Winners of last contest:
1st Place: "A Death He Could Live With" by shrinkshootr (http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/21956)
2nd Place: "The Grinder" by mosonofbo (http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/20563)
3rd Place: "Lone Knight" by CTsmith415 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/116juyk61nVsgByb64KMwUgwVdH0tcY_9rtSJ...)
^If you're wondering what you're up against, check these guys out! But don't worry, don't let them intimidate you. With practice and careful writing, maybe you could equal or best them. Writing is an art, after all.
What better way to start off the school year by completely ignoring your school work to write stories about a video game? Just kidding, of course!
And I'm back with my second edition of my Spiral Knights Fanfic Contest! With the decent turnout from last contest, I hope to gain more contestants this time around. Also, this gives a chance for those who did not win anything last time to win a prize this time. Hopefully we see new faces as well as familliar ones. And I'm manning up and gonna invest another 1k CE to the prizes this time.
Concerning that this is the second edition, here are a few rules I would like to add:
Submissions cannot be re-used from the previous contest. You MUST submit a different or new story
Winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place from last contest cannot win any of those three positions this time around. Instead, and ONLY if they submit a story this time that deserves the title, will win the award "Veteran's award." Keep in mind that this award will only be rewarded if their new story would have been picked for 1st/2nd/3rd place for this contest
Anyone who wants to participate has to write a Short-Fanfiction, based off of Spiral Knights. At the end of the deadline, I will award the winners (that myself and fellow judges will choose) with CE prizes! Your fanfics will be analyzed from the following: proper grammar/spelling/punctuation, quality of writing (not quantity!), originality/creativity, effect on reader (given the story's initial goal of being a grimdark/comedy/etc), and so on.
The awards will go as follows:
1st place: 1000 CE
2nd place: 600 CE
3rd place: 400 CE
Secondary possible Rewards:
Best Grimdark: 200 CE
Best Comedy: 200 CE
Most Creative: 200 CE
Other noteable mentions/Veteran Awards: 150 CE each (3 max)
*Note: Best Grimdark, Best Comedy and Most Creative may also be rewarded to 1st/2nd/3rd place, in which the prize CE will add to - but the three cannot be awarded to the same story
*Note: Veteran's Award will only be titled to submissions from people who have won 1st/2nd/3rd place in a previous contest (provided their new submission deserves a noteable mention), and can be stacked with Best Grimdark, Best Comedy and Most Creative
Here are rules that must be followed when writing your fanfics:
Nothing innapprioriate, keep it enjoyable to read (grimdark doesn't have to be senseless violence)
Must be minimum 1500 words! Maximum is your go, but don't make it unecessarily long! (anyone can write a 1500 or 15 000 word story; it just depends on the skills of the writer to make those words count)
It MUST be your own work - plagarism will result in the disqualification of the user (and many rotton tomatoes will be thrown)
Limited one submission per user
Remember that whatever state your story is in when you submit it, it will be considered the "final product." Re-submissions are allowed up until the deadline date, but re-submitting will null out your previous.
Don't write your submissions in this thread - provide an external link to your work such as your own thread, Fanfiction, Google Docs or Deviant Art
Upon submission, I will copy the story into a Google Doc in case the original source is lost
All submissions will be noted in the 'Submissions' list down below
Upon submission, post your link to the story in this thread along with your in-game name you want to go by
Deadline: 12 AM EST @ Thursday September 29th
You can contact me either by posting in this thread, posting in my discussion tab in my Spiral Knights Wiki profile (search "User:Zetta_Lux") or contacting me in-game as "Zettalux"
Your story can be on anything - just remember that it has to be related to Spiral Knights
Get writing!
Trenny the Tortodrone by EcoRTB666; http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/22736
Well, at least I have longer to procrastinate this time.
I noticed you seemed to favor the google doc format last round. Is this my imagination or do you prefer a page style layout?