Movement Speed Increase

4 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Onekone

This is suggestion, but suggestion about upcoming patch

Seeing as sprites get perk with MSI:Med and 2 skills that increases your speed briefly (FireStorm and FireShield), and considering that fact that balance is not existant anyway, maybe we can get also Movement Speed trinkets? Like Krogmo trinkets, 4* version for MSI:Low and 5* for MSI:Med per trinket.

Portrait de Icilan
Meh. Doubt it.

Seems way OP since you could get MSI Max, and Krogmo Modules are specifically boosters for weapons.

Portrait de Klockworx

What about a 3 or 4 star armor with movement speed increased med on it?

It could be a set for the swiftstrike stuff. Makes you super speedy, but at the cost of damage resistance.

Edit: and im not talking about mercural demo set.

Portrait de Qwote

Actually... FireStorm increases your attack speed and Fireshield gives you that one-second push when used.

Portrait de Fehzor