The short of it? Feel free to skip the explanation portion. Suddenly, the post is a lot smaller. Why write the explanation? So I don't just sound like I'm crazy.
Big changes don't have to require big effort.
Charge = charge bomb up
Bomb is now stored, up to 3.
Release attack = place bomb
Uses a bomb from storage, or fails if none are there.
Charge time reduction is currently king for bombs but with this not so much. If you plan to use mostly a sword/gun, you can bring bombs as a side weapon without having to use chaos cloak. This change makes it combo perfectly- cornered? Pull out big angry bomb. Need to burst in an area? Dark retribution.
Small encounters are currently bombers' big weak point. With this, it becomes possible to crush small encounters, saving time charging while walking.
Blast bombs should use dark briar barrage for balance, not nitronome
Nitronome and lesser bombs = no knockback, irontech damage, no stun
Irontech destroyer = old nitronome walk speed/charge time, big angry bomb damage, no stun
Big angry bomb = old irontech, higher than current bab damage, larger radius
Heavy deconstructor = elemental variant of dark briar barrage, 5* and everything.
New blast bomb = shadowy variant of dark briar barrage
1* blast bombs = no knockback
You know what bomb people really like? Dark briar barrage. Why? It's simple, it doesn't make your party hate you and it works reliably and effectively and it doesn't scatter monsters everywhere. New players in particular should not be using a ton of knockback, because they're new and almost certain to bung it up.. rather, having no knockback and using what is basically dark briar barrage but slightly buffed (new nitronome) would be a blessing for them.
But there are players that like this knockback.. enter the irontech destroyer mentioned above. Same as old nitronome, but with higher damage and no lessened movement. Big angry bomb naturally closes the circle, becoming the old irontech but with more radius and damage than ever. Overall these changes appease any fans of knockback, and become a functional and fun part of the game.
Finally, specialized variants of dark briar barrage, to match what was done with valiance and grant bombers an effective elemental (finally) and basic, farmable shadow bomb.
The sane way to handle the shard bombs
Step 1: Remove all invincibility frames from these.
Invincibility frames effect bombs dropped later... so if I hit once the next bomb is nerfed if I'm skillful? What?
Step 2: All shards get: A status effect. A damage very high vs something. Damage of their 'high' variant.
Each gets a status effect and damage vs a monster family
Step 3: Buff the normal shards even more.
Either it gets more damage than the rest vs neutral targets, or random status effects
The invincibility frames you can research if you care, I put in a support ticket, there's not much more I can say besides that I've been looking into the issue for several years and that it's something I care deeply about...
But what I will say is that theses bombs are balanced with dark briar barrage; if you hit with enough shards, you outdamage DBB. If you don't you under damage but on average you should expect a bit more. The new blast bombs however mean that shards should probably up their game, especially since players hate them. This is why they'd get status effects and free damage ups. The other reason is that sun shards and salt bomb are A LOT better than their pure damage variants, and that without invincibility frames I'd for sure recommend sun shards as is.
The normal shards are currently really, really bad. Why? Shards vs normal targets are awful because they rely on multiple hits.. this means that they have to take on way more defense than do the specialized variants, and due to their already low damage kind of fail hard. To fix this, they could either be made to do more damage and therefore be more effective overall, or spread all status effects at once. The all status effects might be a bit too crazy, I'm not sure.
Graviton = stun, no knockback, loses higher damage
Graviton destroyer is severely outclassed by the other vortex bombs. Here's how the status variants work in terms of balance:
Electron = keeps enemies together better; shock prevents knockback/movement and does damage due to shock
Obsidian = poison counters menders, like a lesser venom veilor that doubles as a graviton
Celestial = deals fire damage, can help to finish off a wide variety of mobs; very situational
Proposed Graviton = stun helps keep mobs pacified. Lack of knockback keeps mobs clumped
New bomb variants.
The gunner update brought us a lot of variants to existing weapons; it would only be expected that a bomb update do something similar; yet there isn't nearly as much room to grow for bombs. In the past I have suggested a few things, as have others.
Bomberman bombs:
A conglomeration of ideas:
Ideas from long ago:
All I'm doing is using google. People LOVE writing these and there are a ton of interesting ideas out there.
If no actual truly new bombs are to be implemented, I would suggest considering the following:
1. Variants for Dark Retribution; normal + fire and stun + elemental would be my choice
2. Airstrike pick up.. as a bomb! Already coded and everything..
3. Curse haze bomb; would be far less OP than people think
4. Fire + Ice haze bomb; initial blast deals strong freeze, mist does low fire or vice versa. This makes the frozen enemies immune to the fire.
5. Old Shard Bomb variants. People loved the old shard bombs, and it would be a quick way of getting new content back. I'd do pure elemental and pure piercing variants, with stun on both.
This will make bombs actually usable for me.