((I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to have to stop playing. I have been getting more and more work and I am falling behind. Sorry everyone...))
Machinauts: Far Side of Cradle - A stat-based RP

((No problem at all, I understand. I'll keep your Machinaut on autopilot (until Chapter 3) in case your work slows down anytime soon.
Two more days until Chapter 3 (and the next fight) officially begins; your HP will be restored. You still have permission to craft items, so if you haven't done so already, go ahead and check Boost's list all the way back there; that said, there's no pressure, as there will be a lot of opportunities to craft during the next chapter.))
"Hmm." Regulus shrugs. "Stick together, then. That thing took a lot of punishment. I couldn't have taken half of what you hit it with." Regulus leans against the wall. "So you'll need any advantage you can get. All right, give me a minute."
Regulus opens contact with Tinder and begins speaking; meanwhile, Boost and Celloh show up, accompanied by a few Geonid guards. "Good news! Celloh can't feel the Swarm around here anymore."
"Is safe here in caves. None of it nearby. Must be careful, though. Is being sneaky." Celloh is noticeably less skittish than before. "May be in other depths."
"I hear the Geonids are activating the rapid elevators; you'll probably be reporting back to base. That's where we're headed as well." Boost nods toward his wares. "Of course, if you'd like to make any last-minute purchases, I wouldn't be averse to it."

((One more day before the next fight. KV-103, you can assign heat from your Warrior Points if you want.))
Regulus closes contact with Tinder. "Tinder says none of the guards reported anything out of the ordinary... The Heartstone has a rotating elite guard unit along with the Barrier, and they haven't reported anything either. I think we're in the clear."
Celloh shivers a little. "Did not see them? They are very sneaky. If you haven't escaped them before, you don't see them coming..." Celloh shakes his head. "Better not to think about that now. Is safe now."
"Definitely wouldn't be pleasant. Say, how come you didn't warn anyone else?"
"If Swarm creature heard me warning you, it would try to keep others quiet. Too many civilians in rest of city. Wanted to wait until all allies ready, in place far from many people. Then could keep it contained from there."
Regulus nods. "Good thinking."

((Actually, hold back on the heat for now.))
"General Regulus..." said KV-103, "With all due respect, Celloh seemed to be in a great panic, his fear makes for unreliable descriptions, Swarm won't contained so easily, we need to drive a spine into the heart of the swarm immediately."

As Nano saw his Faiserbeam didn't strike in time, one of his sensoric systems broke down. Then, wihout any warning, Nano2Nano threw at Ditto and started to attack him wih Longshot.
*bzzz...* "I WILL BREAK YOUR SHAMSHIR!!!" said Nano2Nano in rage.
(To be continued...)
(Upgrade Alchemer to MkII - Buy needed Alc. Orbs and craft it all)

Faidra grabbed Nano2Nano in a half nelson before he could attack with the Longshot. Maydra instead shouted first. "What the heck are you doing?! Not going to fight your team mate, that's for sure!"
"You're seriously throwing a fit because someone else made the finishing blow?"

KV-103 face palmed at Nano's immaturity, "I am leading an army of children..." he said.

((Lots of dialogue here, but there IS a fight.))
"What the heck?!" Regulus tenses up, ready to fight, only to see Faidra grabbed Nano2Nano in a half-nelson. "Whew, good job on that. Geez, that's quite a fit to throw over not getting the last hit in!"
"Should we let the other Machinauts know about this?" Boost ponders what kind of discipline would await Nano2Nano.
"I'll leave that to them. Keep an eye on that one." Regulus points toward Nano2Nano. "I've had to deal with troublemakers like that before."
Regulus continues. "Well. As I was going to say before, I'd love to play a part in putting down the Swarm once and for all. Unfortunately, we'd need to find out just where its weak point is. With that said, I do have some plans to defend against further atta-"
The conversation is promptly interrupted by a panicked Valerunner geonid running in. "General Regulus!"
"Ah, Vein! Sheesh, you look like you've just run a mining drill from the wrong end. What's goin' on?"
Vein stammers, "Pirates! Thaargan Space Pirates are attacking the upper depths from the surface."
"Oh, dear..."
"The Torchbellow Refuge is under a heavy siege. The Thaargan are siphoning as much Mist as they can and killing anything that crosses their path!"
Regulus nods. "Noted. Good work as always, Vein. How are the rapid elevators?"
"They're operational and working fine. You should be able to reach Depth 3 pretty quick and meet up with the other Machinauts, but it'll be a hard fight to get through to the Refuge."
"All right, good going. Stand by for new orders."
As Vein leaves, Regulus gestures toward the Machinauts. "Looks like you've got more work already... I'll try to send some aid as soon as our army is done recovering."
Regulus allows you to repair the damage sustained in the fight with the Unknown Geonid, before sending you on your way to the Rapid Elevators. Now that Mardrux's control over Depths 5 and 7 is broken, they're easily able to take you to Depth 3, but unseen perils await on the elevator...
Within and Without
Two threats have shown themselves. Of these, one is mysterious, nebulous, and out of reach as always. The Swarm is biding its time. Though all life- even the wisest Stranger, the most wicked of Fiends, the mightiest of Dracolisks, and the most distant alien life- must be wary of its next attack, this attack has not come down yet.
But the other one, the Thaargan Space Pirates, is all too obvious. The planet of Tha-gaarn, where the Thaargan species hails from, has long suffered from plagues and natural disasters collectively called the Scourge. Some Thaargan endure on the ravaged surface of their world, while others migrate to other planets and live peaceful lives; the best Thaargan mechanics are renowned across the galaxy for their agility with five arms.
But the most well-known of the Thaargan are the infamous pirate bands. Known as 'The Worst of the Undesirable' by the Morai, and 'the Vultures with Five Arms' by the Isorans, some bands of Thaargan Pirates are funded by none other than six of the Ten Emperors of Tha-gaarn.
One of the Ten Emperors, Gol-Rataan the Vile, leads the large band of pirates that crashlanded on Cradle. Gol-Rataan was corrupt even before Tha-gaarn was ravaged by the Scourge, but he was also a coward. As an Emperor, he reserved his cruelties for his serfs, not risking the anger (righteous or not) of the other nine Emperors. And as a pirate lord, he never launched an attack unless there was no risk. On Cradle, a single organized attack on the Refuge, repelled at Depth 2 before the pirates could even face the Autowall, was the extent of his aggression. Stray gremlins would fear attack, but there were no full sieges of anything. Then, one day, he seemed to grow a foolhardy determination to pillage as much Mist as he could... and now the Refuge is under a siege that seems endless.
The Thaargan have been extracting so much Mist, holding it in Mist Wells made from plundered Isoran technology. They are in a state of total war against the inhabitants of Cradle, more so than any mere pirate- especially a coward like Gol-Rataan- would wish to enter. Are the Thaargan motivated purely by greed? And if not... then what drives their aggression?
The Rapid Elevator rises at a high speed. Depth 5 passes in half a minute, and soon Depth 4 is visible high above you. The large elevator uses a complex gravitator to keep its occupants from feeling the G-forces produced by the elevator's quick ascent; however, it is roomy enough to allow you to sit down and rest your legs, if you wish.
But there is no time for resting. A blur in the air betrays the location of a force of incoming stealth troops! And there's a strange signature registering among them...
-Victory Conditions-
=Repel the hostile stealth troops!
-OPTIONAL: ??? [Requires more information! Continue fighting to discover this objective.]
-Pending Effects-
-Buffs and Debuffs-
Enemy Team: Surprise Attack! (Allows the enemy to use an instant Charge Attack on the first turn!)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 75/75 (Nm 60)
DSN-001: 750/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
D-07: 75/75 (Nm 60)
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
Matikclocker: 750/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Nano2Nano: 75/75 (Nm 60)
Royal: 500/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Thrynn: 500/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
-Combo Attack Log-
Link here
-??? (ENEMY)-
Machinaut? [A7|B2|R11] - 2200/2200 HP (x3) | 600 Nrm | 152 Prc | 76 Ele | 76 Shd | Row 1
[] *** Blocking Star (300/300 HP | 200 AllDef | 50% on Block: counter with a single Energy Shuriken)
]- *** Crackling Lightning Sai (Acc +7, CSPD +9, Com 260/270/280 Nm/El (Good Chance of Moderate Shock), Chg 950 Nm/El (Good Chance of Strong Shock)
]- *** Energy Shuriken (Acc +5, ROF +12, 2x222 El, Slight Chance of Strong Shock)
[R] Spark of Life (x3): Revives at full HP at the end of the turn when defeated!
[!!!] Escape Protocol: Retreats immediately upon expending all Sparks of Life
-Thaargan Pirates (ENEMY)-
Thaargan Eraser A [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Eraser B [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Eraser C [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Alchemizer A [A5|B6|R7] - 1300/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
Thaargan Alchemizer B [A5|B6|R7] - 1300/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
Thaargan Alchemizer C [A5|B6|R7] - 1300/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
-Player Allies (Requires Updating!)-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 "Fallen King" Stats [Midnight-Dj]
DSN-001 Stats [Sonosuke]
D-07 "Ditto" Stats [Spirals-Ore]
903:99ASSASSIN Stats [Herozenzero]
Matikclocker Stats [Matikclocker]
Nano2Nano Stats [Nanonizer]
R8-368 "Royal" [Trymal]
Thrynn G-54 Stats [Liminori]
-Mark30-Longshot Stats [Colray]
-LV-909 "Ignem" Stats [Oroseira]
-SEE-4 Stats [Eternity-Terminal]
-"Sephiroth" Stats [Saucce]
-PAD-103 "Mute" Stats [Magmaul-Ace]
-E-304 Stats [Arylide]
-BETA-01911 [Dreathuxy]
Idle (Ch. 1)- Post in this thread and I'll give you crafting information if your name is listed below!
-'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
-K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
-M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
14 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
8 * Emptied Clips
30 * Gel Drops
13 * Brimstone
11 * Scrap Metal
21 * Grave Soil
6 * Spark Plugs
4 * Philosopher's Motes
0 * Cheap Gunpowder
0 * Sharp Fangs
0 * Rock Chips
5 ** Owlite Feathers
12 ** Forbidden Fruit
11 ** Chitin Frags
7 ** Waste Modules
12 ** Power Cells
5 ** Ammo Boxes
2 ** Iron Gears
8 ** Fuel Canisters
4 ** Gremlin Gizmos
1 ** Frayed Fabric
3 ** Translocation Residue
5 ** Cooling Cells
8 ** Physics Applicators
8 ** Dead Gold
2 ** Philosopher's Pebbles
0 ** Swordstones
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
HEZ Audio Log II (A slightly newer Gremlin-made Audio Log found in Archdevil-IT Mardrux's office. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
13 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Binocular Critical Scope, Bucket Dimension Mk II, Burst Module, Combo Chronopacitor, Default Coil Mk II, Master's Gauntlet, Mega Rocket Boots, Owlite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Owlite Tome of Impact Retribution, Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds, Power Gauntlets, Powercooled Risk vs. Reload, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}

"Buckle up... my sensor is picking something up..." D-07 said silently by giving messages trough everyone's Interface. He crouched down, with antiqua on his right hand. "And nano, if you want that last blow so badly tell me next time... no need to go batshit over it..." The machinaut continued.
"So... ready for the next tier?"

"My Chain blade needs to have a word with the traitor..."
[Charge Gaze of Cerberus at Machinaut ?]

((Nano2Nano is unstable. System breakdown is same every time: System break>Targeting ally>Rushing/>Rivalry when attacked or >Sleep if stopped. That's why he is childish. Glad that I'm not!))
Nano2Nano woke up after some energy-draining grab.
"Uhm, what happened? Oh no. No, no no NO NOOOOOOO! My anger and rivalry urge summoned my dark me that seeks to destroy us!!! ATTACK!"
(Charge Faeflare, and remember about X-Bomb effect from my Network Block)

(Upgrade Cannon Puppy)?
(Charge Cannon Puppy target Machinaut ?)

Machinaut in queue - about to join soon
Comm? y/n
Matikclocker talks through comlink to Mark.
"Yo there Mark, it seems one of us took the spear and named the same as you!
Somebody called the Magna Lance "Longshot"! Do you wanna do something?
Also, did you craft 3* gear? We are going to wreck the pirates."
Then he proceeded to slam Nano2Nano's face (strong enough to make Nano2Nano learn about his mistake) with Gravitime.
"Yeah, I am maybe slow and blocking high, but you'd better blame Beam Shamshirs itsead of D-07 Ditto. Ditto didn't do anything to you."
Then he turned to Ditto.
"Nano2Nano has an aversion to Beam Shamshirs, maybe that's the problem? Anyways, good that Faidra stopped him from hitting you."
Finally Matikclocker turned to the pirates.
"Yo, wanna see something cool?"
(Charge Gravitime at Alchemizers)

"Wait... this energy signature...."
"Maydra, you know what that is?"
"It's familiar...."

>Target located
>Initiate Attack and Capture
The Machinaut leading the group turned to face DSN-001, preparing to attack.

((@Mech-Shiki wait, from when you have a Machinaut?! There is no Machinaut wit your nickname, either create one or don't mess up! Sorry if I've been rude to you.))

(When possible
Craft Mobile Siege Ram(using wallbreaker)
Craft Pepperbox(using autogun)
Craft Mega Cannon Puppy (using cannon Puppy)
Craft Boosted Helm and Plate Armor (using helm and Armor)
Craft Luxurious Support Shield?(it says it requires a jelly Shield, but why not a support shield?)
Ooh new Trinkets!
Craft Owlite time of Impact retribution(2*)
Craft Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds(2*)
Recipe's plus orbs = 24000 cr
Plus trinkets = 25000 cr
{Wow this is expensive, dropping Striker.}
Minus Striker = 21000
Current cr= 9459
Trade in all Warrior points for 800 cr each.
Current cr = 31859
After crafting, cr left= 10859)
(Hopefully I did that right)
Mark thought about this new information, he'd have to go through the logs as he didn't remember of such event.
Back to Matikclocker "Oh? Why did they name the spear Longshot? It seems like a better name for a firearm."

Thrynn just stares blankly, not really caring about the enemies in front of him.
Thrynn [>Charge Attacks!] the Thargan Alchemer A, while attempting to make some small talk.
"You know, a tool with a conciensce gets tired of fighting all the time. Oh sure, for the greater good, and all that, yeah-"
Thrynn paused, thinking for a second, "It's just that... I'm beginning to doubt it all."
Thanks, Dagoon- Now I'm doubting everyone.

((Don't worry, I did some planning with Sono and Shiki via steam; Shiki will write a good portion of dialogue pertaining to certain characters (if not all of it; any dialogue I add will mostly be related to particular details of the plot).
@Colray: Welcome back! Yes, you craft the Luxury Support Shield from the Support Shield; I forgot to correct the recipe after copy/pasting it. (If anyone was hoping to use a Jelly Shield as the base for a Luxury Support Shield, I'm sorry, but that isn't an option.)
Unfortunately prior plans are preventing me from posting tonight, so I'll have the first turn up on Sunday.))

--Midnight-Dj's vault of relics--
Description: it is a leviathan blade with slightly less damage, but ignores the accuracy penalty against targets in further rows
A master crafted leviathan blade made from a lighter alloy, it has a graceful length that allows the user to jab into dense phalanx and maim those who hides behind their shield. This sword was first commissioned by the Nowensgrad grey guards, awarded to only the most accomplished of the guard's knightesses. Knightess Penumbra Greyionne carried this blade on her daily routine in making the city of Nowensgrad a crowning jewel on the planet Isora, she didn't succeed when her estranged son Affraiel burned the city to ash in a single night.
Description: a gran Faust with poison damage instead of curse
Recovered from the corpse of the mad Apocrean queen, Mezizas Evangelyn Vuul, this deadly obsidian blade is almost twice the size of a normal obsidian edge made by Isorans and was Mezizas's personal arm and a symbol of her power. Sometimes by holding it, one can still hear the whisper of a woman tempting them into gaining higher power, if it is true that evil never die, then this accursed weapon must be the living testament to that statement.
Description: a heavy blaster that fires two high damage shots instead of three
A modified blaster that fires off balls of super heated plasma that were said to be so bright that they can rival the shine of a sun. This powerful gun was gifted to the Spiral Knights by the top emberlight engineers when the metal assassins first arrived to their town and repelled a dark fang incursion.

(Wait, wouldn't King have the Boosted Plate Helm if he upgraded the Hefty Helm?)
[Unequip Iron Knuckles]

((The Machinaut is not Swarm-related.
@Colray: I just remembered! You've got 2 system upgrades you can spend; remember, each one increases a stat by 1.))
Turn 1
Turn Order: 3,2,1,2,2,1,3,3,3,2,2,3,1,2,2
Vex: 11 + 3 + 1 CTR = 15
Thaargan Eraser A: 8 + 2 = 10 (5/100)
Thaargan Eraser B: 8 + 1 = 9 (63/100)
Thaargan Eraser C: 8 + 2 = 10 (12/100)
Thaargan Alchemizer A: 7 + 2 = 9 (40/100)
Thaargan Alchemizer B: 7 + 1 = 8
Thaargan Alchemizer C: 7 + 3 = 10 (81/100)
KV-103: 3 + 3 = 6
Mark: 3 + 3 = 6
D-07: 12 + 2 = 14
ASSASSIN: 8 + 2 = 10 (13/100)
Matikclocker: 6 + 3 = 9 (84/100)
Nano2Nano: 9 + 1 = 10 (77/100)
Royal: 9 + 2 = 11
Thrynn: 9 + 2 = 11
Vex: Charge w/ Crackling Lightning Sai -> DSN-001
D-07: Standard w/ Slash -> Vex
5 swings, 5 hits! 1198 damage.
Royal: Standard w/ Multiburst Brandish -> Vex
3 swings, 2 blocked! Vex's shield broke! Vex took 186 damage.
Vex counterattacked with a Shuriken, but missed!
Thrynn: Charge w/ Firotech Alchemer -> Vex
Roll: 42. No Instacharge.
Alchemizer C: Black Powder Burettes/Phlasks of Phearnamite -> KV-103
Attack 1:
3 -> KV-103: Missed!
1 -> Thrynn: Hit! 280 damage.
Attack 2:
2 -> KV-103: 1 hit! 220 damage.
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Faeflare
Roll: 14. No Instacharge.
Extra bomb! (Autotarget: Vex)
-> Vex: Hit! 281 damage. Vex was targeted by a Quick Faiserbeam!
-> Alchemizer C: Miss!
ASSASSIN: Standard w/ Shamshir -> Vex
4 swings, 3 hits! 441 damage.
Thaargan Eraser C: Sneak Attack -> D-07
3 hits, 1 blocked! D-07's Shield broke! 930 damage!
Thaargan Eraser A: Sneak Attack -> Royal
1 hit, 1 blocked! 325 damage.
Matikclocker: Charge w/ Gravitime -> Thaargan Alchemizer A
Roll: 42. No Instacharge.
Thaargan Eraser B: Sneak Attack -> Nano2Nano
3 hits, 1 blocked! 1010 damage.
Thaargan Alchemizer A: Black Powder Burettes/Phlasks of Phearnamite -> Matikclocker
Attack 1:
2 -> Matikclocker: 1 blocked!
1 -> DSN-001: Blocked! (He rolled a 2 and you blocked it! Nice!)
1 -> Nano: Hit! 270 damage.
Attack 2:
2 -> Matikclocker: Miss!
1 -> ASSASSIN: Miss!
Thaargan Alchemizer B: Black Powder Burettes/Phlasks of Phearnamite -> KV-103
Attack 1:
3 -> KV-103: 2 hits, 1 blocked! KV-103's Shield broke! 690 damage.
1 -> Royal: 1 blocked!
1 -> Nano: Missed!
Attack 2:
2 -> KV-103: Missed!
1 -> Nano: Missed!
KV-103: Charge w/ Gaze of Cerberus
Roll: 29. No Instacharge.
Mark: Charge w/ Puppy
Roll: 39. No Instacharge.
Turn Summary
The mysterious Machinaut, quickly identified as DFN-003 "Vex", strikes Faidra and rips through his shield in one blow!
D-07, Royal, Nano, and ASSASSIN retaliate, knocking Vex to the brink of defeat, while Thrynn charges an attack!
One Thaargan Alchemizer throws bombs that damage KV-103 and Thrynn, while the Erasers damage Royal, D-07, and Nano2Nano!
Matikclocker prepares his Graviton Charge; the other Alchemizers bomb KV-103 and Matikclocker, hitting Nano with a bomb!
KV-103 and Mark begin charging their weapons!
(Shields damaged: Vex's, KV-103's, DSN-001's, D-07's, Matikclocker, Royal)
The Machinaut, thanks to automatic databases, is quickly identified as hostile unit DFN-003 "Vex", a dangerous lightning shinobi! ...Why is he fighting with the Thaargan?
No matter. That sneak attack was devastating, but with the element of surprise gone, they'll have more trouble sustaining that damage. Now is the chance to fight back!
-Victory Conditions-
=Repel the hostile stealth troops!
-OPTIONAL: ??? [Requires more information! Continue fighting to discover this objective.]
-Pending Effects-
Thrynn: Charge w/ Firotech Alchemer -> Vex
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Faeflare -> Vex
Matikclocker: Charge w/ Gravitime -> Thaargan Alchemizer A
KV-103: Charge w/ Gaze of Cerberus
Mark: Charge w/ Puppy
-Buffs and Debuffs-
Vex: Targeted by Quick Faiserbeam (1 turn left, Nano2Nano's Faeflare)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: Broken/75 (Nm 60)
DSN-001: 457/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
D-07: Broken/75 (Nm 60)
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
Matikclocker: 164/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Nano2Nano: 75/75 (Nm 60)
Royal: 175/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Thrynn: 500/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
-Combo Attack Log-
Link here
-??? (ENEMY)-
DFN-003 "Vex" [A7|B2|R11] - 94/2200 HP (x3) | 600 Nrm | 152 Prc | 76 Ele | 76 Shd | Row 1
[] *** Blocking Star (0/300 HP | 200 AllDef | 50% on Block: counter with a single Energy Shuriken)
]- *** Crackling Lightning Sai (Acc +7, CSPD +9, Com 260/270/280 Nm/El (Good Chance of Moderate Shock), Chg 950 Nm/El (Good Chance of Strong Shock)
]- *** Energy Shuriken (Acc +5, ROF +12, 2x222 El, Slight Chance of Strong Shock)
[R] Spark of Life (x3): Revives at full HP at the end of the turn when defeated!
[!!!] Escape Protocol: Retreats immediately upon expending all Sparks of Life
-Thaargan Pirates (ENEMY)-
Thaargan Eraser A [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Eraser B [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Eraser C [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Alchemizer A [A5|B6|R7] - 1300/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
Thaargan Alchemizer B [A5|B6|R7] - 1300/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
Thaargan Alchemizer C [A5|B6|R7] - 1300/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
-Player Allies (Requires Updating!)-
Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 "Fallen King" Stats [Midnight-Dj]
DSN-001 Stats [Sonosuke]
Mark30-Longshot Stats [Colray]
D-07 "Ditto" Stats [Spirals-Ore]
903:99ASSASSIN Stats [Herozenzero]
Matikclocker Stats [Matikclocker]
Nano2Nano Stats [Nanonizer]
R8-368 "Royal" [Trymal]
Thrynn G-54 Stats [Liminori]
-LV-909 "Ignem" Stats [Oroseira]
-SEE-4 Stats [Eternity-Terminal]
-"Sephiroth" Stats [Saucce]
-PAD-103 "Mute" Stats [Magmaul-Ace]
-E-304 Stats [Arylide]
-BETA-01911 [Dreathuxy]
Idle (Ch. 1)- Post in this thread and I'll give you crafting information if your name is listed below!
-'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
-K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
-M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
-Chapter 3: N/A
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
14 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
6 * Emptied Clips
28 * Gel Drops
13 * Brimstone
7 * Scrap Metal
21 * Grave Soil
4 * Spark Plugs
2 * Philosopher's Motes
0 * Cheap Gunpowder
0 * Sharp Fangs
0 * Rock Chips
5 ** Owlite Feathers
10 ** Forbidden Fruit
9 ** Chitin Frags
7 ** Waste Modules
10 ** Power Cells
3 ** Ammo Boxes
1 ** Iron Gears
7 ** Fuel Canisters
4 ** Gremlin Gizmos
1 ** Frayed Fabric
3 ** Translocation Residue
4 ** Cooling Cells
8 ** Physics Applicators
7 ** Dead Gold
2 ** Philosopher's Pebbles
0 ** Swordstones
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
HEZ Audio Log II (A slightly newer Gremlin-made Audio Log found in Archdevil-IT Mardrux's office. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {--/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1] (slated for unequipment)
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
13 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Binocular Critical Scope, Bucket Dimension Mk II, Burst Module, Combo Chronopacitor, Default Coil Mk II, Master's Gauntlet, Mega Rocket Boots, Owlite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Owlite Tome of Impact Retribution, Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds, Power Gauntlets, Powercooled Risk vs. Reload, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}

[Unleash charge attack on Thaargan Alchemizer A or if Vex is somehow still alive in the end, unleash on vex instead.]

System Upgrades
-Use both on Blocking (+2 to Blocking.)
(Plant C-Pup, aim for Alchemizer A, if dead then aim for Alchemizer B.)
(Also if it's not too late, with my Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds trinket, I'll choose AP slugs. (The +dmg -asi one.))
Mark plants the Mini Gun pup,
"Turret active!"
Then he pauses to load his firearms with slugs designed to plow through everything and inflict the most damage possible.

"Kuh... We may have underestimated those Mecha Knights."
"Still, Vex was right to suspect that the Sertak Number was with them."

A silver 'V', similar to Faidra's own, can be seen on Vex's mouthplate.
"Maydra, what is it?"
"No no no no no...."
[Charge Energy Saber: Thaargan Eraser B]

Nano2Nano finally got enough of 1000+ damage attacks.
"My turn..." said Nano2Nano.
(Release Faeflare on any Alchemizer)

Turn 2
Turn Order: 3,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,2
Vex: 11 + 3 = 14
Thaargan Eraser A: 8 + 2 = 10 (61/100)
Thaargan Eraser B: 8 + 3 = 11 (8/100)
Thaargan Eraser C: 8 + 1 = 9 (89/100)
Thaargan Alchemizer A: 7 + 2 = 9 (8/100)
Thaargan Alchemizer B: 7 + 1 = 8
Thaargan Alchemizer C: 7 + 2 = 9 (31/100)
KV-103: 3 + 3 = 6
DSN-001: 7 + 2 = 9 (53/100)
Mark: 3 + 2 = 5
D-07: 12 + 1 = 13
ASSASSIN: 8 + 2 = 10 (4/100)
Matikclocker: 6 + 1 = 7
Nano2Nano: 9 + 2 = 11 (91/100)
Royal: 9 + 2 = 11 (21/100)
Thrynn: 9 + 2 = 11 (74/100)
Vex: Standard w/ Crackling Lightning Sai -> DSN-001
6 swings, 4 hits! 680 damage. DSN-001 was Shocked!
D-07: Standard w/ Slash -> Vex
5 swings, 5 hits! 1198 damage.
Vex falls!
Nano2Nano: Fire Charge w/ Faeflare -> Alchemizer B
-> Alchemizer B: Hit! 255 damage. Alchemizer B was targeted by a Charged Faiserbeam!
Royal: Standard w/ Multiburst Brandish -> Eraser A
3 swings, 3 hits! Eraser A took 765 damage.
Thrynn holds the charge. (It does so little damage against those Thaargan that it's not worthwile on them, and Vex is down this turn.)
Eraser B: Sneak Attack
Eraser B hides...
Eraser A: Sneak Attack
Eraser A hides...
ASSASSIN: Standard w/ Swift Flourish -> Alchemizer C
5 swings, 3 hits! 746 damage.
Eraser C: Sneak Attack
Eraser C hides...
DSN-001 rolls vs. Shock: 50!
DSN-001: Charge w/ E-Saber -> Alchemizer A (unless Eraser B is not sneaking)
Roll for Instacharge (25%): 67. No Instacharge!
Alchemizer C: Repulsive Retorts/A-0 Alembics -> KV-103
Attack 1:
1 -> KV-103: Missed!
1 -> Nano: Missed!
Attack 2:
2 -> KV-103: Missed!
1 -> D-07: Missed!
1 -> Mark: Hit! 1 damage. Frozen!
Alchemizer A: Repulsive Retorts/A-0 Alembics -> KV-103
Attack 1:
1 -> KV-103: Miss!
1 -> Nano: Hit! 150 damage. Resisted Poison!
1 -> Thrynn: Hit! 160 damage. Resisted Poison!
Attack 2:
2 -> KV-103: 1 Hit! 1 damage. Frozen!
1 -> D-07: Miss!
1 -> Matikclocker: Hit! 70 damage. Frozen!
1 -> Nano: Miss!
Alchemizer B: Repulsive Retorts/A-0 Alembics -> D-07
Attack 1:
1 -> D-07: Hit!
1 -> KV-103: Hit! 135 damage. KV-103 is no longer Frozen! KV-103 is Poisoned!
1 -> DSN-001: Missed!
1 -> Mark: Hit! 135 damage. Mark is no longer Frozen! Mark is Poisoned!
1 -> ASSASSIN: Hit! 210 damage. Resisted Poison!
Attack 2:
1 -> D-07: Hit! 75 damage. Resisted Freeze!
Matikclocker: Fire Charge w/ Gravitime
->Alchemizer A: Hit! Alchemizer A was gathered!
->Alchemizer B: Hit! Alchemizer B was gathered!
->Alchemizer C: Hit! Alchemizer C was gathered!
KV-103: Fire Charge w/ Gaze of Cerberus -> Alchemizer A
3 hits + 1 hit! The Tome of Retribution empowered the attack! 544 damage.
Final Cut! The Tome of Retribution empowered the attack! 496 damage. (1040 total)
Mark: Fire Charge w/ Puppy
Mark deploys his Mega Cannon Puppy!
Mega Cannon Puppy: Cannonball -> Alchemizer A
Hit! 355 damage.
Alchemizer A is down! (I'll roll for him first thing in the next post)
Vex revives himself with a Spark of Life!
(Shields regenerated: Vex's, KV-103's, DSN-001's, D-07's, Matikclocker, Royal)
The first Alchemizer spits a curse at the Cannon Puppy before falling dead; another one grins and looks at a strange set of dessicators on its belt. "Ninja! Light up another one! I'll take care of this freak!"
-Victory Conditions-
=Repel the hostile stealth troops!
-OPTIONAL: ??? [Requires more information! Continue fighting to discover this objective.]
-Pending Effects-
Thrynn: Charge w/ Firotech Alchemer -> Vex
DSN-001: Charge w/ E-Saber -> Alchemizer A (unless Eraser B is not sneaking)
Eraser A: Sneak Attack
Eraser B: Sneak Attack
Eraser C: Sneak Attack
Matikclocker's Gravitime: Gathered Alchemizer A, Alchemizer B, Alchemizer C (Detonates in 2 turns)
-Buffs and Debuffs-
Alchemizer B: Targeted by Charged Faiserbeam (2 turns left, Nano2Nano's Faeflare)
DSN-001: Moderate Shock (3 turns remain, 56%/28%)
KV-103: Strong Poison (3 turns remain)
Mark: Strong Poison (3 turns remain)
-Loot on Victory-
(Rolling for: 1 Alchemizer)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: Broken/75 (Nm 60)
DSN-001: 457/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
D-07: Broken/75 (Nm 60)
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
Matikclocker: 164/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Nano2Nano: 75/75 (Nm 60)
Royal: 175/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Thrynn: 500/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
-Combo Attack Log-
Link here
-??? (ENEMY)-
DFN-003 "Vex" [A7|B2|R11] - 2200/2200 HP (x2) | 600 Nrm | 152 Prc | 76 Ele | 76 Shd | Row 1
[] *** Blocking Star (0/300 HP | 200 AllDef | 50% on Block: counter with a single Energy Shuriken)
]- *** Crackling Lightning Sai (Acc +7, CSPD +9, Com 260/270/280 Nm/El (Good Chance of Moderate Shock), Chg 950 Nm/El (Good Chance of Strong Shock)
]- *** Energy Shuriken (Acc +5, ROF +12, 2x222 El, Slight Chance of Strong Shock)
[R] Spark of Life (x2): Revives at full HP at the end of the turn when defeated!
[!!!] Escape Protocol: Retreats immediately upon expending all Sparks of Life
-Thaargan Pirates (ENEMY)-
Thaargan Eraser A [A8|B2|R8] - 635/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Eraser B [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Eraser C [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Alchemizer A [A5|B6|R7] - 260/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
Thaargan Alchemizer B [A5|B6|R7] - 1045/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
Thaargan Alchemizer C [A5|B6|R7] - 554/1300 HP | 180 Nrm | 300 Prc | 1000 Ele | 20 Shd | Row 2
{Mad Bomber: Two Bomb attacks every turn | Black Powder Burettes: 8 Acc, 9 ArmSpd, 330 Ele (up to 2) | Phlasks of Phearnamite: 6 Acc, 5 ArmSpd, 295 Shd (up to 3) | Absolute-Zero Alembics: 8 Acc, 4 ArmSpd, 220 Nrm (up to 4), Good Chance of Minor Freeze | Repulsive Retorts: 4 Acc, 1 Armspd, 210 Shd (up to 7), Good Chance of Strong Poison | Discharging Dessicators: 7 Acc, 7 Armspd, 240 Nm/Ele (up to 6), on hit vs. Shocked enemy: 2.5x damage, but removes target's Shock effect}
-Player Allies (Requires Updating!)-
Mega Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B1|R6 (Turret)] 450/450 HP | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 0 Ele | 300 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x400 Nrm, 2 ROF}
This Turret is deployed!
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 "Fallen King" Stats [Midnight-Dj]
DSN-001 Stats [Sonosuke]
Mark30-Longshot Stats [Colray]
D-07 "Ditto" Stats [Spirals-Ore]
903:99ASSASSIN Stats [Herozenzero]
Matikclocker Stats [Matikclocker]
Nano2Nano Stats [Nanonizer]
R8-368 "Royal" [Trymal]
Thrynn G-54 Stats [Liminori]
-LV-909 "Ignem" Stats [Oroseira]
-SEE-4 Stats [Eternity-Terminal]
-"Sephiroth" Stats [Saucce]
-PAD-103 "Mute" Stats [Magmaul-Ace]
-E-304 Stats [Arylide]
-BETA-01911 [Dreathuxy]
Idle (Ch. 1)- Post in this thread and I'll give you crafting information if your name is listed below!
-'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
-K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
-M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
-Chapter 3: N/A
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
14 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
6 * Emptied Clips
28 * Gel Drops
13 * Brimstone
7 * Scrap Metal
21 * Grave Soil
4 * Spark Plugs
2 * Philosopher's Motes
0 * Cheap Gunpowder
0 * Sharp Fangs
0 * Rock Chips
5 ** Owlite Feathers
10 ** Forbidden Fruit
9 ** Chitin Frags
7 ** Waste Modules
10 ** Power Cells
3 ** Ammo Boxes
1 ** Iron Gears
7 ** Fuel Canisters
4 ** Gremlin Gizmos
1 ** Frayed Fabric
3 ** Translocation Residue
4 ** Cooling Cells
8 ** Physics Applicators
7 ** Dead Gold
2 ** Philosopher's Pebbles
0 ** Swordstones
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
HEZ Audio Log II (A slightly newer Gremlin-made Audio Log found in Archdevil-IT Mardrux's office. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {--/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1] (slated for unequipment)
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
13 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Binocular Critical Scope, Bucket Dimension Mk II, Burst Module, Combo Chronopacitor, Default Coil Mk II, Master's Gauntlet, Mega Rocket Boots, Owlite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Owlite Tome of Impact Retribution, Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds, Power Gauntlets, Powercooled Risk vs. Reload, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}

((OOC: Doc, any chance those misses and sword hit fill up my finisher gauge, seems like I am going to need them :P))
"DAMNATION!" KV-103 yelled, "The Xenos are trying to synchronize an attack, kill the alchemists!"
[Gaze of Cerberus -> Thaargan Alchemizer C]

(Mobile Siege Ram normal attack --> Thaargan Alchemizer B)
[Aim Cannon Puppy --> Thaargan Alchemizer C]
Mark shudders slightly, feeling the poison weaken him. He hears The Fallen King and takes aim, directing his turret as well.

"Gotta do it another way! I always have my ace of spades: Gravitime!"
(Charge Gravitime)

((Misread Vex's health last turn, just pretend the "Vex Revives" segment is here. Oh wait.))
Vex's joints locked up.
>Chassis Energy Levels at 0%

"Why!" Maydra aimed the E-Saber towards Vex. "Why do you look so much like 006?!"
[Shining Energy Saber Charge Release: Vex]
In the depths of an underground building, a Biotech Knight searches for any old tech she can possibly use. With her is her assistant, a Gremlin mender and friend. They soon come across the ruins of a lab, with machine parts strewn everywhere, primarily those of robots.
"It's like a huge struggle went down here," the Knight said, stepping over the parts as carefully as she could. The Gremlin followed her inside before noticing a sealed door in an otherwise openly-raided lab.
"A sealed door?" He went over to it while she checked the systems.
"All offline but one, eh?" She noticed the sealed door. "Merk, what are you doing?"
"I was gonna see if I could open this one, Hanna." Merk took out a plasma torch. "Maybe there's something we can use."
"Yeah... There's a strong energy reading behind this door. Be careful."

Nano activated Turret Destroyer Program.
(Charge Mega Cannon Puppy)
((Can I rename Mega Cannon Puppy to Destroy?))

((I fixed them earlier today. Sorry about that.
Also, rolled for Hearts behind the scenes.
Off topic, all those people weren't kidding about LoL's community. Good thing I discovered the ignore button!))
Turn 3
Turn Order: 2,3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,2,1,3,1,1,1
Vex: 11 + 2 = 13
Thaargan Eraser A: 8 + 3 = 11
Thaargan Eraser B: 8 + 2 = 10 (17/100)
Thaargan Eraser C: 8 + 1 = 9 (21/100)
Thaargan Alchemizer B: 7 + 3 = 10 (33/100)
Thaargan Alchemizer C: 7 + 2 = 9 (Fire-doomed!)
KV-103: 3 + 1 = 4
DSN-001: 7 + 3 + 4 CTR = 14
Mark: 3 + 2 = 5
D-07: 12 + 2 = 14
ASSASSIN: 8 + 1 = 9 (69/100)
Matikclocker: 6 + 3 = 9 (100/100)
Nano2Nano: 9 + 1 = 10 (71/100)
Royal: 9 + 1 = 10 (58/100)
Thrynn: 9 + 1 = 10 (30/100)
D-07: Standard w/ Slash -> Vex
5 swings, 4 hits/1 blocked! 1073 damage.
Roll: 96. Shock resisted!
DSN-001: Fire Charge w/ Saber -> Vex
Hit! 818 damage.
Copied Vex's Shock effect!
Vex: Standard w/ Crackling Lightning Sai -> Thrynn
5 swings, 4 hits/1 blocked! 760 damage.
Eraser A: Sneak Attack -> Matikclocker
2 hits! 500 damage.
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Puppy
Roll: 56. No Instacharge.
Nano's Faiserbeam strikes Alchemizer B!
Royal: Standard w/ Multiburst Brandish -> Alchemizer B
3 swings, 3 hits! Alchemizer B took 470 damage.
Alchemizer B: Black Powder Burettes/Black Powder Burettes -> DSN-001
Attack 1:
2 -> DSN-001: 2 blocked!
1 -> Royal: Miss!
1 -> Cannon Puppy: Hit! 330 damage.
Attack 2:
2 -> DSN-001: 1 blocked! 164 damage.
Thrynn: Fire Charge w/ Alchemer -> Vex
Hit! 260 damage. Vex catches Fire!
Ricochet shot 1:
-> Alchemizer B: Hit! 1 damage.
Ricochet shot 2:
-> Alchemizer C: Hit! 1 damage. Alchemizer C catches Fire!
Eraser B: Sneak Attack -> DSN-001
3 hits, 780 damage.
Alchemizer C takes damage from fire.
Alchemizer C is down!
Matikclocker: Charge w/ Gravitime
Roll: 71. No Instacharge.
ASSASSIN: Standard w/ Katscratch -> Alchemizer B
5 swings, 3 hits! 650 damage.
Eraser C: Sneak Attack -> ASSASSIN
4 hits! 1020 damage.
Mark: Standard w/ Mobile Siege Ram -> Alchemizer B
Hit! 312 damage. Down!
Mega Cannon Puppy: Cannonball -> Eraser A
Miss! (Rolled a 16.)
KV-103: Standard w/ GoC -> Eraser A
7 swings, 6 hits! Used Ret Points! 730 damage.
Vex revives himself with a Spark of Life!
(Shields damaged: Vex's, DSN-001's)
(Shields regenerated: KV-103's, D-07's, Matikclocker, Royal)
Vex is about to drop from the Fire; now's a prime chance to finish off the Erasers before they launch more Sneak Attacks!
The elevator begins grinding up, up, up...
-Victory Conditions-
=Repel the hostile stealth troops!
-OPTIONAL: Defeat the Thaargan troops before forcing Vex to retreat! (Reward: 500 Heat for all Machinauts)
-Pending Effects-
Nano2Nano: Charge w/ Puppy
Matikclocker: Charge w/ Gravitime
-Buffs and Debuffs-
Vex: Moderate Fire (3 turns left, 100 DPT)
Alchemizer B: Targeted by Charged Faiserbeam (1 turns left, Nano2Nano's Faeflare)
DSN-001: Moderate Shock (2 turns remain, 84%/28%)
KV-103: Strong Poison (2 turns remain)
Mark: Strong Poison (2 turns remain)
-Loot on Victory-
(Rolling for: 3 Alchemizer)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 19/75 (Nm 60)
DSN-001: 59/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
D-07: 19/75 (Nm 60)
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
Matikclocker: 352/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Nano2Nano: 75/75 (Nm 60)
Royal: 300/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Thrynn: 126/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
-Combo Attack Log-
Link here
-??? (ENEMY)-
DFN-003 "Vex" [A7|B2|R11] - 49/2200 HP (x2) | 600 Nrm | 152 Prc | 76 Ele | 76 Shd | Row 1
[] *** Blocking Star (Broken/300 HP | 200 AllDef | 50% on Block: counter with a single Energy Shuriken)
]- *** Crackling Lightning Sai (Acc +7, CSPD +9, Com 260/270/280 Nm/El (Good Chance of Moderate Shock), Chg 950 Nm/El (Good Chance of Strong Shock)
]- *** Energy Shuriken (Acc +5, ROF +12, 2x222 El, Slight Chance of Strong Shock)
[R] Spark of Life (x2): Revives at full HP at the end of the turn when defeated!
[!!!] Escape Protocol: Retreats immediately upon expending all Sparks of Life
-Thaargan Pirates (ENEMY)-
Thaargan Eraser A down! (-95)
Thaargan Eraser B [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Eraser C [A8|B2|R8] - 1400/1400 HP | 60 Nrm | 60 Prc | 800 Ele | 800 Shd | Row 1
{Four Swords: 6 Acc, 8 CSPD, 250/250/250/250 Nrm | Sneak Attack: Hides on first turn, then 9 Acc, 400/400/400/400 Nrm instantly | Poison Darts: 8 Good Chances of Strong Poison to random targets}
Thaargan Alchemizer A down! (-95)
Thaargan Alchemizer B down! (-173)
Thaargan Alchemizer C down! (-17)
-Player Allies (Requires Updating!)-
Mega Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B1|R6 (Turret)] 120/450 HP | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 0 Ele | 300 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x400 Nrm, 2 ROF}
This Turret is deployed!
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 "Fallen King" Stats [Midnight-Dj]
DSN-001 Stats [Sonosuke]
Mark30-Longshot Stats [Colray]
D-07 "Ditto" Stats [Spirals-Ore]
903:99ASSASSIN Stats [Herozenzero]
Matikclocker Stats [Matikclocker]
Nano2Nano Stats [Nanonizer]
R8-368 "Royal" [Trymal]
Thrynn G-54 Stats [Liminori]
-LV-909 "Ignem" Stats [Oroseira]
-SEE-4 Stats [Eternity-Terminal]
-"Sephiroth" Stats [Saucce]
-PAD-103 "Mute" Stats [Magmaul-Ace]
-E-304 Stats [Arylide]
-BETA-01911 [Dreathuxy]
Idle (Ch. 1)- Post in this thread and I'll give you crafting information if your name is listed below!
-'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
-K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
-M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
-Chapter 3: N/A
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
14 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
6 * Emptied Clips
28 * Gel Drops
13 * Brimstone
7 * Scrap Metal
21 * Grave Soil
4 * Spark Plugs
2 * Philosopher's Motes
0 * Cheap Gunpowder
0 * Sharp Fangs
0 * Rock Chips
5 ** Owlite Feathers
10 ** Forbidden Fruit
9 ** Chitin Frags
7 ** Waste Modules
10 ** Power Cells
3 ** Ammo Boxes
1 ** Iron Gears
7 ** Fuel Canisters
4 ** Gremlin Gizmos
1 ** Frayed Fabric
3 ** Translocation Residue
4 ** Cooling Cells
8 ** Physics Applicators
7 ** Dead Gold
2 ** Philosopher's Pebbles
0 ** Swordstones
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
HEZ Audio Log II (A slightly newer Gremlin-made Audio Log found in Archdevil-IT Mardrux's office. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {--/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1] (slated for unequipment)
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
13 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Binocular Critical Scope, Bucket Dimension Mk II, Burst Module, Combo Chronopacitor, Default Coil Mk II, Master's Gauntlet, Mega Rocket Boots, Owlite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Owlite Tome of Impact Retribution, Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds, Power Gauntlets, Powercooled Risk vs. Reload, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}

(Swift Flourish -> Thaargan Eraser C, activating title seeker belt!!!)

[Shining Energy Saber Burst Module: Thaargan Eraser C]

(( Just got back from a hellish Mid term exam, hope you guys don't mind my dissapearence ))
"Let's wrap it up!"
( CCC Slash with burst moduled shining energy saber from sono < If can't go along with KV-103 > )

(Standard Pepperbox Attack on Thaargan B)
(Mega Cannon Puppy attack Thaargan B)

((@D-07: No problem, I know that feeling. As it turns out, you can combo with KV-103's attack (it's standard, despite benefiting from the KO meter), but not with DSN-001's as it's a special (Dash) attack.
If you have any requests for AFK members' attacks (currently there's just ASSASSIN) feel free to throw 'em by me.
@Mark30: I just remembered, you've got those System Upgrades pending! 2 upgrades, each can raise 1 stat (Acc/Block/Ref) by 1.))
Turn 4
Turn Order: 2,1,2,1,3,3,1,2,2,2,1
Vex: 11 + 2 = 13 (Fire-doomed!)
Thaargan Eraser B: 8 + 1 = 9 (Down to 7 on his turn)
Thaargan Eraser C: 8 + 2 = 10 (74/100)
KV-103: 3 + 1 = 4
DSN-001: 7 + 3 + 3 Dash = 13
Mark: 3 + 3 = 6
ASSASSIN: 8 + 1 = 9
Matikclocker: 6 + 2 = 8
Nano2Nano: 9 + 2 = 11
Royal: 9 + 2 = 11
Thrynn: 9 + 1 = 10 (39/100)
D-07 gets ready to use the Combo Chronopacitor!
Vex takes damage from Fire.
Vex falls!
Roll: 9. DSN-001 is fully Shocked! He can't move!
Nano2Nano: Fire Charge w/ Puppy
Nano2Nano deploys Destroy!
Destroy (Nano): Fire -> Eraser B
Hit! 385 damage.
Royal: Standard w/ Multiburst Brandish -> Eraser B (Just a heads up, Normal counts as a weakness for many Thaargan; in this case, it's split with Elemental which is a resistance, so the Brandish defaults to 3-star mobs' neutral defenses (300, or 75 reduction).)
3 swings, 2 hits! Eraser B took 530 damage.
Thrynn: Fire Charge w/ Alchemer -> Vex
Hit! 260 damage. Vex catches Fire!
Ricochet shot 1:
-> Alchemizer B: Hit! 1 damage.
Ricochet shot 2:
-> Alchemizer C: Hit! 1 damage. Alchemizer C catches Fire!
Eraser C: 4 Swords -> Royal
4 swings, 2 hits/1 blocked! 300 damage.
Thrynn: Standard w/ Pan -> Eraser B
4 swings, 3 hits! 380 damage. Eraser B was Stunned!
ASSASSIN: Standard w/ Striker -> Eraser B
7 swings, 7(+5) hits! 1853 damage. Down!
Matikclocker: Fire Charge w/ Gravitime
Eraser C was gathered!
Mark: Standard w/ Pepperbox -> Eraser C
12 shots, 9 hits! 918 damage. (Most Thaargan have a weakness to Normal damage, so this is like bringing Blitz against Vanaduke.)
Mega Cannon Puppy: Cannonball -> Eraser C
Hit! 385 damage.
(Target: Eraser C) D-07 activates his Combo Chronopacitor!
D-07's Ray Shamshir!
KV-103's Swift Flourish!
Combo Attack: Crossfoil!
5 swings, 3/3 hits! KV-103's blade struck for 1208 damage,
and D-07's sword lashed the foe for 800 damage!
2008 damage in total!
Eraser C is down!
Vex revives himself with a Spark of Life!
(Shields damaged: Royal's)
(Shields regenerated: Vex's, KV-103's, DSN-001's, D-07's, Matikclocker's, Thrynn's)
Without any pirates left, Vex stands alone with a single spark of life while still on fire. Now's your chance! Finish him!
-Victory Conditions-
=Repel the hostile stealth troops!
-OPTIONAL: Defeat the Thaargan troops before forcing Vex to retreat! (Reward: 500 Heat for all Machinauts)
-Pending Effects-
-Buffs and Debuffs-
Vex: Moderate Fire (2 turns left, 100 DPT)
Alchemizer B: Targeted by Charged Faiserbeam (1 turns left, Nano2Nano's Faeflare)
DSN-001: Moderate Shock (2 turns remain, 84%/28%)
KV-103: Strong Poison (2 turns remain)
Mark: Strong Poison (2 turns remain)
-Loot on Victory-
(Rolling for: 3 Alchemizer, 1 Eraser)
-Ally Rows-
KV-103: 0
DSN-001: 0
Mark: 1
-Cannon Puppy: W
LV-909: 1
D-07: 0
-A.I.M.: 3
SEE-4: 1
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
Sephiroth: 3
Mute: 3
-Surge Mail Polyp: W
903:99: 0
Matikclocker: 0
Nano2Nano: 3
KV-103: 38/75 (Nm 60)
DSN-001: 247/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
D-07: 38/75 (Nm 60)
ASSASSIN: 50/50 (Nm 100)
Matikclocker: 540/750 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Nano2Nano: 75/75 (Nm 60)
Royal: 125/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
Thrynn: 251/500 (Nm 300|Spcl 150)
-Combo Attack Log-
Link here
-??? (ENEMY)-
DFN-003 "Vex" [A7|B2|R11] - 2200/2200 HP (x1) | 600 Nrm | 152 Prc | 76 Ele | 76 Shd | Row 1
[] *** Blocking Star (75/300 HP | 200 AllDef | 50% on Block: counter with a single Energy Shuriken)
]- *** Crackling Lightning Sai (Acc +7, CSPD +9, Com 260/270/280 Nm/El (Good Chance of Moderate Shock), Chg 950 Nm/El (Good Chance of Strong Shock)
]- *** Energy Shuriken (Acc +5, ROF +12, 2x222 El, Slight Chance of Strong Shock)
[R] Spark of Life (x1): Revives at full HP at the end of the turn when defeated!
[!!!] Escape Protocol: Retreats immediately upon expending all Sparks of Life
-Thaargan Pirates (ENEMY)-
Thaargan Eraser A down! (-95)
Thaargan Eraser B down! (-1748)
Thaargan Eraser C down! (-1911)
Thaargan Alchemizer A down! (-95)
Thaargan Alchemizer B down! (-173)
Thaargan Alchemizer C down! (-17)
-Player Allies (Requires Updating!)-
Mega Cannon Puppy (Mark30-Longshot) [A8|B1|R6 (Turret)] 120/450 HP | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 0 Ele | 300 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x400 Nrm, 2 ROF}
This Turret is deployed!
Destroy (Nano2Nano) [A8|B1|R6 (Turret)] 450/450 HP | 300 Nrm | 1200 Prc | 0 Ele | 300 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x400 Nrm, 2 ROF}
This Turret is deployed!
A.I.M. (D-07 "Ditto") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x262 Nrm, 2 ROF}
Surge Mail Polyp (SEE-4) [A6|B2|R8(+2) (Turret)] Waiting (230/230 HP) | 25 Nrm | 100 Prc | 25 Ele | 0 Shd
{Weighty Heave: 2 ROF, 190 Nrm, Slight Minor Shock, Fair Mod Stun, Back Row penalty enabled | Galvanize: Same Row Ally Machinaut +2 Ref for 2 Turns, 3 turn cooldown}
Lightbulb (PAD-103 "Mute") [A8|B0|R6 (Turret)] Waiting (190/190 HP) | 200 Nrm | 800 Prc | 0 Ele | 200 Shd
{Cannonball: 1x250 Nrm, 2 ROF}
-Player Team-
KV-103 "Fallen King" Stats [Midnight-Dj]
DSN-001 Stats [Sonosuke]
Mark30-Longshot Stats [Colray]
D-07 "Ditto" Stats [Spirals-Ore]
903:99ASSASSIN Stats [Herozenzero]
Matikclocker Stats [Matikclocker]
Nano2Nano Stats [Nanonizer]
R8-368 "Royal" [Trymal]
Thrynn G-54 Stats [Liminori]
-LV-909 "Ignem" Stats [Oroseira]
-SEE-4 Stats [Eternity-Terminal]
-"Sephiroth" Stats [Saucce]
-PAD-103 "Mute" Stats [Magmaul-Ace]
-E-304 Stats [Arylide]
-BETA-01911 [Dreathuxy]
Idle (Ch. 1)- Post in this thread and I'll give you crafting information if your name is listed below!
-'Cobalt' [Hexlash]
-K1XK1N9 "Enterthekicks" [Whyna]
-M4g1k [Snakey-One]
Total Crowns Earned: 11077
-Prologue: 636
-Chapter 1: 10441
-Chapter 2: 7783 (+26 WP)
-Chapter 3: N/A
1 Super Fire Vial [**]
2 Doom Vial [0*]
1 Freeze Vial [0*]
1 Health Capsule (+60 HP) [0*]
4 Mecha Turret Kits [0*]
2 Poison Vial [0*]
2 Reconaissignals [0*]
4 Shock Vials [0*]
1 Stun Vial [0*]
14 * Beast Scales
14 * Ripped-Up Wanted Posters
6 * Emptied Clips
28 * Gel Drops
13 * Brimstone
7 * Scrap Metal
21 * Grave Soil
4 * Spark Plugs
2 * Philosopher's Motes
0 * Cheap Gunpowder
0 * Sharp Fangs
0 * Rock Chips
5 ** Owlite Feathers
10 ** Forbidden Fruit
9 ** Chitin Frags
7 ** Waste Modules
10 ** Power Cells
3 ** Ammo Boxes
1 ** Iron Gears
7 ** Fuel Canisters
4 ** Gremlin Gizmos
1 ** Frayed Fabric
3 ** Translocation Residue
4 ** Cooling Cells
8 ** Physics Applicators
7 ** Dead Gold
2 ** Philosopher's Pebbles
0 ** Swordstones
-Key Items-
Old Cipher (An old drive containing some kind of complicated deciphering program; the letters "H.E.Z." are embossed on the drive. It was used to decipher the Audio Log you found.)
HEZ Audio Log I (An old Gremlin-made Audio Log found in the Viskouza base in the Torchbellow Ruins. Click the link to see what it said.)
HEZ Audio Log II (A slightly newer Gremlin-made Audio Log found in Archdevil-IT Mardrux's office. Click the link to see what it said.)
-Unused Gear-
]-Cloudy Orb (L9 Nrm Bomb, H31/50, Acc +7, ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Low, QAt 21 (up to 3, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po), Chg 32 (up to 10, Fair Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [6D 2S]
]-Static Flash (L10 Nrm Bmb, H MAX, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 16 (up to 2), Chg 28 (up to 7, Good Shock rate), Status: Mod Shock (Fair)) {0/15 Charge Attacks} [D1]
]-Simplistic Six-Shooter (L10 Nrm Gun, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 19, Chg 6 x 17 + 38) {0/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E2]
]-* Sharpened Lumberdirk (L5 Pc/El Swd, H53/55, Acc +6 (+1), CSPD 8(+1), CTR: Low, Com 15/15/15/23, Chg 32 (8%: Backstab x5 damage) {4/20 Supereffective Hits} [1D 1E 1S]
]-* Bog Repeater (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Kat Claw (ASSASSIN’s, See Page 24)
]-* Blast Charge (L5 Nrm Bomb, H52/55, Acc +8, ArmSpd 7, CTR: Low, QAt 27 (up to 5), Chg 50 (up to 11)) {3/15 Charge Attacks} [5D]
]-* Shiny Shards (L10 Pc/El Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 8(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 4x16 shraps, Chg 8x28 shraps, 17% all shards to main target, 64% each shard hits new foe) {0/10 3+ Shraps hit target} [6D 2E 2S]
]-* Lil' Gelato (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+ 80 Heat) (111) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x30 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {2/40 Turns Active} [D5 H5] (HP 95/95)
]-* Heavy Hatchet "Best Bud" [UV: v. Gremlin Med] (L10 Nrm Swd, H MAX, Acc +8(+2), CSPD 2(+2), CTR: Low, Com 44/30/45/30 (15%: +1 target) [52/36/53/36 to Gremlins], Chg 92 (30%: +1 target) [108 to Gremlins]) {0/10 Extra Sword Targets} [D8 E2]
]-* Six-Shooter "2S" (L8 Nrm Gun, H35/85, Acc +6(+1), ROF 8, CTR: Low, Clip 6 x 25, Chg 6 x 23 + 43) {4/40 Bullets Hit} [D7 E1]
]-Plywood Lumberdirk (L10 El/Pc Swd, H MAX, Acc +6(+2), CSPD 8(+2), CTR: Med, Com 16/16/16/22, Chg 32 (7%: Backstab x5 damage) {8/20 Supereffective Hits} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Apprentice Orb (L10 Ele Bomb, H MAX, Acc +7(+2), ArmSpd 5(+2), CTR: Med, QAt 27 (up to 4, Slight Chance of Minor (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)), Chg 42 (up to 11, Fair Chance of Mod (Fi/Fr/Sh/Po)) {0/5 2+ foes with diff. status effects on the same turn} [E2 S2 D6]
]-* Lil' Gelato [UV: Damage Low] (L10 Prc Bmb, H MAX, CTR: Med, Charge deploys Lil' Gelato (20+5% Mach (+126 Heat) (155) HP, A6|B0|R8 Turret, Frosty Spine: 1x28 Prc, 5 ROF, Slight Minor Freeze.) {11/40 Turns Active} [H9 D1]
]-** Katscratch “Scratch” (L5 Shd Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 5(+5), Com 165/225Nrm/165/225Nrm/195, Chg 522 & 580Nrm (Extra +1 Acc), +1 Combo Attack vs. Close Range attackers) {0/5 Shields Broken} [S1]
]-** Featherbow “Snipe” (L5 Prc Gun, H 77/100, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage} [S1]
]-** Pulsar [Damage Low] (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7(+2), ROF 5, CTR: Low, Clip: 3x127 (up to 3), Chg: 255 (up to 5)) {--/15 triple-target shots} [2E]
]-** Featherbow (L6 Prc Gun, H 88/120, Acc +8, CTR: Low, Chg 468, OverChg 890) {0/5000 Overkill Damage}
]-** Iron Knuckles (L5 Nrm Swd, H 77/100, Acc +7, CSPD 8, CTR: Low, Com 140/151/270 (base 130/140/250), Chg 564 (base 486) (Good chance of Mod Stun), can still Block while Charging) {--/15 full combos} [D2 E1 S1] (slated for unequipment)
]-** Monster Buster (L6 Nrm Gun, H 88/120, Acc +7, ROF 7, CTR: Low, Clip 4x115, Chg 577 (60% chance to carry Overkill)) {9/20 Hits with 2+ Bullets}
[]Proto Non-Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 12/12, Nrm 5|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]Plank (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 35/35, Nrm 22|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [D1]
[]Proto Shield (L4 Shd, H12/25, HP 25/25, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0)
[]Proto Shield (L8 Shd, H11/45, HP 32/32, Nrm 32|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0, +0.5 All Resistances) [D1 H6 R1]
[]Proto Shield (L10 Shd, H MAX, HP 21/27, Nrm 30|Prc 0|Ele 0|Shd 0) [H1]
[]** Owlite Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 450/450 Nrm 150|Prc 0|Ele 400|Shd 0 (Resistance: 2 vs. All)) [2R]
[]** Support Shield (L6 Shd, H 88/120, HP 400/400, Nrm 300, 8 Fir/Poi/Stn/Slp Resistance)
{}Ex-Motocross Plate Mail (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn + 1, Slp - 1, ASD -1) [D1]
{}Rusty Brigandine (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Kevlar Knock-Off (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
{}Cruddy Cuirass (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
{}Asbestos Armor (L4 Arm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Fir -1)
{}Badly Battered Brigandine (L10 Arm, HMax) [D1]
{}Base Mail (L1 Arm, H0/15)
{}** Desperado Jacket (L6 Armor, H 88/120)
/\Iron Plate Bucket (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 44, Stn +1, Slp - 1 ASD -1) [D1]
/\Old Mecha-Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 27) [D1]
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25)
/\Rusted Retro Visor (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 25) [D1]
/\Compute-O-Vision (L4 Hlm, H12/25, Nrm 22, Frz +1, Shk - 1)
/\* Base Helm (L1 Hlm, H0/15)
/\Man With A Moon (L10 Hlm, H MAX) [D1]
/\* Warm Hat (L8 Arm, H5/85) [6D 2R]
/\** Desperado Hat (L6 Hlm, H 87/120)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Bomber Gauntlets (Boost a throwable item, Vial, or Bomb Charge Attack (once each); each Boost increases damage by 25% and targets by 2)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Default Coil (Defending generates BP, 1 BP -> +2 ASI/CTR on next attack)
<>* Knight Bracer (Can take incoming hits for allies below 10% HP, cannot evade hits taken for allies)
<>* Periodic Block of Elements (Creates 1 random Vial/3 turns)
<>* Boxer Belt (Charges a 20-point KO meter each time 10+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword damage dealt is tripled and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Rocket Boots (Adds Jump Attack, Jump renders user invulnerable on first turn, then attacks w/ 2x Reflexes/WeaponSpd, Sword attacks condensed)
<>* Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution (1/4 damage taken by self or shield added to next attack, Retribution Cap + 33%)
<>* Critical Scope (Chances for Acc-Based Bonus Damage on Charge Attacks are doubled, Standard Attacks gain target's chance to deal Acc-Based Bonus Damage)
<>** Title-Seeker Belt (Charges an 18-point KO meter each time 50+ damage is dealt or taken, Sword Combo damage dealt is tripled or Sword Charge damage dealt is doubled, and pierces defense if attack is used while KO meter is full)
13 Sparks of Life
-Known Recipes-
* {Heavy Hatchet, Kat Claw, Metal Fists, SmallCalibur, Tempered Dueling Sword, Weighted Anchor, Weighted Frying Pan, Apprentistick, Heightened Plasmator, Overclocked Light Scope, Pummel Gun, Six-Shooter, Super Arm Arm, Apprentice Orb, Asteroid Bomb Mk II, Lil' Gelato, Lil' Wiz, Shiny Shards, Bolted Non-Shield, Bone Shield, Tough Plank, Base Mail, Hefty Plate Armor, Vitasuit, Base Helm, Hefty Plate Helm, Vitacap, Warm Hat, Bomber Gauntlets, Bucket Dimension, Default Coil, Fledglite Tome of Impact Retribution, Fledglite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Periodic Block of Elements, Risk Vs. Reload, Rocket Boots, Knight Bracer}
** {Calibur, Cutter, Energy Saber, Flourish, Iron Knuckles, Katscratch, Ray Shamshir, Snarl of Cerberus, Spat-O-War, Autogun, Catalyzer, Featherbow, Mire Crossbow, Monster Buster, Pulsar, Wallbreaker, Cannon Puppy, Doom Watch, Magic Orb, Meteotillery, Surge Mail Polyp, Demo Suit, Desperado Jacket, Medisuit, Plate Armor, Wolver Coat, Cobalt Helm, Demo Helm, Desperado Hat, Plate Helm, Wolver Cap, Defender, Non-Shield, Owlite Shield, Support Shield, Advanced Periodic Block of Elements, Binocular Critical Scope, Bucket Dimension Mk II, Burst Module, Combo Chronopacitor, Default Coil Mk II, Master's Gauntlet, Mega Rocket Boots, Owlite Tome of Hearty Fortune, Owlite Tome of Impact Retribution, Pauldrons of the Knights of Rounds, Power Gauntlets, Powercooled Risk vs. Reload, Title-Seeker Belt, True Knight Bracer}

(Standard Mobile Siege Ram attack on Vex)
(Aim Mega Cannon Pup at Vex)

Matikclocker saw that only Vex is standing. Then he bursted.
(Final blast with Cryotech Risky)

"Wrap it up, and we will have food!" said Nano2Nano.
"DEEEEEEESTROY!" said Destroy.
(Quick attack with Faeflare)
(Destroy Vex with Destroy)

"There can be no mercy for the traitor!" KV-103 drew the gaze of cerberus, with its chain blade buzzing with the hunger for the blood of its enemies.
[Standard attack Gaze of Cerberus -> Vex]

((I was going through the equipment documents, and I noticed some things. Lim upgraded to the Default Coil MkII, but Thrynn still has the regular Default Coil. And Matik upgraded to Tempered Calibur, but instead has a regular Calibur with Tempered Calibur's stats. As well as King with a 3* Hefty Plate Helm when it should be a Boosted Plate Helm.))
[Lemme try that again: Vex]

"Well, I wouldn't say destroy. I prefer we wrap this guy and squezze him from information!"
( CCC slash with mark battering ram. I'm trying every combo there are )
(( Is it just me or CCC is a bit underpowered? ))
"And I am sure our own shadow spawn will show up soon if we don't stop this swarm infestation..." KV-103 commented.
(Upgrade my boxer belt and fledgite tome of impact retribution into title seeker belt and owlite tome of impact retribution)