Movement Speed Increase
lun, 07/29/2013 - 06:48

This is suggestion, but suggestion about upcoming patch
Seeing as sprites get perk with MSI:Med and 2 skills that increases your speed briefly (FireStorm and FireShield), and considering that fact that balance is not existant anyway, maybe we can get also Movement Speed trinkets? Like Krogmo trinkets, 4* version for MSI:Low and 5* for MSI:Med per trinket.
lun, 07/29/2013 - 09:31

What about a 3 or 4 star armor with movement speed increased med on it?
It could be a set for the swiftstrike stuff. Makes you super speedy, but at the cost of damage resistance.
Edit: and im not talking about mercural demo set.
lun, 07/29/2013 - 11:36

Actually... FireStorm increases your attack speed and Fireshield gives you that one-second push when used.
Seems way OP since you could get MSI Max, and Krogmo Modules are specifically boosters for weapons.