I know a few of these have suggestions have been previously been stated so a sticky that contains a list of common requests such as PvP, pets, colour changes etc. (and maybe the current stance on them) would clear up a lot of clutter and stop the whining of "That's been suggested a thousand times, search the forums". There's over a hundred pages of suggestions! …hope this hasn't been suggested before...
Alts exist (as far as I know) for 2 reasons, alchemy and looping
To reduce Alchemy alts:
a. Make crafting above 1* require CE, no ME. If you have enough crowns for the rest of the alchemy cost buying 100CE shouldn't be a problem; especially if…
b. Heat on the weapon reduces the amount of energy required to upgrade gear via alchemy.
To defeat looping:
c. Have a law of diminishing return for levels. Once a player has gained x crowns from the level they get y% of usual crowns until z time has passed. This would encourage exploring different levels.
d. Have a level select IF c. is implemented, but only for levels already cleared.
and other suggestions, from simplest to most complex:
Path Markers: Have a line on the ground from the entrance elevator to the exit elevator to reduce back tracking.
Expressions: for player avatars, smiley style, using eyes and mouth only. Another nice way to spend Crowns/CE.
Laser sights: for guns, Metal Gear Solid style. Aiming always seems to be off for me, especially with an analogue stick. I think this is because the game isn't truly top down.
Interact button: Seriously, I don't know if it's meant to be, but reviving people is HARD! Just give have a button if you press it within a marked radius carry out the appropriate action, regardless of the avatar's direction. Keys, pots and shards aren't as hard but could still benefit.
Auto-sell: should not contribute to new gates.
LAG COMPENSATION: If possible ESPECIALLY for shields. The amount of times I've been hit by something even though I've shielded in ample time is tremendously disheartening.
Secondary button: To attack with your secondary weapon. Maybe. But not dual-wielding.
Excess Heat energy: When all equipment is at 10, the excess heat could accumulate and get converted into a Mist Energy Tank at a certain point (After MANY runs).
Encyclopaedia: For monsters. When you kill one it gets added to it. This could be an incentive to explore, similar to Pokemon (Gotta kill 'em all) or Castlevania. Possibly have a panel in a corner (lower-left?) that displays the last monster attacked and weaknesses/resistances. A Prof. Oak style character that can reward players with tokens when they gather a certain amount of data would be ideal.
Gear cull: To reduce the learning curve for newbs, eliminate useless equipment (i.e. ALL 0* gear), though maybe have it as costume gear.
Swords only at T1: Only allow guns when you hit T2 and Bombs at T3. In my experience they're a distraction until the aforementioned tiers and there's a bunch of other reasons too.
Re-design: the beginning of the game to make it clearer for new users how the game works. I doubt that's ever going to happen but please, let ONE developer say they'd be interested in seeing how I'd do that, even for a laugh and I'll draw all like…diagrams and stuff like that…yeah. I must have spent as much time on the wiki as playing the game and that's seriously messed up yo.
Any constructive comments will be appreciated.
A. this wont help reduce alts
B. so what about a 5* upgrade? the 4* item needs be at heat level 10 before it can be upgraded
C. so you want me to go through the junk levels instead of the profitable bosses? no thanks
D. no level select
path markers... the point of descending the clockworks is to explore this defies it and makes no sense
laser sights wouldnt be a bad thing
ya reviving people can be a pain o and tag this on too http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/15208
they need to overhaul the gate creation system period
the secondary fire seems problematic especially in PvP
discussed to death we dont know what OOO is going to do with the lag issue
no to the heat into ME
we have a bestiary in the wiki page this seems redundant
u need more explanation on the Gear Cull bit
no no no no NONONONONONO...no this restricts freedom and exploration and experimentation of the weapons of SK. they need to learn early if they are to have a chance in T3
maybe they will someday who knows i wouldnt hold my breath for it though