Where is Saboteur??
The Winter Kingdom RP Discussion Thread (App here!)

The two gaint chapters I wrote are Saboteur's flash back, so don't get confused, I just wanted to develop his back story like kwibble did. Right now he was just in the meeting room with Konetsunii and Ralan, for now he still didn't find out about Konetsunii's true gender yet, after just mistook a man for a woman and raped her, saboteur is questioning his own insanity.
ps. yes, saboteur is also suffering from schizofrenia where he cannot distinguish between reality and his own fantasies.

Name: Unit 1
Gender: female
Armor: Apocrean, Chaos stats
Role: Verne's Knights, Void Warrior, Command Unit
Offensive and Defensive Equipment: Gran Faust; Obsidian Carbine; Obsidian Crusher; Gorgomega
Bio/Personality: U1 is the product of Verne's "Void Project", a program intended to develop an army of Swarm-enhanced super soldiers with which he can dominate the world. Supposedly, these warriors are unswervingly loyal and unquestionably obedient. U1 herself, however, is no ordinary trooper. She was the first human being ever to have successfully bonded to the Swarm without being devoured by it. And while many more would follow, she remains the most intelligent Void Warrior in King Verne's ranks.
U1 rarely speaks; some have thought her deaf, but the few who have heard her speak have described her voice to be mature, melodic, and a bit hollow. Despite her many years of servitude to the King, she is unusually kind to her friends and foes, never torturing living things or allowing them to suffer before death, and has a penchant for gift-giving.
She is rumored to be the only Void Warrior who ever willingly entered the program...
Gunning: 5
Swordplay: 5
Bombing: 5
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity/Speed: 5

Was aimed towards those of you who are guarding Verne, and maybe the King himself. Feel free to answer, hopefully including drawing weapons.

Max is bunking in Epsilon's base. Psych, it's your choice if he's awake or not.

I assume everyone in Epsilon is sitting around the table now?

Affraiel: "...U1 has strength of 5 and the dexterity of 5, and she can jump off walls and hijack hover craft... umm, that is totally not power play..."
Saboteur: "Well, she could have atleast slow down abit... I- I mean, Se-se-SERIUOSLY, why would a Vern's guard go out of her way to stop some freeelance $#$#, what could she ga-ga-gi-GAIN?!?! Out of it!?!?!"
Affraiel: "Well, regardless, U1 is in the position of power... don't you just hate it when an enemy RPer make their character so OP? Everyone on the epsilon team seems to be inactive, so how are you going to confront U1 without getting destroyed? Any idea?"
Saboteur: "We-we-wi-WELL... I have Mezizas the talking obsidian crusher! Fi-fi-fi-FIGHT FIRE WITH Fu-fi-fe-FIRE!!!"
Mezizas: "Hi there, renegade warden... I am Mezizas, the talking obsidian crusher, you are stronger than my current friend... Want to be my new friend? I can give you great power..."
Affraiel: "Ugh, no thanks... I have seen some wierd stuff in my life time, but a talking bomb, that is something new... anyway, sabo, wish you luck in confronting a apocrean who is totally not the 5th incarnation of a white haired brat called Gwen."
Saboteur: "Than-than-THANK YOU!!!"

If you have a problem with my story, please state it clearly and concisely. Thank you.

Well, I can't change your story just as much as you can't change mine. All I am suggesting is that U1 could at least deviate a little from Gwen or be a complete new character of her own, but it seems every time when you join or host a RP, these is always a character who is either Gwen or some one similar to her.
I think what midnight is saying is,a character with average strength and dexterity/speed shouldn't be able to jump off walls.
That being said, Void warriors would probably have a few special abilities, and down sides to those abilities.
If the above assumption is true,you should probably list those abilities Thin.
Midnight ninja'ed me =)

It's not like U1 jumped on Beck's hovercraft... THAT would be a power play.

U1 did a *single* wall jump and landed on an NPC's hovercraft. Apparently, that's a power play. >:(
You know, I initially didn't really feel like joining, and this isn't making me feel any better about it. Look, I'm here to have fun, and doing cool stunts is fun. If I'm not allowed to do things like that, I might as well not be here.
Secondly, think about this for a moment: what do the strength values mean? Does 10 make you a superhero, while 0 makes you too weak to lift a pencil? What does a 5 mean? I interpreted it to mean that my character is strong enough to perform limited acrobatics. She doesn't have the strength or stamina to wall jump all the way to Beck and overtake him; she has just enough to perform a single jump and land on a speeder behind him. Her primary ability is intelligence, and she's smart enough to know what works and what doesn't. She knows dam well how to make the best of her 5-rank strength.
Raigaizam, this is what I was trying to warn you about. The stat values are essentially meaningless. Strength 1 on a scale of 0-2 (like in Return to Cradle 2) is more meaningful than Strength 5 on a scale of 0-10 (like in The Winter Kingdom or in half the other RPs out there). In fact, I would recommend expressly stating what, exactly, each value means. To use RtC2 as an example:
0: average
1: honed/trained
2: impossible
Let's use a character's stat distribution as an example:
Muscular: 0 (strong as an average human being)
Sensory: 1 (roughly as sensitive as a dog's nose, a cat's eyes, or a connoisseur's tongue)
Analytical: 2 (Albert Einstein)
Stamina: 1 (endurance runner athlete)
See what I mean?
Now, this is how I interpret your stat points:
0: a skinny woman with no exercise
1: a skinny man with no exercise
2: a healthy woman
3: a healthy man
4: an exercise enthusiast
5: an athletic man
6: army strong
7: bordering on the superheroic
8: weaker superhero
9: superhero
10 unstoppable

Well, for now, I will leave it as this, Colray has already pulled off an equal powerplay of his own, appearantly he has 'friends' if not an entire underground network backing him up (Watchdog much???). I wouldn't be suprised if he starts to hack the city survellience cameras... again, that is a topic for another day.
And yes, the rank system is flawed, I will give you that, and since no one ever said how tall was the castle wall (this really is the RP host's fault entirely) I can't judge how bad of a power play is, if Vern's castle is like this, then yes, it is power play, but if it is like this then no problem, even someone as mentally challenged as Saboteur can do that.
And then, the fun, I don't know why you avoided answering why your character always have similar if not the same traits but if you want someone like Gwen in the RP, so be it, but remember, it is not only you the one who should have fun. We are all here for the same reason, I could have just let saboteur fuse his body together with Mezizas the talking obsidian crusher and become an indestrucable obsidian gaint and start wrecking Vern's castle, but then again, as fun as that sounds, it is still powerplay.

I think you're confused about what a power play is. A "power play" is playing someone else's character. Nobody has done that yet. From what you're telling me, attempting to create the environments we imagine is somehow a problem. And if that's the case, then you can pretty much kiss all roleplaying goodbye, because forcing the GM to make all the environments is almost cruel, not to mention highly inefficient.

If it is not powerplay then, that leaves with metagame, if that is the right word... and I would expect Raigaizam to atleast have some kind of rough picture of what the castle is like so the story won't go all over the place, what kind of men King Vern trust/distrust or allow to get into the castle, I am not asking for something cruel, but king Vern is kinda the big cheese here, he is like the goal we are working towards (kill or defend really) and we don't even know the slightest about this guy.
Hate to say it, I don't even know what kind of defence they have in Haven other than the raw number of troops stationed by, no mention of bunkers, barbed wires or pillboxes everywhere, so my version of the attack on haven could be wildly different from yours, I could even imagine that there are ridable unicorns out side Haven that can launch me straight into the castle. It does sound silly but I think you know where I am getting at, we need some uniformity in the story locations so it won't go all over the place.
ps. and speaking of power play, didn't you control Cierio (malglack's character) in RTC2? Or did he give you the control.

Malkalack gave me control. He was banned and wanted me to post vicariously.
Ridable unicorns that take you into the castle may be farfetched, but I don't see why we need rules to limit that. Most players are smart enough to know what's reasonable and what's not, and whatever they don't get right can be corrected by the GM.

Beck is a freelancer currently working for a unknown employer with agents everywhere. Cities with poverty tend to have people who want to control the underground.

I am of the opinion that no power plays have occurred. The closest thing to a power play in my opinion was Beck's apparent ease of access to the palace... But hey, I'm not complaining. It actually gave a good chance to develop Kwib even more.
Kudos to Colray for that :3

This is absolutely pointless argueing!
If Colray's fine with it, then the matter is fine!
I am a VERY tolerant person when it comes to RPs and such, but this?
This ticks me off. Also, Midnight, it IS fine to ask me questions and/or ask me to generate terrain
such as the castle.

I will explain your questions simply. To what you said, Midnight, the castle is a much bigger, better, well-kempt, and higher tech version of THIS: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Q696QuCZ7kU/U4NWBaMrDNI/AAAAAAAAAGM/S...

OUTER WALL/MAIN WALL: Vast amounts of soldiers, auto-turrets
THE STREETS OF HAVEN: Lesser amounts of soldiers, however manual gunning stations are located in many areas.
OUTSKIRTS OF VERNE'S CASTLE: Gunners and Soldiers: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YIp2tQG7kSE/U4NaKzJxVCI/AAAAAAAAAGg/8... Arrows point to positions which manual gunners and soldiers and posted.
INSIDE OF VERNE'S CASTLE: Not especially fortified, just Verne's best guards.

So... I just got back from a 3-4 day event in the SCA called Horse and Falcon. SCA = Medieval group thingy
Let me catch up on all the stuff.
*Oh, what's this about love interests?*

Sorry about the outburst...... I can't stand argueing in an RP. We're supposed to conform and be friends, right?
Anyways, Liminori, love interests are becoming a thing. Kewl, huh?

RP post 42... Kanoka does not "Support" Verne, but rather doesn't care what he does anymore.
It's like being someone's slave for so long that you're just used to it, and not giving a demn about the world.

Rasfie doesn't get much action here :(

Yes, I understand that. I am saying things from Kwib's point of view. To him, you seem like you support Verne. Sorry for that misunderstanding...

don't worry too much about it.
How are we going to connect these storylines?
The personal Guards, running off- And the Epsilon Squad, heading for Verne's castle...
I think someone is putting my brain in a blender, and drinking it as a slushie...
Also, Love Interests can be... Awkward. In more ways than one.

Honestly, I think the first attempt at killing Verne should fail, and have one or more knights be captured, then the second attempt be a success. This RP would be too short otherwise.

@Liminori It was just a thought. If you don't want to for your reasons... Fine by me :)
@All Kwib is going to stay back and he might accidently start fighting members of the Epsilon squad not know them (wink wink nudge nudge).
anyway. It does seem to be drawing to a close quickly. I am not questioning your plans though Rai, so I am looking forward to a plot twist xD maybe that the "king" isn't actually Verne, and he is somewhere else? Oh dear... Hehe, love plot twists.

Grey Blip... May I ask what it was/is?
Kanoka, most likely...

Stone. XD
If I ran into a character at 150MPH I think that character would.... well.....
Splatter. Let's leave it at that.

Right, Right.
I'm gonna go do some assassinating of creedining, and come back.
Hopefully, there'll be something new in this treasure vault...

anyone interested in reading my original stand alone fan fic, spiral knights: the blade of genesis? I can pull that out of my back yard storage if anyone is interested in some reading...

Look, can you do something to help me out here? I've had U1 sitting in the throne room with Verne for the last several days (irl) with nothing to do. Verne is your character, and only you have the authority to handle him unless you state otherwise. So maybe handle him so I don't keep sitting here, please?

Thanks! Love Verne's reaction. I can definitely build a story post out of that.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character App Template
Name: Joley Malakoth
Gender: Female
Armor: Chaos Armour, Chaos Cowl
Offensive and Defensive Equipment(Weapons and Shield): Final Flourish, Swiftstrike Buckler and an Antigua
Bio/Personality: Joley is of above average intelligence, but the field of swordplay is where she excels. She is a master duelist. As for personality, she is cheerful, selfless and kind. She hates Verne, for destroying everything she stands for. Before meeting Epsilon Squad, she secretly murdered Verne's men, and tortured them for information for her next hit. She has a hard heart, and rarely shows romantic affection for anyone. However, she is fiercely loyal to her squad, and the order.
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity/Speed: 9


I too need something for my character to do, all he pretty much does is drag along the rest

Epsilon is closed now, no more positions. Sorry :(
However, being one of Verne's Knights or a Freelancer is still allowed.

So am I accepted?
EDIT: I am just going to go freelancer, he said it was alright. I think I just start....

King Verne probably trusts Unit One a great deal, seeing as she's the very first Void Warrior he ever created and likely his most effective one (which remains to be seen in-game). Considering the distance from which Joley is watching them, identification of the person she's talking to is improbable (even with binoculars, unless Epsilon Squad members have a very distinctive look).
EDIT: She's standing along the outer wall overlooking the rear gates.
Name: Jurgen Vantas (PRONOUNCIATION: Yur-gan Vantas)
Gender: Male
Armor: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2011/063/d/1/high_tech_knight_by_vibha...
Offensive and Defensive Equipment(Weapons and Shield): Warmaster Rocket Hammer (With blue where the orange is) , Iromight Plate Shield
Bio/Personality: Jurgen was one of the original guards, and lived quite happily. He eventaully found the perfect woman, and they had a child together. Then, when the child was about 12, Verne's men, disguised like Epsilon squad troopers, brutally murdered his beloved and his progeny. This cruel trick made him lust for revenge and become even more committed to the king, the anger still burning bright in his heart. Now, years later, the lust has dulled, although he still wishes to see Epsilon dead. Noone has ever heard Jurgen speak, except for his late wife and child, and his few friends. Thus, nobody except those people know if he is actually mute or not. Addiationally, although he appears calm, his helmet diguises a great sadness, due to the deaths of those closest to him. Now, I'd liek to remind you, that just because he is a guard does not mean that he is heartless. He is kind to the men on his side, like a gentle giant (this is literal, as he is HUGE) but equally merciless to his enemies.
Position: One of Verne's 3 Inner Guard Knights
Stats(I am granting 35 points to spend in any categories you like. 10 points max each category!)
Gunning: 1
Swordplay: 10
Bombing: 1
Strength: 10
Intelligence: 10
Dexterity/Speed: 3
New page :3