I know this will seem crazy, but you _have_ to send the CE to me.
Because I'm you, from your future.
I remember when I was you, reading this forum post and thinking it was vaguely amusing. I ended up sending my future self 25 CE because I thought, hey, it was a somewhat funny concept. Well, spoilers, but 30 years from now, when CE is the de facto currency of the Western Alliance, the investment of the energy you're going to send me will fund the invention of a time machine and send me back to the present just before the WikiSphere overruns our base's defenses.
I know you don't / I didn't understand why interfering with my past doesn't cause a paradox, but that's because I / my future self already interfered. At this point, NOT interfering with my past / your future is the only way to not cause a paradox. I've had to be extremely careful to reproduce this post exactly as I remember having had read it, including the nonsensical trampoline of the word "trampoline" for the word "substitution".
So please, for causality, for mankind, for the snipes (by the way, snipes are real), send me/you 25 CE.
Well, I'm off to gather allies from every era to prove mankind is notable enough to not be erased from existence. Wish me / yourself luck!
Hm..... well i dont rly have a good reason to why i should win XD just a normal player that needs some CE (yeah i,m nb deal with it ;D) But if i win i would be very gratefull to you Cya