Hi. Gatrnerd (previously known as Phantomhamachi, Moonstone-Shades & Oroseira) here. Remember when I used to write fan fiction?
Because it was bad.
Like, really bad.
Since I don't plan on writing any in the future (as I'm writing something entirely different at the moment that's original work (donut steel)), I figured it would be fun if I went through the forum archives, looked for the old bad fics I made and tore into them. There will be a lot of snark and mockery, plus some self-critique. Many of my old fics are incomplete so I'll focus on the completed stuff first and MST the incomplete stuff in between chapters of the completed works.
If you want to find the old works yourself you'll have to poke through the edit history on the list of fan fiction (generally search from no later than 2014 and look under the Phantomhamachi section).
NOTE: Forum mods, please don't break my kneecaps. These are my fanfics and I would really like to criticize and reflect on them, and what went so horribly wrong with them. As I bound my account to Steam in mid-2015, my forum account was "reset" in a way that I can't edit the old posts, but they are all still signed under my last old alias before I bound my account to Steam.
Anyway, without further ado, grab some popcorn as we're going to be here a while.
Clockwork Catastrophe:
And so it begins (Chapter 1)
It only goes downhill from here (Chapter 2)
The plot holes are everywhere (Chapter 4)
Words fail me. This is a special one. (Chapters 5 & 6)
Hit or miss (some sins) (Chapter 7)
All fanfic writers sometimes...don't make good fanfics (Chapter 8)
It's over (but not really) (Chapter 9 & Epilogue)
Self-critique is hard. Making good fanfics is hard as well. (Analysis)
Clockwork Catastrophe 2: Revenge Is A Dish Better Served Cold:
You made a mistake and you just can't miss a day (Chapters 1-4)
Back to feature length (for now) (Chapter 5)
Tinkinzar is now Metal Sonic, apparently (Chapter 6)
Of course the end is crazy (Chapter 7)
You tried. (Analysis)
Clockwork Catastrophe 3: The Tower of Shadows:
This is just the first chapter. (Chapter 1)
Is this how Spiral Order weddings work? (Chapter 2)
Edgy is coming (Chapter 3)
No game is safe from being "referenced" (Chapter 4)
Things get crazier still (including my lack of schedule) (Chapter 5)
Time travel is still easy to write badly (Chapter 6)
That just happened (Chapter 8)
We Minecraft now (sorta) (Chapter 9)
Five Stages of Bad Fanfic Reactions (Chapter 10)
It all returns to a screeching halt. (Chapters 11 & 12 + Analysis)
Clockwork Catastrophe: Tale of Five:
No, two years didn't make a difference (Chapters 1-3)
It's scary how all these fanfics have no endings! (Chapters 4-6)
A Knight's Tale (feat. Doctorspacebar):
The wild ride never ends! (I want to get off!) (Prologue + Chapter 1)
It's already rocket jumped off the slippery slope (Chapters 2 & 3)
Bombs are not grenades (Chapters 4 & 5)
Origami all Chara actor, donut stahl (Chapter 6)
Words Defy This Fanfic (Chapters 7 & 8)
Meltdown (Chapters 9, 10 & 11)
Meltdown, Part 2 (Chapters 12 & 13)
Z-Powered Ultra Double Urgencies & Schedule Slips (Chapters 14 & 15)
It's all Kyogre now, Necrozma! Now get in the bag! (Chapters 16 & 17)
I won't MST the cancelled or otherwise unwritten concepts since that'll be a bit too boring and I've likely forgotten what they were supposed to be. Sorry if you wanted to see me tear into bad ideas that never got written. I'm still compiling the information however, but hopefully I should have a post out soon enough ribbing the first fic I ever wrote...in all its clichéd madness.
February 26, 2012. The day I first popped onto the forums to start writing fanfics. Five years later, I'm now here to riff on it, while also tagging all the cliches/plot holes/plagiarism/artistic license/etc. in the style of CinemaSins.
So, without further ado: Clockwork Catastrophe. Written February 26, 2012 - March 12, 2012.
But first, an amusing notice in the OP:
First ever post or story on this fourm, so please DO NOT bash me.
Sorry past me, but I'm here to chronicle my bad writing for the subforum.
Okay, now let's MST the rest of it.
After the Skylark crash, the ship was blown into space, floating endlessly.
This is a major inconsistency. As shown in the opening cutscene, the Skylark explodes in low orbit and is implied to have come crashing down to the surface entirely. +1 (inconsistency)
That should probably set the tone for what we are about to read.
4 knights, not yet awakened, were still inside.
A contrived co-incidence. Also, wouldn't any knights be pulled from stasis and told to get off the Skylark when it began to crash? +1 (bad writing: conveniences/deus ex machina)
I have a feeling this might be redundant, but maybe I'll find something in here from past me that isn't going to drive the sin tally up the wall.
As time went on, the Skylark started to lose altitude...until it smashed into the mysterious globeholder, on the other side of Cradle.
...what? +1 (insane logic)
...oh right, the artwork for Cradle shows it having a big structure down the middle of it. That's a strange way to describe it, however. Also, I'm pretty sure the whole thing would just smash into tons of pieces instead of barely holding together. This was poorly thought out.
That was quite enough...or so it seemed...
To do what? I didn't know past me was also ambiguous!
Then we get to the self-inserts, because this is the OP and I didn't bother to post Chapter 1 until March 5th.
Ender: A male knight with purple as his personal color. He is courageous, and will always go after a friend in trouble. He was the first of the four to awaken from the impact. Wears a set of Solid Cobalt Armor.
...really? Minecraft reference? Really, past me? Really? +1 (bad writing: bad characters)
Angie: A female knight with blue as her personal color. She is seen by Ender as his love interest. She has a fear of heights, since one time, she was stuck on the roof of her house hanging from it for an entire night. She wears Blazebreak Armor, and wears a Prismatic Ribbon with her helmet. The second to awaken.
Let's see: Ripoff of another character from another SK fic + shipping self-inserts together + dark and troubled past. We have a winner. +3 (bad writing: bad characters, shipping and bad writing: mary sue bait)
Vivi: A male knight with green as his personal color. His mind has been tampered countless times to the point where he can use magic. He wears the Miracle Set. He tends to cause mistakes, but hey, nobody's perfect! Third to awaken.
Ripoff of a Final Fantasy character. +1 (bad writing: bad characters)
Max: A Male knight with red as his personal color. He is cocky, and often gets himself into trouble. Wears a set of Dread Skelly armor. As a costume, he wears the Black Rose set.
Ripoff of a different character from the same fic that was already being ripped off. Oh, and it's edgy as well. +2 (bad writing: bad characters)
NOW we get to Chapter 1, and unfortunately the way I have written this is...not up to scratch. Where are the line breaks?!?
Chapter 1: Awakening
Stock written sound effect.
The impact echoed through the wreck of the skylark. The globe holder had smashed into the skylark, during it's rotation period.
Improper grammar + artistic license. +2 (insane logic & improper grammar: its/it's)
Ender woke up to the noise. "What...happened?" Ender asked himself, as he looked around in the sleep pod.
There is no sound in space. More artistic license.
"Oh, still locked."
You don't say.
He touched a button. It short-circuited before the pod unlocked. Ender pulled a handle and opened the door.
How convenient.
It was devastating to see. Most of the electrical supply was out, and Max, Angie and Vivi were still asleep.
Wouldn't that kill them? What with the vacuum of space and the power of the wreck being knocked out meaning all the life support systems are down with it? +1 (insane logic)
"Well, I've seen worse, with the Tortodrone swarm. Earned my trust to Kozma then." Ender said.
PFFT, what? Keep in mind this was written long before the Tortodrone event existed.
He walked over to the cockpit. It could still fly, but it would be very clumsy.
The ship is completely broken. At least I got the part about capital ships being unwieldy right.
As Ender turned on the auxiliary power source, the ship's repair drones sprung to life, patching the giant gap in the floor."
That wasn't mentioned before. Also, how convenient. +1 (bad writing: conveniences/deus ex machina)
The ruckus awoke Angie.
HOW?! THERE IS NO SOUND IN SPACE!! +1 (insane logic)
"Ender? Where are you?" Angie questioned, as she unlocked the door.
Mad Libs dialogue.
Ender ran over. "Angie, we're stranded on the skylark. We need to find a way off." Ender explained.
You don't say. +1 (obvious statements)
"Let's get Vivi. He could help us." Angie suggested.
And what, find a way to make him a walking deus ex machina?
The two ran over to Vivi's pod and started to bang around the pod. "Oi! Wakey Wakey Vivi!" Ender and Angie shouted.
Rude. Also more mad libs dialogue and artistic license. +2 (obvious statements & insane logic)
Vivi woke up. "Stop with that!" Vivi started to shout until he unlocked the door and opened it, knocking Ender down.
"Well, we need to find an escape pod." Vivi said. "But first...we need Max to get out before we go to the large pod, which can seat all of us, and launch down to the planet."
How fortunate for you. +1 (bad writing: conveniences/deus ex machina)
However, after Vivi said that, Max woke up. "Ugh...Oh! There you guys are!" Max said.
Seriously, the amount of conveniences and deus ex machinas could easily make its own tally. (Edit from the future: It does now.) +1 (bad writing: conveniences/deus ex machina)
"Get out of there quickly!" Vivi shouted.
Nevermind the inconsistencies.
Max got out and they all ran to the pod, getting inside and closing the door.
If I separated these into different tallies I'd probably suffer a headache trying to piece them together, so a generic sin counter will have to do.
"I'm going to start this up." Vivi said. He started the pod, and they started to drop to Cradle.
But that's the end of this chapter, so you don't get to start this up.
Sins for this chapter: 19
Total sins for the fic: 19
We're just beginning and we're already at double digits. This is going to be fun.
Incidentally, who wants to guess the final sin tally for this fic alone, nevermind the whole series if I can get that far without the forum mods getting angry at me for poking fun at myself from the past?