Slowly, the person approaches the corpse, and bends down to open her eyelid.
That, and the find any more specific features this one might have.
Slowly, the person approaches the corpse, and bends down to open her eyelid.
That, and the find any more specific features this one might have.
@Colray: You got events backwards. The Lieutenant passed out before everything got burned to ash. It's kind of important.
(for F-G): There was nothing particularly unusual about this person. Her dyed blond hair was stained with her own blood, and she had brown eyes that, aside from being a tad bloodshot, were not out of the ordinary. Her peach-colored skin had numerous freckles and flaws, along with a few combat scars. She seemed like an ordinary knight.
Right up until her phone went off.
You "Hey Ellie, hurry it up over there. We've got company coming down the elevator at Depth 19. Give me a call back when you're done interrogating the Lieutenant, because we've got another mission for you."
The person picks up the phone, and checks the date of the voicemail. After that, the person begins to shuffle through various files including photos, audio playbacks, other records of communication.
And finally, after all this, the person makes a text to the caller.
"Won't make it."
And after this...well...there were other things to inspect on Ellie. The types of weapons she used, any hidden injuries or conditions, the type of equipment and clothing...
While this person was more of a scholar than a forensics expert, the person's had to confirm that this wasn't another force entirely. This offender hunted like the Finder, but this...transfer of self? It seemed likely, considering that a captor was very brutally murdered by the person she once captured.
The Finder, as the person recalls, had no ability to transfer herself. At least, not the iteration when she was around.
OOC: I found your post a bit confusing. Let's see if I interpreted it correctly...
The person (I'll call her X) picks up the phone, and checks the date of the voicemail. After that, X begins to shuffle through various files including photos, audio playbacks, other records of communication.
And finally, after all this, X makes a text to the caller.
"Won't make it."
And after this...well...there were other things to inspect on Ellie. The types of weapons she used, any hidden injuries or conditions, the type of equipment and clothing...
While X was more of a scholar than a forensics expert, X had to confirm that [Ellie] wasn't another force entirely. X hunted like the Finder, but this...transfer of self? It seemed likely, considering that [Ellie] was very brutally murdered by [the prisoner] she once captured.
The Finder, as X recalls, had no ability to transfer herself. At least, not the iteration when [Gwen?] was around.
Then there's also those sneaky duo to watch out for, Y, and Z.
OOC : Yeah, I should probably reveal person X's identity some time. But that's pretty much what it is; you got all of it on-point. Oh wait, did you mix up the genderless X? Whoops...
Looking around Xeon had taken in his fare share of the sight before looking at the woman who wanted the body burned. "Well ms? Can I assume you know something we don't, it would not be wise to keep your fellow squad mates in the dark."
Meanwhile Blesse had let the fully evolved Drakon be, she had taken to hunching over slightly once more making herself look shorter. Ya I really want to get moving again and this waiting is killing me. A small twitch ran up Blesse's arm, maybe a minor thing but after it stopped Blesse grabbed her right arm shaking it a bit before letting it go limp. Lovely.
"They are too slow... I need to move on" River pulls his galcius from the ground
"Hopefully, they will catch up soon" He sheats it and proceed
( I might not post a lot for now... i keep on going everywhere )
A slight wave of static came through before the voice of someone else came through the comm channel. Eve spoke up in reply, as her Master was counting out crowns to the lost bet he had made. To his dismay and the dismay of his coin pouch, they would not be undertaking the mission alone.
"Hello. This is Eve. I am currently with Master Varien and proceeding toward the Arcade Elevators. We would be willing to meet you at the designated elevator before descent so we can depart as a group. Are there any others with you who are to be joining us?"
Eve stopped as she could feel a slight weight atop her frame, as a small pouch of coins was placed upon her. Varien slowly waded toward the railing and slumped down, hoping the company would at least be pleasant. Eve was adamant to add this to the collection of crowns she was gathering back in their living quarters, upon returning from the mission.
OOC: Archemiday, Avenger, and Tech-Star kinda just disappeared, so might as well get a move on with this plot. I hope I'm not boring anyone with the slow-paced details >.< I'm not very good at short, concise stories that leave things out, they confuse me.
"I'm afraid not, our client said it'd just be us two... err... three?" Hex responded.
Neslon chimed in over comms. "Varien's Sprite, a very talkative chap in stead of its owner. Anywho, you both can embark the moment you are ready. I apologize for being rather pushy but I would prefer it if this mystery was uncovered sooner rather than later."
"Ah, I see. Nice to meet you, Eve, and uhh... Varien... if you're there." Hex stuttered as he started jogging towards the Arcade, while doing a quick final check on his equipment. Everything was in order. He had thought he overprepared when he left the crew quarters earlier, but it seems it had saved him holding everyone up this time. "My ID is 1677794, but most people just call me 'Hex'".
As Hex approached the Elevator marking the entrance to the Sapphire Rook gate, he was comforted to see a Knight donned similar to his own current gear: Heavenly Iron Armor, except with a Demolitions Helm and a scarf-covering most of the face, as opposed to the open Cobalt Helm Hex was wearing. A utility Sprite was perched on the Knight's shoulder. Hex, being familiar with all sorts of machines, noticed its chassis showing minute joint border wear in places a brand-new, Recruit's E-Class would be far from displaying. This was definitely the Vanguard he was partnered with.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Shall we go?"
Varien picked himself up, using the rail he was leaning against. He eyed the new-comer who was joining them on the expedition for a brief moment of silence. Suddenly, he shrugged, nodded in approval, and turned on his heel to face the terminal. The sprite that was perched on him hovered away from her master, and addressed Hex in the usual feminine voice.
"We have not been waiting long, and I believe we are ready for departure. If you don't mind me asking, have you not a sprite of your own?" Eve hovered, bobbing up & down slightly in curiosity as Varien finished setting up the elevator for descent to the 3rd level.
Looking at the Arcade one last time, he gave a casual salute to no-one in particular and mumbled something into his scarf, as he activated the mechanism, and allowed the machine to slowly descend.
OOC: Not sure if the Varien & Hex bit should take a break to let some of the others get some posts in. Up to Thin I guess.
River walks across the green meadow of aurora isles, the beast seems to have scurried away along with the tremor.
A sound catch up to his ear. He turns around and realizes its only a bush..
He simply sighs in relief and continues forward.
However the sound did not stop, this time it came from the tall grasses
"What ?... Hmmm" River continues, wondering if he is hallucinating
Again, it came from behind a tree...
Annoyed... No... Pissed off, He draws out his permafroster
The bullet flies through the air, getting bigger as it proceeds
With little effort, the tree fell down..
"Now who is behind this..." He rushes forward
Woof ! Woof !
A baby wolver sits idly behind the remains of the tree
It tilts its head a bit, and stares at the blind man
"What are you doing here ?... Where is your pack ?" He asks the wolver
Bark !
It leaps and licks him, who stumbles back in suprise.
"Ok, Ok... My party got a room for more anyway" He pets his new companion
"So what shall i name you ?" He smiles
(( Hey, thin.. its kind of confusing but at what dephts is everyone ? ))
OOC: We just got off the T3 elevator, so Depth 19.
(Don't know if I should continue with this RP or not.)
(( Wait... so all along you guys are alerdy at depth 19 with all the blood and stuff is at 19 ?... Or you just went to the elevator just now ? ))
(Or maybe another fanfic, but format it like Hexlash)
(Oops, I didn't realize I'd reversed the event order.)
Kale peered at Barrus, "I'll carry him."
He reached down and hefted the unconscious lieutenant, he balanced him on one shoulder. Kale would have difficulty swinging a sword in a hurry.
All of a sudden, the usual hum of the Clockworks ceased. The atmospheric mist energy began to disappear, and all power to Spiral equipment along with it. Powered armor, powered weaponry, bubble shields, alchemy machines, anything that required power ceased to function.
The departure of the Core Spirit from the Core was almost certainly to blame.
And until an alternate means of powering the Clockworks could be found, the fate and doom of the Spiral Order would be sealed forever.
((@Tech-Star: There you go. Don't give up - the apocalypse should give you something to chew on. :P))
(I have to say, that was pretty genius Thinslayer.)
Slasher looked at his sword as he felt the mist energy power down, and realized he couldn't move.
"Blast it blast it blast it!" He muttered, trying to get his arms out of his armor.
((Thank you. I was planning that from the outset. It's not the only major plot twist in this game; there are two more. One of them is directly related to the RP title.))
Cecilia suddenly found herself unable to move or lift her weapon. Scrap! What in the frikkin' heck just happened!? Power on, dangit! Ugh! Stupid armor. She found her emergency escape button, and the armor fell apart off her body. "Friggin' heck..." she muttered under her breath.
And then she noticed that no one else could move, either. Well crud. This is going to get interesting. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than things actually did get more interesting: a pack of wolvers began snarling at them from their hideouts in the woods.
The coward in her immediately kicked in, and she bolted for the nearest tree. Just in time, too, for a wolver leaped at her and snapped at her heels just as she scaled the first branch. "No! Get away from me!" she shrieked in horror. Hurriedly she glanced around for the others. "Help? Anyone?"
Ellie wore a basic Elemental Hood and Cloak. Her Super Blaster was holstered on her leg, and her Tempered Calibur was (as previously described) lodged in the floor through her forehead. Regarding her injuries, aside from her broken face and related biomatter spills, she had no unexpected injuries that didn't line up with those on her armor.
More importantly, there were no obvious indications that Ellie belonged to any kind of "secret society." The only indication that might have given the observer pause was the fact that her motives didn't line up with any known organization, be it Spiral, Colonial, or Fiendish. The Spiral Order had nothing on Vaelyn deserving of interrogation. The Great Colony has always been a staunch enemy of the Spiral Order, and they're known never to ally with a Spiral Knight, even one friendly to their cause. And if Ellie had a pact with the Underworld, there would have been a sigil of some kind on her body.
So if Ellie was a member of a secret society of some kind, it was either a very small or new one, or it was extraordinarily good at staying hidden.
As darkness began to creep up from the center of the planet, the person quickly shut off a number of alarms and internal systems within its own suit. Still, its voice was distorted as it made an annoyed "Tch." from its mouth.
The Swarm, now that there was no light to suppress its presence, would begin to consume all of Cradle in its search for the Core. As was originally intended upon its first manifestation, it was the solid substance of desperation : a being composed of those who were starved of light in any and all forms, be it the rays of hope, the caress of a peaceful day, or simply the truth brought via an illusion perceived by two eyeballs.
The person chuckled in a disembodied voice, one that was akin to when a hunter chuckles at his friends. The hunt was on.
Tinkinzar was at fault with this, and what a damn fine job he did to create the ultimate opponent - depravity.
The person, in the darkness, directed some of its power towards a cable placed in the left wrist, to which Ellie's phone was plugged in.
While the device re-activated, the person, via a neural command, activated built-in IR lenses. At least now the date of death could be told...somewhat accurately. It could be possible this "Ellie" was possibly a replacement body; if the person was right, the body would be as cold as the surrounding environment. If not, then she really might have died recently.
In addition, anything used to hide a possible tattoo or any other form of identification would be colder than the body, and as such, a patch of dark would be seen.
Failing the IR inspection, the person would then proceed to do the same thing as before it got interrupted : send the text (if it wasn't sent already) and check the device's records.
Ellie's body was still very warm, fairly close to living temperatures. Her time of death was roughly 10 minutes ago, roughly the time it took the Gremlin engineers to reconnect the power lines and allow the observer to complete her teleportation.
There did not appear to be any hidden tattoos. The text message the observer sent off was received by "Wren." A quick database search pulled up a "Logan Crowley" whose nickname was "Wren." His squadmates were Ellie Barnsworth, Ricky Ricardo, and Squad Leader Preston Willis. All four of them were members of "Void Echo," a prominent competitive Lockdown guild.
Most of Ellie's prior texts seemed rather innocuous, like "can we hang out by the fountain?" and "i got a pair of earrings for christmas! whee!" Really, the only one that seemed suspicious was the one she just got from Logan "Wren" Crowley. She might have been a newly-recruited member. Or maybe their operation doesn't usually use com units to communicate.
"I hear barks... maybe those are your pack ?" River asks the baby wolver
He tries to move but can't, The armor has entered a total shutdown
"No energy..." He removes the armor
"Guess HIS curse will help me now..." He shakes his head in dissapointment
He picks up his companion and ran to the sound
He notices there is a pack of wolver barking ... And a woman ?
I guess she needs help...
He picks up a stick and throws it at the woman
"Catch !"
Looking around Blesse felt something land on her shoulder, after a second she noticed her Pet could not longer sustain his flight. Thankfully the Bio-engineered creature was still active thanks to it's Biological parts still being active, but it's ability to defy gravity was gone. Durning this dime her HUD powered down leaving her with just the suit of Fire Resistant armor. Okay, one of two things just happened. Either the Myst energy in the air is gone, or a EMP just hit us. And judging from the events of things it's the ladder.
Stepping forwards Blesse answered the call by walking to the side of the other Knight. Standing tall like before she just chuckled as she realized she was going to have to use her fists still she lit her Flame Thrower's Pilot light manually. Meanwhile Xeon just remained quiet, but active, he needed real food in order to operate normally at this point, this his Biological side did need the energy and in the middle of a battle was not the place to eat.
This is why I opted out of the power armor stuff and instead just got the HUD upgrade, sure I an't as strong as other knights who have it, but then again I don't need that augmented straight when I have raw muscle.
Looking over at the woman Blesse made a swinging action, as if asking for a spare weapon of some kind.
As stated before, the person wasn't a forensics expert. Its real pursuit (not a she nor a he...until specified; sorry if you mixed that up somewhere) was to find the Core and subdue it for other purposes. Tracking back the identities of the spirit's victims and related persons was of little concern to it. Vaelyn opened the Core, the entity inside escaped, and the two are missing. Many will die if the Core stays out for too long. That was all that was needed to be known.
On the other hand, though, the person had no leads, other than a message that she was detained previously by the now-dead Ellie. And the cohorts would have to pull out, since "they had company" at Depth 19. Undoubtedly, if they were good LD fighters, they would also be good fighters outside the arena.
After pocketing the phone into the knapsack, the person pulled the sword out and placed a Miracloth over Ellie's face. The Spiral Order, if not the Swarm, would collect her sooner or later.
The person, using the same cable that was used to charge the phone, began to siphon heat energy out of her corpse. A black liquid began to run through the corpse as it cooled down, and by the time a minute had passed, every major bloodstream was deprived of life. The black liquid hardened into little square patches, with an eye akin to the Swarm's forming at where the heart was.
She would be marked for when it came. The Swarm would take note not to deign to corrupt her; that would lead to certain punishment at the hands of our character here.
The person then looked around one last time; was there any more evidence in the environment that needed examinationi?
@Edolas Huh? We're posting only a little more than once per day. (about once every 18 hours) I thought that was pretty reasonable for an RP...
EDIT: This was supposed to be posted after post #166 but I got distracted by Spack Ingi-sneers
Hex took a quick, long step onto the elevator momentarily before Varien activated it, and raised his voice over the mechanical noises starting up. "We have a lot of other hardware we need to interface with, and having a Sprite interconnected and synchronized with the suit computers can draw on a lot of processing power." Hex blushed in retrospect as he realized the technobabble he had just spouted upon being asked a mechanically-related question. He unbelted his Robo Wrecker and brandished it, the soothing feeling of holding the bulky tool counteracting the uneasy atmosphere the Clockworks gave even some of the most experienced Knights.
The elevator continued to descend...
OOC: Alright guys! I'm back!
IC: Barrus opened his eyes, waking from the weak tranquilizer. He found himself off the ground. There was someone carrying him, but he couldn't move.
"Damnit." Seeing the other two knights already out of armour, and the Guardian carrying him struggling, he ejected from his armour, and pulled a small dagger from his boot. It wasn't energy powered, but it was something.
@Topogaming: Cecilia had ordered Blesse to burn the crime scene while Barrus was unconscious, and Blesse complied. This should bother Barrus.
((For Spirals-Ore))
"Catch!" An armorless knight tossed a stick in Cecilia's direction. Unfortunately, the stick fell a few feet too short and smacked the wolver upside the head. Undeterred, the wolver continued its barking assault, but occasionally turned back to keep an eye on the one who struck it. Cecilia began jabbing her heel at the wolver in a lame attempt to harm it somehow. It's a T3 wolver; they're not harmed by much.
((For Darkwatck))
Blesse seemed strangely helpful, motioning to Cecilia an offer to find her a weapon. Not that Blesse had any opportunity to be of assistance, since several wolvers had turned their attentions to her and began pursuit.
((For F-G))
OOC: I just had a thought. If your character is an incarnation of the Void spirit, then I'm going to have a geek-out. :P
IC: It might be worthy to note that the prisoner left bloody footprints for a short distance. The footprints wandered to and fro about the room between crates and storage containers. A cursory inspection showed that she was looking for food and pickups before leaving the area.
All of a sudden, everything went dark. Kale lost control of his armor and it dragged him down pretty quickly. He was about to get rid of the armor when the unconscious Barrus suddenly said something and ejected off his shoulder.
"Well hello to you too."
Kale escaped from his heavy armor and hefted his axe and shield. There was a setting in a guardian's armor to help carry the heavier weaponry, but Kale neglected to use it, worried about EMP's and such. He grinned inwardly, thinking of the others during training who called him stupid for not using the armor's strength. Then he noticed the Wolver pack.
He pushed the button on his Axe to change it to one handed mode, then remembered the power was off. Kale lay his shield down and took the Axe in both hands. He moved forward towards the Wolver barking up a tree, taking care to move slowly so he wouldn't be noticed.
The person then took a sample of the blood, and...tasted it. It then went back over and tasted Ellie's blood, to see if it could find and difference. If there was, then would be Vaelyn's blood that was all over.
If not, well...then the footprints would have to be followed somewhere.
OOC : That would be nice, but no, this person isn't a being of the Void. Note that my title for one of my posts was "Greater than the Swarm." It says a lot about this person. In addition, the equipment should give a rough hint to narrow your possibilities down to 2 people. ;)
OOC: I doubt that the observer is the Finder, considering that he/she is oft compared to the Finder. A being greater than the Swarm would have to be a superior spirit of some kind; the Core Spirit would normally make a good candidate, but I can be fairly certain that the observer is not meant to be the Core Spirit. If I'm correct in believing that Alexandria is a homonculus of some kind, perhaps the observer is Alexandria?
IC: The bloody footprints were a mixture of Ellie's and Vaelyn's blood, but mostly Ellie's. Given the rough concrete floor, the footprints petered out after a few hundred steps, but last went in the direction of the elevator for the next depth.
OOC : Not really for the reason you suggested would Alexandria be a good candidate for our person here. Note that in my own fanficts, her biological background and upbringing would draw the second candidate out from obscurity. The Alexandria in my own fanficts is different from the one in Condemned.
The person walks over to the elevator, and checks to see if the platform is still there. If not, she checks for screech marks going up or down; there should be some slight heat to one direction or the other, and the IR vision could help with that.
((for Colray))
In its lust for Cecilia's sweet flesh, the wolver failed to notice Kale creeping up on it. And Cecilia, for her part, had the wisdom not to let on that something was amiss, and continued her screaming.
((for Edolas & Hexyle))
All of a sudden, the elevator stopped in mid-transit. Varien and Hex were now officially stuck in the elevator shaft.
Which is great. Just great. Fan-frikking-tastic. In all likelihood, they'll have to crawl their way out or find an alternate mode of transportation. Chances are, they were not aware that there were transport tunnels running all around Cradle, many of which linked up with the several Clockwork Tunnels.
Letting the now winded Xeon rest on her shoulder Blesse took off her helm, the only part of her suit that needed energy because of the HUD, off and clipped it to her side. Wordlessly the Firebug ran at the closest Wolver and as hard as she could muster punted the little creature. The resulting snap of its nose followed by a little yip was all that was left. Staying true to her classes name sake Blesse quickly reached over and tackled the next one.
The sound of biting was heard, but it wasn't the wolver. Blesse had taken her helm off just to use her teeth and hands. The sight of ripped fur as well as the sight of blood around Blesse's mouth would have been enough to anyone to think she had lost it, when in fact she was just angry, not mad, just angry. Tossing the Wolver to the side she stood up to her full height and bared her now blood-stoned teeth at the other's who where chasing her, a clear warning to them that she had no mercy for the creatures.
All Xeon could do at this point was just hang on and watch as his master went feral for the moment. Thankfully he was Bio-engineered so he could survive without the electronics's in his body, but the rest of him was Organic and since there wasn't Myst in the air anymore, he needed to make up for the sudden loss of energy. Even on his face, he didn't look too good.
"Hahaha, guess without armor my throw is that bad !" River scratches his head, failing to notice his surrounding
Yeah.. He didn't care about a rampaging ( scarier than the wolver ) knight, A knight sneaking up on a wolver, or even his pet hiding in fear of getting eaten.
He picks up two syringe from the back one blue and one green.
---- 2 year ago ----
As he fell to his knee, he can feel a cold peice of metal in his back
"Sit tight #04" He fell unconcius
. . . .
He opens his eye, which is much more blurr than ever
Two gremlins can be heard chattering beside him
"Ah he is awake ! Quick get the syringe for me !" The mender spoke
"On it !" The demo reply
"Wha--- Where am i ?" He stands up, but can't seems to feel his body at all
"Slow down there ! You have just been applied with Type-A ! It will stop the runes for about a month, but you are suppose to not even able to wake up for at least a few days !" The mender holds down river
"But i can still move my body just fine..." He grumbles
The mender sighs " Look i know herex well, and he is probbably out to kill you right now. The drug i gave you is suppose to delete the runes itself. But since its not, the rune must be a new type he make this time for organic beings !"
"There is more experiment before me ?" He asked
"Of course ! Why do you think youre number 4 numnuts ?! However, you are the very first organic host.." He takes 2 syringe in his hand " Look this is type-A and Type-B , one for stopping the runes and one for activating it respectingly !"
---- Aurora Isles ( Now ) ----
"Nah... its just a pack of wolver !" He puts back his syringe
He picks up a rock and smashed it over and over, making its edge sharp
then he pick up a stick and some vines, tie it up with the rock... and voila ! he makes a primitive stone axe
"Caveman style !" He throws it again
"On a seccond thought... they are tier 3... hmmmm..." He scratches his head again
Kale gauged that he was in swinging range and reared back the long-handled weapon. Grunting, Kale brought the Axe down at the Wolver, aiming puncture its fur.
In hindsight, the attempt was ill-advised, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. The wolver was flung back, but its tough hide held up remarkably well, bearing only a scratch for Kale's trouble. Realizing that Kale was now the greater threat, the wolf pack turned their attentions to him. Ten wolvers in all surrounded him, snapping and snarling at him from multiple directions to throw him off his game.
Cecilia, meanwhile, had sufficiently gathered her spirits to come down from the tree for her rapier. The bark scratched and scraped against her bodysuit as she climbed down, and when she got to her rapier, she found it uncommonly heavy. She could lift it, but it was like trying to swing a Sudaruska in Ancient Plate armor. Then something occurred to her: if they came to Cradle with only their Proto gear, then perhaps it did not require mist energy to function? She activated her Proto suit, and to her delight, it functioned just as well as the day she first wore it, though the miniature tearium reactor in its backpack would need refueling in a year or so.
She unsheathed her Proto Gun and sighted down one of the wolvers.
Maybe I can help a little after all.
"An axe that big did not even scratch.... lucky i decided not to throw it..." River stheats his D.I.Y axe
He sighs and thinks for any help in this is situation
"Nope. Out of idea....." He sighs again
He notices a drawing sound...
"Someone got a weapon ?" He whispers to himself...
He realizes the wolver has gone much more berserk
"Now what ?"
OOC: @Thinslayer "In all likelihood," Pfffffffffft.
Hex's armor spontaneously disengaged from his subsuit, making a large racket as it all crashed to the ground, and a single Spark of Life unlocked from its position underneath the armor Fauld and ejected itself onto the floor of the elevator.
"What the hell, Zero?" Hex frustratingly asked no-one in particular.
He stooped over to pick the pieces up. At least he tried: the familiar whirring noises of the elevator speeding down the rails slowed to a stop, throwing him to the ground.
He embarressingly looked sideways at his company, as he propped himself up onto his knees and sat up. Feeling like a total idiot sitting there without his armor, Hex noticed Varien was also having armor-related issues. He was about to run a diagnostic scan of Varien when he noticed his HUD was missing.
Hex stared at his Mist Refinement Unit: the steel-grey back wall of it was clearly visible through the transparent slit on the front of the empty canister.
"I don't think there's any mist in the atmosphere," he speculated, as he watched the extractor slowly stop spinning. "And it'll be a problem if we hang around up here all day"
He picked up the Spark of Life from the floor with his left hand, took a screw from his tech-kit and put it in his mouth, then grabbed a screwdriver and reached through the bars of the Elevator guard rail to the maintenance panel on the side. With a grunt, he jammed the tool into the edge of the panel and prized it open a couple inches. Hex took a moment to put the screwdriver back in his tech-kit and unsheathed his Frost Gun. It was one of the older generation Proto-weapon modifications, and definitely lacked the stopping power of the more popular mist-powered Blasters, but it had its uses. Retrieving the screw from his mouth, Hex counted to three under his breath, before forcing the screw into the connecting valve of the Spark (The part of it which normally blasts energy into a Knight's Armor) and applied all the strength he could muster. The valve eventually disengaged, spraying energy in a concentrated stream. He hastily threw the Spark into the gap in the panel, pistol-whipped the metal back into place, then fired a cryogenic round at the gap point blank to reseal it.
"Hold on!" he shouted to Varien as the sound of richocheting metal inside the elevator's mechanisms were joined by the noises of energy-fed engines roaring to life and a cyan glow emanating from the floor. The elevator shuddered for a moment, and then lurched downwards at an incredible speed.
"I hope that was enough to get us to the bottom" Hex prayed.
(I might have gotten a little graphic with my last post.)
Looking around Blesse noticed the wolvers where leaving her alone, thankfully this happened just in time for her to realize just how bad an idea it was to just run in and punt a Wolver. Reaching behind her she felt something that made her sigh, it was her revolver. The only real backup weapon she had in the event her flame thrower ran out of fuel, good thing she remembered it.
Taking advantage of the moment Blesse pulled out a water Canteen and washed her face off, a bloody mess left behind by the attack on the Wolvers. Xeon tried to give some advice but failed because of his current energy loss. Meanwhile Blesse reached down and pulled out of her boots some of the Claws and teeth giving it to him.
Not my smartest move, but it seems to have scared them off. That or they think I am one of them, just rabid.
Not really letting her guard down Blesse washed her mouth off and out as she kept an eye on the Wolver pack.
Wait, where is the alpha. There is always an Alpha with a pack this size.
OOC: I keep forgetting to check this thread... Ugh.
IC: Barrus glanced at the burnt ground, once chock full of evidence.
"DAMNIT." Barrus swore under his breath, and pointde at Blesse. "You. You're on the only one who can control fire here. What happened?"
Pushing her lips together Blesse just looked at the man as if to say, 'Is now realy the time?' and pointed at the wolvers.
The Wolver was knocked back, and Kale grinned. But to his dismay he didn't do much more than a scratch. The others surrounded him, he counted at least ten. With all of them growling and barking around him, and his Axe almost useless, Kale started to panic a little on the inside. He looked helplessly at his shield lying off to the side.
He drew back and swung in a wide arc to keep the pack at bay. If an Axe to the hide wouldn't work, he figured a blow to the head would do some damage. After he completed the first swing, he spun on a heel and let loose another swing, aiming for those who were at his six.
Varien would have flown off the hastily descending elevator if his armour hadn't suddenly weighed a ton, and pinning him to the ground. Eve was hiding under her master's hand, sheltered from the forces at hand, her AI still functioning, but her shell refusing to power up. The Vanguard braced himself for impact as the sparks flew fast and ground exploded from beneath them, the elevator finally coming to a halt. The rogue power still whirring inside the elevator and wanting to drill through the ground, Varien decided it was best to get off. Slowly and steadily, he dragged his powerless armour off the elevator's platform onto safer ground.
An equipment chest lay in the corner, per usual with most levels. Varien unhinged the heavy plating and groped inside the chest for something lighter for easier movement. Upon touching and grasping something leathery, he pulled it out, and found a weathered flak jacket he had not used since his days as a Squire. Still grounded, Varien slipped on the garments, appearing dusky in colour. Sighing that his helmet was still weighing down his head, he removed it altogether. Navy hair sprang outward, resembling what could be considered wild. Eve, who was now firmly grounded also, couldn't help but laugh at her master's hair that was misbehaving. Sighing again, yet keeping hushed through the scarf, Varien reached into one of his pouches and took out a hair band, which was used to shape his unruly locks into a rough ponytail, keeping the mess out of his eyes.
The problem now rested on the Gran Faust, with which he used his suit's power to help power like a truck. Seeing its glow faded like a dead bulb, he needed an alternate weapon. His eyes glanced toward the chest once again, as he rummaged through for something not as reliant on energy, yet fitting the heavy blade weight he was so used to. Another gem from his earlier days was found, as Varien hoisted an aged Troika from the chest. It was a tad lighter without the mechanics to influence shadow damage, but it was still a good fit. The vanguard picked up Eve, and rested the sprite on his shoulder. He then strolled over, Troika on shoulder, to see if the other knight needed any aid in finding less energy-reliant gear...
OOC: Is Kale gonna be ok handling the Wolvers, because from what I see, he's gonna die soon.
IC: Barrus glanced at the wolvers, and saw Kale in danger. Rolling his eyes, he said, "Why dont you bloody torch the Wolvers then, huh? Makes you bloody happy, ain't it?"
Shaking her head Blesse just looked at the man, she was still washing the blood from her mouth where she had been biting the Wolvers. Meanwhile Xeon who had just enough energy inside of him to speak in a more hushed tone the normal spoke on her behalf.
"It's not that she don't want to do that. The thing is, it's allot safer for her to fight with her fists and gun then risk a back draft and torch everyone."
Reaching up Blesse pet Xeon as if to calm the weak Drakon. He had a point, she didn't want to risk torching the others to cinders, as tempting as it was. Instead her plan was to helpfully get the pack away from the group, which clearly seemed to fail because none of them where interested in her. Holding up her right hand Blesse made a quick snap of her wrist as the Pilot light came on, ready and primed the Flame Unit was ready to do her work.
Looking at Barrus she tilted her head slightly, as if asking the man if she should do it.
River notices an ash like smell in the air, and follows it
He ends up in front of Blesse
"You get a working flame thrower ?" He asks
"A freind from emberlight gave me this..." he picks up the twin bombs he got from irish
"It does not need mist and only work as a container for an explosive gas..." The blind man shook his head for a moment "The gas itself is poisonous to knights so be wary... however if you burn this in midair, you will get a flak like effect to the ground"
"If you want i can give one to you.. i can't use it because i can't keep track of the gas" He puts one of the bomb back
"If you don't one i will give it to a freind though " He shove the bomb towards blesse, and his gesture can be seen like he really want to see the bomb in action.
((Topogaming, I hope you're aware that the three Spiral Lieutenants are the most important characters in the story. The knights need their authority and their command skills to regroup and fight back against the Core. I need you to be more active and post more substantial material when playing as Barrus. Can you do that?))
Several loud bangs echoed through the forest, and four of the ten wolvers dropped dead. The remaining six turned tail and fled into the wild. The origin of the shots turned out to be two gunslinger squads bearing the insignia of Feron's men. Leading them was, well, not Feron, but his subordinate, Ursula, who had been transferred from Rescue Camp several months ago.
Even stranger, the knights were still wearing their power armor. Ursula marched up to our group and snapped a salute. "Hail, good knights. It's good to see you alive and well. Did you guys receive Vaelyn's update as well? She's been dispatching sprite messengers to deliver the message."
She snapped her fingers, and one of her knights returned with an unpowered E-class battle sprite. He pressed a button to play the message.
"This is Lieutenant Vaelyn. I have a message for the Spiral Order. There is a chance we can still go home. Return to Depth 29. Avoid the Core Terminal."
The knight turned off the recorder. Ursula closed her eyes. "Now here's the catch: By most calculations, Depth 29 is the Core Terminal. The only other place in the Clockworks that isn't the Core Terminal at Depth 29 is..."
"...the Unknown Passage."
"So now we need to fight the swarm ?" River turns to ursula
"Oh... i will leave the bomb here.. i will just give it to you i guess" He puts the bomb in the ground beside Blesse
" And how come your armor is still energized ?!" River notices the humming sound of the armor
"So what's the deal with him? Do I get to know why he gets turned to ash?" Kale gestured to what was left of the corpse.
He looked around for an answer, and is eyes widened upon seeing Barrus slump to the ground with a tranquilizer dart in him.
Kale moved to a protective stance in front of the lieutenant. Shield presented to any attackers.