Thanks :D
nice piece of artwork you got there :D
and again, I wish everyone good luck and to win something ^^
Thanks :D
nice piece of artwork you got there :D
and again, I wish everyone good luck and to win something ^^
So, where can I see nenemyon's entry again? I only glanced at it, I don't remember it being as hardcore as to remove it...
New entry;
I may edit further if time allows and reupload, (assuming it's working).
So, where can I see nenemyon's entry again?
Shoulda saved it, bruh.
I really wish I could help with the judging, there's 6 entries that are absolutely worthy of winning.
J'ai enfin réussi à poster mon dessin! Je ne savais pas que je devais valider d'abord mon compte pour poster sur les forums et le wiki. Je me demandais pourquoi je ne voyais pas le bouton upload file XD. Maintenant ça va mieux :D Mon entrée: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:Concours_SK_finale.jpg
I finally managed to post my drawing! I did not know that I should first validate my account to post on forums and the wiki. I wondered why I couldn't see the ''upload file'' button XD. Now it's ok :D My entry: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:Concours_SK_finale.jpg
The extension helped give me enough time to finish the final details.
Wow! Your drawing is so awesomely great! The idea is just amaaaazing. I think you have a good chance of winning in the funny category! Quicksilver are so annoying that is a fact for everybody XDDD
You guys are all so awesome! We on the team are really loving seeing all of the entries. Spiral Knights has an insanely talented community. :}
I was going to enter, but then I saw this: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:Valkyrie.png
You know, it's depressing to think that now I can't even show this to my friends because all of our pictured gear is outdated. Oh well. Ta-da entry: http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/c/c4/Siegefault_cypreus_spira...
(No goblin is safe from Chicago Ted)
Siege, that is amazing. :O I love it!
Thanks. I sort of wish we had a "perpetual graffiti" thing for spiral knights. Spend 1CE perhaps, and you can put graffiti in designated areas in the clockwork terminals or certain areas in the clockworks themselves that last for like 50 reads by different people. Then you could feel like a badass when someone spots you and asks "are you the knight that proclaimed that his lance was mightier and longer than all others?"
but im rambling.
Its been sitting in my desktop for about 2 weeks but I finally decided to upload the final version of Snarbolax Den.
Along with a new entry for my favorite arena. FlameLashArena.
(too bad only closed beta people will get it.... maybe.)
Yeah, I drew a thing. I didn't intend on entering in the contest and was gonna simply be just a doodle... but I wound up finishing it and thought "...Eh, looks good enough, so why not?"
So here's my entry, "LUV Scripting".
My in game name is Shepsmeister if you wanna gush over my entry in game, or something.
...I also have a deviantArt, but I guess you can bother me about my dA name in the game.
This is definitely my favorite entry: http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/8/8e/Artcompentry.png
The re-entry regulations it had erased the previous illustration(;´∀`)
This time I tried to picture my illustration diary during one week from the start of the contest
I'm sorry to inconvenience as well Shoebox> <
Sorry if there is a misspelling. Thank you! !
Chroma is really cute...I love! !
2 entries submitted =)
In the off chance I messed something up, here's my finished entry:
It's finished, and I'm excited. Got a scanner recently so I could scan it. The preview comes out a bit larger and grainy but here's the full sized version:
Good job and good luck to all ^-^
I am finally finished and here it is :D
hope you guys like it!! ^^
I finally managed to finish my entry... what a relief.
I'm not the best artist out there, nor do I really expect to win, but I decided to do it anyway for the heck of it.
I just wanted to provide some fan art of the Mecha Knight that we get from the kits. Sure they may be inefficient and somewhat stupid, but at least they always try their hardest to fight for us. Plus, you gotta feel kinda sorry for em; their heads blow up when they fall in battle and everything.
I just hope I uploaded the file to the wiki correctly.
I change the crown to the right color. Though can really get for the newest file to display, but it is located in the fire history... http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:Trollslimes.png
I demand a desktop version of this.
welp, i know its sunday, but i've got one last entry for the contest. little bit of respect for the games that came first and inspired spiral knights:
hoping for it to be worth something in the crossover category i guess.
so many great entries, gratz SK community!
Well it's almost 18 July here.. So I guess the winners should be up soon?
I'm really curious, there are a lot of great entries.
Rushing to finish up my entry and get it in soon. ><
EDIT: Uploaded!
There's only about 40 minutes to go until the entries are closed, guys.
Hello fellow knights it seems I have joined this contest in quite a haste but I managed to complete it right upon time has come. I mustered up all my artistic power to create this. Here is my submission and I hope to all of you good luck!
Sorry I thought mine uploaded days ago, but I went and checked and it wasn't there.
I realize the upload is 30minutes late, but I posted a link in the forum days back.
Hope mine is still under consideration!
I am also hosting a competition of sorts to help judge entries.
There will be prizes given out, so if you didn't enter the art contest, give it a shot.
I'd like all discussion relating to the Art Contest to remain in this thread, the other thread is just for judging.
Good luck everyone, hope Lichen.png wins.
I don't want to sound rude or anything, but I think involving a huge mass of random people in judging an art contest so big is... the worst idea possible. Unless you want it to be unfair and.. badly judged, for lack of a better word.
Yeah it's nice to get the community involved and stuff but the majority knows almost nothing reagarding art. If it was a small, little contest with few entries, and not so many amazing ones, then it would be ok. But to determine good and fair winners in this situation, sorry but you need people that are actually into art and know how to appreciate it. Or just do it yourself alone since you're the organizer.
This really really got on my nerves. There are some people who really deserve to win, and guess what? Some of them didn't get mentioned ONCE. As I said, not even half of the people who vote know something about art.
Super cute! Do you have a Deviant art or any other online art place where once can see more of your art?
I understand your frustrations, but let me try to answer your fears.
I don't mind that Shoebox has people judging work. First off, that is how it goes in the real world. Even if you apply for a job as an artist at a videogame company, they aren't going to say, "Wow I like that!" based on just their own opinion and hire you. Chances are they will take in to account the audience they need an artist for, or what they need the art to do for their 3D modelers/sprite artists or whatever to do their job effectively. To that extent, Picasso's cubism was ground breaking for its time, but I'd never in a million years hire him for concept work over it.
But you bring up the judging being fair. Fair is not a word you can really throw around for art. It's such a subjective media that just because one person hates a masterpiece and likes a doodle, it doesn't necessarily degrade or elevate either. I'd say if there were to be a fair or unfair situation, you'd have it reversed. Getting as large a consensus as possible as to what drawings are favorable would be preferable than letting one person judge from a throne. However in case you didn't read his other post, Shoebox did say the decision is ultimately his. There's really no need to raise a fuss.
I feel what really has all this heated, and I kind of felt it coming, was that there is a prize at stake on the internet. You'll notice that up until this point, not one person complained. As soon as it's time to begin giving out CE however, suddenly there are "fair" and "unfair" designs at work. I will make my feelings clear and say that if you entered this contest (I don't know if you did, Tersakoff, I'm just speaking generally) solely for the purpose of getting CE, then you're doing it wrong.
This was meant to be fun for both the community and especially the artist. I certainly didn't enter just because I want CE. I entered because I wanted to get peoples reactions and push myself to be a better artist in the process. I typically don't aim to work off the vision of someone else, so doing fan art was also a change in gears for me. A CE prize would certainly be nice and indeed make life easier for me as far as Spiral Knights goes, but the real pay off here for me is that I either inspired, gave someone something they enjoy looking at, or that I will hopefully get some critique on how to improve.
td;dr I understand your frustrations as a person. As an artist, however, I can't get behind them.
A contest in a game for prizes in the game not money or a job, offered by a single individual, and getting hired for a job in art have little to no similarity.
True, but still, your piece and some that have been chosen as major prizes just.. just can't be compared. IT'S OBVIOUS YOURS IS WAY BETTER. When something WAY worse is chosen over something obviously amazing it's just... jesus christ. Un-fair. BT
I didn't really understand that, but the reason why this annoys me is that it's simply unfair. I don't care about the prize, I want the right ones to win, those that deserve it. Now I wish I wouldn't have entered so I could judge too. Even if I would be just one.
Yes, but as I said a million times, it's upsetting when the judging is.. simply bad. Shoebox should've judged it alone, to put it shortly. But still, his contest, his choices. And my opinion.
On a completely unrelated note, do you have a deviantart account? I'm really interested in seeing more of your art.
I think he has, you just have to pay like 30CE to see it :< (I know he was just kidding, do I? ...)
Good luck anyway!
Gotta make a judgement later
Taken from the thread you're complaining about:
There's also no guarantee that just because an entry is popular, that it will win a prize.
I will be taking your opinions into consideration, but the final decision is still mine.
So do your best to persuade me into liking your favourite entries.
Yes, but you won't completely ignore them. :/
Nevermind. Just.. nevemind.
I'd want to congratulate whoever wins, but, seeing that I'll be away from a computer for the next two weeks, I doubt I can do it in a timely manner. Instead, they'll just have to accept this form-letter congratulations. Just fill in the blanks!
[insertnamehere], congratulations on winning [insertcategoryhere]! Your artwork was really [amazing/cute/funny/"avante garde"]. Hope you enjoy the prize!
But seriously, there are some pretty dang good artists in here. Y'all should be proud.
Hey Shoebox, do you have an eta on when the results will be announced?
No rush or anything, I just keep finding myself checking the forums 20 times a day, and I need to stop :P.
Well done to everyone who entered, and congratulations especially to the ones that won. There are some brilliant artists in this community!
Thanks also for Doovad for nominating my Spiral Guitarist, I'm glad someone liked my work.
... e_e I really wonder what is Shoebox doing there. It's been 3 days since the voting closed.
I'm still looking for some information on the missing hentai D:
Every time I go into a level with the Devilites, the bosses make me think of the Pointy-haired Boss in Dilbert, hence the theme for my submission;
Constructive criticism welcome and appreciated.