mad Bomber, like reducing the negatives, or upping the damage so that it's maxed out with just the set and not a trinket.